However, due to the limitations of the Wagtail game, Mei Zai is not yet able to become a feather. Song also has a considerable understanding of Mei Zai's affairs. Coupled with the deciphering of the artifact, she knows many things that ordinary Wagtails do not know. Levi and Meiya also know more about their plans than the other girls.

Mei Zai gently opened her clothes, and the phone disappeared among the mountains.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "I will return the phone to you later. I want to copy the pictures to my phone and use it as my desktop."

Song showed an "I understand" smile. Seeing that there was nothing exciting to watch, the girls dispersed one by one.

Levi came to Matsuwa Miya, who was still in the living room, and said, "I'm going to renovate the beach area, expand it, and create a carnival park. Do you have any suggestions?"

When the two of them heard Levi's words, their eyes lit up instantly. Girls don't have much resistance to such fun.

Chapter. Current situation of Fenghua

At this time, Fenghua, who was wandering in Europe, was on the road to escape in embarrassment.

At this time, she no longer had the same coolness as before, and was quite embarrassed when being chased. She didn't even dare to go to crowded places for fear of being found.

This is already the fourth day that she has been hunted. As a single-digit number of Wagtails and a member of the first-generation punishment team, Fenghua's strength is at the top of all Wagtails, and even She was able to personally challenge the current punishment team in a short period of time without falling behind, and she was able to do so that no one could keep her if she wanted to leave.

However, with such strength, she is now being chased like a vagabond. She can only briefly camp in various sparsely populated places. She cannot rest for long before she has to flee again.

At this time, Fenghua was staying in a relatively remote mountain village. The scenery here was quite beautiful and it was a good place to travel. But now she did not dare to show up in front of the local residents and could only hide on a farm. In the warehouse, he used his own special power to heal the injuries caused by the previous battle.

"It's really troublesome. That snake organization has their people everywhere. I ran from Hetalia Road to Denmark, but I couldn't get rid of their tracking. Do they have power throughout Europe?" Fenghua asked herself Wrapped in gauze, the wound was slightly painful, which forced her to distract herself with complaints to make herself bear the pain.

Most wagtails have the physical fitness of a small superman, but this does not mean that wagtails will not be injured and will not feel pain after being injured. Although the wagtail possesses all kinds of magical powers, it has not yet escaped the shackles of carbon-based organisms. Therefore, after being injured, it will take enough time to recover like ordinary people. However, the wagtail's self-healing ability is quite strong. , as long as they are not non-fatal injuries, most wounds can heal quickly on their own. It is precisely because of this that Fenghua does not have to look for hospitals everywhere, which allows her to better hide her whereabouts.

"I have participated in the Battle of God's Island after all, and I have also competed head-on with multinational coalition forces. Now I know the military strength of all the major powers in the world. The strength of the combatants of that snake organization is simply incredible. , is too strong to be scientific. How does such a mysterious organization with ulterior motives hide itself? In other words, does this mysterious organization cooperate with powerful people or big countries? Otherwise, it would be difficult for an organization like this to hide its existence. of."

Fenghua leaned against the wooden wall. She was now hiding among the haystacks on the roof of the warehouse. The haystacks could provide considerable warmth, which kept her from feeling cold at night. Fortunately, the warehouse's floor and There was some food stored in the basement. Although the quantity was not large, it was enough for her to live here for a week.

She didn't plan to stay here for too long. After all, she didn't want to implicate the people in this village. The people of the Snake Organization were extremely frantic. In order to capture her, they started fighting on the street. The battle between the two sides was also Many unlucky ordinary people were involved, so that in the past few days, you can see news related to it on TV every day.

The arrogant arrogance of the Snake Organization made Fenghua guess in her heart that Europe is likely to be the opponent's base camp. She is now acting under the eyes of the opponent. If she continues like this, sooner or later she will be exhausted from the endless hunting, and then Captured by the opponent.

Fenghua knows that there are many people who are spying on Wagtail's power. It is estimated that the people behind the Snake Organization have the same idea as the people behind the previous multinational coalition forces. All the combatants of the Snake Organization are semi-mechanized transformations, and their strength is very powerful. Although powerful, Fenghua speculated that there should be some kind of problem with these semi-mechanized transformed humans. Therefore, the people behind the snake organization wanted to capture the wagtails and gain new powers by studying the wagtails' power, or perhaps achieve other purposes. But no matter what the situation is, it is not a good thing for her personally, so she must find a way to escape Europe, return to Asia as soon as possible, return to Neon, and return to the sphere of influence controlled by MBI.

