[Due to the side effects of "inequality lipstick", the head of the security department Kelly Hopson will lose control to a certain extent in the next few days. Using sealed objects will bear consequences and risks. This is an inevitable iron law. . 】

[The specific manifestations of losing control are emotional instability, love brain, and double standard. Since these emotions come from higher-level influences, the Sealed Artifact 3-11 "Calm Ring" she wears is not immune. 】

[As a result, there were some biases in her work. She was more concerned about Wang Lang, the son of destiny, neglected her previously promising subordinate Xue Pengkai, and began to consider handing over the management of Derivative No. 3. 】

[Not only because Wang Lang is also a Chinese and is also suitable for managing Derivative No. 3, but also because he can successfully control Derivative No. 3 and be promoted to a fourth-level staff member and gain the qualification to access zero-level sealed objects. 】

【Everything is for the "ultimate engraving". 】

[In order to find out the reason why his father was imprisoned, Wang Lang became very interested in Derivative No. 3 and took the initiative to obtain the management rights of Derivative No. 3. 】

[Kelly, who had originally planned this, called Xue Pengkai to hand over the work. At this time, Wang Lang saw the test drawings that Kelly had placed on the table. Kelly took advantage of the situation and began to test his weakened Zero-7-1 model. Whether there is resistance due to contamination. 】

[This child of destiny who is loved by the world has the characteristics of being immune to mental pollution, and has extremely high information depth. Whether it is "inequality lipstick" that can distort common sense, arouse human curiosity to open the "Pandora's Box" that releases disaster, or be addicted to portraits The "nameless portrait" that he couldn't extricate himself from had no effect on him]

[The "Emotion Processing Machine" that can cover emotions, the "Book of the Dead" that makes you lose your mind after reading it, the "Kabaton Tree" that makes people have a desire to kill, all sealed objects that can affect the mind are ineffective against him. 】

[The same is true for the memetic contamination of the weakened derivative No. 1. 】

[It just so happened that Xue Pengkai heard the results of Kelly's mental test on Wang Lang. He passed the test that he failed to pass. 】

[The sudden change caused Xue Pengkai's heart to be greatly shaken, especially after hearing that the zero-level derivatives that he was supposed to be responsible for were handed over to a newcomer who had just arrived three days ago, this emotion was amplified again]

[This world has always been about survival of the fittest, and people are born to compete with others. Xue Pengkai has always been a winner, but now he finally tastes the bitter pill of the loser. 】

Luke slowly retracted his hand, stopped adjusting the causal line, and rubbed his brow a little tiredly.

For him now, adjusting the cause and effect to his own advantage is a bit like forcibly using advanced skills, which consumes a lot of money.

"Pluck the strings of cause and effect and play the song of destiny."

This is an ability he gained through sharing after Loki taught it to Marvel's Luke.

At present, the scope and amplitude of adjustments are not large. We can only use some inherent hidden dangers, arrange some coincidences that may indeed occur, and make some inducements. The arrangement must be reasonable and well-founded.

It's still far away from the God of Stories who can speak as he pleases.

But according to Loki, this is the true meaning of the story. It is indeed convenient to forcibly distort reality, but wonderful coincidences can create wonderful stories.

"But I'm a pragmatist."

Luke shook his head and closed his eyes. After resting for a while and waiting for his energy to recover, he stretched out his hand again with a focused gaze, following the traces of the last time he interfered with the fate of the protagonist.

Eggs cannot be put in the same basket. He needs to add some insurance instead of just relying on one person's jealousy.

In a remote mountain village in Florida, a white tower stands in the center of the village.

Four masked men sit on a round table. The masks on each of their faces are different, namely "happiness", "anger", "sorrow" and "fear".

"Have you found the colleague who caused trouble last time?"

"Angry" slammed the table, anger rising, "It's simply a shame and a big insult. The script in the story editing department has been changed. I don't even remember the last time this happened."

"That's stupid. Of course it was the last time this happened."

"Hi" clapped his hands with a smile, "Isn't this great? I'm bored to death when I always follow the script. It's rare for something to jump out of the story. I suggest everyone celebrate it. How about having a party? I use 'Forbidden meat' turns into a girl to make everyone happy?"

"Brother Xizi, don't make such a joke. Last time, Xiaowei rarely summoned up the courage to make a date to end his virginity, but then he was teased by you. He still hasn't recovered yet."

"Ai" sighed, "To be serious, I specifically searched for a 'Witch's Crystal Ball' for divination, but no information was found. It seems that the person who made the move does not exist in this world."

The timid "Fear" raised his paw, "I also tried using the 'Encyclopedia', but couldn't find the answer."

"After all, there are many sealed objects drifting from other worlds. If you can't find the answer in the encyclopedia, maybe only the Tree of Wisdom can find it out, but that thing is in the hands of the Future Fund."

