Skilled in managing a house

Chapter 1001 Feng Shui Planning

After Zhang Yu left the district office, he went straight to the Wudang Group.

The demolition was completed yesterday and the rain stopped. There must still be some aftermath work.

Although the people under me can do these tasks, as the chairman, I can't say that I don't care at all. There is also that billion, which should also be transferred.

Zhang Yu sat in the car and called Bao Jiayin and asked Bao Jiayin to go to the notary office and settle the money first as the legal representative of Wudang Group.

Of course, Bao Jiayin had no problem. He just said, "You guy, your ability to deceive and deceive is getting better and better now. It's worth hundreds of millions. Can you give me and Xiaochan some benefits?"

"Of course." Zhang Yu said with a smile: "If you want any benefits, just ask."

"Then I have the nerve to just go ahead and figure it out myself," Bao Jiayin said in a deliberately sinister tone.

"Chengchengcheng, I will express my gratitude well." Zhang Yu said.

"That's pretty much it." Bao Jiayin smiled with satisfaction.

Not long after hanging up the phone, the car arrived at Wudang Group. After Zhang Yu got off the car, he entered the office building directly. Wherever he passed, everyone who saw him greeted him respectfully, "Chairman." "Chairman."

Zhang Yu couldn't even name these people, so he could only smile and nod as a return gift.

I walked all the way to the floor where my chairman's office was located. As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw a woman in her thirties wearing business attire coming over, "Chairman."

"Yeah." Zhang Yu nodded. He didn't know this woman. Appearing on this floor, Zhang Yu would inevitably ask, "Who are you?"

The woman is not pretty, her face is square, and she looks capable but also upright.

"My name is Wenxian, and I am Mr. Xiao's secretary. Mr. Xiao asked me to wait for you here and asked you to come to her office when you arrive," the woman said.

Xiao Jiejie had never made a call before, and she was not sure what to expect when she arrived at the company. This woman had obviously been waiting.

Zhang Yu nodded and asked, "What does she want from me?"

"I don't know." Wen Xian said.

"Then take me there." Zhang Yu said.

The CEO's office is at the other end of the corridor, opposite Zhang Yu's chairman's office.

Zhang Yu followed Wenxian to the office. Wenxian was in the secretary's room outside. Good guys, there are two people sitting in this secretary's office, both of whom assist Xiao Jiejie.

Wenxian stepped forward and knocked on Xiao Jiejie's door. Xiao Jiejie's voice soon sounded inside, "Please come in."

Opening the door, Zhang Yu smelled the smell of traditional Chinese medicine before he even entered. Obviously, this is for feet.

Zhang Yu then thought about what Brother Biao said to him yesterday. Xiao Jiejie sprained her foot and went into battle in person.

Wen Xian and Zhang Yu entered the office inside. When Xiao Jiejie saw Zhang Yu, she immediately jumped up and said, "Chairman, you are here. Sister Xian, it has nothing to do with you anymore. You can go out first."

Today, Xiao Jiejie is wearing a tight white shirt, probably to highlight her good figure. The pair of breasts on her chest looked very proud even through her shirt.

Wen Xian immediately withdrew obediently, and Xiao Jiejie followed suit and walked toward the sofa, "Sit over there."

"Don't move." Seeing that she had difficulty moving, Zhang Yu quickly came to Xiao Jiejie's side.

The girl's lower body was wearing a narrow black skirt, one foot was wearing a black flat leather shoe, and the other foot was wrapped with gauze, and she was taking off her shoe. The medicinal smell in the room came from her feet.

With Zhang Yu's current skill, his six senses are more acute, and he can probably smell what kind of medicine it is.

Arriving next to Xiao Jiejie, Zhang Yu held her arm and led her to sit on the sofa.

There was nothing else on the big coffee table but a huge blueprint. As soon as Xiao Jiejie sat down, she didn't mention why she was injured. She just pointed at the drawing and said carelessly: "Look, these are the plans for the two demolition areas."

The two demolition areas are not far apart, otherwise Zhang Yu wouldn't be able to do it all at once.

The planning drawings of the two plots of land were drawn together. It was a real-life planning drawing. It was quite realistic, and almost everything was marked on it.

Zhang Yu immediately took a look and saw that whether it was a commercial area or a residential area, all the plans were quite decent. It can be said that if it is built, it will be quite beautiful.

But the only drawback is that there is no Feng Shui layout here.

At this time, Xiao Jiejie saw the plan directly and said: "Originally they planned to ask a Feng Shui master to lay out the layout, but I don't think it is necessary. With you here, it would be shameful to invite others."

After saying that, she turned to look at Zhang Yu with a raised face.

The corners of this girl's mouth are upturned, which is a bit cute, but more of a charm.

Zhang Yu found that Xiao Jiejie was obviously different now from when they met last year. At that time, Xiao Jiejie was just a unruly princess. It was true that she was beautiful, but she had no taste. Compared with Xia Yuechan, she was inevitably inferior. Of course, if you compare with Fang Tong, you might as well give in more.

But today, Xiao Jiejie has the mature charm of a successful and intellectual woman. She no longer looks like the unruly princess she used to be.

"That's true," Zhang Yu said, but his eyes couldn't help but look at Xiao Jiejie.

Xiao Jiejie naturally noticed Zhang Yu's gaze and smiled deliberately: "I gave you the drawings, why are you staring at me?"

"Am I staring at you?" Zhang Yu quickly looked at the drawings.

Xiao Jiejie pouted her mouth proudly, but didn't say much.

Zhang Yu looked at the plan carefully and quickly came up with a plan in his mind, which was to place a four-image Feng Shui bureau on each of the two pieces of land.

"This picture needs to be changed." Zhang Yu said.

"I have a pen here." Xiao Jiejie immediately grabbed a pen from the coffee table and handed it to Zhang Yu.

Needless to say, Zhang Yu’s Feng Shui prowess is needless to say. But not many big projects like this are done. Most of the jobs he did were small jobs, nothing more than Feng Shui arrangements at home, and one of them was doing Feng Shui arrangements for Tianzi Square. The biggest one is nothing more than the Feng Shui of Guangming Town real estate.

The project in front of us is undoubtedly bigger. It can be said that every real estate will become a chess piece in Zhang Yu's hands, used for operations.

Feng shui is also crucial to the sales and prospects of real estate. You know, with the vigorous development of real estate in various parts of the country, every place will be used for development, so that in many places due to problems such as insufficient population, dead cities have appeared, and there are almost no people in the newly developed urban areas.

In real estate development, the most important thing is of course the right time, right place and right people. The current real estate development opportunities are not as good as those in earlier years, but they are still okay. In terms of geographical location, the location of these two pieces of land is also quite good. As for harmony, firstly there is Zhang Yu’s Feng Shui prowess, and secondly there is never a shortage of people in Zhenhai city.

Therefore, Zhang Yu is confident that as long as he uses some means, he will never have to worry about selling the properties he builds.

He thought about it for a while and then started to re-plan.

The scale on the map is quite accurate. Although it is a bit of a paper exercise, he can take action. After more than four hours, the Feng Shui bureaus of two large four-elephant formations were vividly displayed on the paper.

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