Levi said: "Why did you get up so early today? Don't you want to sleep more?"

Haruhara Ayaka said with a smile: "I also wanted to sleep a little longer, but Nana hugged me too tightly and strangled me awake. That girl had a nightmare last night and ran to my room in the middle of the night. Anyway, I’m already awake and can’t fall back asleep, so I might as well make breakfast. I haven’t made breakfast for a while.”

Levi said: "Then I will just wait and eat today. Is today a traditional neon breakfast?"

Haruhara Ayaka stepped aside so that Levi could clearly see the dishes she was cooking, including seafood miso soup, grilled fish, soft assorted rice balls, and vinegared kombu that had been put on a plate. In addition to these traditional neon-style breakfasts, Haruhara Ayaka also adds hamburger meat and toast buns.

"It's a very rich breakfast. It's quite sufficient in terms of calories and nutrients. Caihua, you are really virtuous. With you by my side, I feel very happy." Li Wei said with a smile.


Chapter. Aihua’s complaints

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Li Weijun, leave the kitchen to me. It's still early now. You can do other things during this time. If nothing happens, it's good to watch TV."

Levi said: "Then I'll put the morning news on."

Haruhara Ayaka said: "That's okay. We haven't run out during this period. We are relatively slow to perceive changes in the external environment. It is also good to listen to the news from official channels. Although the official words cannot be fully believed, it is better than If you don’t know anything, it’s better to smear someone with two eyes.”

Now, Haruhara Ayaka's trust in Neon Official is already very low, because she has seen the incompetence of Neon Official. Neon Official can't solve the problem from the root at all, and can only use various methods to solve the problem. To whitewash the peace, other people's officials, even if they have a headache or a sore foot, they are still trying to find a way to solve the problem. But things are different for Neon officials. They cover their mouths when their heads hurt and when their feet hurt. As long as they don't scream, there's nothing wrong with them.

This kind of self-deception and deceptive response made Chunyuan Ayaka extremely disappointed with the neon official. However, she knew that she was just a commoner with a flat head and could not control the affairs of those upper-class gentlemen. All she could do was to grasp the situation. The happiness of getting started.

Her sister has returned to her, and the three female students in Chunyuanshuang are also obedient and sensible. In addition, she has met a good match like Li Wei. Except for Shiina Aki, a humanoid trash who is a bit annoying, she has no idea about her current life. Very satisfied.

Levi said: "Yes, it's quite deserted now. Let's listen to some news, and the house can be lively."

Chunyuan Ayaka noticed the details of Li Wei's words. When Li Wei said it, he used "home" to refer to Chunyuan Village, which showed that Li Wei had regarded this place as his home. Regarding Li Wei's attitude, her heart She was happy, after all, it meant that the relationship between her and Levi was getting closer.

Many times, small details can reveal important information. Haruhara Ayaka is a delicate girl, so the moment she heard Levi's words, she had already imagined a lot of warm pictures. In that moment, she He has even thought of the name of his and Levi's child.

The joy and sweetness in her heart made the movements of Chunyuan Ayaka's hands smoother, because she had hope for the future life. As long as Li Wei was by her side, she would not lose her expectations for the future.

Levi turned on the TV and switched the channel to the morning news. The morning news here in Neon is not as unified as in China. It belongs to each TV station and each TV station has its own characteristics, such as TEPCO, also known as Tokyo Metropolitan Television, which is widely circulated in the country and in the media, is a rather unique and strange one. This TV station is deeply crooked. No matter what serious content it contains, it will be turned into ghost material when it comes to TEPCO.

The Tokyo Metropolitan TV station in this world is as unruly as its peers in the real world. They all stick to their own personalities and broadcast according to their own program schedule no matter how the external environment changes. However, during this period, due to the chaos in Tokyo, Tokyo Metropolitan TV changed its broadcasting style and began to focus on broadcasting news related to chaos in Tokyo. Because of this, Tokyo Metropolitan TV has been warned several times. times.

