Six Ring Wizard

Chapter 350 Survival of the Fittest

This is a monster that Herage has never seen before.

"Deep Blue, inquire about information related to this monster."

Shenlan immediately gave the answer: "No information about monsters matching the characteristics was found."

As expected, there is no information about this monster stored in Deep Blue's database.

Herage guessed that this should be a monster unique to the contaminated area.

When the pollution spread, the wizards withdrew.

But the animals and plants in the contaminated area cannot be removed. After a long period of mutation in the contaminated area, these animals and plants have become all kinds of strange monsters.

The pollution left behind by the abyssal plane had a serious impact on the ecological environment of animals and plants here.

But life is very adaptable. Many animals and plants died, but many others survived after adapting to the polluted environment.

The huge underground bug in front of me is obviously the best person to survive in the environment of the polluted area.

Not only did they survive, they also became more powerful, becoming a new kind of monster that had never been seen before in the Wizarding Plane.

The Land of Dawn doesn’t know much about the specific situation of these monsters.

Most of the time, you will learn more about one kind of thing after being exposed to it, and the relevant information is usually available from the pioneers.

Ordinary people in the Land of Dawn will not be exposed to these and will not know the relevant information.

The giant insect turned to look at Herague and then swooped over, trying to bite Herague.

Herage dodged once again with a dodge. He didn't want to test the strength with his own body.

Light flashed in his hand, and he held the bow of the World Tree in his hand. He jumped back to distance himself and at the same time bent the bow and shot an arrow in the air.

The green arrow hit the giant insect's body and exploded, exploding a lot of flesh and blood, and bright red blood splashed out instantly.

The giant insect screamed and seemed to be in some pain. An obvious large hole was blown out of its body surface, and it was bleeding continuously.

Now the giant insect was completely enraged, and its huge body once again stretched out a long distance from the ground and pounced towards Herague.

Herage is extremely agile in his Titan Power state.

Coupled with the assistance of Deep Blue, it can predict the giant insect's movement trajectory in advance, calculate its various data, and calculate the time and location of the attack's arrival.

Herage stepped lightly with his toes and quickly left the spot, easily dodging the giant insect's attack.

Since the giant insect has no vision, it can only rely on sound and smell to determine Herlag's location.

The movement will be relatively slow and not as fast as underground.

In this case, it was naturally impossible to attack Helag. Instead, Helag used the bow of the World Tree to create several wounds.

Herage flashed to avoid the giant insect's bite again, casually aimed at the giant insect's open mouth, and shot an arrow directly into it. New 𝐱.𝐜𝐨𝐦

The arrows from the World Tree's bow exploded inside the giant insect. The giant insect's wailing sound was very violent this time, and it was obviously seriously injured.

The inside of the giant insect's cavity is not so hard and much more fragile.

Herage shot the arrow in, and the giant insect suddenly became frightened and did not attack again.

There were scars all over the giant insect's body, and its huge body had not yet completely emerged from the ground.

It looked at Herage with some fear, shrank underground, and then stared at Herage.

Herage was also staring at the giant insect, his muscles all over his body were tense and he was highly concentrated, always paying attention to the movements of the giant insect.

After the two sides were in a stalemate for a moment, the giant insect retracted to the ground, then quickly left the area, giving up hunting Herlag.

Animal hunting will consider the cost of hunting, and monsters will naturally do the same, and they will be smarter.

The giant insect saw that Herague was a little difficult to deal with, so after thinking about it, he gave up the hunt.

After it penetrated into the ground, its speed was many times faster than on the ground. Herage could not keep it and could only watch it leave.

After Herage confirmed that the giant insect had left, he also quickened his pace and hurriedly left the area.

The noise of the fight just now was too loud, and it was likely to attract other beings.

When Herage passed by the hole where the giant insect emerged, he glanced down. The hole was extremely deep, and it was so dark inside that he couldn't see clearly.

He had some bad feelings in his heart, which came from his instinctive premonition of crisis.

"We can't stay in this place any longer."

This feeling became stronger and stronger, and Herage ran away from here at full speed.

He didn't know what was going to happen here, he could only guess that some powerful being was coming.

Ever since he encountered the giant insect attack, Herage had also paid great attention to the underground.

After two hours of hiking, Herrag encountered no other living creatures along the way.

I don't know if the contaminated area is too big or if there are too few monsters here.

After walking for a few hours, Herage encountered a giant insect emerging from the ground.

Herage didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing. He hadn't encountered a living creature for so long, and it didn't feel like a good thing either.

This most likely means there is something wrong with this place, causing even monsters to be unwilling to move here.

After the premonition of crisis in Herage's heart faded, he slowed down on his way.

He didn't dare to move too fast, lest he strayed into some dangerous areas and had no time to evacuate.

After continuing to walk a certain distance, Herage suddenly stopped.

He saw a plant not far ahead.

After walking in this place for so long without seeing any living things, when he suddenly saw a living plant, Herage instinctively felt something was wrong.

This is a green broad-leaved plant, standing abruptly on the ground, with very broad leaves.

Herage was very knowledgeable, but he had never seen this kind of plant, and no relevant information could be found in Deep Blue's database.

From this point of view, this plant is probably a new species that grew in the polluted area and survived after adapting to the polluted environment.

The area near the plants is clean and tidy, with nothing there.

Herage frowned after noticing these details.

At the very top of the plant, there is an upright bud, which looks as if it will bloom at any time.


A crisp sound came, breaking the silence of the land.

The flower bud opened slightly and spit out a black water ball.

The black water ball quickly rose up, flew directly to the sky, and then shattered.

After the water ball shattered, the situation suddenly changed and dark clouds filled the sky.

A strong wind blew up, and raindrops fell from the sky.

"It's raining……"

Herage looked at the rainwater dripping from the sky, caught a drop with his finger, and found that the rainwater was pure black.

The heavy rain came so violently that in the blink of an eye there was calf-deep water on the ground.

Herage carefully observed the terrain of this place and discovered that it was a depression, with the green plant in the center of the depression.

The slope of this depression was so gentle that Herage did not realize that he was in a depression.

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