Li Wei chatted with the other person for a few more words and then logged off. There was a mix of dragons and snakes here, everyone was there. The old man from the fishing bar, the gay guy from the gambling bar, the jokester from the mentally retarded bar, Brother Huang Tu, and the latent game party and idol dolphins.

Li Wei is also a relatively well-known figure in the film. After all, he jumped over the wall to study abroad in Neon, and he is also a very skilled painting expert. Many of the widely circulated dimensional yellow pictures in the film are from him. hand.

Sooner or later, you will look at the pictures I drew.jpg

Levi remembered the name of the anime mentioned by his friend, opened Abi, entered the keyword "Hundred Arms of War", and the link to the original drama suddenly popped up.

"It turns out to be a work of 2018, so the quality should be guaranteed. Ah Bi is quite cautious when buying products~" Li Wei whispered to himself.

Ah Pai is very cautious when buying movies. Although there is a record of overturning, in general, the quality of the works that can be officially launched on the website is not much worse, just the welfare clips: it is not the holy light that makes the face dirty, It's just a head knock from the dark animal husbandry.

Although most of the non-copyrighted dramas have collapsed, Ah Bi is also buying back various copyrights, but if you want to watch old shows like "Dark Bible" and "Day on Campus" on Ah Bi like before, It is impossible. There are advantages and disadvantages to legalization, but in Levi's view, the advantages generally outweigh the disadvantages.

Just like ordinary dramas, if you are in Neon and miss the broadcast on TV, you can only wait for updates online and paid websites. Many Neon people have the habit of recording TV with video tapes, so It's because of such restrictions.

And many of the pirated copies in China are TV videos from Neon. Now that Abi has bought the copyright, it is very convenient for Levi to make up for it. He can just jump over the wall from the outside and go back.

It is very troublesome to climb over the wall in China, but it is very simple to climb from the outside into the wall. It is just a matter of accelerator, which Levi has always prepared.

After opening the series and starting to make up for it, Levi started to learn the routines of "Hundred Arms of War", which was full of grooves. It took him a few hours to finish the entire series without speeding up.

After watching the drama, Li Wei knew that the plot of the drama was not over yet. He checked and found that this work was "々. Lightly revised". The original novel was now completed, but Li Wei could not pick it up at all. The desire to make up for the original work, because this drama is too cliche, it is just like a copy of the great writer's IS, the same Long Aotian, the same backwards, the same nonsensical.

But the male protagonist of "Hundred Arms" is much better than the male protagonist of IS, Oribara Kasumi. At least when Levi watched it, although he wanted to complain the whole time, at least for the male protagonist Kisaragi Hayato. Not too much of a bad feeling.

The impression this work gave Levi was that the girls in it were very cute, and that was all. The characters and plot were quite routine, and according to the information he found, the animation adaptation also adjusted the rhythm and details. As for the original work, , the pace is relatively slow, and it suffers from the common problem of all light novels, which is procrastination.

Although the original author was much taller than the great writer, Li Wei was intimidated when he saw the number of volumes.

Moreover, Levi does not intend to spend too much energy on such a fast food work, because after watching the entire series, Levi is still only interested in Kulea Harvey, but the reason why Levi is only interested in Kulea. Harvey was interested, in a word, because she was so "big."

Just like what Yoshihiko, the protagonist of the "The Brave Enters the Demon City" series, said, what's wrong with a brave man liking the Giant O? Levi must admit that although he has full control over anyone who comes, but in his opinion, the Giant O But it’s a bonus.

Volume 100: Armed War Records

Chapter 44. Come out again

After completing "Hundred Arms of War", Li Weixin already had plans. As for this drama, he could go there, but there was no need to waste too much energy there. In his opinion, it was not worth it.

However, with the development of the industry, it is difficult to see the original situation where a hundred flowers were spread out. After all, during the neon economic boom, the animation industry also had enough money to burn, so various types of animation were able to be launched. In that era, many masterpieces were produced that were impressive to post- and post-otakus. .