However, Li Wei thought this kind of thing was very interesting, so he took action to protect Tokyo Metropolitan TV, and used puppet clones to intimidate some of the powerful people in Neon, telling them to mind their own business. If he wanted to keep Xiang Shang You have to know what to say and what not to say.

Of course, even training monkeys know that they have to give sweet dates by beating them with sticks, so Li Wei used the puppet clone to promise some benefits to those powerful people as sweet dates to appease them. Although most of these promises could not be fulfilled in the end, the powerful people did not know that. In addition, Li Wei showed absolute military superiority, and the powerful people in charge of the radio and television system were also very righteous, for their own interests. , decisively betrayed other powerful groups. It is precisely because of this that various sensitive contents broadcast on Tokyo Metropolitan TV can be finally broadcast and will not be checked halfway.

·Asking for flowers·· ·······

The benefits Levi gave to those powerful people were just the beginning, and they were enough to make those powerful people crazy. Again, only time in this world is fair to everyone, and no one can escape the harvest of death. And Levi gave those powerful people more time than ordinary people. It is precisely because of this that those powerful people in charge of the field of television and broadcasting would obey obediently, because Levi gave too much.

Of course, in Li Wei's own opinion, it was nothing more than helping a few old men to recuperate their bodies, making them look younger and able to live more than ten decades longer than their original life span. What he gave out, I think It's also very easy to take it back.


Chunyuan Ayaka brought the prepared breakfast to the long table in the dining room. She took off her apron and looked towards the living room. The sound of the TV was not too low. Even if she was standing in the dining room, she could hear it clearly. to the content of the news.

Ayaka Haruhara said: "Tokyo Metropolis TV Station is really afraid that the world will not be in chaos. It really dares to say anything to the outside world. Aren't they afraid of causing panic among ordinary people?"

From the perspective of ordinary people, Ayaka Haruhara is actually very confused about the current situation. If ordinary people don't know the truth, the existing order can be barely maintained, but there will always be some unlucky ordinary people who will be involved. Conflict. However, if the truth is completely disclosed, the entire social order in Tokyo will collapse. At the same time, some daring ordinary people will also try to create Qin's secret book, which will make the competition more intense and cause more conflicts. casualties.

Therefore, the current situation is a train problem for Neon officials. No matter how you choose, it will end up with a bad result. In the end, it depends on your own operation skills and how to minimize the impact of the bad result.

Levi said: "Tokyo Metropolis TV station is showing itself, and no one knows what they are going to do, but such news can still be broadcast now. It should be that there is disagreement within the powerful group, so the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Let the TV stations take advantage of the loopholes." Shi.

Chapter.The rescued girl

Ayaka Chunhara said: "Neon is a feudal country ruled by powerful people. It has continued from ancient times to the present, and there has been no internal change. I used to have hope for this country and its upper class, but after seeing more After that, I have tasted enough of their ugly behavior. The matter of Tokyo Metropolitan TV is probably another fight among the powerful, or the official wants to gradually open up this information. Now Tokyo Metropolitan TV His behavior is to stand in front of the official."

Li Wei wanted to complain in his heart. Haruhara Ayaka really looked up to the Neon official too much. The Neon official never thought of making the news public from the beginning to the end. For them, such a hot potato matter can only be kicked out of the ball. Find a scapegoat, wait until the news can no longer be concealed, push the scapegoat to the front desk, put all the responsibilities on this scapegoat, and then other powerful people will be "clean".

This kind of method can be said to be the usual method of Neon official. In the real world, Li Wei has experienced such things so many times that when he came to this world, he saw this familiar method. At this time, I felt a very strong sense of déjà vu.

Just like the neon officials in the real world, when they were discharging nuclear waste into the sea, they did not prepare anything for others. When the matter was revealed, they immediately bowed to Dafa and served. Smi Masai, red bean puree Smi Masai! This series of strange tricks made everyone unable to deal with it. Such a big thing can also be fooled by bowing, which shows how stupid Neon officials are.

Neon has never had politicians in the true sense, only profit-seeking politicians and powerful people who want to keep their own power. When such insects get together, what great things can be accomplished.

In Li Wei's view, Haruhara Ayaka's inference based on the existing information was already putting gold on the official face of Neon.

