Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 361 Night Breeze

The immortal nature of the crawlers naturally attracted the wizard's attention.

Many years ago, there were many wizarding organizations that captured crawlers, sliced ​​them for research, and observed their behavior.

But as a result, nothing has been studied, and the reason for their immortality is still unknown.

According to conventional inferences in the wizarding world, it is speculated that the immortality characteristics of the crawlers come from pollution and the characteristics of certain entities in the abyss plane.

Creepers are humans who are contaminated after death, causing the corpse to have some unknown properties and thus become immortal.

But this immortality is not real immortality.

Researchers believe that the reason why the crawlers are immortal is that their power comes from an existence in the distant abyss plane.

That being is always alive, so these crawlers can remain immortal.

After many studies without definite conclusions, gradually few people conducted research on crawlers.

Because the crawlers are not very strong, they just have the characteristic of being invincible.

But it's not invincible, just set it on fire.

There was once a wizard who tried to transfer the immortality characteristics of the crawler to himself. However, after being discovered by the top management of the Land of Dawn, the wizard was directly executed.

Because this wizard's experiment failed, not only did he not have immortality, but he also attracted the attention of the abyss plane.

The experiments he conducted were extremely dangerous, and he almost transformed himself into a creature from the abyssal plane. new

He is not an Abyss cultist, but what he does is no different from that of an Abyss cultist.

The Land of Dawn needs to consider more, because pollution itself has the property of spreading.

If this wizard does something wrong and causes new pollution to appear and spread in the Land of Dawn, it will be over.

So since then, there's been a new ban in the Land of Dawn against trying similar experimental manipulations of contamination.

"This is the creeper..."

Herage observed the creeper in the distance.

The crawler is just like its name. Although it looks like a human, it moves by crawling on the ground on its hands and feet.

The speed is very fast, similar to that of a knight-level person running at full speed.

This crawler was crawling aimlessly on the ruins, seemingly looking for food.

It is not easy to find food in contaminated areas. After most of the crawlers were captured and dissected, it was found that their stomachs were filled with stones, dirt, and so on, and not even a single insect could be seen.

This also causes the crawlers to become very crazy when encountering new flesh and blood like humans.

The scent of human flesh and blood is a huge temptation for them, and they cannot resist it at all.

As long as the crawlers find humans, they will rush towards them like crazy and bite them.

Their instinct for food drives them to hunt. Even if their heads are cut off from their bodies, they will continue to bite humans. new

A gust of wind blew by, and the crawler suddenly sniffed the gust of wind.

It then looked in the direction of the wind, which was the location of the palace where Herage was.

The crawler's entire body has turned pitch black and his facial features have been blurred, so no expression can be seen.

But Herage could still feel the enthusiasm emanating from it.

"No, it smelled like me."

Herage didn't expect that a gust of wind blew over, just blowing away his scent.

He was not afraid of the crawlers, but he was afraid of attracting the attention of other beings when dealing with the crawlers.

The crawler is already fast, but after sensing the presence of food, the speed becomes much faster.

The distance between Herage and it was only a few hundred meters, and they were there in the blink of an eye.

The crawler directly knocked down many buildings and rushed over in a straight line.

The buildings were already in disrepair and most were weathered.

The crawler is inherently powerful and fast.

Under its impact, there was the sound of buildings collapsing along the way.


Herage cursed silently.

If this creeper makes such a big noise, it will cause him a lot of trouble.

He took out the bow of the World Tree and pointed it at the creeper that was charging straight towards him.

An arrow was shot, and the green arrow disappeared as soon as it appeared.

The next moment, a green arrow appeared in front of the crawler, shot directly into its chest, and exploded instantly.

The creeper had already made such a big noise, Herague no longer covered it up, and directly used the bow of the world tree to solve it.

With the power of the bow of the world tree, this crawler can be blown to pieces.

He didn't even think about killing it completely, as long as it could lose its mobility and not affect himself.

Herage originally wanted to use a long sword because the long sword made no sound.

He was still struggling with how many cuts it took to chop with a sword.

Unexpectedly, the creeper rushed straight at him, causing the whole city to hear the movement, so he just used the bow of the world tree.

After the arrows from the World Tree's bow exploded, the crawler was blown to pieces on the spot, and its hands and feet were separated.

The immortality characteristic of the crawler is indeed strange. Even if its arms and legs leave the body, they are still moving.

His hand was still grabbing at Herague, but he couldn't move and kept grabbing the air in place.

This scene looked a little strange, but also a little inexplicably funny.

Herage wanted to laugh, but he couldn't.

Because at this moment, in the deep blue environment detection, there are countless crawlers coming from all directions.

There are many crawlers that have not moved for many years and are just lying in one place, their bodies covered with dust and all kinds of gravel, soil and other debris.

But at this moment, they were all awakened by the movement here, and slowly woke up.

Only then did Herage notice that there were so many crawlers deep in the city.

When he detected before, he was only from the outside and did not go in deep. Deep Blue's environmental detection is not that far away.

Only then did I realize that this place was simply a crawler nest, with many sleeping crawlers.

The breath of flesh and blood on Herag's body floated in the night wind, and to these crawlers, it was the most dazzling guiding light in the night.


Many of the crawlers began to roar hoarsely.

Their roars sounded very strange, as if their vocal cords were damaged, and they roared like a trumpet with a hole.

Soon, more than ten crawlers came outside the palace and rushed towards Herage.

Herage shot two arrows directly, blowing up a few of them, and then took out a salamander bomb to blow up a few more.

Another one rushed in front of him, and Herage kicked it directly. The huge force pierced the crawler on the spot.

Herage's feet dug into the crawler's chest, and a lot of black mucus flowed out from the damaged chest.

The crawler didn't care that its chest was blasted through, and started to chew on Herage's legs.

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