Chapter.PRO Office

Ryu Kawatani said: "After the merger and acquisition, we are all comrades in the trenches. There is no need to be so polite. And it is also the master's instruction to make the voice actors below live a better life. The master intends to allow PRO to focus on his own subject. Instead of worrying about business like now.”

Kamogawa Heju sighed: "Due to economic reasons in recent years, the number of new series and new games produced has been getting smaller and smaller, so the competitive pressure in the industry has become extremely high. Although PRO We also have many capable voice actors, but the competitors are also very strong. With the current business volume of the firm, we simply cannot support all the voice actors.”

Kawatani Murakusa said: "The young master and I have carefully understood the situation in the industry. In this industry, to put it bluntly, we use electric power. When the economy was good, we could barely maintain a balance of payments. Now that the economy is down, PRO is absolutely It won't be the last firm to encounter this situation, maybe in the future, you will take over some capable voice actors from other bankrupt firms."

Kamogawa Heju said: "But it costs money. It's a waste of investment but no output. Even the person behind you won't agree to such a thing."

Kawatani Murryu smiled and said: "You're wrong, the young master is a very good otaku, which can make the voice actor agency under him stronger. The young master will not refuse such a thing, and as for the gold issue, you simply can't Don’t worry, we can earn at least 300 million U.S. dollars every year, not to mention supporting a voice actor agency, we can even support the entire voice actor industry.”

Kamogawa Heju swallowed. He didn't expect that the person behind Kawatani Muryu had such strength. Three hundred million U.S. dollars, converted into neon dollars, is 400 million yuan. With such huge financial resources, he can support the entire voice actor industry. It’s not a joke, not to mention supporting the entire voice actor industry, even half of the animation industry is not a problem.

Kawatani Muryu said: "I know, my words may sound exaggerated to others, but Mr. Kamogawa, you will see the financial resources on my side later."

Kamogawa Heju said: "With such financial resources, it is indeed an easy thing for you to save a firm. But what kind of project is it specifically?"

Ryu Kawatani said: "I am making a strategy mobile game here. The theme is science fiction and the main theme is the stars and the sea. Players can play the role of a base commander, build various starships in space, combine them vertically and horizontally, and create their own huge Alliance, or you can be an interstellar pirate who comes and goes without a trace, or you can be an interstellar merchant. The concept of this game is extremely large, and it is also my flagship product in recent years, and this project involves some character dubbing and base The special dubbing can be handed over to the voice actors under the agency, which can be regarded as accumulating experience for them."

Kamogawa Heju said: "This is indeed an opportunity for them, and now they have no ability to be picky about their work. It should be said that the vast majority of voice actors are not picky about their work."

Kawatani Muratsu smiled and stretched out his hand and said: "Let's make the intention to cooperate like this. I will ask the lawyer to bring the documents tomorrow. As long as the contract is signed, we will be comrades in the trenches. And by then, the third The sum of 100 million neon yuan will be deposited into the firm's account, and I will send an accountant here."

Kamogawa Heju held hands with the other party. He would be a fool to refuse such a favorable condition. As for the other party sending an accountant, he could understand it. After all, the other party also had to worry about it. This is a waste of money.

However, Kamogawa Heju was surprised in his heart. He did not expect that the other party's first aid after completing the acquisition would be 100 million neon yuan, which was a huge amount of money. With this money, PRO could be resurrected with full health in an instant.

And it is said that it is easy to enjoy the shade with a big tree behind you. With such a strong financial support, the office will have an easier time in the future. And as Kawatani Muryu said, everyone is a comrade in the trenches, and the internal sharing Next, the firm will be able to do more internal business, which is also a new revenue point for the firm.

Kawatani Muryu said: "The young master will come with me tomorrow. The young master wants to inspect the office and ask the people below to pay attention and not to leave a bad impression on the young master."

Kamogawa Heju said: "I will call them soon to inform them that this is their chance to change their destiny. Those guys will not do stupid things."

Kawatani Muryu nodded, smiled and raised his glass.


As Levi's pioneer, Ryu Kawatani had already arranged most of the things before the two parties formally signed the contract, and PRO was not willing to let go of such an opportunity.

