The inferiority complex at the core of this country, which was not even founded justly, makes them like a stick country, constantly putting gold on their faces. The Bangzi Kingdom is limited by its own strength and will only become a clown every time. But Amei, you see, as the most powerful country in the world, it has the power to endorse its actions. When it is strong enough, it is completely You can confuse right and wrong and refer to a deer as a horse. Even if other people knew what was going on, they could only agree with a smile. After all, the one with the biggest fist is the uncle.

The power of the wagtail will inevitably arouse the prying eyes of the powerful people in North America. In the invasion of Kamiza Island, the multinational coalition paid a heavy price with the entire fleet annihilated. However, the powerful people healed their scars and forgot about the pain. Yes, they were not the ones who died anyway, so they planned several more operations against MBI. Although the scale was not large, they were very disgusting every time.

Even if Levi does not stand for MBI, he still feels that those powerful people in Europe and the United States are really indifferent and can do anything to those cute girls. They are really worse than animals. Therefore, if he didn't ask "How many floors does a bag of rice need to be carried" before leaving, Levi would not be able to eliminate his inner dissatisfaction. Anyway, this is not the real world, so it doesn't matter even if he is spoiled.

After all, Li Wei is also a noble Qi practitioner, and what he practices is to have clear thoughts. If the other person is not allowed to feel the pain, he will not have clear thoughts. This unpleasant feeling is very detrimental to the practitioner. , so you have to let it out when it’s time to let it out.

Song looked at Li Wei's serious expression and said with some surprise: "This is the first time I've seen such a serious expression on your face, Li Weijun. Have you thought of something?"

Levi smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's just that when people leave this world, there are some small things that need to be finished."

Song said: "You can discuss anything with us. It is said that one person is short-sighted and three people are wise. If you discuss with more than one person, you can have more ideas."

Li Wei smiled and said, "I will discuss important matters with you."


After Li Wei left, within two days, AGN came out with the news that a new commander-in-chief had been selected. As for Bing'equan, no one knew his whereabouts, and there was no public news released by AGN to the outside world. When it comes to Bing'equan, everyone seems to have forgotten about him.

In fact, Bing'equan has been living a life worse than death these days. If there were not two loyal wagtails protecting him, his fate would not be as simple as being dismissed.

After losing the reed bud factor and being unable to become a wagtail, Bing'equan would not be as depressed as it is now if it were just like this. The key is that now his body has collapsed and he is no longer able to fulfill his ability as commander-in-chief. In addition, many of his originally fledged wagtails have gone away, leaving only two loyal ones still protecting him. His own intimidation His strength is no longer as strong as before.

It is precisely because of this that AGN easily passed the removal procedure and re-elected a commander-in-chief, Bing'equan's cousin. Compared with him, his ability is inferior, but not too much. Although he is not Wei Ya, he has a healthy body that Bing'equan does not have now.

After Bing'equan was thrown into the cold palace, if it weren't for the two wagtails protecting him, he would have been pushed down by everyone. But the current situation is not much better. Hing'equan is seriously ill but cannot die. His own faction has completely collapsed. Even his secretary Kakizaki has left him.

For a force that is purely based on profit, when the person who can bring benefits falls, the entire force will soon fall apart. Bing'equan has worked hard for more than ten years and is back to before liberation.

Chapter. The new wagtail

A few days later, Levi gathered a few more wagtails. After there were no strong competitors, Levi was like putting a sack at the door of MBI. As long as it was the wagtail he wanted, he would If you can strike before others, you can get the moon first by approaching the building.

Yu Guangren was also aware of this situation, but he could do nothing about it. After all, Li Wei had the advantage in force. In order for his plan to proceed smoothly, he could only endure Li Wei's pressing step by step.

The appearance of Li Wei completely disrupted the Yu Guang people's layout. If Li Wei had no physical force, Yu Guang people would have sent out the punishment team to directly eliminate Li Wei from the physical level.

Yu Guangren's original plan for the progress of the game was that no matter where he went, he would never be absolutely dominant. But now, Li Wei has eliminated the eastern and southern forces, leaving only the western one. The forces are still holding the backbone alone. But the Yuguang people know very well that the western power is also a fragile glass for Li Wei, and it will break if touched. So what the Yuguang people can do now is to satisfy Li Wei's requirements in a subtle way, while reducing the intensity of the game as much as possible. It is possible to display more reed buds.