But now the ecology of the entire industry has undergone tremendous changes. Now Neon no longer has a suitable ecology and enough money to produce those "big productions" of the past.

In the past few years, there have been fewer and fewer dramas that can satisfy Li Wei. He feels that a generation gap has appeared between himself and the new generation of otakus.

At least, he wasn't too interested in those migrant worker comics, like "One Piece", which was regarded as a masterpiece by many people, but he hadn't even read the episode.

For previous works, Li Wei liked the work itself more, and then extended it to a certain character. But for the current work, because there are too many routines and homogeneity, the current situation, He likes a character more than the whole work.

No matter how bad a creator is, once he spends a lot of pen and ink on a certain character, the character will inevitably become more vivid. The same is true for comics and animations, so even the worst story can still leave two elements. Characters that audiences love.

Just like the "My Devil Academy" that was widely criticized before, it blatantly beautifies school bullying and calls it an arrogant character. Hitting is love and scolding is love. However, this stupid author overturned and blatantly took advantage of the biochemical troops in the battle. In the end, he became a human being inside and out. Both his performance and reputation were constantly declining.

But even in such a weird work, there is still an "Omelt".

In Levi's opinion, "Hundred Arms" is a drama that is so boring that he wants to take a nap. The only highlight of the whole drama is the giant O student council president, Kulea Harvey and her Two followers.

Although this kind of evaluation seems a bit excessive to those who like this work, after reading "Hundred Arms of War", the first thought that came to Levi's heart was "That's it?"

After watching too many routine animations, this traditional routine is still too old for Li Wei. Except for its individual characters, the entire work really does not have much appeal to him. .

But for the role of Kureiya, Levi felt that it was worth the trip. Moreover, during this short-term trip, he might be able to gain something else in that world. Digging deep underground for gold or something was also very important.

Moreover, the magic weapon suit he wears also requires a lot of gold to increase his strength and advance. It can be said that even in an ordinary world, he can still dig out its value.

The world of the battle series has the gameplay of the battle series world, and the world of the daily series also has the corresponding gameplay of the daily series. Levi is like playing one character after another, constantly experiencing novel games.

Like the world he is going to this time, Levi doesn't plan to do too much homework. Anyway, for him, it is just a short trip to the world of "Hundred Arms War". He has only watched the anime and has not completed the novel. Under the circumstances, the benefits that Levi can tap are incomplete, but he doesn't care about such things. In his opinion, as long as he takes Kulea Harvey away, it will not be a loss.

After being prepared, Levi directly fixed the computer screen on the episode of "Hundred Arms of War", and at the same time determined the time, half a month before the start of school.

A strange spatial fluctuation flashed through, and Levi's figure disappeared from the place.

When Levi opened his eyes, he was at high altitude. Because he did not choose an exact place to stay, Levi changed his default location to high altitude, which also made it easier for him to maneuver to various areas.

Now, he wants to visit a key character. This character doesn't have many roles, but it affects many events behind the scenes. In order to make his actions more convenient, Li Wei prepared to control this character first, even if he can't Making it a puppet clone must also mean maintaining a relatively stable cooperative relationship.

Using the positioning spell, Levi had located the target of his trip, Judar Harvey, in just a few seconds.

When Levi appeared in front of Judal Harvey, the other party was still a little unable to react, but after all, he was an ambitious golden fox, and he had already adjusted his mentality in just a few seconds.

Judar Harvey observed Levi who suddenly appeared in front of him, and he was filled with surprise and uncertainty. Levi suddenly appeared in front of him without any warning, just like an illusory hallucination, which made him alert. Reached the highest.

"This unknown gentleman suddenly appeared here. Does he have something important to discuss with me?" Judar kept smiling. Smile was the best mask for him, allowing him to hide his inner truth. emotions and thoughts.

Levi walked up to the other party. This was a huge office. It looked like it should be Judal's private office area.

Judar Harvey, the leader of Valslan Society, because he has not read the subsequent novels, Levi's understanding of the other party is extremely limited, but this does not matter, as long as he directly controls the other party, he can obtain all the other party's memories. , no matter what plots and ambitions the other party has, he can always know them all.