Fenghua didn't know what happened to Neon during this period. She only knew that the Wagtail Game had started. If she went back at this time, she would easily be involved in the game. However, being involved in the game was better than losing her life, so she had made up her mind to find an opportunity to sneak into the airport secretly, and hide in the landing gear compartment of the passenger plane by hitching a ride. , sneaking back to Neon in this way.

Hiding secretly in the landing gear compartment is something ordinary people cannot do. If you don't fall to death, you will freeze to death. The dark environment will also have an extremely negative impact on the hearts of ordinary people.

However, Fenghua, as an extraordinary individual whose physical fitness is far superior to that of ordinary people, not only has the power to control the flow of air, but her own physical fitness is not better than that of those flesh-based wagtails who specialize in physical fitness. Difference.

Fenghua is a typical "double practitioner of magic and martial arts", and she has considerable attainments in both paths. After all, she is a member of the first-generation punishment team. In the first-generation punishment team, apart from Song's relatively poor frontal combat effectiveness, The other people, some of them, have the power to form an army. Single-handedly annihilating an elite modern army equipped with various armored weapons and heavy weapons is just like playing tricks.

Fenghua thought of her experience in the Punishment Team. She thought of her captain Mei Ya, who is the real strong man who can change the world with his personal power. He is simply Godzilla in human skin. In the true sense, he has The existence of terrifying power that can destroy people and destroy countries.

Fenghua thought that even if she returned to Neon, it might not be absolutely safe, but if she stayed at Izumo Village, there would definitely be no need to consider safety issues. Although the cyborgs of the Snake Organization are very strong and can even force her into a desperate situation with a few people on board, such strength is not enough compared to Mei Zai. Mei Zai only needs to move her fingers. Being able to crush a semi-mechanized human being, she knew quite well about Mei Zai's strength, so she was convinced that Mei Zai could do such a thing.

Fenghua suddenly felt a bad feeling in her heart. This intuition had saved her several times. She knew that this meant that the members of the Snake Organization had arrived nearby and were probably searching for her everywhere.

"Damn it! Those mad dogs won't give me any time to breathe. If this continues, I won't be able to recover from my injuries. It seems I can only leave here as soon as possible..." Fenghua began to collect various things into herself Among the mountaineering bags, this mountaineering bag helped her a lot during her escape journey. It could carry all kinds of things for survival, so that she would not live like a savage.

Chapter 4. Victory Escape

Although her body was still injured, Fenghua's agility remained undiminished and she quickly slid down the stairs. In order to save her physical strength and energy for the possible battle that would follow, she did not use her body as she usually did. He has the ability to control the airflow to support his descent, but relies purely on physical strength.

She didn't know if there would be a fight next, but no matter what, it was always a good thing to save energy, especially now that the energy in her body was probably less than %, which made her feel very insecure, so she tried not to use her abilities as much as possible.

When Fenghua sneaked into this warehouse, she had already conducted reconnaissance and remembered very clearly the places where various objects were placed in the warehouse. The long period of traveling around allowed her to hone her personal abilities. Therefore, she is far more mature than other wagtails. She is able to remain calm in the face of danger as she is now. She can also collect objects in an orderly manner to prepare for the next escape.

Fenghua came to the place where food was stored and quickly put various cans into her backpack. In a relatively remote village like this, it would take half an hour to drive to the nearest city, so the villagers here , all have the habit of hoarding food in the warehouse, and this habit now makes Fenghua cheaper, allowing her to easily find food that can satisfy her hunger.

After stuffing seven cans of meat into the backpack and taking two bottles of wine, Fenghua decisively zipped up the backpack, carried it on her back, and quickly left the warehouse.

When she came outside the warehouse, she used her ability to use the friction between airflows to create a transparent airflow shield with a certain degree of optical invisibility. The defensive ability of this airflow shield is very poor. Even bullets from small-caliber pistols can easily penetrate it, but it can provide a certain degree of optical invisibility. The benefits brought by this ability are very cost-effective.

The residents of the small village did not realize that not far away from them, a vague figure was moving quickly.