On this matter, Li Wei and Yu Guangren still had a tacit understanding, or it could be said that Li Wei, with his unilateral intelligence advantage, turned a blind eye to Yu Guangren's small actions. After all, he had already acquired the wagtails he wanted to acquire, and he wasn't that interested in the remaining relatively inferior individuals.

Not every research institute is so gentle in adjusting the wagtails, so some research institutes relax control over the wagtails’ mental state in order to catch up with the schedule. Therefore, these wagtails that cut corners and adjust to the schedule, or There are more or less mental problems, which is unacceptable to Levi. He cannot tolerate such unstable factors around him and poses a potential threat to other girls around him.

Levi, who had been waiting for a long time, finally received good news. One of the remaining important targets he had in mind, No. Luhuo, had been adjusted and was now on its way to the MBI headquarters building. As long as the final review is completed, Luhuo will be released and become a free, ownerless wagtail, waiting for someone to find her.

During this period of time, Levi has been contracting with different wagtails intermittently. It can be said that Levi has rich experience in how to attack these girls. Any wagtail with no mental problems would be better to conquer than a human girl, because wagtails are always simpler than human girls.

Here in Neon, both men and women already know everything at the age of ten. However, because the wagtails grew up in a research institute, they don’t have many opportunities to contact the society. Most of them just go through The Internet is learning about the outside world, so when facing people from the outside world, they are simple and easy to suffer.

During this period, some of the wagtails in Levi's guide were deceived and almost kidnapped. Then Levi jumped out at the right time and a very simple hero came to save the beauty. Completed the walkthrough.

He did not arrange for people to act, but because the wagtail did not know how to refuse others, he was deceived and drank a drugged drink. Although the wagtail's physical ability far exceeds that of humans, it is still a carbon-based life form after all. A large dose of drug can also have an effect on the wagtail. Levi appears at the critical moment and saves this gullible and hapless wagtail.

This unlucky guy is No. Dannan, a girl with long curly blond hair, wearing a black and white dress, tall and voluptuous but with a baby face, and a contradictory beauty that gives off a feeling of innocence. She also appeared in the anime, but she did not show her strength and was eliminated in the fourth stage of the game. Now, because the plot has been completely changed, she met Levi and became Levi's Wagtail.

The living room was very lively at this time, and the girls' fights were very eye-catching, so Levi did not ask them to quiet down.

The living room has undergone a slight renovation. After being expanded using space expansion technology, everyone can do what they like in the living room. Just like now, Mei Zai is sitting on a small bench, holding skewered cod in one hand. He held a small fan in his other hand and kept fanning the air inlet under the oven. The scent of cod filled the entire room, making Levi a little greedy.

Dannan came to Mei Zai's side out of curiosity and took a small bench to sit down. He supported his chin with his hands and looked at the cod being grilled.

"It smells delicious." Dannan said softly.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "Because it is the top quality ingredients, and there are all kinds of complete ingredients, it is very fragrant. Well, grilling this skewer for another two or three minutes is enough."

Mei Zai looked at Dan Nan's longing eyes and knew that this innocent yet cunning girl must have wanted to eat grilled cod, but she didn't want to move, so she said this on purpose.

Mei Zai opened the lid next to it, and the rich smell of cod came out. The tray under the lid is a magic weapon that can keep food warm and fresh. Levi is a person who pays great attention to the quality of life, so he continued to eat during this period. Various magical instruments that can improve the quality of life have been produced. Various tableware that can be kept fresh and kept warm are his favorite works.

On the tray, there are a dozen grilled cod fish skewers. Each grilled fish skewer weighs four kilograms, and the seasonings have been sprinkled on them. The fresh fragrance of the cod fish itself, as well as the aroma of various spices, Mixed together, it exploded like a bomb.

Mei Zai smiled and said: "`. Everyone has a share, so just take it with confidence."

Mei Zai has always put herself in the position of parent and sister, so when facing other wagtails, as long as they are not mentally ill and can reason with others, she is willing to pay her attention.

Dannan excitedly grabbed a large cod fish skewer, put it under his nose, and smelled the scent vigorously. Wagtails are particularly big eaters. Grilled cod on a skewer is enough to fill up an adult man, but for the wagtails, this amount is nothing more than an after-dinner snack.

Dannan looked at Mei Zai and said, "Master Landlady, don't you find it troublesome to do such a thing? Didn't Master Levi provide us with such things as gourmet tablecloths?"

