Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 182 Story and Explosion

"Good morning, principal. I thought that after you came to Japan, you would be obsessed with the long legs of a beautiful girl. I didn't expect that you would come to me so quickly. Such strong action really moved me, a student. "

Zheng Shu said this, but his eyes did not glance in Angers direction at all. He was still staring at the screen in front of him and operating the game controller in his hand.

Angers stood behind Zheng Shu, not caring about his rude attitude at all, and looked at the game screen on Zheng Shu's screen with a smile, looking like a grandfather doting on his grandson.

"Zheng Shu, I didn't expect you to be able to investigate to this extent. You are indeed my proud student."

Behind the two of them, Uesugoshi sat on the tatami with an angry look on his face, drinking tea angrily, as if he wanted to swallow the whole tea cup. Mia huddled in the corner of the table, her eyes filled with worry.

Opposite Uesugoshi, Kazama Ruri has almost recovered. He is still wearing that gorgeous kimono, kneeling on the tatami, elegantly tasting the strong tea in front of him. It was obviously just the cheapest coarse tea, but he seemed to be drinking some precious famous tea.

No longer hiding his strength, he quickly eliminated his opponent with three strikes, five strikes, and two strikes. After finishing the game, Zheng Shu put down the controller, turned around, and looked at the scene in the room seriously.

Angers was still dressed like a gentleman, wearing a black suit and a rose-red bow tie, holding a black information box in his hand. However, Zheng Shu could clearly see some dust and stains on the corners of his clothes, and his hair seemed a little messy. For Angers, who had always been known as an elegant gentleman, this was simply unimaginable.

After walking to the table and sitting down, Zheng Shu invited Ange to sit at the table as if he were a master. Poor Mia could only leave the table and be squeezed into a corner of the room.

"Principal, it seems that you haven't been doing well these days. I saw on TV that the Tamamo-mae Club was bombed. Was it an attack specifically targeting you or did it have an ulterior motive?" Zheng Shu took the initiative to pour a glass for Anger. Tea.

"Actually, I have been investigating this matter for the past few days, but I have never been able to determine it, so I came here to ask this old man some questions." Angers pointed at Uesugoshi.

He knelt down on the tatami like a native, and elegantly picked up the tea cup and took a sip. However, he frowned after just tasting it. After glancing at Kazama Liuli who was still drinking tea elegantly next to him, Angre put down the tea cup calmly.

"Hmph! I should have said at the beginning that I never want to see you again, but you old man still has the nerve to come to me." Uesugi snorted coldly, very dissatisfied with the fact that Ange suddenly came to him, "I He is a person who has been abandoned by the times and just wants to live in a shabby old place, unlike you, who is still charming and suave."

"Actually, what you said is not entirely correct. It's not that no one knows that you are still alive. Ahe knows it, but he should have never harassed you, right? He was the one who asked me to come to you, and he even bothered me a lot. Kung Fu." Angers put the suitcase next to him, "You are the owner of this small street, but the land tax that has been in arrears for decades has not been taken away by the government because of Ahe I’ll help you pay the land tax privately, otherwise you wouldn’t even have the right to sell ramen on this street.”

"Who wants him to meddle in other people's business? It doesn't matter even if the land doesn't belong to me. I can still sell my ramen from the cart." Uesugi frowned, "Since it was Inuyamaga who leaked the information to you , then why doesn’t he come with you?”

"Ahe is dead, and today is his funeral. I originally rescued him that day, but he was assassinated on his bed." Angers said indifferently, "I originally thought that attack was aimed at me. , it seems that this may not be the case now. They know that Ahe and I have the best relationship, so they want to use this to anger me and make me confront the Sheqiba family, although the purpose of my visit this time is also to solve the problem of Sheqiba It’s a family problem, but it’s obvious that the enemy wants to make the situation bigger. I’m curious as to what other forces want to do this.”

At the end of the day, Angers was filled with murderous intent. It seems that facing the death of the Inuyama He family leader whom he brought up since childhood, Angers was not as calm as he appeared.

"Hmph! There are only two forces in the entire Japanese underworld. Since it was not done by the Jakihachi family, the suspects are clear at a glance." Uesugi drank all the tea in the glass in one gulp. His posture did not look like he was drinking tea, but rather like drinking.

For Uesugoshi, Inuyama Ga was also one of the few juniors among the eight Seraki families that he didn't dislike. Suddenly hearing the news of his death, Uesugoshi's heart was shaken even at this age.

"This was not done by fierce ghosts."

