Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1029 I will never allow my friends to be harmed

"I went on an undercover mission today and made an appointment to meet the client at Ten Thousand Island Coffee. The man seemed very funny and his conversation was elegant. After chatting for a while, he said he wanted to tell me a story. He started telling me jokes, and then told me Told a sad story, the content is "

Pan Yun immediately told Zhang Yu the story that Cao Xingguang told her, exactly as it was.

"This is a sad story, but it has no ending." Zhang Yu said.

"I asked him the same thing, and he said the story was over." Pan Yun said.

"What happens after the story is over? I remember you just said, don't you want to know the ending? What's going on?" Zhang Yu asked curiously.

Pan Yun collected his thoughts and said: "After he told me the story, we went out for a walk again and then separated. I returned to the patrol room, and the team did not find any special problems, and then went home. I was a little sleepy, so I lay down on the bed to take a rest, and fell asleep. After falling asleep, I had a dream. In my dream..."

At this point, he bit his lip and did not continue.

The two of them are now standing in the bathroom, Zhang Yu is standing behind Pan Yun, and there is a mirror in front of Pan Yun.

From the mirror, Zhang Yu could easily see that Pan Yun was hesitant to speak, so he quickly asked: "What happened in the dream?"

"In my dream, I, I dreamed of you." Pan Yun said with a flat mouth.

"Dream of me?" Zhang Yu was even more surprised, what does this have to do with Pan Yun jumping off the building.

"Yes, in the dream, the two of us had a car accident. I was disfigured and you were blind. Then I donated my retina to you and then left. It was exactly the same as the story told by Cao Xingguang. You are the male protagonist. I am the heroine." Pan Yun glanced at Zhang Yu, and then whispered: "Everything is so similar. In the end, you pulled me to the window. I seemed to feel someone pushing me. Then I heard a strange voice, he said in my ear, don't you want to know the ending? I woke up and found that my body was falling. Fortunately, fortunately."

She tilted her head, her eyes filled with tears. She couldn't tell whether it was gratitude to Zhang Yu or something else.

Seeing Pan Yun crying, Zhang Yu's heart ached. But he quickly gathered his thoughts and realized a problem. There was a look of surprise on his face, and he couldn't help but say: "According to you, then the ending of this story should be that the blind woman was pushed down the stairs by a man?"

"This" Pan Yun couldn't help but feel his heart tremble after hearing this. First he panicked excessively, and then his emotions fluctuated and his mind became confused. After Zhang Yu reminded her, she realized, "The ending is the ending of the story. The man pushed the woman downstairs. Why did he do this? The woman went blind because of him and lived in pain. Why did he do this? .To be so ungrateful, how is it any different from an animal!"

At the end of the sentence, she looked a little angry.

"Don't be so excited. This is just a story told by that person. In my opinion, it is impossible for such a thing to happen." At this moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but look at Pan Yun's red clothes, "You said you I have been dreaming, and then I was pushed downstairs. Who put the clothes on you?"

"Clothes... clothes," Pan Yun recalled, but she really didn't know who put them on. "In the dream, you put them on me. As for why they were put on me, I Why did he fall downstairs again? I don’t know.”

At this point, she turned around and faced Zhang Yu, "Why did you come to my house suddenly?"

"Do you still remember the concentric lock I asked Auntie to give you?" Zhang Yu said softly.

Upon hearing this, Pan Yun's face turned red. In fact, the red rope was already exposed on his neck. She reached out and took out the concentric lock, but didn't make a sound.

"I arranged a formation on this concentric lock. As long as there is a problem with the amulet, I will feel it immediately. I was about to go home at that time, but I felt that there was a problem with the amulet, so I rushed over." Zhang Yu said truthfully. said.

After saying that, he reached out to pick up the concentric lock from Pan Yun's hand and opened the lock.

There was a soft "click" sound, revealing the bright yellow talisman paper inside. Zhang Yu took out the talisman paper, and it turned into a blank.

At this moment, Zhang Yu couldn't help but take another breath of cold air. He always believed that his magic power was very strong, and the amulet he drew could definitely save someone's life. The result was great, as it was breached twice.

Of course, the amulet was not useless, and it did save Pan Yun's life. Otherwise, how could Zhang Yu have come downstairs either early or late by such a coincidence. If he had been a step too late, Pan Yun would have fallen to his death; if he had been a step earlier, and he had entered the corridor or got on the elevator, Pan Yun would have also fallen to his death.

At the same time, Zhang Yu could already determine that the person who told Pan Yun the story was definitely the key to Pan Yun's accident.

He asked eagerly: "Pan Yun, where did the person who told you the story come from? How did you find him and ask him to drink coffee? Why didn't you tell me about this?"

"This person's name is Cao Xingguang, a section chief of Xingye Mining Group. I didn't pay attention to this person at first, thinking that Wang Liyuan committed suicide by jumping off the building because of a broken relationship. But the next day, Director Chu and our Chief Inspector held a meeting with us and said There have been six such cases of jumping from buildings in Zhenhai Administrative District, and they are all related to this man named Cao Xingguang. Therefore, our team leader asked me to communicate with the other party and lure Cao Xingguang out to find out the clues. Unexpectedly, something happened. Such a thing." Pan Yun answered truthfully. At the end of the sentence, she looked at Zhang Yu and whispered: "I, I think this case may not require your help."

Zhang Yu understood immediately that Pan Yun didn't tell him. Firstly, it should be the secret of the serious crime team, and secondly, his incident should have become a thorn in Pan Yun's heart.

Zhang Yu nodded and said: "Since the case is related to this Cao Xingguang, do you know his family? Let's go find him now!"

"This won't work," Pan Yun said quickly, "The case is very involved. If we go to find him, it will be easy to alert the snake. If we can arrest him directly, our crime team will already take action!"

"I don't care if he alerted the enemy!" Zhang Yu gritted his teeth and said, "You almost lost your life just now! I will never allow my friend to be harmed!"

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