Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 59 The God of Tianjin on top of Lingfeng!

inside the room.

Luke sat on the bedside and lit a cigarette leisurely. After taking a puff, he found that the smell was a bit wrong. He pinched the cigarette and saw that it belonged to a woman.

"I thought you wouldn't specifically choose the female type when smoking."

Feng Shayan, who was covered in sweat and almost falling apart from exhaustion, picked up the clothes next to her and threw them at him. She cursed feebly in a hoarse voice.

"Get lost."

She said it like she wasn't a woman.

This battle was quite fierce, with Feng Shayan degenerating from the strong side to the weak side as soon as it started.

The moment Luk came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, Feng Shayan regretted it. Although I heard that Henglian guys are very tough and most of them have specialties, Luk's specialties are really outstanding.

She immediately wanted to run away, but within two seconds, Luke removed her defenses. She had no room for resistance even when using her powers. In the end, she changed from struggling to being obedient, leaving several deep scars on her back. scratches.

The half-finished space ability was finally used.

Luke thought about it for a moment and felt that using the power in this way was a bit disrespectful of the method it was originally used to fight the enemy.

"It's time to get some rest and leave. I won't keep anyone here tonight."

"...Aren't you a bit too scumbag?"

"What are you talking about? You took all my blood." Lu Ke sighed sadly. He had just met the conditions for practicing Yin Wu Lei, okay?

"In the end, I just love the Party."

Feng Shayan: Youchun is fucked*!




After a lot of intense insults in her heart, Feng Shayan stood up from the bed. She sat up straight, grabbed the cigarette from Lu Ke's hand and took a deep puff, then asked after silence.

"Don't you think about giving me a try?"

Lu Ke asked back, "Did you ask this yourself, or did President Feng mean it?"

As we all know, Miss Feng Shayanfeng is always given away by her old father in various fandoms. If Feng Zhenghao hadn't really had a good eye and could find the real protagonist every time, Miss Feng would be just like that.

"My father does want me to get close to you, but I don't want him to force me."

Feng Shayan's face turned cold, she put out the cigarette butt and forced herself to stand up straight.

Her feelings for Lu Ke were partly due to her favor for his appearance, but mostly because of her admiration for the strong.

Miss Feng likes strong people. The stronger the person, the more she appreciates him. Among people of his generation, Lu Ke is strong enough.

But regarding what he just said, Feng Shayan didn't bother to talk anymore. This kind of bastard had already passed the marriage selection, and even if Lu Ke wanted to develop a relationship with her now, it would be impossible for him.

"Alipay arrived, 100,000 yuan."

An electronic prompt sounded, and Feng Shayan took one last look at Lu Ke and smiled contemptuously.

"That's it, I'll give you a red envelope, you're welcome."


The door was closed.

Lu Ke felt like he was being raped, and it seemed that he was much more expensive than Jia Zhengliang.

Forget it, it’s not important.

Now his mind is not about those vulgar things at all, but the way time exists, the connection between himself and the universe, and the emotion of the vast ebb and flow of the world.

He feels that it is a waste of time to stick to women. He even wants to delete all the things in the network disk, the saved websites, and the resource groups he has joined. He will study hard in the future and make progress every day.

Considering that he might regret it later, he resisted the urge to correct his evil ways and focus on his studies.

At present, Lu Ke has Tongtianlu and Julingshuangjiang in his hands, and soon there will be a wave of people coming from Quanxing to send them. He wants to give priority to practicing Julingshuangjiang.

In this way, he will soon have three corpses, three crazy people, Wan Jingui, his apprentice Han Dan and a few other masters whose names he has forgotten. They are almost the same as Feng Zhenghao in the post bar, but they can also enrich his methods.

Except for a few special characters, everything else is unimportant, and it doesn't matter if those who didn't leave their names in their minds died.

Righteous people may talk about those messy moral principles and follow procedures, but Lu Ke is not going to tolerate those trouble-making scum.

Anyway, there is a rule that killing Quan Xing will not be held accountable. As long as you are not eager to exterminate Quan Xing like the old master, the company will not care.

"Ju Ling dispatches the general."

Luke reviewed the content of "Ju Ling Sending General", and a previous thought flashed across his mind.

He had long been curious about what would happen if the spirit body practiced Julingshu.

A normal spirit body does not even have a body, so it is naturally impossible to practice Qi. However, Lu Ke happened to know a thing that although it was called a spirit body, it was actually no different from a normal person. It could eat, drink, bleed, and sleep.

Death Luke!

As for the performance of the Shinigami in the Shinigami world, it can be said that Kubo and his people directly painted the Shinigami as human beings, which means that when Ichigo is in the present world, he will have multiple bodies as a drag.

I haven’t visited space for a while.

Thinking of this, Luke got dressed, then lay on the bed and closed his eyes.

As soon as he arrived in the mysterious space, the alien Luke was attracted by the magnificent and elegant creature hovering in the sky.

The creature was covered in a light green carapace, and had fin-shaped flying membranes that were flying like white feathers and covered most of its body.

The most eye-catching thing is that its head points to the sky with a pair of sacred and magnificent golden horns without a trace of scars.

"Fuck! Sister Lan!"

Lanlong, a noble ancient dragon species, Tianjin Huojin God, appears as the final boss in Monster Hunter P3.

The on-duty Death God Luke looked at Lanlong's flying figure with a bright look, "How is it, this is just one of the two new Lukes who came two days ago. It looks good, right? This is a serious SR."

"It looks good, but why is it so small?" Alien Luke nodded vigorously. He always liked Lanlong. In order to save materials for Lanlong's equipment, he killed it many times. Well... it sounds a bit weird.

Anyway, he likes Lanlong!

"It's in its infancy. It's only three years old this year. It's just eight meters. If it's an adult, it will be an SSR." Death God Luke sounded a little regretful.

Why does an eight-meter baby sound so disgusting?

Alien Luke's mouth twitched slightly, and he put his hand on Death God Luke's shoulder and said business, "Come and touch it. I recently learned to summon spirits and send generals. See if you can learn it."

At the moment of sharing the touch, a series of memories flooded into his mind.

During this period, Hokage Luke has been focusing on conquering Might Guy. From his memory, the two have started running together. Might Guy also gave away his treasured green skin tight sportswear. It is expected that the Eight Gates will be obtained soon.

Pirate Luke has been practicing Haki recently. In his spare time, he pulls Luffy over and beats him up... He means training. The opponent has a shadow when he sees him now. He runs as soon as he meets him, but he can't run away. He will only be caught and beaten harder. The benefits are also obvious. Luffy has learned Haki in advance.

Death God Luke has learned the ghost way to level 60. After the addition of Storm Dragon Luke and another Luke, he can abandon chanting and use it. At the same time, his spiritual pressure has improved. The biggest improvement is instant step. The last time he was training, he was accidentally seen by Soi Fong. The opponent sincerely invited him to join the second team after graduation in the future.

Dragon Luke played a few poker games.


The alien Luke in sage mode couldn't help but spit. He really didn't do anything serious. He was a disgrace to Luke. He was ashamed to be associated with such a person!

As for the other Luke besides Lanlong...

The alien Luke opened his eyes and was surprised.

"Has Luke's army begun to develop to the sub-supply world?"

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