After separating from Ryu Kawatani, Kamogawa Heju urgently contacted the dispatch company in the middle of the night and found a group of temporary workers to take care of the environment in the office. Personally, he could not finish the work even if he was busy until dawn. A few temporary workers spent more than an hour cleaning the entire office and left with their work satisfied.

And Kamogawa Heju also called his subordinates one by one. Regardless of whether they are the main players or newcomers, as long as there is no schedule on the next day, they will all gather at the office.

The next day, around 0 a.m., Levi, his business avatar Kawatani Muryu, as well as the accountants and lawyers from the conference club all arrived at the office.

When he came to the office, Li Wei looked at the surrounding environment curiously. This was his first time coming to the voice actor office. He used to contact voice actors through their works, but this time, he could directly see the voice actors behind the works. He found it quite interesting.

Although Kamogawa Heju stayed up all night, he still cheered up and said to Li Weixin with a smile: "Welcome to PRO Voice Actor Office."

Kamogawa Heju looked at Li Wei who was walking at the front and sighed inwardly, he didn't expect the big financier behind Kawatani Village Dragon to be so young.

Chapter.Small investigation

Levi came to Kamogawa Heju and said with a smile: "Hello, Mr. Kamogawa, thank you for your efforts in adding more unforgettable voices to the anime. Thank you for your hard work."

Kamogawa Heju was flattered and said with a smile: "What the hell, that's ridiculous. We are just trying to survive, but we really love this business."

In the voice acting industry, there is no one who loves electricity. It should be said that if I don’t have any ideals, I really can’t endure the hard life of working as a voice actor. What the boring training brings is not high salary, but the extremely involved industry status quo and not many job opportunities. It can be said that voice acting is an extremely hard-working industry.

Levi smiled and said: "But no matter what, you all gave a very wonderful performance. I know the current situation you are facing, and I feel it is quite a pity. And I want to change the current situation of the industry."

Kamogawa Heju murmured in his heart that the industry has been so bad for decades. Even if a sponsor like Li Wei has enough money, it is not easy to fight against the old-fashioned industry. It's an easy thing. After all, Neon people are famously conservative. If you want to change the rules that have been implemented for decades, you can't change them in a short period of time. You can't just have money.

Li Wei said: "Mr. Kamogawa, you will have Muratyu talk to you about cooperation. As for me, can I talk to the voice actors? I want to know their living conditions. As far as I know, many voice actors Life is not that easy."

Yachuan Heju nodded and said, "Master, please do."

Kamogawa Heju's name for Levi has been synchronized with Kawatani Muryu's. He is no longer the high-spirited young man before. Now he has learned to compromise with reality and reconcile with himself. Going back ten years, he would never sell his firm, but now, he just wants to protect everything in front of him.

Levi came to the area where the voice actors gathered. Looking at the people gathered, he sighed in his heart that the idolization of voice actors is an inevitable trend. After all, the industry is changing, and voice actors have to change with the changes of the times.

The biggest change among today's voice actors compared to the older generations is that the overall appearance of both men and women is improving.

In the past, voice actors were the people behind the scenes in the true sense. Everyone would only remember the charm of a certain character, and no one would pay attention to the voice actors. But I don’t know when the geek community started to pay attention to the voice actors behind the scenes, so , a few top voice actors have become popular.

The fame that was originally only in the professional circle began to overflow and become famous in the entire otaku circle. As a result, many otakus began to pay attention to voice actors, and even formed a "" to a certain extent.

However, there are only a few voice actors who really enjoy this kind of benefits, and the vast majority of voice actors are still unknown. Nowadays, if you want to show your popularity in the otaku circle, the fastest way is to have a good face, or have a good figure, etc.

Nowadays, the competition between voice actors is no longer limited to their own dubbing ability, but like idols, comprehensively competing for appearance, figure, and even talent.

Li Wei looked at the voice actors in front of him and felt that these voice actors were actually quite embarrassed. To a certain extent, they were either high or low.

Simply talking about voice, no one who can be a voice actor has a bad voice, but when it comes to how good-looking these voice actors are, that's all.

The main job of voice actors is their voices. Simply competing with appearance, there is still a considerable gap between voice actors and professional idols. It can only be said that the appearance of these voice actors is better than that of ordinary people, and they can truly achieve idol-level looks. Those who are worthy are only a minority of this individual.

