Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1036 Seems like a blind man


As soon as he recited the headache curse, Cao Xingguang's hands that were originally pressing his stomach immediately hugged his head and began to roll back and forth on the ground.

Pan Yun knew that Zhang Yu was using Taoism to torture Cao Xingguang. This should be regarded as an act of fighting violence with violence.

Under normal circumstances, Pan Yun would not advocate it, but there was no way to deal with people like Cao Xingguang. After all, the law cannot punish Cao Xingguang, it can only use skills to control skills. The other party used heresy to harm others, and Zhang Yu also used heresy to deal with him.

Cao Xingguang screamed for two minutes, but he couldn't hold on anymore. He shouted in pain: "Kill me. Kill me."

"Can I save so many lives by just killing you?" Zhang Yu said calmly.

"You." Cao Xingguang was in agony. After a while, he suddenly said, "Why do you want to investigate the cause of Wu Xinran's death instead of questioning others?"

After hearing this, Pan Yun immediately rushed to ask: "What should I say? Do you still know something about her?"

"I know something about the situation." Cao Xingguang said painfully.

Pan Yun immediately looked at Zhang Yu, who nodded and recited a headache-relieving spell.

The headache disappeared quickly, and Cao Xingguang breathed a sigh of relief. Pan Yun also asked: "What do you know about the situation? If you tell the truth, I can make you guilty and meritorious service!"

"When Wu Xinran first came to the company, she was just a small accountant. But not long after, she became the deputy director of the office. When I didn't add her as a friend, I didn't pay much attention to her. After I added her, I naturally wanted to know more about the rumors. , she had an unclear relationship with Chairman Lu Haohan. If there is a problem with her death, it must have been Lu Haohan who did it to her," Cao Xingguang said breathlessly.

"How can you be sure that you are related to Lu Haohan?" Pan Yun asked seriously.

"Who doesn't know that this Lu Haohan is not a good person at all. There are a few bosses of state-owned enterprises who are not greedy. This Lu Haohan is lustful and greedy for money. As long as any beautiful female employee in the unit has no background, who can After escaping from his clutches, he used various means to get those women to go to bed with him and serve him comfortably, so he would naturally be promoted to bastard!" At the end of the sentence, Cao Xingguang seemed very angry.

People like him will also be angry at Lu Haohan, which shows that this Lu Haohan is definitely not a good person.

"Do you have evidence for what you said?" Pan Yun asked.

"That's what everyone in the company says. It's not a big secret at all. But if we talk about evidence, I can't say that I followed him and took pictures. But I do know one thing," Cao Xingguang said through gritted teeth.

"What's the matter?" Pan Yun asked immediately.

"I work in the second section of the mineral survey department of the group. Some time ago, we surveyed a mine, and the result was clearly a gold mine. But after reporting it, we were removed, and the result given to us was, Our survey was wrong, there was a copper mine. All fools know what happened. And just a few days ago, Lu Haohan, that bastard, actually sold this gold mine as a copper mine for 200 million yuan. ! How big is the price difference between copper mines and gold mines? All fools know how much Lu Haohan will earn from it." Cao Xingguang gritted his teeth and said: "Aren't you patrolling? Don't just treat me with skills. If you have the guts, You go catch Lu Haohan."

After hearing this, Pan Yun couldn't help but take a breath.

Originally, I wanted to find clues about the murder, but I never thought that now I would directly find out a major clue.

Selling gold mines as copper mines is definitely a major loss of state-owned assets. Any fool knows how much benefit Lu Haohan can get from it.

Pan Yun was overjoyed, and then asked seriously: "Is there any evidence for what you said?"

"The mine is right there. Whether it contains copper or gold, you can't tell at a glance! This was surveyed by the second class of our mineral survey department. Everyone knew that it contained gold, but Lu Haohan sold it in the name of copper mine. Now that we're out, what evidence do we need? Go dig it up and you'll know everything," Cao Xingguang said eagerly.

There is nothing wrong with what he said. Whether it is a gold mine or a copper mine, you can tell by identifying it.

So Pan Yun said again: "Are you sure you have sold it?"

"Sure! There was a mineral auction a few days ago, and it was said that it was sold to Qi Group Zhenhai Investment Company." Cao Xingguang is now risking his own life, fearing that the world will not be in chaos. Anyway, that's all I can do. If I can pull one person into the water, I can make enough money, and if I can pull two people, I can earn one.

Of course, in his opinion, patrolmen may not dare to arrest him, after all, officials protect each other.

Cao Xingguang works at Xingye Mining Group, so he naturally knows something about the company's situation. Lu Haohan is the boss of a state-owned enterprise. He is very popular in Zhennan District and everyone has friendship with him. If you dare to arrest Lu Haohan, you will arrest a lot of people. I don't think the patrol officers have the courage.

"Okay, our patrol will check this matter." After Pan Yun finished speaking, she looked at Zhang Yu, and she nodded lightly to Zhang Yu.

Zhang Yu understood what Pan Yun meant, which was that he had enough things and had to be taken away by the patrol. Now Cao Xingguang has become an important witness in the anti-corruption patrol.

Zhang Yu hesitated for a moment, then nodded. He looked at Cao Xingguang again and asked, "I have one more thing to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Cao Xingguang asked.

"Didn't you say earlier that this method was taught to you by an old woman? Where is this old woman? Have you ever had contact with her again?" Zhang Yu asked.

"We met at the foot of Leiming Temple, and she didn't leave any contact information for me. Since then, we have never seen each other again," Cao Xingguang said truthfully.

"What does this old woman look like?" Zhang Yu asked.

"She has wrinkles on her face. It's very ugly. She seems to have a lot of scars on her face. She seems to be blind." When Cao Xingguang said this, his body couldn't help but tremble.

"He seems to be a blind man. Why is he called "seeming"?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Because her eyes looked a little abnormal. They were motionless and dull, like a blind person. However, she seemed to be able to see everything. So, I It seems like." Cao Xingguang said.

Zhang Yu had also encountered this situation before, and wasn't his Grand Master Sun Zhaoyi like this? But Sun Zhaoyi's eyes are red, and although his hair is white, his appearance is very good-looking. Sun Zhaoyi said he was blind, but he couldn't tell at all. Zhang Yu can conclude that Sun Zhaoyi should see the world through his mind's eye.

And the old woman Cao Xingguang was talking about might also be seeing everything with her mind's eye. If this is the case, then this old woman is definitely a master.


Special thanks to: Ao Family World, Mr. Oogway, Brother Qiang, KING, Anti-Japanese Column, a big reward for a safe life, and today’s hundreds of monthly tickets and 400 recommendation votes.

Four updates today, it will break out tomorrow! Say important things three times! It breaks out tomorrow! It breaks out tomorrow!

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