"It just so happens that you don't have a university in Nanjing. Find a way to get Zhang Chulan to come to the Tianxia Conference."

Feng Zhenghao's voice came from the mobile phone.


Bai Jing hung up the phone. Judging from Feng Zhenghao's attitude, Zhang Chulan's identity had been spread in the alien world.

Feng Zhenghao wanted to recruit Zhang Chulan to join the gang, but Bai Jing knew the subsequent plot development, and Feng Zhenghao's idea was doomed to fail.

This job is not difficult. He just saved Zhang Chulan's life. He will probably agree to this small request.

Bai Jing temporarily put the matter behind him, and after carefully sensing the changes in his body, a glimmer of light flashed through his eyes: "My energy refining talent has actually increased!"

When he copied the space power, he was vaguely aware of it.

But at that time, I was busy practicing the art of Flying Thunder God, and later fell in love with Feng Shayan, so I didn't have time to care about it.

Now that he had copied the Bright Soul Technique and felt strange again, Bai Jing realized that his body had changed a lot.

"Innate abilities will affect the movement route of Qi, and it is usually difficult to change.

But after I copied other abilities, the route of the meridians did change.

In this way, the more abilities I copy, the higher my Qi training talent will be! "

Bai Jing's eyes lit up.

There are many meridians in the human body, and the strongest among them are twelve meridians, which are the main meridians, that is, the twelve main meridians.

For example, he originally only had the innate ability of commanding all beasts.

Under its influence, Qi will only move towards one main channel, and the efficiency of practice is not low.

Even if you practice acquired skills, it is best not to run the trajectory of Qi on other meridians, otherwise it will produce a repulsive effect.

After copying the space power, the meridians that fixed the flow of Qi became two main meridians. The Bright Soul Technique provided more main meridians, now four!

In other words, compared to before, his Qi training talent has increased four times!

A smile appeared on Bai Jing's face: "It seems that I can find a way to change my skills."

The characteristic of the popular Qigong training method is that it is highly compatible and can be practiced by anyone, but its efficiency is extremely low. This is what he originally practiced.

When most of the meridians in his body are penetrated, he will also be a genius in Qi training!

"Free as the wind, as gentle as you..."

The phone rang again. Bai Jing opened it and saw that this time it was Zhang Chulan.

Bai Jing joked: "What, you got kidnapped again?"

"Lao Bai, where are you now? Someone robbed our car!"

Bai Jing frowned slightly and said, "Who did this, Quan Xing?"

He was so brave that he dared to rob the company's car. Xu San's status in the company was not low.

"It seems to be some kind of Tianshi Mansion. It's amazing that he can have the same kung fu as me!"

Bai Jing was stunned and immediately understood the whole story.

Okay, Zhang Lingyu, you have the guts!


"Zhang Lingyu, do you know what you are doing!"

Xu San gritted his teeth, veins bulging on the back of his hands.

The disciples of Tianshi Mansion are going against the company for the sake of integrity, they are crazy!

Zhang Lingyu is wearing a white Taoist robe, with red cinnabar dotted on his forehead, and a handsome face. Anyone who looks at him will admire him as a handsome Taoist.

But at this time, Zhang Lingyu looked troubled and struggled.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xu San...but I have no choice but to do so! I'm so sorry!"

"Mr. Xu San, don't be angry, my junior uncle was confused for a moment!"

There were two Taoist priests from Tianshi Mansion beside Zhang Lingyu, who quickly spoke out to ease the relationship between the two parties.

"If you don't give me a reasonable explanation for this matter, it won't end!"

Xu San shouted angrily, and used telekinesis to control the stones on the roadside and throw them at the three of them.

The three of them cast their body-protecting golden light and took all Xu San's attacks, but they didn't dare to fight back.

Next to it was a standard van that could be used everywhere. The rear door was in tatters, as if someone had torn it apart with brute force!

Apart from the two parties facing each other, Xia He and Lu Liang had disappeared, and only Liu Yanyan was still lying in the car.

"Uncle Junior, please say something!"

The disciple of Tianshi Mansion looked anxious and almost cried.

Originally, they came down the mountain this time to invite Zhang Chulan to participate in the Luotian Dajiao.

Who knows what kind of madness the little uncle got? When he saw the company's car, he rushed forward, and they had no time to stop him.

Zhang Lingyu whispered in a deep voice: "I will take full responsibility for this matter!"

"The breath of the moon, the shape of one, the palace of dark moon and night."

A moon arc slash suddenly shot out from the side, and its terrifying power seemed to be able to break gold and jade.

Zhang Lingyu's expression suddenly changed, she stretched out her hands to push the two of them away, activated the body-protecting golden light to the extreme, and clasped her hands in front of her to protect them.


The golden light instantly dissipated, and two blood marks appeared on Zhang Lingyu's arm, with bright red blood spilling down.

"You actually split my protective golden light!"

Zhang Lingyu's eyes were full of disbelief.

"Old Bai!"

Zhang Chulan was overjoyed.

Bai Jing narrowed his eyes slightly and roughly figured out Zhang Lingyu's strength from the blow just now.

Zhang Lingyu and Wang Ye, these two are the ceiling for the younger generation. As for who is stronger and which is weaker, it is difficult to tell.

With such a good opportunity, he wanted to learn the methods of Tianshi Mansion.


Xu San called Bai Jing to stop, and most of the anger in his heart disappeared.

The impact of this matter is too great. If Zhang Lingyu is really taken down, the relationship between Tianshi Mansion and the company will quickly deteriorate.

"Let's go."

Xu San's expression was cold, everyone had already run away, and it would be useless to continue to pester him.

"Thank you, thank you!"

The two disciples of the Tianshi Mansion were about to leave with Zhang Lingyu in hand as if they had been granted amnesty.

"But this matter is not over yet! I will personally visit the old master at Mount Longhu, and you can do whatever you want, Master Lingyu!"

Bai Jing shrugged: "It seems that I am late."

It is a pity that they did not fight.

If he did not reveal his trump card, the odds between him and Zhang Lingyu should be 60-40.

Although he could split his body's golden light, Bai Jing did not dare to say that he had a sure win.

Yin Lei is Zhang Lingyu's strongest weapon.

"No need to say that, thank you on behalf of the company."

Xu San completely regained his composure and said: "The matter about Liu Yanyan and Zhang Chulan still needs to be dealt with, and we will meet again another day."


Bai Jing nodded.

It is always right to have a good relationship with the official people, and Xu San's innate ability, telekinesis is also good.

You can find an opportunity to get it later.

Then he told Zhang Chulan to come to him after the matter was done, and then turned and left.


Two days later, Bai Jing and Zhang Chulan were sitting in a restaurant.

"You mean, you were forced to work for Nadutong, but now you can't stand the humiliation and don't want to stay any longer?"

"Yeah, that crazy woman, I can't stand her!"

Bai Jing understood that Feng Baobao asked two middle-aged women to break Zhang Chulan's virginity, and he thought he was insulted and ran away.

"Are you interested in coming to our company?"

Zhang Chulan was puzzled: "Your company?"

"Well, Tianxiahui, if Nadutong is an official organization of aliens, then Tianxiahui is a civilian one."

Bai Jing briefly introduced a few sentences.

"Old Bai, you want me to join your organization, don't think I'm running away now, but I have already signed the employment contract.

If you break the contract, you have to pay a large amount of liquidated damages!"

Bai Jing was immediately happy and said, "As long as you are willing to come, liquidated damages are nothing, our boss is the most not bad is money!"

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