Mei Zai smiled and said: "Life always needs a sense of ritual. Cooking is a ritual of life. It can let me know that I am a living person. If I am lazy every time and use gourmet tablecloths to cope with it, I will I gradually became paralyzed. So, when I have nothing to do, I will make some barbecue or fish. Anyway, there are various convenient props, and the baked goods can be kept for a long time."

Dannan tilted his head and said, "I don't understand. As for me, I can eat all kinds of delicious food without having to cook by myself. I am very satisfied with this kind of life."

Mei Zai just smiled. Dannan was too young. Compared with her, she had a lot less experience and didn't know the importance of finding something for herself in life. As the Wagtail Queen, she is able to maintain her humanity in reincarnations again and again, relying on these details of life. Only with enough humanity can she offset the negative state of divinity.

Chapter. Immortal Seeds and Comics

Mei Zai is a being who has witnessed the development of human history. She has lived for too long. She has witnessed the rise and decline of countries and nations, the conflicts between civilizations, and even the grievances and hatreds between individuals. Have seen too much.

But after living for such a long time, she can still maintain an almost girl-like mentality, that is, she should pay attention to various details in life and fill her life with a sense of fun and ritual. It is this kind of mentality that Only then was she able to resist the ravages of time, and in the age of constant growth, she was still able to communicate with young people on an equal and friendly basis, unlike some immortal species that became more stubborn the longer they lived.

Mei Zai, as the wagtail queen whose strength far exceeds that of ordinary wagtails, can see many things that others cannot detect, such as Levi's immortality.

Other wagtails have not yet realized that Li Wei is a very young immortal species. There is a difference in the concept of time between long-lived species and short-lived species. However, Levi is different from ordinary immortal species. While having immortality, he also had mobility that was not weaker than hers. This was what surprised her the most.

Looking at the girl in front of her who was biting a cod, Mei Zai had a smile on her face. The rise of a wagtail was very complicated, but her recovery this time was due to the fact that on the ship she was on, there were only a few individual wagtails on the ship. , most of them were clones of their predecessors. She had seen Dannan's prototype a long, long time ago, and she didn't know how many times she had played Wagtail games.

Dannan's prototype is a wagtail who is unsmiling and fierce. However, the current Dannan, with a face that seemed very familiar to Mei Zai, was not as cold as the prototype, but rather honest and silly. This situation made her sigh in her heart.

Mei Zai hopes that every wagtail can live happily like Dannan. However, we can only think about such things. In this year's wagtail game, some wagtails have gone astray and become like those ancient wagtails, irritable and extremely aggressive.

Mei Zai prefers to see optimistic wagtails like Uranium Girl and Dannan taking advantage of this time to enjoy life.

Dannan took a big bite of a piece of fish meat, and his cheeks were bulging like a hamster. Although the body structure of the wagtails looks like humans, they are not humans, but intelligent alien life forms that are far more powerful than humans. Therefore, it is very difficult for humans to stuff a large amount of food into their mouths, and then slowly chew the food like a hamster, but it is very simple for wagtails.

In particular, wagtails can compress the energy absorbed into the body, so that the fat can store the most energy in the smallest volume. This characteristic allows every wagtail to have a good figure that humans envy, without having to worry about getting fat. The problem.

"How cunning! He actually ate cod meat secretly! I want to eat it too!"

The uranium girl suddenly appeared behind Dannan, like a big cat, hanging behind Dannan, leaning her head over the other party's shoulder, trying to bite the cod skewers.

"Eh?! The female senior is the most cunning, right? The cod skewers are clearly over there, why do you have to stare at mine?" Dannan said with bulging eyes and cute cheeks with baby fat.

The uranium girl had no consciousness of a sneak attack at all, and with a cat-like smile on her face, she said: "Other people's is the most delicious, and good things should be shared."

Dannan bent down slightly and shook slightly, shaking Uranium Girl down. Uranium Girl circled a few times in the air, touched the ground with her light toes, and even performed gymnastics landing movements.

Wagtails' strong physical fitness allows them to perform exaggerated movements that make gymnasts dizzy. If they go to the Olympics, they will have nothing to do with ordinary athletes.

The uranium girl was wearing a very homely one-piece plush pajamas, and with the hood on, she looked like a big rabbit.