"I didn't come here to say hello to you, nor to discuss anything with you. Next, I have to trouble you to become my puppet." Levi said.

"Oh? Is this cooperation? If it is cooperation, what benefits can I get?" Judal, who has not yet realized the seriousness of the problem and understands the true meaning of "puppet" in Li Wei's words, remains as usual, Habitually negotiate terms with Levi like he bargains with his competitors and partners.

"I'm sorry, you seem to have misunderstood what I said, but it doesn't matter. Soon you won't have to think about any problems. Also, the distress letter you pressed is of no use. Just when you got here , I isolated the communication between here and the outside world, and at the same time made a disguised letter, so now people outside can't find out what's going on here." Li Wei said in a calm tone.

Chapter 44. Who is the real villain?

After hearing Levi's words, Judar's expression changed. He realized that the existence in front of him was a monster that transcended common sense. He had pressed the button to call for help for several seconds, but there was no response from the outside world, and the desk The special defense mechanism on the ground has not been deployed. Levi's ability far exceeds his imagination.

Drops of cold sweat fell from Judar's forehead. He tried his best to control his expression and said: "I can try to satisfy you as much as you want, even if you become a puppet, but how can I ensure my safety? "

Levi smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about safety issues. After all, for a being as useful as you, I don't want to see any accidents happen to you."

Levi stretched out his hand, and Judar floated up as if he had lost gravity.

"You have such power without using a hundred weapons. Who are you?" Judar finally couldn't hold back his calm expression, and his eyes were filled with uncontrollable horror.

Nowadays, human beings can use technology to do all kinds of incredible things, but these all use the power of external objects. Levi can do such things without using any external objects. In his opinion, It's extremely ridiculous.

Levi smiled and said: "It's just a human being who is beyond human beings. Now, please rest in peace."

Judar wanted to struggle, but the gap in strength between the two sides was too huge. Although he also had a lot of trump cards, when facing a "big guy" like Levi, his trump cards were so weak. .

For Levi, who has achieved the achievement of single-person annihilation, the power Judar controls is nothing more than a bigger ant.

Just like the so-called "barbarians" who invaded this world, Levi can easily wipe out all of them by himself. This is the absolute power gap. In the face of absolute power, any conspiracy and conspiracy are just a joke.

Judar struggled twice and then lost consciousness. His brain was invaded by Levi's consciousness. Although he also mastered a certain degree of extraordinary power, his power was still far behind Levi's. Although he tried hard to fight back, the mantis's resistance was of no use, and he was instantly crushed to pieces by Li Wei's huge consciousness.

Levi has gained control of Judar's body, and now he only needs to transform it to obtain a high-ranking puppet clone.

The biggest advantage of the puppet clone technique is that it can save Li Wei's body from a lot of trivial troubles.

Li Wei said calmly: "I have no interest in your conspiracy and ambition. It should be said that careerists and conspirators are all the same people. What they pursue is nothing more than strength, power, and money. and beauty. Although they will put on the cloak of justice for their desires, and even come up with deceptive rhetoric, but those people and I are of the same kind. Am I not clear about what they want? "

By reading Judal's memory, Levi already has a good understanding of his ambitions. Judal wants to use the current new technology, the so-called hundred-armed (hundred) technology, to realize his ambition and become a true warrior. King of the world.

In Li Wei's view, this kind of ambition is quite good. Being able to move forward with the goal of dominating the world, Li Wei would also appreciate such a huge ambition. It's a pity that now he needs Judal's identity and status, otherwise, he would like to communicate with Judal about how to conquer the world.

The reason why Li Wei admires Judal is because Judal's acting style is closer to his. They both like to crush crabs with big rocks and achieve their goals with absolute strength advantage.

Different from politician-type careerists who like to show off their words, Judar is a king-type careerist who pursues power. His plan is also quite simple and crude, which is to use the Varsland Club under his command to always master the high-end technology of the Hundred Arms. , and develop strategic weapons to replace nuclear weapons and become a new deterrent.