Just when Uesugoshi and Ange found what they thought was their enemy, a soft voice came from the side. It was Kazama Ruri who had been sitting at the table quietly drinking tea but not speaking since just now.

Ruri Kazama's appearance is very neighborly. At first glance, he looks like a female high school student dressed in men's clothing. The wind blows into the room from the open window and ruffles the hem of his clothes. Ruri Kazama sits in the sunshine and smiles. Although he looks like a neighbor, But no one can deny his beauty.

"Although they lost the underworld war before, the Meng Ghosts actually still have a huge power. The Sheqi Family completely misjudged the organizational structure of the Meng Ghosts. What the Sheqi Family defeated was only the gangs that were attached to the Meng Ghosts. ." Fengjian Liuli took a sip of tea and remained calm in the face of Ange's direct gaze, "The real core of the fierce ghosts, those elite fierce ghosts, have actually infiltrated into Tokyo."

"Interesting." Ange sighed in admiration and turned to look at Uesugi Yue. "I've been wanting to ask since just now, who is this? Have you, an old guy, changed your taste?"

"I'll fight you bastard!" Uesugi stood up angrily and was about to cross the table to fight with Anger.

"Calm down! You can't beat the principal!" Zheng Shu immediately reached out to stop him, but the words coming out of his mouth were more of a provocation than coordination.

Ange was not affected by the performances of the two live treasures next to him. He stared straight at Fengjian Liuli and looked at her carefully for a while: "What is the relationship between Yuan Zhisheng and you?"

"He is my brother, and I am his incompetent younger brother." Kazama Ruri is still smiling, "You can call me Yuan Zongnu, but I prefer to call myself Kazama Ruri."

"Based on your appearance, I feel like you two are more like brother and sister." Ange took a closer look at Fengjian Liuli's appearance.

He still remembered Yuan Zhisheng's appearance. He hadn't noticed it when they first met him, but now he realized that the other person really looked like Yuan Zhisheng, but his aura was completely different. The elder brother is like a smart and straight long sword, while the younger brother is like the sword hidden in the sleeve of an aristocratic girl.

"My brother said the same thing when I was little, saying that I would be beautiful if I were a girl." Kazama Ruri smiled.

"Okay, then Kazama Liuli, why can you come to such a conclusion?" Anng nodded.

"Because of my identity. I have many identities, such as a musical actor or a cowherd, but the most useful one here is probably the identity of the Meng Demon Clan. The high-ranking cadres of the Meng Demon Clan are all codenamed after shogi pieces. My codename is 'Dragon King', and I am the second-largest person after 'King General'." Kazama Liuli's figure was particularly relaxed, as if he was not worried that Anger would suddenly rise up and kill him.

"Are you a ghost?" Angers suddenly asked.

Fengjian Liuli nodded without hesitation: "Yes, although we are brothers, my brother is the emperor and I am a ghost. Not only am I not as noble as him, but I am also the meanest kind. If we hadn't met in this situation, , you will definitely find a way to capture me, and then approach me on some deserted island. According to the secret party's "Abraham Bloodline Contract", I am the kind of dangerous person who should be isolated from human society by birth."

"Nonsense!" Uesugi, who was finally pulled back by Zheng Shu, slammed the table, "If that general hadn't injected you with some messy stuff, your bloodline would have been stable, and you would be the most noble emperor!"

Anger glanced at the excited Uesugi, then suddenly lowered his head and leaned towards Zheng Shu, asking in a "low voice": "What's wrong with this old guy? Why are you so protective of this little guy all of a sudden? Doesn't he particularly hate people in this family?"

"Ahem, principal, you have to understand that the private lives of these famous nobles are quite chaotic, so although his surname is Yuan, it may not really be Yuan." Zheng Shu pretended to cough twice and winked at Anger.

"I see." Ange looked thoughtful, looking at Uesugi with a strange look, "When I first met you, you were so angry towards me, it turned out that you were just pretending. It seems that the Sheqi Hachi family There is still something you like in it.”

"You fart!" Uesugi jumped up suddenly and rushed towards Angers across the table.

Unfortunately, his speed was still too slow for Angers. After he jumped into the air and rolled around the room twice, he found that Angers was already sitting in his original position, sipping tea leisurely.

"So Mr. Uesugoshi was given genetic factors by some people, and then used in vitro fertilization technology to cultivate thousands of embryos. However, according to the information from my investigation, there should only be three embryos alive now. " Only then did Zheng Shu slowly say what he said next. Seeing Uesugi looking at him angrily, he blinked his eyes innocently.