Of course, as the final insider, it was impossible for him to tell the story about Tokyo Metropolitan TV. Since Haruhara Ayaka had such a misunderstanding, let her continue to misunderstand.

Haruhara Ayaka showed a sighing expression and said: "Neon is like mud that can't hold up a wall. If this incident of Qin's secret book happened in the big red country across the sea, I think the officials on the other side would be there. Let's completely control the situation as soon as possible. Their ability to act is always very strong, and their official officials really treat ordinary people as human beings, instead of just protecting the interests of the powerful like Neon officials. That’s all.”

Li Wei smiled and said: "That is a matter of course. Every time there is a major disaster, my motherland will stage one miracle after another. So I am proud of my motherland and proud of my Yanhuang blood."

This is one of the few things that Levi would be proud of. It is true that darkness will always arise where the sun does not shine, but this does not negate the sunshine itself. Compared with other countries that are in ruins all over the world, Chongguo is already one of the few with a conscience.

Li Wei firmly believed that even if something like this happened in the real world now, and the place where it happened was Chongguo, the officials would do their best to control the situation as soon as possible, instead of messing things up like the Neon officials did.

The two of them sat in front of the TV. The long sand was as soft as lazy man's sand. Due to the weight of the sand, the two of them unknowingly got closer to each other and finally leaned against each other.

Neither of them said anything. The atmosphere in the room was a bit charming. Chunyuan Ayaka's mind was no longer on the TV. She could clearly feel the warmth brought by Levi. She could even hear her own heartbeat. Now Her heartbeat was obviously much faster.

Chunyuan Ayaka feels that she is unfortunate, but at the same time she is also lucky. She had a very beautiful childhood. Her childhood memories include her mother’s gentle smile, her father’s stern and heartfelt reprimands, the cabin in her hometown, the green mountains, the sound of wind chimes, and the watermelon sprinkled with salt. And grandma’s fat orange cat.

However, unfortunate things happened one after another, and she gradually lost one elder after another. When she recovered from her grief, she found that only a young sister was left by her side.

She no longer knows how far away the beautiful memories are. From that time on, she could only depend on her sister. With the help of several kind-hearted relatives, she inherited the student dormitory of Chunyuanzhuang and ran it directly. Now, the existence of Chunyuan Village gives her the foundation to settle down and live her life.

Before Haruhara Ayaka met Levi, she felt that her fate was nothing more than this. Perhaps it was because she had received too much good things as a child, so God punished her by letting her experience the sufferings of the world to balance what she had gained. Those beautiful things.

Then, she met Li Wei. The moment she was rescued by Li Wei, her originally gray life suddenly regained its color. It can be said that Levi was the savior who pulled her out of the depths of her soul and her own personal savior.

Because of Levi, she had hope again, and she was finally able to raise her head and face the future ahead.

Chunyuan Ayaka felt that maybe life was like this with its ups and downs. When she thought her luck had reached its lowest point, she immediately found herself in trouble.

For Chunhara Ayaka, all this is so beautiful and unreal, like a beautiful dream. She was afraid that all this was just her long dream, and when she woke up, everything would be as usual.

But leaning on Levi's body and feeling the warmth transmitted by Levi, she knew that all of this was real, and this also gave her an incomparable sense of peace of mind.

Li Wei looked into Chunyuan Ayaka's heart through mind reading. His heart was full of pity for this fragile but strong girl. After all, Chunyuan Ayaka's experience would be unacceptable to most people. . However, she was able to drag her sister forward in the face of adversity. This reminded Li Wei of a saying, women are weak, but mothers are strong. Although Haruhara Ayaka is just a sister, now that her parents are gone, for Haruhara Nana, she is not much different from her mother.

Levi said: "The more I know about Caihua's past, the more I feel that you are a strong girl. Now, all your bad luck has ended. From now on, your life must be happy every day." .

Chapter. Jealousy

Haruhara Ayaka was not surprised that Li Wei knew about her past. It should be said that with Li Wei's ability, it was very easy to find out her past. Moreover, as a person who has been in the other world, Li Wei is much more vigilant than ordinary people, so it can be said that it is normal to investigate the past information of people around her. She will not do it because of Li Wei's investigation. She felt angry about her past, but she thought it was a good thing.