At the same time, after the new technology is matured and put into practical use, Judar will use the power of his hands to wipe out the "savages" that have invaded the earth. At the same time, he will use the power of hundreds of armed forces to enter the universe and actively eliminate the leaders of the barbarians. And control the number of barbarians within acceptable limits.

Here, Judar chose to control the number of barbarians instead of completely annihilating them. This was also due to the self-respect of thieves. Only when the barbarians continued to exist could he legally and reasonably maintain a relatively large high-level army. the basis of its own rule.

····Ask for flowers·····

When encountering something that is inconvenient for you to take action openly, you can also lead the barbarians to the area where the enemy is located, use the barbarians to deal with the existence that is against you, and then you can "justice from heaven" and defeat the chaos on your debut. The barbarians achieved both fame and fortune.

It can be said that if this plan, which is as stable as an old dog, continues to advance, as long as nothing goes wrong, or Judar himself breaks the chain, it will only be a matter of time before he rules the earth.

For this goal, Judal can sacrifice all his relatives and friends. As a qualified careerist, this is quite to Li Wei's liking. After all, those who achieve great things cannot be benevolent as women, especially when it comes to themselves. Before a man's strength and power have an absolute advantage, a woman's kindness is her fatal weakness.

As a careerist with an online IQ, Levi admires Judal's steady and progressive style of doing things, but now, Judal's identity will become his new vest.

Levi directly dragged Judal into his own sea of ​​consciousness space and began the work of puppet transformation. The basic ability of this body was quite poor, and it was different from the previously transformed Geese Howard and Clausa Vons. Compared to Troheim, he was completely sluggish in terms of individual abilities, which forced Levi to spend more effort to strengthen the basic abilities of this body.

The transformation took an hour and a half. After completing the transformation, Levi returned to the outside world with his new puppet clone.

Judar's clone looked at Levi's body and smiled: "Leave all the trivial matters here to me. It only takes a few hours to complete the admission status."

Levi raised his eyebrows. He has gradually become accustomed to this feeling of talking to himself. On the surface, it looks like schizophrenia. In fact, all thinking circuits are under his control. It's a bit like Playing StarCraft has multi-line operations, but Levi can use a separate thinking circuit to simplify this multi-line control to the extreme.

Chapter 44. Identity of instructor

With all of Judal's memories, Levi can be considered to have a considerable understanding of the world here, and this also indirectly allows him to obtain quite a lot of spatial coordinates in this world. After Levi left Judal's office, He went to Judar's nearby mansion and prepared to stay there for a few days.

Just after Levi left the office, Judar's clone made a phone call.

"Commander, what orders do you have from me?"

"Come to my office later and help me identify myself."


Judal's avatar hung up the phone. As the commander-in-chief of the Valslan Society, he possessed huge wealth and power that ordinary people could not imagine. Not to mention anything else, the long axis of the "Little Garden" alone reached four kilometers. A mobile fortress on the sea is something that money cannot measure.

The Valslan Society, which possesses a large amount of high-precision technology, is already a behemoth that is close to a country to a certain extent. Although Varslan operates as a business group, what it does and the armed forces it possesses are no longer inferior to those of some major powers. Even if they go to war with some major powers, they can still defeat them in a short period of time. Never fall behind.

Out of fear and checks on Valslan, all major powers have implicitly accepted Valslan's special status. It can be said that Judar's clone's current status is no less than that of the royal families of those oil countries in the East. And unlike the royal family of the Eastern Petroleum Country, which can only be slaughtered like pigs, as the ruler of Varsland, the status of Judar's clone is comparable to that of the handlers of those big countries.

After Levi returned to the mansion where Judal's clone was located, he released his own underground puppet specially used to mine gold. He planned to start collecting gold from now on. If he started collecting now, he would wait until he When he leaves, he will be able to accumulate a considerable amount of income.

On the next day, Li Wei got his own legal identity certificate. Now he has a full set of identity documents for activities here, and these documents are all produced through formal procedures. No matter how he checks, they will not be found. omission.

Judar's clone also called his younger sister, Kulea Harvey, to Varslan's headquarters.

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