"Xi" thought for a while, "I remember that most of the script this time was written by Xiaonu. Xiaonu, who is the final boss in our script?"

"The old data in the 'ultimate engraving', when it is released, if it cannot be eliminated within the specified time, the old data will grow into the god of data, the information flow of the entire world will be tampered with, most of the sealing measures will fail, and the largest sealed object out of control event in history will take place."

"Ai" sighed when he heard it, "You guys are really playing tricks, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Fear" raised his hands frantically, "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, Sister Ai! Please persuade them, they are crazy about writing scripts!"

"Xi" sneered, "Forget it , she is the one who writes the craziest scripts. Last time, she made the second derivative Star Devourer fall in love with a woman, and then the man and the beast went on a space travel. It was a really amazing script. She wasted all the ink she had saved for decades. "

"This is great love!"

"Come on, why don't you try to fall in love with a cell yourself, and not rely on the story editing machine to tamper with the mind? This time, the ink we saved can't be changed casually, so be careful."

"Ai" was not convinced, "I have completed the story and saved the earth. This time, Brother Nu wrote If Wang Lang makes a mistake in the script, the God of Data and the rampaging story editor will kill the Earth."

"That won't happen. The Earth is still very strong."

"Xi" thought for a while, "But the old data is not suitable for the final boss. It is dangerous in itself. If it causes the seals around the world to go out of control, it will be even more serious. Xiaonu, please change it."

"Nu" snorted, "If I had known you would say that, I would have prepared a backup plan long ago."

"Which one is it?"

"Derivative No. 1!"

" Fuck, isn't that the same? The moment that thing lands, the Earth will be gone!"

"Afraid of death? Why write a novel if you're afraid of death? You might as well go home and sell sweet potatoes."

"Angry" spread his hands like a salted fish, "I can't help it. There are only these two who can be related to Wang Lang and qualified to be the boss of the final level. The next level is either not related enough or not qualified."

Level 0 Sealed Item, Story Editing Machine

Description 1: This is an old-fashioned inkjet typewriter. It looks worn out by the years, and the Arabic number "2" is engraved on the body.

Description 2: The typewriter needs to finish writing a story every eighteen years. If the story is not written within the specified time, the number on the typewriter body will be reduced by one.

Description 3: The typewriter will record everything that happens around the protagonist, and can consume ink to modify the plot. The modified plot will become reality. The more unrealistic the plot is, the more ink it consumes. Before the period is reached, everything is pending.

Description 4: The protagonist of the story needs to have an unknown background, a golden finger to help, a bizarre experience, etc. The final boss needs to have some connection with the protagonist, be powerful, and stand on the opposite side of humanity.

Additional explanation: The condition for completing the story is that the crisis is resolved, and the final boss is in a state of being sealed, expelled, exiled, etc.

Description 5: The story ends, but the incident is not resolved. The color of the typewriter will turn red, enter the rampage mode, and strengthen the boss. At this time, the typewriter cannot be stopped by manual intervention, and all the ink in the typewriter can only be exhausted.

Description 5: Warning! Warning! Please do not let the number on the typewriter body return to zero.

"Think about it carefully. The Future Foundation has the most sealed objects among several large organizations. There must be someone suitable to be a boss."

"Xi" walked to the typewriter, browsed the contents of the typewriter, and touched his chin.

The typewriter faithfully recorded the development of the story, Wang Lang's application, Kelly's test, Xue Pengkai's jealousy...

He noticed a certain word inadvertently.

"What do you think of Derivative No. 3?"

"That zero-level derivative? The data shows that he seems to have been imprisoned and has never shown any characteristics."

"The things blown out of the Doomsday Horn must have the ability to destroy the world, there is no doubt about that."

"Xi" pondered for a moment and his eyes lit up: "He is hiding his shortcomings and waiting for an opportunity, an opportunity to escape!"

"Ai" hesitated for a moment, "Then, what if he does not meet the boss's evaluation criteria?"

"Arrange him to escape first, and if he is qualified to be the boss, he will be determined. If not, there is also the Ultimate Inscription as a backup."


"Ai" sighed and took out a crystal ball, which reflected a blurry hotel suite and a thin, young face.

"It's a human-shaped sealed derivative. What a poor child. He's so young and hasn't even had a romantic relationship, but he's been used as a tool by Xige'er."

"Don't be too sympathetic. Is he related to you?"

"Of course he is. It's all because of the trumpet of doom. Derivative No. 2 is also the second brother of this child. The protagonist of my novel is with Derivative No. 2. He must call me aunt?"

"I've never heard of this kind of relationship. You should get back to work!"



Luke, who noticed that the peeping had disappeared, put down the book and smiled, "Not bad, then let's use each other."

Chapter 2 A little later

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