Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 164: Buff bonus for first appearance

The cold frost never stopped for a moment, and tens of thousands of frost giants climbed up in the ice. Each frost giant had the same figure and the same face, and they changed and swelled in an instant.

All Frost Giants were created using Loki as a template. After all, Luke had only seen this one Frost Giant and could only analyze him and use it as a model.

At this time, there was a faint red light all over his body, and he could feel a wave of heat rushing towards his face just by looking at it.

"You don't look good."

Loki, who was reading the script next to him, glanced sideways at him, "Can you still stand it?"

"The CPU and graphics card temperatures are just a little high."

Lu Ke breathed out a breath of heat. According to the script, the cold wave will get stronger day by day, and more and more supporting actors will be needed. He is now the real Hong Wen.

The current body temperature is about 80 degrees, which is a level that you can't even try because it will burn you.

"Can stand it!"

"I can't stand it any longer!"

The sword light with cold light slashed thousands of times in an instant, and each slash cut the enemy in front of him into two. Lu Jie wiped the sweat from his face and wanted to curse in his heart.

It is now the fourth day of the cold wave. The attacks in the first three days were not violent, but today they suddenly became violent.

The main body said that his large-scale slashing and group fighting were too lazy, so he cut it directly. The same goes for Bawang Shi. Lu Ran seemed to be able to use spiritual pressure, but in fact the effect was cut by half.

"You are too strong. It is difficult for the protagonist to grow, and it is also difficult to arrange to send him to the opposite side."

One Frost Giant falls, and two Frost Giants rise.

They can't be killed, they can't be killed at all.

The ground suddenly trembled, and an elite monster, several times taller than the surrounding Frost Giants and obviously several levels stronger, roared and rushed over, its huge body carrying a huge sense of oppression.

Lu Ran, who was high up in the sky, looked through the air and chanted in the air, "Ninety of the broken path, black coffin!"

The dark wall-shaped rectangular body trapped the elite monster, and thousands of sharp blades cut his flesh wantonly in the small space. After a few seconds, the elite monster, covered in blood, half-knelt and fell to the ground. The next moment, there was a cold light on the human head. separation.

But the shaking did not stop. At the same time, dozens of elite monsters stood up from a distance and carried out outflanking work in an orderly manner.

Lu Ran fell to the ground with a dark face, "It's too much. Ninety's black coffin can't kill a high-level soldier in seconds. Can the main body play tower defense games?"

"Identified as someone who learned from Ark." Lu Jie's figure shuttled around and waved the Yan Falcon in his hand. The dark blade swallowed light and dark, quickly clearing away the surrounding Frost Giants.

"More than this, I want to know why the friendly forces haven't arrived yet."

Looking at the enemy at a glance is like poking into a cockroach nest. Many people can't even see it, and they will suffer from trypophobia.

A faint white air rises from Lu Jie's body. After activating the third level of rebirth, he doesn't have to worry about physical injuries. He runs at super high speeds with the pain of muscle tearing. His body, which is taller than ordinary people, also looks small in front of the Frost Giants, but he is like a wolf among sheep. , cleaning up more than ten elite monsters in three strokes, five divisions and two divisions.

The sharp blade cut into an extraordinarily hard monster, and his figure stagnated for a moment. Several elite monsters that caught the gap simultaneously raised their fists and aimed at him.

"Broken Dao No. 81, Duan Kong!"

The invisible barrier blocked the attack. Lu Jie sheathed his sword and tore his shirt into pieces with a sullen expression.

“I’m tired of red tape!”

The dark domineering energy wrapped around the hand, condensed, gathered, and unified, pouring all the power of the body into the arm, and suddenly punched out with a heart-stopping punch.


The huge force tore through the earth, lifting everything on the ground, and spreading into the distance until invisible ravines showed the lethality of this punch.

"Reinforcements are coming."

Countless small blue circles of light descended from the dim sky, and they landed accurately on the enemy's position. A few seconds later, a huge explosion that resounded throughout the world swept the entire nearby area.

In just a few seconds, the number of kills exceeded that of Lu Ran and Lu Jie combined.

Wearing gorgeous brocade clothes, with a beautiful sword as beautiful as the moonlight in his eyes, Lu Ban, with a delicate face, walked over, as if in a dream. As he came, the sky began to clear up.

The cold wave receded on the third day.

"That's too much. It's a balancing act with your feet. Why does the body prefer the Hokage so much?" Lu Jie took a few breaths and released the third level of rebirth.

