Wan Chai.

It was 8 o'clock in the morning.

After more than a day of preparation, Li Ying had already prepared all the"evidence". All of this"evidence" was against Liang Kun.

Ever since he decided to choose Liang Kun to take the blame, Li Ying began to prepare.

More than a day.

Witnesses, physical evidence, and he even secretly asked someone to"film" a surveillance video.

"This time, I don't think you can escape. Even if you find a good lawyer, under the overwhelming evidence, you, Liang Kun, will be skinned alive."

Li Ying didn't know.

He was originally unhappy with Liang Kun, and Liang Kun did a lot of bad things on weekdays, so he decided to make him the scapegoat.

But he never thought that Liang Kun was actually the mastermind behind the robbery of the gold shop.

At 8 o'clock in the morning,

Li Ying dispatched all the police officers of Wan Chai Police Station, a total of 120 people, to arrest Liang Kun.

"Mr. Li, I have found out that Liang Kun had dinner with Tsim Sha Tsui boss Gu Tianyu last night, and then rested in Tsim Sha Tsui. His target is the Tsim Sha Tsui Rich Man."

According to the information from the undercover agent who was assigned to Liang Kun,

Liang Kun is still in the Tsim Sha Tsui Rich Man.

"Tsim Sha Tsui, notify the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, we are going to arrest people, and ask for their assistance."

To arrest people across districts, you need to say hello to the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station. Li Ying personally called the Tsim Sha Tsui Police Station, and the other party said that they would definitely cooperate.


Li Ying led people to ambush at the door of the rich man.

Liang Kun gave Gu Tianyu the 10 million stolen goods yesterday, and he made a few million more.

He was in a good mood today.

"Gan Zitai, that jerk, died well, but Gu Tianyu, humph... wait until I become the leader of Hongxing, then I will settle the score with you."

After leaving the Rich Man, Liang Kun actually had a deep hatred for Gu Tianyu.

Last time, Gu Tianyu threatened him with a gun in front of his younger brother.

Although Liang Kun compromised, he was a vindictive person, and the temporary compromise was just a delaying tactic.

Sooner or later, he would settle this account with Gu Tianyu.

"Go back to Wan Chai."

Sitting in his Mercedes, Liang Kun prepared to go back to Wan Chai.

Suddenly, hundreds of armed policemen appeared from all directions.

"Liang Kun, I suspect you are involved in the Wan Chai gold shop robbery. You can keep silent, but every word you say will be used as evidence in court."

"Catch it……"

Li Ying took out the arrest warrant with a fake smile.

He thought to himself, I was ordered to frame you this time. If I want to get rid of the disaster, I must make you pay a heavy price.

At least I will blackmail you for tens of millions to increase the police station's operational funds.

Liang Kun's face turned pale.

"Damn, how did these cops know it was me who did it?"

Liang Kun was terrified. He couldn't understand how these cops knew it was him who robbed the gold shop.


Sai Wan.

In the conference room of the Hung Hing headquarters building.

Jiang Tiansheng asked all the bosses of Hung Hing to come to the meeting.

Xi'an is Chen Yao's territory and also the most important territory of Hung Hing. It is the place where Hung Hing made its fortune.

Hung Hing has the most industries in Xi'an.

Here is the headquarters building of Hung Hing.

Jiang Tiansheng earns more than 100 million yuan every year from the industries in Sai Wan.

There are twelve hall masters in Hung Hing, and Gan Zitai has been killed.

Ten of the remaining eleven hall masters are here.

Chen Yao, Big Brother B, Han Bin, Fatty Lai, Greyhound, Thirteenth Sister, Pretty Mom……

""Where's Liang Kun?"

When all the bosses arrived, Liang Kun was the only one missing.

Jiang Tiansheng looked very unhappy.

"Liang Kun? That bastard must have been caught by the police, haha……"

Big Brother B, who has always been at odds with Liang Kun, gloated over his misfortune and made malicious speculations.

Since he was young, when he was still a small leader, he had always disliked Liang Kun, and the two sides had fought countless times.

Later, both of them joined Hongxing and gradually became the leaders of the gang. They also fought many times. They fought openly and secretly.

Big Brother B wished that Liang Kun would die quickly.

"Ah Yao, call him... Do you still take me, the boss, seriously?"

Liang Kun has always been hypocritical to Jiang Tiansheng.

Every year, he always pays the least.

He always says that he doesn't make money, and that he will lose tens of millions this year and tens of millions next year.

But among the twelve gangs of Hongxing, Liang Kun is the one who makes the most money.

He also has the most subordinates and the most industries.

Jiang Tiansheng has long been dissatisfied with this traitor.

Now that he has notified him of a meeting, Liang Kun will not come. What is he trying to do? Is he going to rebel against the society?

Chen Yao also frowned, thinking that Liang Kun should not embarrass Jiang Tiansheng at this time.

Although he knew very well that Liang Kun had been dissatisfied with Jiang Tiansheng for more than a day or two, everyone seemed to be very friendly.

Liang Kun was not an ignorant person.

He always came on time when Jiang Tiansheng notified him of a meeting.

Today, everyone else had arrived, but he hadn't come yet. Something was wrong.


Chen Yao went to make a phone call and called Liang Kun.

In this era, mobile phones had not yet appeared. If you wanted to contact someone, you had to use a landline, a barcode reader, or a pager.

Chen Yao first called Liang Kun's company.

Unexpectedly, the call was answered.

"Brother Yao... This is Abao." The person who answered the phone was Abao, Liang Kun's confidant.

Chen Yao knew Abao, frowned and asked:"Where is Abao? Mr. Jiang notified the boss to have a meeting, and he hasn't come yet."

Abao on the other side seemed very angry when he heard this:"Brother Yao, it's not that Brother Kun doesn't want to go, he was arrested by the Wan Chai Police Station. Those damn cops slandered Brother Kun as the mastermind behind the robbery of the Wan Chai gold shop a few days ago."

"They also fabricated a lot of false evidence to frame Brother Kun. I am now looking for the best lawyer to sue the police."

A Bao seemed very angry.

Chen Yao was stunned when he heard this.

"What is Wan Chai Police Station going to do?"

"I understand."

After hanging up the phone, he didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Liang Kun was unlucky. The robbery of the gold shop in Wan Chai shocked the whole of Hong Kong. It was said that the police chief was personally concerned about it.

It might be that the chief asked the Wan Chai Police Station to solve the case as soon as possible.

But they couldn't find the robber there.

So they thought of finding a member of a gang as a scapegoat.


Liang Kun was used as a scapegoat by this gang.

As for the evidence.

The police did this kind of thing more than once or twice.

They must have been fully prepared to catch Liang Kun.

Chen Yao returned to the conference room and whispered the story to Jiang Tiansheng.


Jiang Tiansheng looked surprised. How unlucky was Liang Kun to be caught as a scapegoat by the Wan Chai Police Station.

However, when Jiang Tiansheng heard that Liang Kun was unlucky, his first thought was actually happy.

Very happy.

If the atmosphere was not inappropriate, he would have wanted to applaud and give Liang Kun two words: He deserved it. For a boss to have such thoughts about his subordinates, it can be seen how dissatisfied Jiang Tiansheng was with Liang Kun on weekdays.

"Since A Kun is not coming, let's hold a meeting ourselves."

He was arrested and had to take the blame.

He definitely can't come.

Jiang Tiansheng didn't care. It was just right that you, A Kun, didn't come.

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