When the fleet's attack landed on the head of the barbarian lair, the firepower of the barbarian side was greatly reduced in an instant. The biological defense system of the barbarian lair had just emerged when it was blown to pieces by the concentrated fire of the fleet.

The fire concentration efficiency of both sides is not at the same level at all. The barbarian side's firepower delivery is more than fast but not precise enough. If they can accurately focus fire on a certain ship, then even the human fleet full of black technology will be unable to do so. What cannot withstand such firepower is, of course, the rough firepower projection of the barbarians, which can only cover the attack. Therefore, even if it is hit by direct firepower, the fleet on Varslan's side is not protected by any starship. The shield is overloaded.

Chapter 4. Door kicking tactics

Judar stood up and said: "The fleet continues to maintain fire suppression, and all command authority is delegated to the admiral. Li Wei and I are ready to attack."

Everyone on the bridge looked at Judal. As the spiritual pillar of the entire fleet, Judal's words and deeds were affecting everyone. At this critical moment, Judal stepped forward, which was inspiring to them. , but also unsettling.

Levi and Judar activated the Hundred Armed Crystal, and both of them were covered by their respective armors. Levi's body armor was a gorgeous golden heavy armor like a god, while Judal's armor was a slim-fitting silver armor. Although the main body of the armor is quite slim, the densely packed weapons on both sides can illustrate Judar's strength.

Through the ejection channel, the two men left the flagship and approached the moon. There is no direction in space, and Levi was quite accustomed to such an environment. After staring at the target, he started to accelerate.

In this battle, it is impossible for the moon not to be damaged at all. What Li Weiwei can do is to control the damage within the limit of what he can repair, and he must also ensure that the degree of damage to the moon will not affect the gravity of the earth. Balance points and tidal patterns have a big impact.

Levi and his three clones withstood the firepower of the four barbarians and quickly closed the distance between themselves and the moon. Levi chose the entrance to the lair on the front side of the moon, where the firepower was the strongest. The other three clones chose detours to prepare for breakthroughs from entrances in other directions. As the distance got closer, Levi could even see clearly the barbarian defenses on the moon's surface with his naked eyes.

The Barbarians feel a bit like the Zerg in StarCraft to Levi, but the defense buildings on the Barbarian side can be built without a carpet, and their destructive power and range are much more powerful than those of the Zerg in StarCraft.

Sand and gravel surged on the surface of the moon, and a huge round mouth poked out from under the ground. There were layers of sharp teeth. The structure was like the mouth of a lamprey, but it was extremely large. Levi visually inspected it. , the diameter of this mouth alone is more than a hundred meters, and the body of this big guy hidden under the ground is probably even bigger.

The giant mouth glanced in the direction of the fleet. In the open mouth, a bright blue light group began to condense. Levi could feel that a huge energy began to gather there. If this big guy really attacked, the fleet would There are bound to be losses.

"That fleet is a great gift I want to give to my compatriots. I can't let you destroy it, you beast. Just let me see what your body hidden underground looks like!"

Levi activated his magic power, and huge power began to penetrate beneath the surface of the moon. A monster with a huge head and a maggot-like appearance was captured.

Li Wei visually measured the length of this monster, which was about seven kilometers. The large mouth with a diameter of several hundred meters was already considered a very small "cherry mouth" compared to its size.

Li Wei frowned. Although this monster was very weak to him, this monster was the type he hated the most. For no other reason than it looked too much like maggots, which made Li Wei, who hated flesh worms, Wei, feeling a little nauseous.

Although he used magic power to pull the opponent out instead of using his own hands to do such a thing, in Levi's view, everything was so disgusting.

After the huge meat insect was dragged out, its original charge was interrupted, and the ray failed to complete the final charge and was shot out hastily. It had no head at all. Not only did it fail to kill the fleet, it was even as big as the one below. Even though the whole world has been around the world, I haven't even been able to make a pass.

The giant meat insect also realized the danger and struggled desperately, but the strength gap between the two sides was too huge, and its struggle was in vain.

Li Wei closed his open hands, and the invisible energy shield enveloped the giant flesh worm. He quickly squeezed in, and the flesh worm's body surface was crushed in an instant. At the same time, the energy shield was also burning its parts. In just a few seconds, The giant meat worm was compressed into a point and disappeared completely.

Levi noticed that there were more than just heads of such monsters. The body structure of the barbarians that appeared on the earth was more likely to be a mixture of arthropods and mature insects. However, the special barbarians that appeared here subverted mankind's previous knowledge of barbarians.

Several giant meat worms hidden under the surface of the moon were caught out by Levi with a wave of his hand and served directly with the annihilation package.