"Oh?" A sharp light flashed in Ange's eyes. He did not get entangled in this matter, but turned to look at Fengjian Liuli beside him, "Then Mr. Dragon King of the Fierce Ghosts, why did you show up? Here, why can we guarantee that this thing was not done by the fierce ghosts?"

"As I just said, the last underworld war did not damage the foundation of the fierce ghosts." Kazama Liuli remained unhurried, "Even we relied on this incident to turn from the public to the underground. In this case, the Fierce Ghosts will never reveal their existence because of these things. It will do no good to the Fierce Ghosts if they offend you."

"As for why I am here, I have to ask Mr. Zheng Shu next to me." Fengjian Liuli raised his head and gestured to Zheng Shu next to him.

"Don't look at me like that. He is my prisoner, and I happened to know his identity, so I sent him directly here to reunite the two of them, father and son." Zheng Shu looked at Ange's questioning gaze. Spread your hands and show that a dead pig is not afraid of being scalded by boiling water.

"Okay, let's not dwell on these things for the time being." Ange pinched the bridge of his nose with a headache, "Since the mastermind behind the scenes is not the Fierce Ghosts, then who is it? What is the other party's purpose?"

"King Bai." Zheng Shu's nonchalant words made the three people present immediately raise their heads.

"How could you know these things? This is a secret passed down from generation to generation of the eight Sheqi families. In theory, only the head of each family will know these things." Uesugi Koshiya frowned and looked at Zheng Shu suspiciously.

"Although you didn't say it, you carved the mural on the wall of Genji Heavy Industries. It happened that when I went to Genji Heavy Industries to support me, I got lost, so I went upstairs to take a look." Zheng Shu was prepared. He took out a few photos from his clothes.

This was a photo he took on the upper floors of the building when he went to Genji Heavy Industries for rescue work that day.

"If I remember correctly, the news reported that only the first few floors of Genji Heavy Industries were on fire that day. These murals are all on the top floor. How did you get 'lost' and climbed up?" Uesugi looked at the things on the table. In these photos, the corners of my eyes twitch.

"It's amazing that there are such secrets in this world. I originally thought that I would just kill the embryo under the Japanese Trench. Fortunately, I came here." Angers exclaimed as he looked at the photos in front of him.

As an expert on the Dragon Clan, he could easily understand the contents of the murals and the ancient texts engraved on them. Although he also knew some information about the White King through various channels, none of that information was like this. Photo details.

"Then the question now is, if someone really wants to use these things to disturb the vision and achieve their own goals, who will it be?" Angers looked solemn after reading these photos.

Although he got the news about the White King from Pompeii, he didn't know that the matter was so serious. According to the description on the mural, the White King's strength is second only to the Black King. Once the opponent is resurrected, no one in the world will be able to match him.

He also understood why the enemy behind the scenes did so many things. In fact, they all had one purpose - to delay time.

A few days ago, Lu Mingfei's trio had successfully killed the dragon embryos under the Japanese Trench, but now it seems that King Bai may have escaped long ago and is huddled in a corner quietly waiting to hatch.

The person behind the scenes obviously wants to rely on the method described in the mural to make himself the White King after the White King is fully hatched.

"I should know the identity of the person behind the scenes." Kazama Ruri's voice drew everyone else's attention to himself, "But before listening to the story, Mr. Angers might as well take a look at this file."

Kazama Liuli took out a file bag that he had prepared a long time ago and handed it to Ange. This file bag was what he had carried with him. He originally intended to show his sincerity when discussing the alliance with Zheng Shu after the incident.

However, the development of things was beyond Kazama Ruri's expectations, so the file on him was not taken out again, but now, the file bag has ushered in the moment when it comes into play.

This is a brown file bag that looks old and worn. On the bag is printed a medal consisting of a sword, shield, red five-star, sickle and ax, which is the medal of the KGB.

Although it has been disbanded long ago, the name is still awe-inspiring. It is known as the world's four major intelligence agencies together with the British MI6, the American CIA and the Israeli Mossad. From intelligence collection to political assassinations, it is all Keberg's business. In its most prosperous period, its power even surpassed all organs of the Soviet government, and it was a well-deserved super intelligence agency.

Kazama Ruri took out a yellowed photo of an officer from the file bag. The person in the photo had a typical Russian face, handsome and upright.

"This man's name is Bondarev, but now his name is Tachibana Masamune..." Kazama Ruri's tone was calm.

In his leisurely narration, he recounted the cold winter of 1991, the lonely fortress called Black Swan Port on the shores of the Arctic Ocean and on the white snowfields of Siberia. The keel, the secret institute, the orphanage, and the fire that lit up most of the sky.

