Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 88 Lanlong's wind blows the stationary windmill!

The first ray of sunshine in the morning breaks through the dark clouds, the heavy rain disperses, and a new day comes.

The air washed away by the heavy rain was particularly fresh. After going out, Acorus took a deep breath and finally felt a little calmer.

Last night's heavy rain, strong wind, and lightning all made her uneasy. She couldn't help but want to see Luke, but thinking about her sulky old father and what her boyfriend said last night, she still stayed at home obediently.

As soon as it dawned, she ran non-stop to Lu Ke's house, only to see an unexpected person.

Kakashi stood outside the window, looking sluggish and soaked, as if he had been staying here all night.

"Kakashi? What are you doing here?"

"Something happened in the village. I came over to see if there is anyone here who needs help."

"There are so many people in the village, why do you have to come here to see them?"

Chang Pu asked in a panic. The other person's appearance gave her the illusion that her status in the palace had been severely shaken.

"What is your relationship with Luke?"

"...It's a friend."

Are there friends like you?

Which friend would run to the house in the middle of the night and ask if the other party wants help?

Still on such a thunderstorm night!

Acorus' beautiful eyebrows wrinkled, feeling a little bad about her whole body.

Kakashi didn't understand what Acorus was angry about, but thinking that she was Luke's girlfriend, he still had the patience to explain.

"I'm just a shadow clone."

"Isn't that even more outrageous!"

When he thought about Kakashi being a ninja and what kind of transformation and cloning techniques he could use, Acorus frowned even deeper, and he could not help but think of Kakashi transforming into various coquettish bitches to seduce his boyfriend.

She had really underestimated the possibility of ninja before.

No wonder there are so many nantongs among ninjas. With these skills, how can ordinary women compare to ninjas!

"What's the noise about?"

Yawning, Luke pushed open the window. As soon as he came back from using teleportation, he saw the scene of the shadow clone of the first brother on the list confronting his girlfriend.

Kakashi, who always felt that the atmosphere at the scene was not right, shook his head, "It's okay. The matter in the village should be settled. I'll take the first step."

Kakashi left, but Acorus didn't look very happy.

Lu Ke, who probably guessed his girlfriend's thoughts, pulled her into the room and proved what he really liked.

The stupid brother doing his daily routine brought a different kind of excitement to this operation, but the experienced Lu Ke naturally locked the door well so as not to spoil the children.

The Hokage's temporary office.

Sarutobi Hiruzen sat in a chair and listened to the ANBU ninja in front of him reporting the situation one by one.

"According to on-site investigation, with the Hokage Building as the center, the nearby buildings were basically not damaged, and the scope of the storm was carefully controlled. On the contrary, there were one or two old houses outside the battlefield that were washed away by the heavy rain. Fortunately, they were unoccupied and empty."

The ninja who reported hesitated for a moment, then spoke, "In addition, a ninja tool shop was destroyed far away from the battlefield. Logically speaking, it is not close to the battlefield, and the ninja tool shop has some defensive measures. In theory, it is Nothing will happen."

"You mean, that mysterious person knows the owner of that ninja shop, and they have a grudge?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen originally wanted to say "intruder", but after thinking for a moment he changed it to "mysterious person". He shook his head, "Impossible, the identity gap between the two people is too big."

"It's like this. You don't know. At first, this mysterious man once claimed that he was the master craftsman of the country of craftsmen, and he had many magical ninja tools on him, such as the knife, the clothes, and he shielded himself Breath means."

"So, that person is a ninja craftsman who is highly skilled and can create ninja tools with various effects." Sarutobi Hiruzen secretly noted this characteristic and was a little confused.

Then why would he target a mediocre ninja shop?

Could it be that the ninja tools in that shop were so rubbish that the ninja craftsman couldn't stand them anymore, so he destroyed them?

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and thought for a while, feeling that this guess was untenable and had no choice but to give up.

"Go check the details of the owner of that ninja shop to see if he is an enemy spy. If there is anything wrong with him, capture him and hand him over to the Yamazaka clan for interrogation."


After these trivial matters were dealt with, Hiruzen Sarutobi rested for a while, then left the office and walked to the conference room.

There are already three people in the conference room. Danzo, the leader of the root group who is wearing a mask, Mito Kadoyan and Koharu Koharu have all taken their seats. After Sarutobi Hiruzen arrives, the most powerful people in Konoha are gathered here. .

"I've kept you waiting, now let's start proposing Konoha's reform plan."

Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded to the three of them, and then went straight to the point.

"First of all, the salary of all ninjas will be increased by three levels, the commission fee will be halved, and the share of the rewards will be readjusted. The ninjas will take the lion's share, and the remaining money will keep the village running normally and provide some additional income."

As soon as the first motion was proposed, Mito Kaden immediately frowned.

"Isn't this too lenient for ninjas?"

"The ninja are the foundation of the village and their interests need to be protected."

"Without the village, ninjas would not have a stable mission channel. The village trained them in the early stage, and there are ninjutsu that cannot be learned by outsiders with money. The income of ninjas is much higher than that of other professions. No Need to add more.”