On the barbarian side, the elite soldiers who were hiding and preparing for an ambush were easily wiped out by Li Wei before they could exert their effect.

Without the threat of giant meat bugs, and with Levi at the front, the fleet lowered the relative altitude between itself and the moon.

After narrowing the distance between the two sides, the fleet's fire concentration efficiency became higher. Originally, the barbarians were able to launch sparse counterattacks, but after Li Wei pulled out the hidden elite individuals of the barbarians, the barbarians' Bian lost his weapon of heavy firepower, and the entrance to the lair was blown into a mess.

After closing to this distance, the fleet began to release martial artists. A large number of martial artists who had completed full-body weaponization were like wasps rushing out of the honeycomb, densely approaching the moon surface.

This time the fleet's tactics, after a lot of deductions and discussions, were decided on the strategy of breaking through. All the fleet's forces were concentrated on one point and priority was given to attacking the nest. After the follow-up auxiliary ships could safely land on the moon, the logistics could be transferred. Objects and various auxiliary equipment fell directly on the lunar surface to stabilize the logistics line.

As long as they can gain a foothold on the moon and then carry out orbital bombing with the fleet, coupled with the power of Levi and his clones, it is estimated that this battle can be ended in ten days.

Thousands of martial arts practitioners walked inward along the gate of the lair that was blown open by the fleet, and Levi rushed to the front of the team, preparing himself as a sharp knife to reduce the casualties of conventional martial arts practitioners as much as possible.

Seeing Li Wei leading the battle, the morale of the martial artist troops instantly soared to its highest level.

Chapter. Inside the lair

Li Wei rushed to the front and said on the public channel: "Everyone acted according to the predetermined tactics. We are fighting away from home, and the opponent's number is much greater than ours. We should cooperate with each other smartly to form a local numerical advantage as much as possible. , fight with more and less, don’t be left alone and fight head-on with the opponent. You are precious martial artists, not death squads. Do you understand what I say?!”


Various "get it"s sounded in the public channels.

The internal structure of the lair is quite complex. Even martial artists have auxiliary radar perception, which is equivalent to playing a shooting game with perspective. However, high-speed maneuvering in such a complex environment is still a test for martial artists. If you're not careful, you'll hit an obstacle.

Fighting in such an environment, even if these martial arts practitioners have used stimulants in advance, their energy and reaction speed are twice that of normal conditions, it is still not easy to cause casualties.

The large army did not advance very far before they were intercepted by the barbarians. However, the martial arts practitioners on Li Wei's side had been armed with a large amount of black technology equipment before. Whether it was frontal combat effectiveness or survivability, they were far behind. It was not comparable to that in the past. When encountering such a situation, we did not panic, but started fighting according to the groups assigned in advance.

Li Weima took the lead and rushed to the front. Unlike other martial artists who fought in groups, he did not need any assistance or cooperation.

Levi flicked his fingers, and a large number of "air bombs" were ejected. These air bombs traced arc-shaped trajectories, like dexterous sea snakes, avoiding all obstacles on the road and killing the locked barbarians. Each air bomb can tear the barbarian into pieces.

To Li Wei, ordinary barbarians are like soldiers in the simple mode of the Wushuang game. ,"??'":,"."!,""!Prepare,,use;:?:'?,"?to be able to kill instantly, that is, only the barbarian individuals at the level of the giant worm before, let him have more Put in some effort.

A meat grinder-like melee unfolded. In the four-pronged underground cave space, the martial artist's mobility advantage could not be fully utilized, and there was no advantage in numbers. From the beginning, it was unstoppable, to now The progress became slower and slower, and the whole team seemed to be stuck in a quagmire.

Fortunately, the team has a strong opponent like Li Wei. Li Wei can always appear at the weakest point of the formation and complete the defense in time, so that the defense line on the martial artist's side has not been directly broken. Until now, although the battle has begun, They only pushed down a few kilometers, but the entire team was very complete, so there was no need to worry about being surrounded by barbarians who would cut off the back road.

Li Wei calculated the number of kills in his mind. In just half an hour since he entered the cave, he had personally killed more than a thousand barbarians. Adding in the more than 400 barbarians killed by the large army of martial artists, it can be said that Said, this is a very beautiful battle loss ratio.

There were not no casualties on the martial arts team's side, but because they protected each other in a timely manner, they were all injured but not dead. The injured people successfully evacuated to the core area of ​​the formation, and after completing simple medical treatment, they left the cave. Return to the fleet for further treatment.

In Li Wei's view, every martial artist is a valuable fighting force for human beings, so he does not allow unnecessary sacrifice of life. In his opinion, such a thing as dying with the barbarians is harmful to himself and the body. irresponsible.