"Killing at first sight is always important. This is a once-in-a-lifetime skill."

Lu Ban seemed a little helpless, "Besides, I've also been chipped, okay? The total amount of chakra is as low as an outrageous 10 calories, and the divine machine is not allowed to be used here or there."

Those small apertures were the finished product of Analytical Tony's reactor. They were very lethal, but they were banned from production after he made dozens of them.

Thor and Sif walked out of the apartment and looked at the streets that were badly damaged. In their current state, it seemed that they were not here to help.

"If we can't use our power, can we really help you?"

"We can help." Lu Ban replied slowly, "The power in this world is balanced. The power of justice is almost all concentrated on us, so you two can't use your strength."

"When the rest of us are gone, your strength will naturally recover, even stronger than before. You are the final insurance."

"Then I sincerely hope that this insurance will not be used."

Xif sighed. After all, she had lived here for more than a month, and she couldn't dislike even the landlord's kid who liked to have a bad mouth.

"I don't want to be worried by the oxen and horses beating the dust on the construction site."

Lu Ran snorted, "Where's my little brother?"

"Mjolnir is fighting the tiger in the room."

"Big brother is fighting hard outside, and he is playing games in the room?"

Lu Ran rushed in angrily to settle accounts with Hammer.

Lu Jie shook his head slowly, "It's the last few days, it's okay to let the child play."

When the script is over and Loki's magic is lifted, Mjolnir will return to the state of Thor's hammer. I don't know when I want to change back.

Odin is unlikely to be able to make him change back. It's not that Odin is not strong enough, but he is simply not proficient in this aspect.


On the fifth day, the sun has not risen yet, and the cold wave has arrived early.

The cold air flow came from a distance, and everything was frozen wherever it passed. At a glance, it seemed as if the white frost was surrounding them.

Thor looked at the approaching white and felt a sense of fear in his heart. He clenched the hammer in his hand to calm down. This was the low-profile Thor's hammer that Lu Ban made for him yesterday. It had a recall rune and could be thrown out like Thor's hammer, but it was naturally far less indestructible than the original.

The frost giants, who doubled in number than yesterday, charged fearlessly. Perhaps the bonus from the environment was too exaggerated. Their bodies became harder and stronger. There were also hundreds of frost giants charging.

Lu Ran used all his energy on the large-scale use of spiritual pressure. Every enemy within a few dozen miles of the apartment felt his body sink and involuntarily slowed down the pace of attack.

As the attacker, Lu Jie completely abandoned the sword. Compared with the sword, his strong body was more suitable as a weapon. After using the reverse triple to increase strength and durability again, he imitated Hulk and smashed wildly among the crowd of frost giants.

Lu Ban was very calm. He set up hundreds of heavy machine guns that were improved with the magic of the Divine Machine Hundred Refinements, and added the latest automatic search and launch function to these latest magic weapons in the 21st century, realizing automatic enemy fighting.

His eyes were spinning with the kaleidoscope Sharingan. The frost beasts that saw his eyes were stunned and began to attack their companions frantically. The attacking camp soon became chaotic and fell in rows under the sweep of the magic machine guns.

He really played it like a tower defense game!

Thor stood in front of the door of the apartment with a hammer in his hand, and Sif next to him took back her sword. After Lu Ban enchanted the sword with lightness and sharpness, she could also use her own weapon.

Several frost giants that escaped the net pounced on the two people. Thor swung his hand back, and the whistling hammer knocked down the frost giants from different angles. Sif rushed forward and jumped on the giants and stabbed them with a sword, ending their lives.

The coordination was good, but after a few moves, the two were exhausted and panting. It was very difficult to hold on. Their physical strength was not much stronger than that of ordinary people due to the suppression of their divine power.

At this moment, a gust of wind blew up.

The natural disaster-like gust of wind blew away a lot of the cold wave. Then, on the enemy's position, huge tornadoes rose from the ground, countless frost giants were rolled up into the sky, and then fell heavily, and a bloody ice rain fell directly.

After relieving the pressure on the line of soldiers, dozens of small tornadoes gathered together to form a huge tornado. In the center, an elegant and divine dragon danced. Finally, with the further expansion of the huge tornado, the entire cold wave was completely blown away.

At the moment when the sky cleared, Thor squinted his eyes and saw the shadow of an extremely tall frost giant in a trance.

The tall giant shadow held an ice-blue box in his hand, and stared at the guardian below and himself with cold and emotionless eyes.

After a few seconds, the shadow slowly dissipated.

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