Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1021 Real Estate Speculation

Guangming Town.

Guangming Town now has a new look.

Tall buildings are rising from the ground, shorter buildings have come to an end, and taller buildings have begun to go up. However, for modern real estate projects, the exterior is actually easy to build. Once the reinforced concrete is put in, as long as the money is available, the speed is extremely fast. The slow work mainly lies in internal processing.

Of course, there are also fast ones, and the fastest one is the stadium of Wudang Taoist Football Team. Driven by money, the renovation project has been completely completed, and the stadium is much larger than before and has become a regular stadium.

The surrounding buildings, such as various hotels, are very fast, because the team has games, and every game day is the day when money comes in. The day it is built late, the day it is late to make money.

Zhang Yu originally planned to meet Meng Xing'er today and negotiate with her. As a result, I received a call from Wang Jie. The new Taoist temple had been completely completed. We needed to discuss the move and set a date.

Wudang Taoist Temple is not the small Taoist temple it used to be, and Zhang Yu is the vice president of the Taoist Association. After setting the date, it is inevitable to entertain guests. Therefore, Zhang Yu temporarily postponed Meng Xing'er's matter and went to Guangming Town first.

As soon as Xia Yuechan heard that he was going to Guangming Town, she naturally wanted to go with him, firstly to see her mother, and secondly to see the place where she lost her virginity.

She and Zhang Yu accomplished good things here, and she got pregnant here, so in her opinion, this place is very memorable.

When they arrived at the Taoist temple, the disciples paid homage to their master. Zhang Yu talked with them and made an appointment with Wang Jie to move to the new Taoist temple in Guangming Mountain. Just three days later, he asked Wang Jie to get an invitation and send it to the Taoist Association. All sects are invited to come. In addition, the Zhenhai Religious Management Bureau and the district Religious Management Bureau must also be invited to participate.

After agreeing on the matter, Zhang Yu went to the backyard to see Sun Zhaoyi. In fact, after Zhang Yu came out of Haimen Mountain, he wanted to come to Wudang Road to see Sun Zhaoyi. However, there was no chance. Now that they finally met, Zhang Yu had to tell Sun Zhaoyi everything that happened in Haimen Mountain.

Especially inside the temple, there is a statue of the founder, which is puzzling. Sun Zhaoyi obviously didn't know either, so he just told Zhang Yu to let nature take its course.

After the conversation, it was time for lunch. Mr. Pan prepared the food and invited everyone to eat.

A round table was set up in the yard, and Sun Zhaoyi, Zhang Yu, Ouyang Yanyan, Pan Sheng, Xia Yuechan and Pan Chonghai sat around the table.

Not to mention, Mr. Pan served six exquisite vegetarian dishes, all of which tasted good. It seemed that the hard work was not in vain. Sun Zhaoyi didn't eat much. Even though he was blind, he didn't delay eating at all.

After eating a small bowl of rice, Sun Zhaoyi said, "It tastes good."

"Thank you for the compliment." Pan Chonghai said immediately with a smile.

Pan Sheng also whispered, "It's delicious, much better than what I had before. And you don't have to eat roasted chestnuts with sugar every day."

Hearing this, Ouyang Yanyan immediately looked at him coldly.

Pan Sheng noticed something strange in Ouyang Yanyan's eyes and said nervously: "Junior sister, why do you look at me like that?"

"It's none of your business to roast chestnuts from now on. I'll eat them myself!" Ouyang Yanyan said dissatisfiedly.

Seeing Ouyang Yanyan like this, Zhang Yu and Xia Yuechan couldn't help laughing.

After lunch, Ouyang Yanyan and Xia Yuechan went to wash the dishes, Sun Zhaoyi went into the house and sat down, and Pan Sheng practiced kung fu in the yard. Pan Chonghai pulled Zhang Yu aside.

Zhang Yu knew that the old man must have something to say to him, so the two of them went to the corner, and Zhang Yu asked in a low voice: "Old man, what's the matter?"

"How are the sales of the properties you developed in Guangming Town?" Pan Chonghai asked directly.

"It has just been pre-sold. I don't know the specific situation yet," Zhang Yu said.

"What's the price?" Pan Chonghai asked again.

"I heard their report, the opening price was 8,000," Zhang Yu said.

Although Zhang Yu has many things to do, there are big and small matters below that must be reported to him. In particular, the development project in Guangming Town does not belong to Wudang Group, but to Zhang Yu privately.

"If you don't want eight thousand, sell four thousand first." Pan Chonghai said.

"Sell it for four thousand first?" Zhang Yu was surprised, "This is also a house in Zhenhai. We want to sell it for four thousand first. Are you kidding me?"

"Guangming Town is a small town after all. If you sell it at this price, no one can buy it. Even if the subway is opened, the project cannot be completed immediately. You sell it for 4,000 first and there is a buffer. If it is not what I expected , four thousand can’t be sold for much." Pan Chonghai said.

"It can't be so miserable." Zhang Yu frowned.

"You think you can just have a sports team that is popular here, but it's not that simple. The highest valuation I give to the house here is 15,000 per square meter, but it can't be done directly, it needs to be flipped. If you directly offer 8,000, Then it’s not easy to speculate.” Pan Chonghai said.

"I need you to explain carefully." Zhang Yu said humbly.

"Nowadays, people buy houses out of necessity. Wen Qiong has made a fuss in Guangming Town, but they are all face-saving projects. Yes, tourism may be developed, but this location is not suitable for living, and it is too far to work. People cannot say that it is for Buy a house here and quit your previous job, that’s how ghost towns come out. Officials don’t care about anything for the sake of political performance, but businessmen and ordinary people don’t think about this.”

Pan Chonghai said seriously: "Your first step is to lower the house price and sell it slowly. After a while, we will create a slogan for school district housing. It is impossible for Wen Qiong to say that we will completely turn Guangming Town into a face." , she must also help, get a few good schools to come and build branches, so that your house price can go up. The second step is the FA Cup final, the day is coming soon, as long as you win, you can borrow Take the opportunity to promote the Champion City and continue to raise the housing prices. The third step is to take advantage of the previous two waves and the subway is almost built, and then use this gimmick to speculate. Let me tell you, housing prices will fall, or If it stays stable, people may not necessarily buy it. The more it goes up, the more they buy it. It’s the same principle as stock trading chasing the rise and killing the fall.”

Zhang Yu nodded and said, "Old man, I understand."

Although he said this, Zhang Yu was a little puzzled. If his opening price was four thousand, there would still be a chance to speculate, so he couldn't just sell out.

No matter how high the house prices in Zhenhai are now, no matter how far away Guangming Town is, if you buy a house here, you can get your Zhenhai household registration. Not only that, almost everyone knows about the opening of the subway.

Zhang Yu directly set the house price to 8,000, which was after careful consideration by many people. I think it is not difficult to sell at this opening price. After determining the early sales volume, we can also study whether to increase the price.

Mr. Pan is so kind that he directly ordered four thousand. Is the cost enough?

But Zhang Yu also knew that Mr. Pan had never deceived him. Since he said that, it made sense.

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