At the back door of the transfer manor on Fenghua Road, he saw a pickup truck parked at the back door. The driver had gotten out of the car, carrying two boxes of wine, and walked towards the manor with some difficulty. Fenghua took a look and saw that the key to the pickup truck was still in the car, which was an advantage for her. Fenghua took out a small gold bar from her backpack, threw it at the back door of the manor, and slipped into the driver's seat of the pickup truck. After entering the cabin, starting the car, stepping on the accelerator, the pickup truck jumped out in an instant with the dull and powerful roar of the diesel engine, like a charging bison.

Hearing the sound of the pickup truck, the villagers who were transporting wine were startled. The wine box in their hands fell directly to the ground. Many wine bottles inside made a sharp crunching sound, and it seemed that many of them were broken.

"Hey! Damn thief! My car¨"!

The villagers cursed. He was a bit fat and his running speed was not very fast. When he rushed to the back door, the pickup truck had disappeared from his sight.

He lowered his head and saw a shiny strange thing at his feet. He squatted down curiously and looked at the strange thing. The more he looked at it, the weirder his expression became.

The villager picked up the gold bar on the ground and opened it. On the back of the cash bar, there was a weight mark and a purity identification table. He bit it with his teeth and found that it was a real thing. His angry expression immediately turned into joy.

"Ha! That must be a noble man who is in a hurry to use a car. That old and shabby car is not worth such a huge sum of money. No, I have to make sure it is real gold. If it is fake, then I will lose money. Damn it, my pickup truck was taken away. I have to ride a motorcycle to the gold store for appraisal. I have to put on a leather jacket! It’s getting dark and the temperature is about to start to cool down..."

The villagers returned to the manor chattering, preparing to go to the city to identify whether the windfall was real. As for Fenghua, she was already driving on her way to the airport.

On the country road, Fenghua held the steering wheel with one hand and put the other hand on the car window. Country rock music with a little noise came from the old radio station. Fenghua nodded to the rhythm of the music and played The hand on the car window knocked on the car door to the rhythm of the music.

"Very good. I no longer feel threatened. Leaving is indeed the right thing to do. However, I can't waste time. I still have to get back to Neon as soon as possible. Europe is most likely the base camp on the other side. Although I don’t know why the other party has tolerated it for so many years, it is obvious that the other party is really getting up now. If this continues, I will be the unlucky one."

"However, the so-called Snake Organization did not rush to attack me before, and it is possible that it lacked combat power. Maybe that kind of semi-mechanical human transformation is a new weapon that was born with recent technological breakthroughs. There is no such thing that can be used in certain situations. Compared to the wagtail's strength, they don't dare to do it rashly, maybe this is the truth of the matter."

"Forget it, all this is just my guess. What I have to do now is to arrive at Izumo Manor safely."

Fenghua often travels around Europe, so she is relatively familiar with routes. The old pickup truck does not have satellite navigation, but she still successfully arrived at her destination, Massolar International Airport.

Using her abilities, she sneaked into the airport secretly. The airport's security measures were adequate to protect against ordinary people. Even if the special forces of the regular army wanted to sneak in here unknowingly, it would be difficult. However, Fenghua is a wagtail with extraordinary power, and as a single-digit number, she is one of the earliest individuals to awaken. After more than ten years of training, she has fully utilized her abilities, and wants to It is very simple for her to sneak into the airport without anyone noticing.

Fenghua, who was sitting on the ceiling of the terminal hall, had already found a flight that she could hitch a ride on. After determining the target, she hid and waited patiently.

In order to prevent her whereabouts from being exposed, all electronic items on her body were turned off. Even the phone cards that could be easily located were removed and crushed. Now the only thing left on her body that can tell time is a purely mechanical watch.

Fenghua waited until two in the morning. After eating three cans and drinking a bottle of wine, she finally waited for her hitchhiking flight. After hearing the boarding prompt, she took a small path into the airport runway area and found the passenger plane bound for Neon. When no one was there, she didn't even wait in the landing gear area and went straight to the luggage compartment to find it. The place became catty.

Fenghua watched the staff put all kinds of luggage into the luggage compartment, and she felt calm inside. She did not feel the feeling of threat, which meant that the people from the Snake Organization had not chased them to the airport yet, which made her relieved. She took a breath, and at the same time, because she was being hunted and had not had a good rest for several days, she also felt tired, and her upper and lower eyelids began to fight.

