Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1032 There’s a real problem

Chu Zhenhuan came out in his pajamas, and several people sat in the big living room. Chu's wife poured water for them and then entered the bedroom consciously. She also understood that Zhang Yu probably wasn't here to visit.

When Chu Zhenhuan heard that Zhang Yu was coming, he felt puzzled. If it was a visit, he couldn't come so late. When I came out and saw Pan Yun and Inspector Bai, I was even more sure of this. It was 100% that something was going on, and it couldn't be a big deal.

After chatting for a while, Chu Zhenhuan said: "Inspector Bai, Xiao Zhang, Xiao Pan. You guys came to see me late at night. What's wrong?"

Zhang Yu, Pan Yun, and Inspector Bai looked at each other, and finally decided that Pan Yun would say, "Director Chu, I was ordered to meet with Cao Xingguang today."

At that moment, she told Chu Zhenhuan everything that happened after the meeting.

After hearing this, Chu Zhenhuan was greatly surprised, "There is such a thing."

"Uncle Chu, this is absolutely true. Pan Yun was just a little short of falling to death," Zhang Yu said solemnly.

"I believe you." Chu Zhenhuan nodded, and then said solemnly: "Xiao Zhang, you must have come to see me so late not just to talk about this, but also for something else."

"Uncle Chu, I want to settle accounts with that Cao Xingguang. I am now the vice president of the Zhenhai Taoist Association. Some people are using witchcraft to harm people. Now that I know about it, I can't just sit idly by and ignore it. I must eliminate harm to society and bring these evildoers to justice." The heretics will be dealt with. However, both Inspector Bai and Pan Yun thought it was not appropriate. Under my insistence, they expressed their guesses that Cao Xingguang was probably involved in a corruption case, so they came to ask you for instructions. Just a moment." Zhang Yu said calmly.

Chu Zhenhuan looked at Pan Yun and Inspector Bai with a look of embarrassment on his face.

Detective Bai saw the clue and immediately said: "Director Chu, if it's inconvenient, I'll go out first."

"It's not inconvenient." Chu Zhenhuan waved his hand and said: "Since I have entrusted your serious crime team to handle the case, it is my trust in you. I didn't specify what it was before, but I didn't expect you to guess it."

Having said this, Chu Zhenhuan nodded as if he had made up his mind, and then said: "I hope that after listening to this, you will never tell anyone!"

"Director Chu, don't worry." Inspector Bai said immediately.

"Director Chu, we will never tell anyone." Pan Yun nodded solemnly.

Zhang Yu also nodded, but said nothing.

"Don't tell anyone. This is an absolute secret. If it hadn't been about Pan Yun, I don't think you would have come to me. If such a serious thing happened, if I didn't tell you, it would be difficult for you to do it." Chu Zhenhuan said seriously.

Who is Pan Yun? The daughter of acting CEO Wen Qiong, she almost lost her life because of handling the case. This is because Wen Qiong didn't know about it. If Wen Qiong knew about it, it would be difficult for Detective Bai and Lu Weichen to explain.

Chu Zhenhuan's expression turned serious at this moment and said: "You are right, this case does involve corruption. Not long ago, one of the victims, Wu Xinran, called me and said that he reported his real name to Lu, the chairman of Xingye Mining Group. Many strong women were involved in corruption and said they were waiting for us at home. I immediately took people there. Unexpectedly, when we arrived, she actually jumped off the building and committed suicide. She was wearing a red dress at the time, but there was no cause for concern at the time. Note that it was not until later that I discovered that there had been several similar murder cases of jumping from buildings in Zhenhai. The most recent one was that of Wang Liyuan, so I connected these cases together, hoping to use this as a breakthrough to find the real culprit and discover the truth. I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t want you to guess it anyway.”

After hearing what Chu Zhenhuan said, Pan Yun couldn't help but ask: "Director Chu, Xingye Mining Group is in Zhennan District, why did it come to you?"

"There is something you may not know. In fact, I have been appointed to be transferred to the Zhenhai Administrative District's Integrity and Integrity Inspection Agency as deputy director, but the handover has not yet been completed. I don't know whether Wu Xinran was well-informed or it was a coincidence that he made the call. I am here. I reported her matter to the director of the Zhenhai Department. After research, the handover was temporarily suspended. I continued to stay in Zhendong District and investigated the case from the side. This was also to avoid alerting the snake. Cao Xingguang and many women The deceased are all connected, so I hope that you patrol the main house to open a gap from Cao Xingguang on the grounds of investigating the murder. I didn't expect that such an unbelievable thing would happen," Chu Zhenhuan said gently.

"Congratulations to Director Chu on your promotion to deputy director of the Zhenhai Anti-corruption Patrol Bureau." Detective Bai quickly congratulated Chu Zhenhuan when he heard that he had been promoted.

At the same time, he secretly thought that no wonder Lu Weichen was so cooperative. He must have heard about Chu Zhenhuan's promotion.

"These are all trivial matters, not worth mentioning. Let's talk about business." Chu Zhenhuan said calmly.

"Yes, yes, let's get down to business." Detective Bai nodded quickly.

Zhang Yu said: "Uncle Chu, let me congratulate you too, and then let's get down to business. Now I understand this matter. It does involve corruption. One of the female victims was silenced because of the report. However, She fell down and forgot because she reported it. What about the other people? Pan Yun seems to be innocent. Is the other party so powerful? It can be seen directly that Pan Yun is on patrol. Even if this is the case, I don't think it is necessary. It is too lawless. Already."

"Both the patrol chief and our Independent Commission Against Corruption Investigation Office have investigated the identities of these deceased persons. The whistleblower Wu Xinran used to work at Xingye Mining Group. He was previously an ordinary accountant and was later transferred to the office as deputy director. The other dead people don't seem to have any direct relationship with Xingye Mining Group, which is very puzzling. You are right. Even if the other party knew that Pan Yun was a patrol officer, they contacted him this time for intentional investigation and did not take action directly. "The reason for killing." At this point, Chu Zhenhuan hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Xiao Zhang, now we know his method of killing, and Wu Xinran probably died because of it. You are the vice president of the Taoist Association, and this person is There is nothing wrong with your Taoist Association coming forward to know magic. It is obviously difficult to make progress through normal channels, so you can try, but be careful and hope that the overall situation can be taken into consideration."

What he said made it very clear, that is, the law has no effect on this matter, and there is no evidence, so it is impossible to convict people.

In this case, it would be a good idea for the Taoist Association to come forward and deal with the other party on the grounds that they are using sorcery. But he hoped that Zhang Yu would be able to find out something.

"Uncle Chu, don't worry, this matter will be taken care of by me!" Zhang Yu said seriously.

"Director Chu, then our crime team will tell the Taoist Association Cao Xingguang's home address and information." Detective Bai said immediately.

He did not say that he was telling Zhang Yu, but that he was telling the Taoist Association. This is called public-to-public service.


Special thanks to: The New Guide, Mr. Oogway, Book Friends 20170, Helpless, Happy Bad Guy, KING, Ye Buli, Book Friends 160807, as well as the more than 200 monthly tickets and more than 900 recommendation votes in the past two days.

It's almost the end of the month. Let's slow down for a while, and there will be another round of outbreaks! ! Never break your promise! !

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