The reason why this is a good thing is that it shows that Li Wei values ​​the people around him, so he will find ways to investigate the information of the people around him. And now it seems that Li Wei has taken advantage of her. It is precisely because of this that Li Wei When I talked about Chunyuan Village before, I didn't use "here" but "home". This small detail can explain a lot of things.

Haruhara Ayaka leaned on Levi's shoulder, and her entire body's weight rested on Levi. Haruhara Ayaka felt that she was usually a talkative person, but now, she didn't know what to say.

However, although both parties did not speak, the atmosphere was not awkward. This could be regarded as a tacit understanding between the two parties. At this moment, the two of them were like an old married couple who had been together for decades, just squatting at their feet. Fat orange cat.

At this moment, a crisp voice broke the silence between the two.

"Sister...my neck is so sore..." Haruhara Nana, who was rubbing her eyes, walked down the stairs. At this time, she was only wearing cool tight pajamas, and she was still in a daze.

Chunyuan Nana was like a wandering spirit, floating past the living room. Because of the nightmare she had last night, she hugged her sister tightly and kept moving for a long time, which not only made her neck sore, Even my whole body was a little numb. I obviously slept at night, but I felt even more tired when I woke up.

Chunyuan Nana instinctively turned into the toilet. She didn't pay attention to the living room just now. Now after sitting on the toilet, her mind was a little clearer. She realized what she had seen. Her sister was talking to Li Wei leaned close to each other, the two of them looked quite close. Although it was unclear what the two people were doing because the angle of view was from behind, they were already leaning against each other. Is there anything else to say?

Haruhara Nana quickly patted her cheek. The scene she saw just now from the corner of her eye made her still somewhat sluggish brain start to move quickly.

"Sister and Brother Li Wei must be dating! They are already sitting down!" Chunyuan Nana was filled with envy in her heart. A perfect man like Li Wei could not be found even with a lantern, but he was actually attracted by her. He met his sister first and he didn't even know what to say.

After solving her personal problems, Chunyuan Nana tiptoed out of the toilet and quietly approached the living room. She saw the two people still sitting together, with no intention of separating. She didn't know why, but she felt jealous in her heart. She thought, it would be great if the person sitting there was her.

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "Nana, what are you hiding there? If you want to watch TV, come over here."

"Um..." Haruhara Nana didn't expect that she would be discovered. She had already kept her steps as light as possible. Even if she was walking like a cat, that's about it.

What Chunyuan Nana doesn't know is that her sister has received more favors, so that although she has not yet stepped into the extraordinary realm, she already has the prototype of some extraordinary abilities. That kind of sense that is far beyond ordinary people makes her Can sense the surrounding terrain and other people to a certain extent, and can do all kinds of magical things.

This ability is called the "mind's eye" by martial arts practitioners. Those martial arts practitioners with eye problems can, through hard practice, acquire bat-like abilities to locate others through sounds and senses. Its perception ability even exceeds the eyesight of ordinary people. If ordinary people want to acquire this kind of ability, they need to go through years of hard work before they can reach the threshold. However, as Haruhara Ayaka's dependent, she could just take a shortcut.

"The Ascension of the Yellow Emperor" itself is a method for people to achieve enlightenment and for chickens and dogs to ascend to heaven. It focuses on physical benefits. Not only Li Wei, the major practitioner, but also his friends and family members can also benefit greatly. At the same time, , this characteristic also allows Levi to easily establish a divine system.

Of course, it is not impossible for Levi to give the seeds of power to men, but he does not intend to do so. He does not even intend to establish the so-called divine system, he just wants to continue living as carefree as he is now.

Chunyuan Nana said: "I didn't expect that my steps have been so light. Sister, you can still detect my existence. Is this also the effect of practicing breathing and breathing? Can I do such a thing in the future? ?”