The uranium girl has a very lively personality, but she also has the same hobbies as a little girl. She likes to collect all kinds of shiny stones. She also likes all kinds of furry dolls and plush one-piece pajamas that can be worn on the body.

Levi, who was sitting nearby reading comics, saw the uranium girl out of the corner of his eye. This girl had a very good figure. Even if she was wearing thick plush pajamas, she could still see the peaks of the mountains, which made him speechless unconsciously. , and looked over there a few more times.

Levi used a little illusion. From other people's perspective, he was reading a casual book, but in fact, he was reading the comic version of "Naruto".

The comic version is more streamlined than the animated version. For the animated version, in order to make up for the problem that Kishimoto's creation speed could not keep up, a lot of original content had to be created. Some of the content was very original and enriched Naruto's world view, but some of the original content was just trying to kill the audience. Go.

Therefore, Levi did not choose the animated version that was stinky, long, and frequently played with flashbacks, but chose a more refined comic version.

However, the translation of the comic version was done by a Hong Kong merchant from "Wan Chai", so the names of some characters are two versions of the names used in the mainland. If you have watched some of the animation and then read the comic, you may occasionally feel a little bit confused. Not used to it.

Now, Levi has seen the fortieth volume, the plot has reached the end of the Battle of Payne, and the film conference is about to be held.

When watching anime before, he only watched the beginning of Shippuden, and didn't continue reading the rest due to various reasons. Now he uses comics to make up for it, which is not bad, at least he can bypass the endless memory killing.

(Kishimoto is very good at drawing fighting scenes. This is his strength...)

Levi had communicated with Kishimoto on the Internet before. It was a coincidence that Levi drew a picture of Tsunade on the Internet, and ended up meeting a colleague. The two started chatting about this picture. Only then did Levi realize that his netizen friend was Kishimoto.

The astringent pictures he drew were actually praised by the original author. Thinking about this kind of thing, it feels ridiculous and funny.

Levi put down the comic and stretched. After reading the comic in one breath, I also had to carefully organize the plot. To be honest, it was more tiring than simply reading the comic. Ordinary fans read comics and read them as long as they were happy at the time. But Levi wanted to go to the Naruto world and open a crystal palace there, so he had to make sure that his plan would not go wrong. Questions are the answer. Right now, clarifying the plot is just preliminary work.

At this moment, the smell of fish meat came closer and closer. Yue Hai came over with two skewers of cod fish in his hand, skewering them himself and bringing skewers to Li Wei.


Levi took the cod fish skewers and took a bite. I have to say that the taste was no worse than the grilled cod fish skewers directly reflected on the gourmet tablecloth. Mei Zai was indeed very talented in cooking.

Yuehai said: "During this period, I feel that everyone is idle. I really hope to be able to work hard and exercise."

Li Wei said: "If there is any big move on our side, Yuguang people will panic again, so don't worry yet."

Yuehai said: "Well, it's up to you."

Yuehai now has full confidence in Wagtail Game. Even if she knows the inside story of the game, she has no fear in her heart now, because with Levi by her side, she is undefeated.

Chapter.Welcome new companions

Yue Hai said: "Sure enough, there is no way to end this now. I am already imagining life after the game is over. I don't know what the scene is like in your little world, Li Weijun."

Levi said: "I think you will like it. If you don't like it, I can transform the terrain specifically for you and build the house you want, no matter what style it is."

With an expression of surprise on Yuehai's face, she said, "Really? Is this okay?"

Levi said: "I don't even have any problem transforming the outside environment, and it's more than enough to transform my own little world. Even if you want to build a Garden of Babylon, I can do it for you."

Yuehai waved her hands quickly and said, "That's too exaggerated. There's no need to do that. My requirements are very low. It's enough to have a place where I can stay."

Yue Hai is not a greedy person. The perfect place for her to stay is a small hut in the mountains. It is quiet and the traffic is not too inconvenient. As long as these two points are met, she will be satisfied.

Through mind reading, Li Wei saw Yue Haixin's perfect cabin, and sighed inwardly that this girl's requirements were too low, which made him feel a little guilty for not building a beautiful and useful cabin for this girl. That is simply embarrassing as a Minecraft player.

Levi pointed his finger in the air, and a small translucent structure appeared in front of the two of them. The structure of the hut was very delicate, and because it was translucent, Yuehai could clearly see the internal structure of the hut.

"So cute! It looks so small!" Yuehai exclaimed in a small voice~.

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