Levi saw a slightly shy girl and said, "This, can we talk alone?"

The shy girl looked around, pointed her finger at herself, and said shyly: "Sir, are you talking about me?"

Levi nodded and said with a smile: "It's you, don't worry, it's not a strange question, I just want to know about your current life. After that, I will have someone make a special form and conduct an internal investigation to see No matter how your living conditions are, if there is any way I can help, I am still willing to help."

The shy girl followed Levi to the nearby rest area, and the two of them sat down.

Levi said: "々. What's your name? Where are you from? I heard that your accent has a very obvious Kansai accent."

Kansai accent is to Neon people what Tianjing dialect is to Chongguo people. In the eyes of Neon people, it brings laughter. However, as a Chongguo native, Li Wei doesn’t know what’s funny about Kansai accent. .

"I call my wife Feilin, come here from Kyoto." said the shy girl.

My wife, Feilin, only looks shy, but her words don't give off the feeling of being too reserved.

Levi said: "Are you from Kyoto? Judging from your age, you should have just graduated from high school now."

My wife Felin said: "After I graduated from high school here, I didn't continue my studies. Originally, I was admitted to college, but my family didn't have the money for me to go to college, so I went to Tokyo alone to work hard. "

Li Wei nodded. Education here in Neon is quite expensive. If the state covers the three levels of primary school, junior high and high school, and the overall cost can be afforded by ordinary people, then the cost of university is not a small figure. Here in Neon, of all the young people, less than half can go to college, and most of them go to work right after high school.

Levi said: "I still have a certain understanding of the voice actor industry. I heard that many voice actors have part-time jobs. Do you have a part-time job?"

My wife Felin said with her fingers: "I have three part-time jobs here. In the morning, I ride a bicycle to deliver newspapers to people near where I live. From afternoon to evening, I work as a waitress at an izakaya. In the evening, I work at a convenience store. Helping in the store, because they are all part-time workers, the income is not very good."

Chapter. Internal Benefits

Hearing what my wife Feilin said, Levi was still a little surprised. After all, he has three part-time jobs, and he also has to take care of his main business. This is not an easy task.

Li Wei sighed and said: "The situation here is really hard enough. Such a life must be very tiring, right?"

My wife, Feilin, scratched the back of her head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "After getting used to this kind of life, I don't feel too tired. There is a senior who lives with me. She has a personal and part-time job. Compared with her, I What’s this?”

"Senior? Is she also a voice actor in this agency? Levi asked.

My wife, Feilin, said: "She is a newcomer to Baige Office. She entered the industry earlier than me. She and I got to know each other because we live in the same place. She sleeps on the bunk above me."

Levi said: "What is the place where you live now? Can you tell me about it?"

Levi wanted to change the current situation of this industry, but he knew that such a thing would not be easy, so he was prepared step by step, first solving the survival problem of the voice actors in his agency, and then considering changes to the entire industry.

My wife Feilin said: "The place I live now is a house, but this house has been renovated and houses more than ten people. It only accepts female tenants. The monthly rent is only 100,000 yuan, which is the cheapest in the neighborhood. It is one of the rental places. However, the rental place there is not protected by law. If anything goes wrong, the tenants will have to figure it out themselves."

Levi nodded. Although there are many glamorous people here in Tokyo, most of them are hard-working workers like my wife Feilin. Rentals like this, with low rents, provide these people who are wandering in foreign lands. A place for migrant workers to stay.

Levi said: "I also know about renting a house, but the safety issue of renting a house is a thorny issue. On my side, I will find a new place for the voice actors in the entire agency to at least ensure your safety."

Although renting a house is cheap, there are also various problems. Some time ago, Levi also saw the news that a fire broke out in a rental house in Nerima Ward, Tokyo, late at night. A tenant in the rented house, Only three people escaped, and the others were all swallowed up by the flames and died without any body parts.

Originally, those old residential buildings had various safety problems. In addition, they had been transformed into rental houses after illegal modifications. They would definitely not be able to pass the fire protection test. Once an open fire was encountered, it would be very easy. Cause fire. Most of the residential buildings here in Neon are wooden buildings. Although their earthquake resistance is very good, their fire protection capabilities are at the bottom. It can even be said that they have no fire protection capabilities at all.