Li Wei smiled and said: "Of course, the breathing skills I teach are different from those superficial similar ones outside. This is a path that goes straight to the root. By practicing the breathing skills I teach, you can really achieve transcendence. The power of ordinary people.”

Chunyuan Nana became excited. It was impossible not to be excited about being able to master extraordinary power. If it were in the past, she would only think that such power could be used for her own benefit. The simplest way to make profit is In addition to the simple path of participating in various sports and becoming a sports star, you can also use your abilities to obtain other benefits. But now, the biggest use of this power is for self-protection. After all, the outside environment is quite chaotic now, and even the TV is broadcasting news about this. If you master this power as soon as possible, you can have self-protection as soon as possible. Power.

Chunyuan Ayaka looked at her sister's cheering look and said with a smile: "Okay, don't make trouble here, go and wash up quickly. Although it's still early, you have to wake up early and wake up late. We can also take advantage of this time to straighten out Tian’s affairs.”

Chunyuan Ayaka said: "I don't have anything important to do today. The only important thing is to ask Brother Li Wei to help me review the teaching materials and help me formulate a complete tutoring plan."

Li Wei smiled and said: "I reviewed Lily's textbooks last night and found many problems. This morning, after the morning exercise, I will review Cai Cai's textbooks. In the afternoon, I will go I bought the tutoring materials for the two grades from outside and developed a complete study plan and tutoring path for them. With me here, I guarantee that everyone can get into the university of their choice."

Although Li Wei sounded like he was taking everything in, neither of the two sisters doubted Li Wei's words, because with the ability that Li Wei had shown, it was really not difficult to do such a thing.

Chapter. Awe of power but not moral

After Haruhara Nana had gotten up, it was difficult for Levi and Chunyuan Ayaka to stick together anymore. Levi felt that such things did not matter, but Chunyuan Ayaka was quite shy in this regard, so Levi chose to respect Chunhara Ayaka. After all, other people Several girls have not finished the strategy yet. If they are too promiscuous at this time, they may overturn.

If you want to achieve "I want it all", in addition to relying on your own charm, you must also rely on your emotional intelligence when facing girls. Can some male protagonists in anime with low emotional intelligence be considered low emotional intelligence? Except for a few people who appear to have low emotional intelligence, but are actually very sexy, most male protagonists with low emotional intelligence rely entirely on various coincidences to promote their relationship with girls. If there are no small-probability coincidences, the male protagonist will The relationship with the female character is two absolutely parallel lines that will never intersect.

There are very few male protagonists who have extremely high emotional intelligence but are crazy about flag-raising, or who are constantly operating in various ways while having high emotional intelligence.

Several girls got up one after another, and the last ones to arrive at the restaurant were Alex, Levi's puppet clone, and Aki Shiina, who looked like he had not yet woken up.

Alex slapped Shiina Asaki on the back of the head and said: "What were you doing last night? You were half dead early in the morning. Today's training hasn't even started yet. Don't lie down for me now." .”

Shiina Aki opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but in the end, he swallowed back what he wanted to say. The muscular golden-haired monster in front of me is not a reasonable person at all. He still maintains the same living habits as when he was serving in the army. He is very strict with himself. Even if he is injured, it will not affect him. The opponent's schedule and training, such a monster gave him a way to lead by example, what else could he say.

After all, even though his opponent is injured, he can still maintain a considerable amount of training every day and complete the training tasks with quality and quantity. Of course, Alex calls this amount of training rehabilitation training. It is unimaginable that Aki Shiina would do it without injury. Before, the amount of training this monster had every day was terrifying.

Alex said: "Forget it, why am I angry with you? Anyway, I will leave here in a few days, so I don't have to worry about you bean sprouts. By then, even if you are in the mud, you will still be with me." It has nothing to do with it. After all, life is your own, and it is impossible for others to help you for a long time."

Shiina Aki sat in his own seat. He was irritated and wanted to say that his life had nothing to do with Alex, a muscle monster. He had no intention of joining the army like him, nor did he What kind of special industry does he plan to engage in? He just wants to take the exam well, enter university and get a good diploma, and then use this as a stepping stone to enter a large company and become a high-level office worker.

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