Chapter 4. The road ahead

After several days of high-intensity fighting and escaping, Fenghua, as a wagtail, could withstand it physically, but her spirit could not. Her mental state had deteriorated to the extreme. After making sure that she would not be discovered, , and fell into a deep sleep.

What Fenghua didn't know was that the Snake Organization had already made preparations to intercept her in the Eastern Capital, and her escape route had always been under Li Wei's control.

As the mastermind behind the scenes, Levi controlled his puppet clones and released them during the battle. Fenghua's strength is indeed pretty good, at least according to Wagtail's standards. But in the view of Li Wei, who is a Qi Refiner, this kind of strength can only be so much.

If it is Li Wei who is just starting out, in this world, he cannot take advantage of Wagtail. The upper limit of Qi Refiner is high, but the lower limit is low in the starting period. The novice period can be said to be very difficult, Li Wei It is a special case, taking advantage of the practice, relying on the characteristics of being able to improve one's cultivation with female fellow practitioners with luck and quality, and quickly passed the relatively fragile novice period, and the wave was born.

If it were a normal Qigong practitioner, just the step of building the foundation would take decades, and it would take time and effort. The price of a high upper limit is a high threshold. The vast majority of mortal cultivators with poor talent will run out of life and die before they can complete the foundation building. This is the norm in the cultivation world. People like Li Wei belong to Alternative alternative.

It is precisely because it is too difficult for a Qi Refiner to build a foundation that there will be successively simplified versions of the way to cultivate immortality, fighting against various hidden dangers to lower the threshold. Although you will face various problems and disasters during cultivation, Continuously, but being able to get started and build a foundation, at least you have a chance to fight, unlike orthodox qi refining, which most people don't even give a chance.

Now Li Wei has been raised up after experiencing several worlds. If other cultivators do not have a chance encounter, if they want to cultivate to Li Wei's current level of cultivation, seven thousand years of cultivation time is the most basic preparation. end.

Relying on the characteristics of the exercises and the advantage of not lacking fellow practitioners, Li Wei only took a few years to complete the journey that others took thousands of years to complete. Now Li Wei has also determined his own strength. Feeling confident.

In the first three world periods, Li Wei met the top-notch Wagtail, and it took a lot of effort to deal with the opponent, but now, he can just kill them indiscriminately.

Putting Fenghua's strength on the floating island, she actually belongs to a relatively mediocre echelon. Non-combatants such as Eri Riri and Kasumigaoka Shiu who were fished out from the world of passerby heroines are now far stronger than Above the wind and flowers.

And if it were Rias and others fished out from the DXD world of Devil High School, they would be even more powerful than Fenghua. After all, their starting points were much higher. Coupled with the progress of fellow students brought about by Levi's favor, Rias The strength of Si and others is considered to be in the second echelon among Li Wei's friends.

Even Mizuya, who Matsu jokingly calls "Humanoid Godzilla", is just lower than the big devil according to the strength evaluation system of Devil's High School DXD. In the world of Devil's High School DXD, it is difficult to even protect himself. However, the world is different. In the world of Wagtail Goddess, Mei Zai is the "Demon King" who can destroy the world by himself.

However, Levi's evaluation of the girls around him, such as strength, was not within the scope of his evaluation at all, because he never thought about letting his partners fight. Letting them gain strength is just to give them the power to protect themselves, and at the same time, it can serve as an "energy storage device" to allow him to "explode" at critical moments.

"Huangdi Shengjing" is very magical and can derive a large number of magical powers. This ability to use partners as energy storage batteries is one of the magical powers derived from the technique. This allows Li Wei to face powerful enemies. Sometimes, you can have a higher error tolerance rate, and even play three-stage transformation, and you will be killed by the opponent, and you will have several opportunities to start over.

Li Wei thinks this is very interesting. Rahu, the ancestor of Shura in the Honghuangliu novel, has the characteristics of immortality and is extremely difficult to completely eliminate. And he also has such a growth trend now. As long as his partners are okay and can continue to provide him with energy feedback, even if he is killed, he can quickly resurrect with the help of his partners and choose to fight back or escape far away. Have the initiative to decide whether to fight or flee.

But even if Li Wei has such an ability, he doesn't dare to waste it. He is cautious by nature and is ready to continue to expand his harem. Only by ensuring that he can at least have the ability to quickly resurrect ten times guaranteed can he feel at ease.