Kazama Liuli's voice was gentle and low, as if a ghost who had experienced the tragedy was narrating his past life.

"... In the end, Bondarev took the embryo of the ancient dragon aboard the Lenin, and the giant ship sailed east toward Japan, and finally sank into the Kingdom of God. The beginning of Japan's crisis today originated from twenty-one years ago , the person who witnessed this crisis from beginning to end was Tachibana Masamune."

Kazama Ruri's story attracted the attention of everyone present. Uesugi Yue and Mia, who had been hiding in the corner, were fascinated by it. However, Ange frowned unnaturally and combined it with the information Pompei told him before. , he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong here.

"I have a question……"


Before Angers finished speaking, a thunderous explosion sounded, and a black mushroom cloud slowly rose from the distance. Genji Heavy Industries, which had been attacked in the distance, exploded again, and the shock wave in the billowing black smoke destroyed everything around it. Tear to pieces.

Innocent passers-by fell to the ground, and the windows of the once bustling cabinets were shattered. The explosion was so powerful that half of Tokyo was involved in the black smoke produced by the explosion.

A sign exploded, flying high and landing on a college playground five kilometers away. Children screamed and ran away, and no one paid attention to the content on the sign.

On the sign that is on the verge of breaking, there is a twisted word "Rock".

This is the pride of the Sheqi Eight Families. It is a research institute developed by Miyamoto Shio, the most outstanding researcher of the Miyamoto family. Gathering the most outstanding mechanical, electronic, and biological talents from the eight Sheqi families, their outstanding creativity can always surprise the operations specialists of the Japanese branch, and their importance is no less than that of the equipment department of Kassel College. .

However, this secret research institute hidden beneath Genji Heavy Industries was completely destroyed by a sudden explosion today, and even the Genji Heavy Industries building above it collapsed due to the violent explosion.

Fortunately, due to the previous attack by Deadpool, the building is still under repair. The number of people working inside is not too many, and even Eriki has temporarily moved her residence. But even so, the collapse of this building, which symbolized the power center of the Sheqi Eight Families, also caused huge losses to the Sheqi Eight Families.

Go back a few hours. Caesar and Chu Zihang were groping forward in the sewer.

Genji Heavy Industries is an ordinary office building from the first to the 20th floor, and above the 20th floor is the office area for the Sheqi Bashi family. Access cards are required for entry and exit, and there are security patrols.

The security guards are all armed. Even if they wear the same clothes, they may ask questions if they are unfamiliar faces, not to mention they don't have access cards. So after looking at the map for a few days, Chu Zihang and Caesar agreed that the only possible way to infiltrate was to enter the so-called inner area through the sewer.

This is the huge sewer system in Tokyo that the trio saw when they took the elevator when they first came to Japan to visit Genji Heavy Industries. The submarine dock of the Yanliu Research Institute is located in one of the giant pipes with a diameter of twelve meters.

Although they don't know what the security system of such an important place in the inner area is, they can at least avoid the places where people come and go through the passages in the inner area.

So after studying the map carefully, they chose the sewer directly under a building named Takamagahara. As long as they walked east along that sewer, bypassing under Shinjuku Subway Station, they would see it soon after entering the main pipe. To Genji Heavy Industries, the total length is less than two kilometers.

As for how to sneak into Gao Tianyuan's building, this issue was completely ignored by Caesar and Chu Zihang. After all, they had received professional training from Kassel Academy. Sneaking into an ordinary building was still very simple.

"I kind of regret choosing this path." Under the colorful lights, Caesar complained to Chu Zihang silently.

He was now dressed somewhat enchantingly. Not only did he open his chest to reveal his strong pectoralis major muscles, but he also put on makeup and some jewelry.

Next to him, although Chu Zihang was not as fancy as him, he was still very different from his previous image.

These two top students from Kassel College never thought that the existence with the same name as the sunken city in the Japanese Trench would actually be the sensual Cowherd nightclub.

If it's a bar or some other place, it's pretty easy for them to sneak in. But in a place like this, any extra man will attract the attention of women, not to mention that Caesar thinks he has good looks, so the two of them will be easily recognized.

Thank you Me and Xiaosa readers for the reward, thank you for your support.

I read in the comments that some people regret that they can't see the sexy Cowherd trio? No problem, arrange it now! I'm not fooling around with this. It was said in the original book that the sewer under Takamagahara is the best place to sneak into Genji Heavy Industries.

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