Hearing Levi's words, my wife Felin's eyes lit up, her voice increased unconsciously, and she said, "Really?!"

Levi nodded and said: "As your boss, isn't it normal for me to consider your safety? That kind of rental house with serious problems cannot even guarantee the minimum safety. How could I let you live like that? Dangerous place.”

The voices of Li Wei and my wife Feilin are not too quiet, and other voice actors can also hear them. When they heard that Li Wei was solving their housing problem, everyone became excited.

Except for a few top voice actors with considerable financial resources, most ordinary voice actors in the agency need such help.

Levi said: "Miss Felin, please go back first. I have something to say to all of you. This is related to the welfare of everyone in the office and is a very important matter."

Levi came to the voice actors and said: "This firm is now facing the crisis of closing down due to the external economic environment, but because of my care, this firm can continue to operate, and everyone does not have to worry about relocation. Or unemployment. After that, the firm will try its best to find jobs for you, please rest assured."

Hearing Li Wei's words, all the voice actors also showed expressions of relief. So far, Li Wei's character has been quite kind. Coupled with his gentle and approachable temperament, saying such words is very good for Li Wei. The morale-boosting effect is very obvious.

Levi said: "I just had a brief exchange with Ms. Feilin. I have a certain understanding of the plight of the voice actor industry. Therefore, I will find ways to improve your current situation. Whether it is living subsidies or I will find a way to provide housing subsidies for you so that you can practice with peace of mind and no longer need to work several jobs to make ends meet like before."

Li Wei took a look and found that most of the agency's more than 30 voice actors were already here. That is to say, several of the top voice actors affiliated with the agency were unable to be there due to work. The other voice actors were now idle. time.

This can also be seen in the dilemma that the agency is facing now. Except for a few top voice actors, it is difficult for other ordinary voice actors to get jobs, so they can call in people at short notice and call most of them.

This situation is not a problem for Levi. After all, the job of voice actors is not just for dubbing anime characters, such as dubbing documentaries, substituting for foreign language movies, and dubbing game characters. These are all voice actors' job. career field.

In terms of animation, the agency can't get much for its voice actors for the time being, but Levi has internal control. Just a game is enough to bring a lot of work to the voice actors of the agency.

Originally, in the interstellar strategy mobile game produced by the game department, the krypton gold point was to draw blueprints of ships. Blueprints of powerful ships could only be drawn out through krypton gold drawing boxes. The profit point of the game was at this point, but now , Li Wei thought of a new profit point.

Chapter. Everyday Pills in the Industry

Levi still felt that the original game's krypton gold points were a bit limited, but now, some new krypton gold points can be added.

The framework of the game itself is quite simple, allowing players to play the role of the commander of an interstellar development base, constantly upgrading various facilities in the base, increasing the capacity of the port, and then building various starships to expand their own power.

However, unlike the real world, you can build as many ships as you want as long as you have enough. For the sake of the balance of the game and the fact that the strength gap between gold-earning players and ordinary players will not be too big, only the gold-earning players are left in the entire game. Regarding the balance issue, the game department has considered many restrictions.

First, there is the upper limit of port capacity. Whether it is a gold player or an ordinary player, the upper limit is the same, and the fleet population capacity of a single fleet is also the same. This must be fair. If even this most basic fairness cannot be achieved, Well, if a gold-earning player can easily beat ordinary players, the lifespan of this game will be as short as months.

After the most basic fairness guarantee, what determines the player's combat power is the blueprint in the player's hand and the technology points used to upgrade the ship. In addition to the blueprints given in the event, good blueprints require krypton gold to be drawn from the box. Every time you draw a box, you will get a guaranteed point. If you accumulate enough guaranteed points, there will be a guaranteed blueprint box. When you open the box, you will definitely get a blueprint, and there will be no "empty box" situation.

Each blueprint has a manufacturing limit. A new type of ship can only be built up to a maximum number of ships. This is also to prevent players who have drawn good blueprints from building a large number of good ships and beating ordinary players, so a single type of ship, There will be a cap on the number of builds, and the better the ship, the lower the cap.

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