Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 62 The First Longhushan Appreciation Conference

The end of the technique, the source of Qi body.

The eight magical skills that brought the protagonist Zhang Chulan into the dispute are the legacy of Zhang Huaiyi, the chief culprit of the Jiashen Rebellion.

Despite these titles, when Feng Baobao passed his forehead to Lu Ke, he was also a little confused.

Indeed, what Zhang Chulan said seemed to be just some Qi-nurturing Kung Fu, with nothing outstanding. In other words, the only magic was the Qi ball that Feng Baobao passed along with the Kung Fu.

"Baby, why are you teaching the skills instead of Zhang Chulan himself?" Lu Ke asked in a deep voice.

"Zhang Chulan can't pass it, so I have to pass it." Feng Baobao pointed to his head.

"His grandpa stuffed that thing into my head and asked me to give it to him later. After he gave it away, it was gone. Zhang Chulan asked me to pass it on to you again. I want another one, and a new one will grow in my head."

Lu Ke was silent for a moment. The baby's physique was really amazing, and he didn't know if he would be able to wait until the secret was revealed in his lifetime.

"Are you going to the banquet? Xu Si seems to have something to tell you."

"Hmm..." Lu Ke was a little embarrassed. He really wanted to take the famous scene of walking the bird under the moon. He was in sage mode and wasn't very keen on rustling, but Bai Shixue should be arriving soon. It would be a bit inappropriate for girls to let pigeons fly like this. respect.

And Bai Shixue still brought the money he won!

When Luke was in trouble, his phone suddenly vibrated.

[Brother Lu, I have something to do and I can’t go there at the moment. Let’s change the time. ]

After looking at the emotionless Messenger, Luke took back his phone and the problem was solved.

He felt that Bai Shixue seemed to have one of the legendary fates of a boy, that he would always remain a virgin and would encounter all kinds of accidents once he had the opportunity to open a business.

Thinking about it this way, I seem to understand why I couldn't find a girlfriend in my previous life.

Simply because Luke was also a boy in his previous life!

In addition to the intense competition, a relaxing bonfire party was very attractive. Most of the players came, including the most promising ones.

Zhuge Qing met Zhang Lingyu, and the two famous disciples had a very good chat. Wang, who seemed to be in a particularly low mood, also walked by and was pulled in by Zhuge Qing.

"Taoist Master Wang Ye, you are so good, why do you look so distracted?" Zhuge Qing narrowed his eyes at Wang Ye with a kind smile on his face.

"What I originally wanted to do was done by someone else. I feel like this trip is meaningless." Wang Ye yawned and asked listlessly, "Why did you drag me into a small gathering of seed players? You shouldn't drag Jia Zhengliang into it." With Luke?"

"Brother Lu has already gone to invite him. Brother Jia's tutoring is strict. Unless there is a girl by his side, his mother won't let him go out to play at night. As for why he brought the Taoist priest in..."

Zhuge Qing smiled slightly, "Don't belittle yourself. Among the contestants participating in the Luotian Dajiao, you and Brother Lu are the only ones who can't be counted."

Zhang Lingyu's words made Zhang Lingyu look slightly sideways, "I didn't expect that Taoist Master Wang Ye has such strength. I'm really ashamed that I didn't notice it."

"Tsk, warlocks are so annoying. I can't hide anything in front of you." Wang Ye showed a bitter look and shrugged, "Don't worry about me, I will leave the next game."

He paused and said, "You just said you couldn't figure out Luke. What's the specific situation?"

Zhuge Qing pondered for a moment, "The information given in the interior scene is very strange. One is false and the other is true. It seems that he has two sides. One side is an ordinary middle-class stranger, and the other side... is blank."


Wang Ye was shocked. After all, Lu Ke's specialness was noticed by other warlocks. I'm afraid there will be more troubles in the future.

"Is there any record in the books in Brother Zhuge's home? What does this situation mean?"

When it comes to Qimen magic alone, Fenghou Qimen, one of the eight magic skills, is stronger than Wuhou Qimen, but when it comes to the knowledge reserve of Qimen's interior and other aspects, the half-monk Wang can't compare with the martial arts passed down for thousands of years. Hou faction.

