Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1006 Competition Push-ups

"Worry." Pan Yun said with a blushing face and a pout. Then she stretched out her hand to take away the panties on the bed.

But there were paper people and talisman on it. When her hands were about to touch them, she paused, turned her head and glanced sideways at Zhang Yu, "Is this still useful?"

Although she was shy and eager to take away her panties, she also knew how to use them carefully to avoid anything happening after taking them away.

"There's no need to just busy cooking and forget about this problem," Zhang Yu said sadly.

"Hmph!" Pan Yun grabbed his panties, turned around and ran, rushing into the bathroom in a few steps.

Zhang Yu shrugged his shoulders, went over and picked up the paper man, and it turned into ashes when he raised his hand.

But that amulet cannot be burned, which is a good thing. A piece of bright yellow talisman paper, used to draw amulets, is simply the performance of a wealthy Taoist priest.

There was a sound of running water in the bathroom, and Zhang Yu guessed that Pan Yun was washing his underwear.

After waiting for a while, the sound of water disappeared, and Zhang Yu walked to the bathroom with the amulet.

The bathroom door was closed, so he opened it and said, "Pan Yun, I..."

Before he could finish his words, he saw Pan Yun sitting on the toilet.

"What's the matter?" Don't say it. Pan Yun really didn't treat him as an outsider. The moment Zhang Yu opened the door and walked in, she was quite natural.

But she immediately noticed Zhang Yu's expression and realized that she was doing it for convenience.

"What, it's okay, I didn't see anything." Zhang Yu quickly turned around and fled to the living room.

He complained secretly in his heart that Pan Yun didn't lock the door when he went to the toilet. I originally wanted to say goodbye to Pan Yun, but in the end

Pan Yun had gone into the bathroom to wash his underwear before, because he drank tens of thousands of egg soup at night, and later drank two bowls of water while chatting, which was always inconvenient. Now in the bathroom, she just went along to solve the problem. She didn't take Zhang Yu seriously, let alone thought that Zhang Yu could come in. Even when Zhang Yu came in, she didn't realize there was anything wrong.

Now her cheeks were burning. After solving the problem, she wiped it and walked out awkwardly.

She didn't even know what to say to Zhang Yu. She stood outside the living room with her head lowered and didn't move for a long time.

"Um. I didn't go in on purpose just now. I didn't expect you to be there," Zhang Yu said awkwardly.

"You still say that!" Pan Yun lowered his head and said angrily.

"Don't tell me, don't tell me, why did I just want to come here? By the way, it's getting late, I have to say goodbye. You should keep this amulet," Zhang Yu stammered.

"Yeah." Pan Yun nodded.

When she was washing her pants, she was thinking about something she wanted to say to Zhang Yu, but she was so nervous and embarrassed that she forgot about it.

Zhang Yu put the amulet on the coffee table and ran away quickly. As soon as he reached the door, Pan Yun suddenly shouted, "Wait a minute."

"Is there anything else?" Zhang Yu turned around and asked.

"I remembered something. Come over here and let's talk." Pan Yun pointed to the living room. She went in first and sat down, but she still lowered her head.

Zhang Yu bravely came to sit on the farthest sofa diagonally to Pan Yun's side. He also lowered his head, embarrassed to look at Pan Yun, "Um, what's going on?"

Pan Yun whispered: "You said someone cast evil spells on me, who is this person? Is it Qi Wuyao?"

This was the question she wanted to ask Zhang Yu just now.

"Yeah." Zhang Yu nodded.

"This bastard actually does such a thing!" Pan Yun gritted his teeth, then raised his eyes to look at Zhang Yu, bit his lip, and whispered: "Zhang Yu, me."

"What's wrong?" Zhang Yu asked with concern.

"In the past, I didn't take any gangsters seriously. But after I got to know you, I discovered that the so-called feudal letters, Taoism, and sorcery were not legends. They were actually real. Existence. These things are difficult for ordinary people to resist. I'm a little worried." Pan Yun lowered his head and said.

It is indeed not easy for her to say such words. Of course, this is also because the man in front of him is too tall. Generally speaking, a particularly self-reliant woman looks tough, but in fact she may be weaker on the inside. Her appearance is only for others to see. If she meets a man who can make her feel at ease, she will unconsciously reveal her feminine side. And this side also only appears in front of this man.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you." Zhang Yu said sincerely.

"Yeah." Pan Yun nodded slightly.

Immediately, she glanced at Zhang Yu again. Her face was shy and shy, but her eyes were full of tenderness.

Zhang Yu had also seen this kind of look in the eyes of other women. His heart tightened, and to be honest, he was really at a loss.

Pan Yun actually took advantage of him. If he had just arrived in Zhenhai City, he would definitely be responsible. But now, I can no longer shoulder this responsibility.

There are Fang Tong and her aunt at home, Bao Jiayin and the pregnant Xia Yuechan outside, and Xiao Jiejie in the company who made a bet with Fang Tong.

He lowered his head, not daring to look at Pan Yun. For a moment, the room became silent. If a pin dropped on the floor at this moment, you could hear it clearly.

After a long time, Pan Yun saw Zhang Yu lowering his head and saying nothing, and the atmosphere became awkward. She hesitated and broke the current calm, "When I called you last time, you said you were doing push-ups... I do them almost every day..."

"Ah?" Zhang Yu couldn't help being surprised and a little nervous. Pan Yun still remembered this.

The last time I did push-ups, this was not formal.

"Anyway, there's nothing to do tonight. Let's do push-ups together?" Pan Yun just had nothing to say.

"This is not good..." Zhang Yu had not yet recovered from his nervousness. He mistakenly thought he was doing push-ups.

"What's wrong? It's been a while since dinner. Let's compete to see who can do more." Pan Yun laughed.

Zhang Yu now realized that his thoughts, led by Bao Jiayin, were indeed a bit hairy. He is also convinced by Bao Jiayin and can come up with any ideas. Especially the sit-ups, they are really quite memorable.

"Okay, just do it." Zhang Yu said bravely.

"Okay..." Pan Yun laughed, stood up and said, "Then I'll change my clothes. Don't dress so restrictively. Just relax..."

After saying that, she ran towards the bedroom happily.

Seeing Pan Yun enter the bedroom, Zhang Yu lowered his head and glanced at his clothes. He had a straight suit and a suit jacket. But there's nothing you can do about it. If you're wearing a shirt, there's no place to carry money, swords, talismans, etc.

Zhang Yu thought about it, it would be easier if he was shirtless and only wearing big pants.


Special thanks to: velwong, the new guide, a cycle of twelve years, Ye Buli, Xiao Jie Yucheng, Mr. Wugui, user 180****5319 for the big reward, as well as today’s 40 monthly tickets and 500 recommendation tickets.

My brothers and sisters, you can’t refuse to vote just because I updated four chapters.555 To be honest, usually after updating ten chapters, I feel dizzy. I really need to catch my breath and figure out how to best write the plot for the next day.

It’s the plot of the enemy, and it’s the plot of the girl. Don’t we have to master both of them? My brothers and sisters, please be considerate and considerate. I will take a breath before continuing to explode.

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