Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1034 The story within the story

Seeing that Cao Xingguang refused to admit it, Zhang Yu said coldly: "You know how to make some heresies and think that there is no evidence for this kind of thing, so you will be fine. I forgot to tell you, I am from the Taoist Association. In this world , doesn’t it mean that you are the only one who knows the magic and you suddenly have a stomachache? Do you think it’s just a coincidence? Then I’ll let you take another look.”

Zhang Yu said, took out four pieces of talisman paper, and as soon as he typed them out, he heard the sound of "Puff, Puff, Puff", and four flames immediately set off around Cao Xingguang.

Under the light of the fire, everything was seen so clearly.

When Cao Xingguang saw this scene, he couldn't help being shocked and said nervously: "This..."

"It is not wrong for you to use heretical ways to harm people. The law cannot punish you because there is no evidence. But..." Zhang Yu changed the topic and said in a deep voice: "Our Taoist Association has the obligation to eliminate harm to society. If someone like you is a heretical person, Those who do it will get the retribution they deserve. I advise you to admit it honestly, otherwise, I will have more ruthless means to deal with you. And these means, like the tricks you used, cannot be explained by science at all. "

"I" Cao Xingguang gritted his teeth, obviously not knowing what to do. He never dreamed that he would meet an expert. Things that no one could see through before were now exposed directly.

Zhang Yu could see that Cao Xingguang was very nervous. At this moment, Zhang Yu had to work harder. He said coldly: "Let you taste my power again, and you can recover some interest for those who were killed by you. Do you feel a headache?"

Having said this, Zhang Yu silently recited the headache curse.

When Cao Xingguang heard that he had a headache, he was puzzled because he didn't feel it himself. Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his head, as if something was stabbing him in the brain. The pain was so painful that he wanted to hit his head on the ground and die.

Seeing his painful expression, Pan Yun felt relieved in his heart.

When she looked at Zhang Yu again, her heart was filled with happiness. Everyone has a dream when they are young, and Pan Yun is no exception. She hopes that when she is in danger, someone will come forward to protect her and take care of her. As she grew up, she found that this dream was difficult to realize, so her personality also changed to make herself stronger. Protect yourself.

"Uh-huh. It hurts. It hurts."

Cao Xingguang screamed in pain, Zhang Yu looked at him coldly, after about half a minute, Zhang Yu said: "You should know how powerful I am by now, right? If you tell the truth, I might consider showing mercy, but if If you are stubborn and don’t regret it, then you can enjoy it slowly and repent of your sins in your heart first.”

"Uh, I know how powerful you are. I said, I said, spare me. Oh, I said." Cao Xingguang couldn't support it again. He also knew that if he didn't say anything, he would definitely die. And this kind of death would be extremely painful.

Zhang Yu nodded lightly and recited a headache-relieving spell first, but the stomachache spell did not relieve him.

The severe pain in his head disappeared, and Cao Xingguang reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief, but the pain in his stomach was also fatal. He was still curled up on the ground and said painfully: "You, whatever you want to know, I will tell you."

"It seems that you don't have much cultivation, and you don't seem to know many heresies. The magic in your story is very powerful. You must have learned it from someone, right?" Zhang Yu asked lightly.

How could Zhang Yu's eyesight or Cao Xingguang's strength escape his eyes? It is surprising that a person with almost no cultivation can break Zhang Yu's bright yellow amulet with just a story.

Before seeing Cao Xingguang, Zhang Yu thought he was a master.

"I did learn this from one person," Cao Xingguang said painfully.

"With whom? Where is that person?" Zhang Yu asked.

"The me before and the me now have actually changed quite a lot. The me before was ugly and couldn't chase women at all. Two years ago, I went to Nandu Leiming Temple to offer incense. When I was coming down the mountain, I met a man. The old woman fell to the ground, so I went up to help her and helped her walk a long way. She asked me if I had any wish to go to the temple to burn incense. I answered truthfully, I am too ugly and no woman likes me. I wanted to ask Buddha to bless me and grant me a normal marriage. Then she told me that she had a way to make me handsome, make women fall in love with me, and make me energetic and full of vitality. I hugged myself to death. I asked her for advice, and she told me to tell this story to a woman." Cao Xingguang said weakly.

"Telling this story to people will make you handsome?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"I didn't quite believe it, but I still did it and it turned out that it was just as she said. Not only did I become more handsome, but I also became more energetic and energetic. Many women liked me." When Cao Xingguang finished speaking, , couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

"Why are you laughing?" Zhang Yu asked.

"I'm laughing at the stupidity of those women. The me before and the me now. Hahahaha." Cao Xingguang smiled bitterly again.

"Looking at what you mean, you should know that any woman who listens to your story will die?" Zhang Yu asked coldly.

"I didn't know I was going to die before, and I didn't know I would jump to my death by jumping off a building. I still remember the woman I told the first story about. She jumped off the building in a daze. I contacted her at that time, but unfortunately I didn't get in touch until later. I just found out that she jumped to her death. At that time, I didn’t think that she jumped to her death because she heard my story. But I unexpectedly discovered that my figure and appearance suddenly changed. Women seemed to He started to be interested in me. Later, I told this story to a woman, and she also jumped to her death, and my body changed again. It was amazing," Cao Xingguang said weakly.

"How many women have you killed in total?" Zhang Yu asked.

"Twelve" Cao Xingguang said.

"Actually, you have become very handsome. Why do you continue to do this if you know it will kill people?" Zhang Yu asked in a deep voice.

"I didn't want to, I was going to stop, but I unexpectedly discovered that if no one dies for a long time, my body will change. I don't want to do this, but I have no choice." This time, Cao Xingguang cried bitterly stand up.

"There is such a thing." Zhang Yu couldn't help being surprised, and then he discovered another problem and said: "You said you learned this two years ago, and if you don't use it for a long time, your body will change, then you just Killing twelve people, isn’t that too little? Did you mean to say that to Shaoli?”

Cao Xingguang smiled bitterly, "Now, I still have the need to lie. It doesn't matter if it's more or less. In fact, to be precise, not everyone who listens to this story will die. Most people will not. will die"

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