"The greater the risk, the higher the return should be. Ninja is a profession that licks blood at the edge of the knife. This is settled."

Sarutobi Hiruzen did not give him room to refute and continued to talk about the next proposal.

"Support the industry of daily necessities, adjust the price of imported luxury goods with unreasonable pricing back to the original position, limit the sales quantity, and increase taxes at the same time."

"It's a bit unreasonable, this will completely kill imported goods." Utatane Koharu also showed a look of disapproval.

"Do you really think that they will not make any profit with this arrangement? Or are you colluding with them, so you passed the approval process without my consent?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen asked coldly.

Utatane Koharu's face changed slightly, and her lips moved a few times, but she didn't say anything in the end.

Sarutobi Hiruzen continued: "The price of ninja tools has been inflated in recent years. Merchants are not allowed to make too much profit from the weapons and props that ninjas must have. The price must be cut by more than half and restored to the previous industry level."

Danzo's hoarse voice with a little air leakage sounded from under the mask, "I'll listen to you."

As soon as this was said, Mito Kado En and Utatane Koharu looked at Danzo in surprise at the same time. Doesn't this guy usually like to make trouble for Sarutobi Hiruzen the most? Why are you so honest today?

Danzo avoided their gazes and said nothing.

He once again retreated in the face of crisis and was saved by Sarutobi Hiruzen. Even he planned to be honest for a while.

"The next proposal is to reduce the tuition fees of the ninja school by half, and the insufficient part will be subsidized by the village. The admission age will be relaxed from six to eight years old to four to ten years old. In the curriculum, half of the theoretical courses in grades one to three will be replaced by shuriken throwing and practical training."

"It's not wartime now, are you sure you want to do this?"

Danzo asked again to confirm Hiruzen's intention.

Such a policy will only be issued when there is a shortage of manpower during a war. To be honest, using such a policy in peacetime is likely to cause panic.

"It's more dangerous now than wartime! It is indeed important to stabilize the people's hearts, but if you worry about this and relax the training of the next generation of talents, this is a loss of the greater for the smaller." Sarutobi Hiruzen answered decisively.

"Think about what happened last night."

Danzo fell silent, and the other two who saw the scene of the Death Lake, although they did not fight, also kept silent.

The strength of that invader is indeed too terrifying.

It is impossible to deal with him without giving everything.

"The next proposal is about Uchiha."

Sarutobi Hiruzen said after a moment of silence: "I plan to move the Uchiha back to the center of the village, strengthen contact, and appease them."

"No, the Uchiha clan, who are born evil, cannot come back." Danzo finally raised an objection, which made the other two feel a little relieved.

"The Uchiha clan is one of the backbones of Konoha. If we don't win them over but push them to a farther place, or even cause rebellion, Konoha will lose more than it gains."

"If the Uchiha rebels, even if Konoha eliminates them, it will be seriously damaged. At that time, let alone the disaster that will strike again in ten years, it is hard to say whether other ninja villages will not take the opportunity to attack."

Sarutobi Hiruzen replied calmly, "I have discussed with Fugaku and agreed that the Uchiha clan will participate in the election of Hokage and compete fairly."

"What do you mean by this?"

Danzo's voice rose involuntarily. From what he said, it means that he wants to run for Hokage again?

"I am no longer fit to be the Hokage." Sarutobi Hiruzen's voice was calm. "I am old, and my physical strength has long since fallen from its peak. I have been busy with government affairs and have not been able to improve my ninjutsu for a long time."

"Not only that, I have also lost the drive of a young man. I only know how to be complacent. The plans I have proposed now were all proposed at the suggestion of several capable juniors."

"The matter of the Fifth Hokage needs to be put on the agenda."

Sarutobi Hiruzen's words caused a huge stir, and the other three were all shocked.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Hiruzen, we have always recognized your work."

"Who is qualified to inherit your position? Do we really want to let the Uchiha people be the Hokage?"

"Uchiha Fugaku is only qualified to run for election. Don't worry that he can really be elected." Sarutobi Hiruzen knocked on the table, looked around and said, "I plan to let Tsunade and Jiraiya come back."

As the three ninjas of Konoha, these two are both capable and qualified to be the Kage. Moreover, the Third Ninja World War is not very far away from now. People still remember their past achievements and their reputations also meet the requirements.

"Don't be ridiculous. You would rather let these juniors be the Hokage..."

"It is said that people become more stubborn as they get older. This is really true." Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed, his eyes suddenly became sharp, and he stood up.

"Not only me, you three should also give power to the young people."

The faces of the three people changed, and they said in unison.

"What are you talking about!?"

"I'm not discussing with you, I'm informing you."

At this moment, Sarutobi Hiruzen seemed to have returned to his youthful days. He looked coldly at his companions who were obsessed with power and refused to let go.

"I won't care about the things you took advantage of your positions before, but from today on, whether it's the Hokage, the leader of the Root, or the Elders, all must be replaced."

"Konoha needs fresh blood, not the remnants of the old era like us."

"I want to see Konoha before the fifth generation takes office. It is complete and worthy of being the first ninja village!"

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