Two hours after the war started, Levi has led a large force to the core area of ​​the nest. In the multi-core area of ​​the nest, there is not an existence similar to the queen ant as everyone imagined, but a base full of science fiction style. .

After breaking into the base and killing the mechanical guards in the base, Levi saw how the barbarians were created.

It was an extremely large machine. After inputting various raw materials, the raw materials were turned into basic materials. With technology that far exceeded the current level of biotechnology on earth, they turned into the eggs of barbarians. These eggs will be sent to a special incubator for incubation. The barbarians rely on this streamlined method to give birth to new individuals.

Li Wei thought to himself, there are indeed other people behind the existence of the barbarians, who are very strange from beginning to end. After all, the wisdom displayed by the barbarians is indeed not like ordinary insects.

····Ask for flowers·····

The commander of the martial arts unit came to Li Wei and said, "Sir, do you need to preserve the things here?"

Levi said: "The hidden dangers of the barbarian technology tree are too great. Various previous studies have confirmed this. All the things here must be disposed of. No matter whether it is equipment or barbarian eggs, none of them can be kept."

The reason why Li Wei issued such an order is because Varsland has done a lot of research on barbarian individuals. Although it has also gained a new technology line, the biotechnology of this line is very dangerous, and it is very dangerous for mankind's existing technology tree. Said, there is no direct supplement, it is tasteless to eat and it is a pity to discard it.

The commander said: "I know what to do, sir, do we still want to move forward?"

Levi shook his head and said: "Let the team rest first. High-intensity combat is extremely detrimental to us. Just stabilize the existing defense line. I will intercept the barbarians emerging from the ground later. You and others will seize the time." Rest.”

Although everyone in the martial artist army used stimulants before they were sent out, high-intensity combat consumes a lot of energy. Even with the support of stimulants, long-term combat will cause problems. Li, who cherishes manpower, Wei, naturally does not allow such problems to arise.

In Li Wei's view, every martial artist is a rare manpower. The life of one martial artist is exchanged for thousands of barbarians, which is a loss of blood.

After occupying this lair, it didn't take long for the lower-level barbarians to counterattack. However, these counterattacks were easily suppressed by Li Wei. During the period of repair, the martial artists also used various methods. , destroy all valuable items in this lair.

This kind of partial science and technology tree with endless troubles has a high probability of bringing humans into a pit, so Levi would rather destroy everything here than let the things here bring disaster to human society. Mountain.

Chapter. The situation is good

The reason why Li Wei is so afraid of the barbarian technology tree is because he saw some heart-stopping things in this technology tree. If this technology tree continues, it will light up certain technologies in another world view. That is the beast-turned-armor route of "Forced Breeding Armor".

Every large company has its own dark history, and Valslan is no exception. Human experimentation is not exclusive to Verit's department. The other human experiment department was still going on until Levi took control of Judar. Their own research, and their research project is what kind of power humans can gain after combining with barbarians.

They also had some experimental results. After a series of experiments, this department actually came up with an existence similar to the "Forced Breeding Armor" beast-like soldier. The finished product born after this transformation surgery has a power that is not weaker than that of a martial artist. The only problem is that it needs to give up the bottom line of being a human being and become a half-man, half-animal monster.

The transformers who undergo the experiment can freely switch between the human form and the beast-turned-soldier form. Except for the fact that their physical abilities are slightly inferior to those of martial artists, they are not weaker than martial artists in other aspects.

This human experiment department can be said to have produced something incredible. Once this technology spreads, it will cause huge damage to human society. Although the threshold for martial artists is higher, this kind of power is safe, reliable, and very stable. Except for a few virus-infected bodies, there is almost no danger of losing control. And the beast-turned-army born by combining with barbarian genes, Every experimental subject has more or less mental problems. In other words, this kind of transformation surgery, while transforming the human body, also affects the subject's spirit, making them aggressive.

It was precisely because of the danger of this technology that Levi ordered all relevant materials to be destroyed, and all the subjects who had completed the transformation were also disposed of. All the personnel in the entire department also had their relevant memories cleared by him. Other Research Departments.

It’s not that the biological technology tree is bad. If this technology tree continues to develop, it can play a big role in the medical field.

However, this dangerous technology tree is still too early for today’s humans. If human technology in this world develops for another two hundred years on the basis of the current situation, Levi is not worried about the side effects of this new technology, but now, he will never allow humans to step out of this technology tree rashly. The danger of the technology tree is difficult to control, and humanity itself will be destroyed if you are not careful.

Levi used his perception ability to supervise the large forces destroying various facilities in the nest. After making sure that all the equipment and eggs were destroyed, he felt relieved.

