Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 172: Sword of Victory and Anti-Injury Armor

"Are you not worried that I will destroy the world after I die?"

"The power you have shown can destroy the earth's surface if given enough time, which is in line with the symbol of doomsday."

Anna replied indifferently, and at the same time did not forget to taunt, "But compared to Derivative No. 1 or Derivative No. 2, you are indeed not worth mentioning."

Luke looked at him calmly, his figure seemed to flash for a moment in a trance, and then he rushed straight over and punched Anna.

The whistling sound of tearing the air came, and it was obviously a speed that humans could not react to at all, but Anna reacted easily. She did not dodge or evade, and raised the red long sword in her hand and swung it down heavily.

The punch of Shaking the Mountain was like a drop in the ocean. In contrast, Luke felt a force that was about ten times stronger than his punch hitting him. There was no room for maneuver, and the terrifying force directly smashed half of his body.

The red sword was grasped by Lu Ke's still intact hand. He stepped back and dodged several sword lights that were chasing him. A green light flashed, and his body that was on the verge of collapse instantly recovered.

Looking at the red sword that was close at hand, Lu Ke's eyes bloomed with a blue light. The short distance converged and spread to an infinity that could not be reached. The red sword was getting slower and slower.

At this moment, the red sword that was trapped in solidification suddenly burst out with a dazzling red light, and the surrounding space was shattered, and even the domain was pierced with a hole.

Lu Ke felt a kind of inevitable power at this moment.

This sword of the red sword will definitely hit him, so no limit can stop it.

This is completely different from the inevitable hit in the field of spells, but some kind of incredible miracle.

"I really can't underestimate you."

Lu Ke flew back, and the space began to fold and circulate around him to form a barrier. Although it can't intercept the offensive, it can still delay it.

Then he flicked his finger lightly, and hundreds of weak slashes simultaneously attacked Anna's neck, wrists, head and other places that the armor could not reach.

Puff! Puff!

Anna was intact, on the contrary, hundreds of blood flowers bloomed on Lu Ke's body. He calmly healed his injuries, and watched Anna gradually approaching like an undefeated martial god, his brain working rapidly.

The senior combat staff who prepared the seals were terribly strong, and he was at a disadvantage in an instant.

And the brief confrontation just now made him discover several problems.

First, all his attacks did not cause any injuries to Anna, but were strengthened ten times and returned to him. If he had not intended to test it at the beginning and did not use his full strength, this body would probably have been broken.

Secondly, Anna's panel was very abnormal. Her physique, speed, energy, etc. were similar to his in all aspects, and faintly exceeded him, but this world did not develop the body and energy very much, let alone surpass his panel.

Lu Ke guessed that it should be using the characteristics of some kind of seal to copy the other party's physique.

The most important point is the long sword in Anna's hand. "Must hit" is not the characteristic of the long sword, but the effect of the real characteristic.

When fighting with Anna, Luke found that his causal line had changed and had been fixed. As far as he was concerned, he could not change it.

Fate was declaring to him that he would definitely lose this battle!

"Tsk, this is not okay. It's rare to be a villain. How can you not even let a senior soldier like you get away with it when you boast that you will destroy the world."

Anna is just a supervisor of the Future Fund. In addition to Kelly, who was killed by herself before she was fully prepared, there are two other supervisors like this. There is also a higher manager, Prell, and who knows if there is a behind-the-scenes mastermind in the thirteenth floor.

And Future Technology is not the only large-scale sealing organization. There are also story editing departments, Lighthouse Co., Ltd. and psychological treatment centers...

There are many enemies!

Luke's eyes turned cold, and his middle finger was placed on the second knuckle of his index finger.

"Infinite space."

Inside the limitless space, information flows and entangles here, and then pours into Luke's mind. He uses his analytical ability to collect information about the seal on Anna.

Luke entered a blind spot before. The battle with the seal is not about how many means you have, nor how strong your panel is. Information is the only key.

As long as you don't collide with the information of the seal, you can win the battle from the side!

Anna raised her sword and chopped it, her moves were open and closed, and the red sword light seemed to be able to cut off everything.

At the moment when she was about to chop Luke, Luke pressed his five fingers, and the green light enveloped the area around the two people. Time froze at this moment.

Luke pressed Anna's sword, and a stream of information flowed into his mind.

Level 3 seal, sword of victory

Description 1: A red long sword, found by ███ in his own lush wheat field on March 21, 1886. It is said that the sunset that day was as red as blood.

Description 2: ███ had never received professional training before, but with the sword ███, he was able to perform superb swordsmanship and defeated opponents who were much stronger than himself again and again.

Description 3: After getting the red long sword, ███ lost his sexual desire and could not have any sexual desire for any opposite or same sex. He resolutely divorced his wife and gradually became addicted to fighting.

Description 4: After putting down the sword, ███ was defeated quickly and still lost his life even though his opponent held back.

Message: "Cherish life, stay away from women, or men!"