"The interior scene does not give any specific information, which means that everyone in the world knows little about that person and is unable to give an answer. However, even the background of the Wuhou family cannot give a specific explanation, but there are related conjectures. two."

Zhuge Qing solemnly stretched out a finger, "The first possibility is that in the legend, the immortals are 'feathered' and ascended. The immortals are separated from the common concept and do not exist in this world, so the inner scene cannot give the answer."

Luke? Immortal?

Zhang Lingyu closed his eyes, forgiving him for having difficulty putting these two words together.

This pair of immortals is really a bit presumptuous!

"Who would post sexy pictures of themselves on social forums?"

Wang Ye's complaint perfectly expressed Zhang Lingyu's heart.

Zhuge Qing also smiled and said, "Brother Lu is indeed a bit casual. He doesn't have that sense of Taoism and immortality. Another possibility is..."

"Extraterrestrial Demon."

As soon as these four words came out, Zhang Lingyu and Wang Ye frowned.

Excluding those qualitative contents in immortality novels, there are two interpretations of heavenly demons in Taoism. One is some kind of evil and powerful spirit, or evil spirit, and the other is the uncontrollable desires and obsessions in one's own heart. When a person's mind is wandering and his thoughts are not correct, the devil will appear.

Taking this as an extension, Taoism gradually attributes all difficulties on the path of spiritual practice to demons.

"Brother Zhuge means that Lu Ke is some kind of evil existence from outside the world?" Zhang Lingyu asked hesitantly.

"Of course not." Zhuge Qing smiled and shook his head, "Brother Lu is simple in nature and kind-hearted. How could he be an evil spirit like an extraterrestrial demon? I'm just telling the Zhuge family's possible guess about this phenomenon."

A gloomy voice suddenly came from behind.

"Okay, Wang Ye, Zhang Lingyu, you two team up to say bad things about me behind my back."

Lu Ke appeared quietly behind Zhuge Qing. He patted Zhuge Qing's shoulder with satisfaction, "Old Qing is an honest man and understands my nature. That's why I'm going to blame you for this. If we face each other, I guarantee that the game will end." There will be no residual effects on you.”

On the other hand, if Zhang Lingyu or Wang also faced him, he would probably be injured for a hundred days.

"Brother Lu, there is no need to hold back. For such an important competition as the Luotian Dajiao, you and I should do our best." Zhang Lingyu replied seriously.

"No, I'll kill you in the next game." Wang Ye raised his hands in resignation, "I can't afford to offend a giant Buddha like you. I will go back to my Wudang Mountain as soon as the game ends tomorrow."

Lu Ke was a little surprised, "It doesn't seem like your style, Wudang King, Ye Zong."

"Don't give people random nicknames!"

Wang also felt that after staying with this guy for a long time, his mood would be easily shaken.

Not far away, a burst of noise suddenly sounded.

Several people looked up and saw Zhang Chulan holding a wine bottle and drunkenly climbed onto the small dirt bag, then unbuttoned his pants and showed off his work in a carefree manner.

"Ah hey hey...ah hehe he..."

"Do you really want to see it so much? Then let me open your eyes! Hahahaha..."

Zhuge Qing and Wang Ye couldn't help but raise their heads and hold their foreheads, looking like hell, they were really not interested in things of the same sex.

Zhang Lingyu's face turned green again.

This rotten person ruined the atmosphere of Tianshi Mansion!

He was about to roll up his sleeves and leave without seeing anything, when he suddenly found another figure on the dirt bag. The man kicked Zhang Chulan down and cursed.

"You have the nerve to show this thing in public, come on, Kangkang, mine!"


Zhang Lingyu desperately rushed over to stop him, but the man who seemed to be about to unzip his zipper suddenly showed a wicked smile, stopped, grabbed Zhang Lingyu, and whispered to him.

"Lingyu, you said just now that I don't have to hold back."

He amplified his voice.

"I won't show it because I'm afraid people will feel inferior after seeing it. Come and see Lingyu's real person!"

There was no moment of mourning for Zhang Chulan's guarding sand. The next person to arrive on the battlefield was Zhang Lingyu's thought!

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