Valslan's efficiency is quite high. While the warriors were resting, the subsequent engineering team had already arrived here and began to build a temporary base based here. The barbarians dug out a large number of underground passages. This eliminates the need for the engineering team to dig holes themselves, which saves a lot of work.

On the other side, Levi's three clones began their solo journey. Unlike the large army, the three clones had a smaller target, so they played more aggressively. They rushed into the barbarians and started to attack. Unparalleled.

For ordinary martial artists, elite barbarian individuals that require a lot of effort to defeat are just like miscellaneous soldiers that can be hacked and killed at will by Li Wei's clone. If Levi's main body is unparalleled among the barbarians, it is a simple mode, and the three clones are just equal difficulty modes. The difference between the two modes is just that in the simple mode, the soldiers can be killed in seconds with a knife, so more supplements are needed here. It's just a knife, and it's nothing to Levi's clone.

Just after Levi took action, the earth was not at peace. After all, the lunar battle was very noisy. Astronomy enthusiasts could see roughly the battle between the fleet and the barbarians on the moon surface with astronomical telescopes. situation, so it cannot be concealed at all... .

Especially after Amei Kan's reconnaissance ship was forced to retreat, netizens around the world instantly went crazy. No one thought that Varslan, as an independent company, would attack the barbarian base camp alone before other countries.

At that time, rumors spread on the Internet, and Valslan's stock price was also affected. It fell sharply twice, and its market value lost nearly %.

Levi, who is busy with the moon campaign, does not intend to say anything about this. For him, market value is fictitious. Only actual technology and products are valuable. In addition, Varslan has a large number of The reserve fund took advantage of this opportunity to collect stocks from retail investors and other investment groups to prepare for the next production handover.

The battle, which was originally planned to end in ten days, was progressing very smoothly. The fleet had completely suppressed the entire lunar surface. Under the lunar surface, the martial artist troops, led by Li Wei and the other three clones, fought an amazing battle. Loss ratio, at the cost of killing 44 people, annihilating more than 40,000 barbarian individuals, destroying 10 barbarian underground lairs, and now only the deep barbarian lairs are still resisting. Most of the underground spaces on the moon are 4 .Has been recaptured by Livy and his troops.


In the solemn conference room, the leader and the old man gathered together again. The old man's energy was not very good during this period, and high-intensity acting was still a bit difficult for him at an older age.

The leader looked at the old man and smiled and said: "You feel so old now that you are almost as old as me. I have seen the video of your speech at the international conference. I have to say, you can get that Oscar at any time." You can get it.”

The old man sighed and said: "I have acted in dramas all my life, and this period is the most tiring. I obviously have such a huge advantage, but I don't dare to show it. It really kills me."

Chapter. Contrast of Strengths

He laughed and said: "Just bear with it a little longer. When our wings are completely full, there will be no need to continue acting with those little kids. And by that time, even if you jump on the table at an international conference, point your nose and curse Those guys don’t dare to fall out with you.”

The old man smiled and said: "I'm looking forward to that day, so I have to take good care of my body and try to be able to curse at that time."

He laughed and said: "I can't accompany you to go crazy. In two years, I will retire and my health is not good. By the way, you have also seen the battle report of Levi's coming, right? We are from other universes Compatriots, that kind of strength is simply astonishing.”

The old man nodded. Levi's strength was no longer a secret among several senior officials. The destructive power of an army of people, despite being disconnected from the large army, still single-handedly captured the barbarian's lair. Such power can no longer be described as terrifying. The old man was very fortunate that Li Wei was a compatriot who shared their position, rather than an outsider with ulterior motives.

The old man said: "He also gave me news, saying that the battle will be ended within days at the latest and the barbarians on the moon will be completely wiped out. He has already worked so hard, and we have to work harder."

The leader sighed and said: "That's true, but even if we work harder, it will still take quite a while to fully understand the technology he sent us. We still have too few technicians we can trust. .”

Because the various technologies provided by Levi have cleared all obstacles for the next science and technology exhibition route, the top management is also making big moves. The biggest thing they have done during this period is to secretly study the technology sent by Levi. In addition to technology, it is to crack down on academic circles and let real scientific research talents be valued, instead of letting those scientific research talents purely use electricity as before, and have to endure the exploitation of academic circles. It is obviously their own paper, but they have to add more papers. Only by writing a lot of messy names can I express myself.

During this period, the number of academic members who have been shot has exceeded ten. Although this method is a bit extreme, in troubled times, heavy codes are used. Now there is no time to continue to dilly-dally, gather reliable talents as quickly as possible, and prepare for the future Preparing for the big exhibition is the most important thing.

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