What a sure-win single sword.

Luke's mouth curled up slightly. As long as he took the sword, he would win.

He was about to take away the sword in Anna's hand. The moment he reached out, the red sword light suddenly lit up in the frozen time!

If it is taken away, it will be declared a failure, so the sword that must win is not allowed to be taken away. If it continues, I am afraid that this sword will break the solidified time just like it cut through space before.

Luke retracted his hand thoughtfully, and then placed his hand on the black armor.

Level 3 sealed object, anti-wounded armor

Description 1: "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

Description 2: "No, why should I exchange one for one with you? I want one for ten!"

Description 3: "Anyway, one is exchanged for ten, so it makes sense to get rid of one of your own!"

Description 4: "What I mean is, armor is used to protect people, so why can it only protect the covered place? I want them all!"

Description 5: "Tell me, if you use a sword that can reflect damage to hit this armor that can reflect damage, what will be the final result?"

Message: Without a doubt, this is the best armor in the village.

——Frankenstein P

Seeing such data, Luke couldn't help but frown. The full body protection from injury plus ten times the rebound, basically means you are invincible if you wear it.

He wanted to take it off, but the moment he stretched out his hand, he was blocked by a sudden red sword light.

He reached out to touch the badge on Anna's chest again. When he was about to touch it, the time magic could not be maintained. The frozen time flowed again, and the red sword light tore the space.

"What method did you use, Derivative No. 3?"

Anna put away her contempt and looked a little more solemnly, because she was vaguely aware of the frozen time due to the winning sword.

On the third floor of the base, in the room where the Son of Abundance is sealed.

Xue Pengkai looked at the flesh and blood scattered outside, his face turned pale.

Less than five minutes after he coaxed the magic goblin to open the door for derivative No. 3, the entire base turned into a hell on earth, and everyone who was not in the sealed room was attacked.

No one can survive. The invisible slash is like the sharpest blade cutting the body. The better ones can be pieced together completely, while the worse ones have become seventeen pieces.

Now, the entire base is filled with pools of blood and minced meat.

Next to Xue Pengkai, a handsome young man cut his wrist, and blood flowed into the bowl along his fair skin. Not only did his blood not have the smell of blood, but it had a strange floral fragrance.

"This blood is enough to bring ten people back from the brink of death. Let's look for any survivors outside."

The young man, or rather the son of the third-level sealed object Fengyao, spoke calmly.

"Thank you." Xue Pengkai forced out an ugly smile.

The wound on the young man's wrist healed quickly. He stared at his wound and replied calmly: "You don't need to thank me. I was originally a sacrificial lamb, dedicated to the coming of God."

"That's great, I just need a sacrificial lamb! Can you help me?"

A hoarse male voice sounded, and a skeletal gate made of white bones suddenly appeared. Wang Lang, whose eyes were so red that they were bleeding, walked out of the gate.

He held Kelly's body in his arms, and there was a beautiful head on the chest of the body. At this time, his beast-like eyes were staring at the Son of Abundance.

"Director Kelly, Wang Lang, you..."

"Derivative No. 3 escaped. In order to cover me, Kelly was..." Wang Lang's teeth were almost broken and blood flowed down the corners of his mouth. "I used the Gate of Hell in the Book of the Dead to escape."

At this moment, he hated his own weakness.

Xue Pengkai opened his mouth and was speechless for a moment. His jealousy had been extinguished when he saw the many colleagues who had died outside. Now looking at Kelly's miserable condition, he suddenly felt extremely regretful.

As if waking up from a big dream, his mind became extremely clear, and he murmured, "What on earth did I do..."

"Brother Xue, the Book of the Dead contains the black magic of resurrection. As long as there is a high-quality sacrifice, I can resurrect the dead. Give me the Son of Plenty, and I will resurrect Kelly. Give him to me!"

Wang Lang gradually became excited, "Give me the Son of Fertility, and I'll trade it with you for other sealed objects!"

Xue Pengkai shook his head and said in a dry voice: "The sealed object is the property of the Future Fund. We only have the right to manage and use the sealed object. Sacrificing the Son of Fertility is an act of damaging the sealed object and is not allowed."

Seeing that the blood in Wang Lang's eyes was getting darker and darker, and he was about to lose control of his emotions, he was silent for a few seconds and pointed at the flesh and blood scattered outside.

"Are those okay? He died no more than three minutes ago."

Wang Lang was startled for a moment, his eyes brightened, "You can try it!"

He immediately rushed over happily, but was stopped by Xue Pengkai.

"Wang Lang, this is an act of desecration of the human body."

"Brother Xue, what you said is wrong, I am avenging them!"

Wang Lang lost his previous shyness and replied with a cold expression, "Kelly is a level four staff member. Her life is more valuable. As long as the sealed artifacts are prepared, she will be very powerful."

"Do you want Director Kelly to be resurrected to deal with derivative number three?"

"No, I'll kill Derivative Number Three!"

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