Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 101 Sooner or later you will have to do something (fourth update)

"Yang Ying, the house with an oriental view that you sold later this year was sold to two clients to make profits from it. What do you say about this!"

In the interrogation room of the patrol room, four patrol officers sat opposite Yang Ying, while Yang Ying was locked in an iron cage. The chairs she sat on were made of iron and had handcuffs on them.

You know, this is used when interrogating felons. Cases like hers shouldn't be treated like this at all. It can be seen from this that this is a knock on the mountain to shock the tiger, which makes people timid at first.

"I have never sold a house for two, what evidence do you have for saying that!" Although Yang Ying was afraid, she had never done such a thing, so she was naturally not afraid.

"Now these two customers have come to report the crime. The person handling the case is Wang Kai. He said he was under your instigation. He used to be your Jiabao agency!" the middle-aged patrolman said loudly.

Yang Ying naturally knew Wang Kai, who used to be a salesperson in her agency, but when Lin Hai changed jobs that day, Wang Kai also left.

"It is true that Wang Kai was our agent before, but I have never let him do such a thing!" Yang Ying said confidently.

"This is his confession. Take a look at it for yourself." The middle-aged patrolman handed a confession to the young patrolman next to him.

The young patrolman walked up to Yang Ying with the confession and let her read it.

Yang Ying was handcuffed and could only look at her like this.

As expected, what was written above was that there was a house with an oriental view in the store, which had been sold twice. The price of this house is 800,000, and it was sold twice for 1.6 million. Wang Kai said in his confession that he had reminded Yang Ying, but Yang Ying insisted on doing it and gave him a benefit of 50,000 yuan so that he should not tell anyone.

After Yang Ying read it, she immediately said: "Can his words alone prove that I sold one house and two houses? Furthermore, where is the home buyer, where is the owner? Where is the house purchase contract? All sales of our agency are If you want to buy a house, you have to go to the real estate transaction hall to handle the transfer. Are the buyers fools?"

"The original owner has disappeared now. The real estate certificate of the house in Oriental View was not issued at that time. What you provided to the customer was a notarization and signed a contract with the customer. Now the community can apply for the real estate certificate, and the results are two When the home buyers went to apply for it, they discovered that it was a two-bedroom sale. The contract they signed with you is here, and your name is on it!" the middle-aged patrolman said seriously.

"I don't believe it with my name on it! Show me!" Yang Ying said.

"No problem, let's see what you say!" The middle-aged patrolman asked the young patrolman to come to Yang Ying with two contracts.

As soon as she saw the contract, Yang Ying was dumbfounded.

She remembered that she had indeed sold a house with an oriental view later in the year. Because the real estate certificate had not yet been issued, the full payment was notarized. But she can be sure that she did not sell one house and two houses, but only sold it to one person. It had her signature and the name of salesperson Wang Kai on it, so that was no problem.

But the same is true for the other contract. My name is also on it, and the handwriting is indeed my own.

"Yang Ying, what else do you have to say now?" the middle-aged patrol officer asked sharply.

"I have only sold this house once, and I will never sell it twice!" Yang Ying said in a positive tone.

"At this point, you still want to deny it. Do you know that with the evidence we have now, after it is sent to the court, it will be enough to convict you of commercial fraud and send you to jail. I advise you now, Have a better attitude and confess truthfully as soon as possible. In this case, your sentence can be reduced!" said the middle-aged patrolman.

"I haven't done it, why should I admit it!" Yang Ying said firmly.

"The evidence is irrefutable, and you still dare to deny it!" the middle-aged patrolman pointed at Yang Ying and said angrily.

"I'm not denying it, I just haven't done it!" Yang Ying still said.

"Okay." The middle-aged patrolman nodded slightly and said, "I asked you to deny it. If you don't recruit her now, you will have to recruit her sooner or later. Send her to the custody room!"

The two patrol officers unlocked Yang Ying's handcuffs and took her out. Then they escorted her out of the patrol room and into the patrol car.

An hour later, the patrol car arrived at the custody room. Yang Ying was taken into a cell by the patrol. There was nothing in the cell, not even windows, except for a few straw mats and a small dim light bulb hanging on it.

"go in!"

The patrolman pushed Yang Ying from behind. Yang Ying was still wearing high heels, and she staggered and almost fell.

The two patrolmen seemed to have no sympathy for her and pulled her to the wall. There was a small iron ring at a place that was half high but not too low. The patrolman handcuffed her fingers to the iron ring, and then cuffed Yang Ying's thumbs.

"Just think about it here." After the patrolman finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.

With a "clang" sound, the iron door of the cell was closed.

Yang Ying is now handcuffed, and she doesn't know who invented this ring. It's just perfect. When the person is locked, he cannot stand up or squat down. He can only bend his legs and his waist can't be lifted. Not to mention how tiring this action was, Yang Ying felt her legs were sore and numb after only one minute.

I wanted to straighten up, but the finger cuffs were cuffing my thumbs behind my back. The pain was so painful that it felt like my fingers would be broken. It's the same painful feeling when I want to squat down.

The smell in the room was even more indescribable. Not only was it foul and smelly, but it was also mixed with a damp, moldy smell that made people almost nauseous.

The high heels under her feet made her little feet extremely painful. She had no choice but to kick the shoes off with her feet. However, when she stood barefoot on the ground, she immediately regretted it. The ground was damp and cold. Even though it was still summer, it actually felt a bit cold and biting.

After being locked up like this for half an hour, she burst into tears. She had never suffered like this in her life, and she had never felt such injustice in her life.

At this moment, a person appeared in her mind.

Zhang Yu!

"Xiao Yu, what should I do? You said you would always protect me. I am locked up here now. Do you know when you can come and save me?"

When she thought of Zhang Yu, Yang Ying's tears burst out again.

There was a "click", and at this moment, the door of the cell opened.

"Go in, go in! Be honest!" A patrol voice followed.

Yang Ying raised her head and reluctantly looked towards the door. I saw three women wandering in from outside.

These three women, all of them are tall and thick, with sinister looks on their faces. At first glance, they don’t look like kind-hearted people. The most important thing is that the treatment of the three of them is completely different from Yang Ying.

Yang Ying is now handcuffed to the wall, unable to stand up or squat down. As soon as these three people came in, the patrol officer immediately closed the door and walked away.

"Ouch! There's another one here!" a fat woman said with a grin.

"Yes." The fat woman next to her smiled at her, like a knowing smile.

Another fat woman pointed at Yang Ying and said, "How did you get in?"


Special thanks to: Nuclear Capital TV for the big reward. I found that you guys are so helpful. Before Wednesday, the number of recommended votes exceeded 500. I am very grateful.

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