Especially in the future, he will enter some worlds with mythological or fairy tale backgrounds. These worlds are very deep, and there is a possibility of overturning if you are not careful. Therefore, the stronger the resurrection ability, the better. In this way, even if he encounters an invincible enemy Even when you are a monster-level warrior, you can still guarantee that you can run away.

Now, the growth of Li Wei's strength mainly depends on three paths. The first is his own cultivation. To be honest, the efficiency of pure cultivation in "Huangdi Shengjing" is really not very good. Compared with the same level of exercises, it is at the bottom.

The third is the "mainstream" that Li Wei is now taking, traveling through different worlds, bringing those girls who are charming, strong-willed, and lucky into the big family to achieve a win-win situation. If he improves his cultivation level, the girls can also live a good life. Various benefits, including eternal youth and longevity, are enough to attract those girls.

The third is the simplest, crudest and cruelest route, alchemy. The raw materials for alchemy are powerful beings from various worlds. In this way, the efficiency can even surpass that of fellow practitioners. Therefore, when he sees those powerful people from other worlds, Li Wei's eyes will shine. But they are all good medicinal materials!

Levi is a patient person and knows that he can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so he is not in a hurry to go to those relatively powerful immortals or mythical worlds. Even if he really wants to go, he will just find some relatively weak ones, at least to see them. In the low-level mythology or low-level fairy world that is not that deep, he should first practice his skills. After he is familiar with the laws of this kind of world and his own hard power has reached the standard, he can then set off.

Levi plans to go to the Naruto world. In addition to the large number of high-quality girls there, there is another important reason, and that is the tailed beasts and the Otsutsuki clan.

Regardless of whether it is a tailed beast or an Otsutsuki clan, they are all good medicinal materials in Levi's opinion. alien? Can it be used as medicine? In Li Wei's opinion, it has the same properties as ginseng, deer antler, leech and centipede, so he can be killed without any psychological burden.

Chapter 4. Return of Fenghua

The violent vibration made Fenghua wake up from her sleep. In the dull luggage compartment, she could clearly feel the constant vibration. Fenghua knew that this should be the plane landing on the runway. This meant that she had successfully arrived at Neon, which made her relieved.

Fenghua did not completely relax. She had always been a vigilant person. The other party had huge power in Europe, but maybe the same was true in Asia.

The opposite side was coming for Wagtail, so it was impossible for the people from the Snake Organization not to deploy manpower at Neon. This meant that she was not in an absolutely safe state until she arrived at Izumo Manor.

After wandering outside for a long time, Fenghua is not as vigilant as those young wagtails. If she lacked vigilance, she would not be able to run around outside. After all, her appearance is too attractive. , just like the heroine Marina Scodia in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", she can attract a large number of male eyes no matter where she goes.

Fenghua has a tall and plump figure, full of voluptuousness and the beauty of slender lines. She has a European bone structure, but an Asian skin. In other words, her facial lines are three-dimensional but soft, plus that Her pair of charming and story-telling eyes, with her long eyelashes trembling slightly, can make the heart of a man who sees her quicken.

Such beauty, while bringing her everyone's attention, also inevitably brought a lot of trouble. There were countless women who were jealous of her beauty and men who snooped on her body. If she hadn't mastered the extraordinary power, if she was just a beautiful ordinary girl, then the ending waiting for her would be like the heroine Malena in "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily", swallowed by the darkness of human nature. .

Over the years of traveling abroad, Fenghua has killed many men who have done evil things to her. At the same time, she has not let go of women who did stupid things out of jealousy, because she is cautious enough and knows how to eradicate them.

"Finally... I'm back home, but now my mood has completely changed, and my heart has also changed. The immature me before, to be honest, is really ridiculous." Although Fenghua can't see what's going on outside. She could only see the swaying pile of luggage clearly with the dim lights in the luggage compartment, but her mood also became cheerful.

Fenghua took out her mechanical watch and looked at the time. Thirteen hours had passed. The direct flight from Europe to Neon could be said to have spanned half of the world. It took such a long time. Normal things.

"Huh... I didn't expect that I would sleep for such a long time." Fenghua also didn't expect that she would sleep until now, sleeping for more than ten hours.


At this time, Levi was strolling on the street. Next to him was the purple beauty dressed in traditional kimono and wearing wooden geta on her petite feet. She was the landlord of Izumo Village. She was beautiful.

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