High in the sky, invisible eyes peer at everything in the field.

Except for the apartment where Sif and others were located, everyone or animals in the entire area lost their lives and stood still. The expressions on their faces remained the same, but their bodies were stiff and did not move.

The eyes that are open or closed have a terrifying factor that triggers the Happy Valley effect in people. Every living thing is like a lifelike dummy. This is a false utopia.

All life in the field are dummies made by the clone technique. Everyone only serves these three people. When they rest, this fake city will also stop moving. This is also for multi-line manipulation dummies. Luke takes a little break.

Luke's eyes were fixed on the only place with life. He watched Sif spread a blanket on the ground to sleep, leaving Thor and Mjolnir to sleep on the bed. He felt particularly complicated.

Let the one you like sleep on the bed with his hammer, and make the floor yourself. Sif has the beauty of Liu Cixin opening a new work.

Considering that she is an Asgardian warrior dusting off ashes at a construction site, it feels even more sci-fi.

His mind twitched, and he suddenly asked an emotional question, "Do you think the love we arranged is true love?"

Loki looked down at everything below and asked, "Then do you think that the woman who is attracted by your excessive charm value doesn't actually love you?"


He does know that galgame can be successfully conquered by following the game. How can he understand this if you ask him!

"Don't think too much, this is just a business." Loki looked at Thor quietly, "I will pay you. If you let Sif get what she wants, Thor will have a companion to accompany him, Mjolni. You can also briefly experience the joy of becoming a human being."

"There will be a happy ending for everyone."

"Only Jane's injured world has been achieved."

"If she didn't meet Thor, she would have lived a stable life, which would be good." Loki said indifferently, "And don't you think that the three phases of Marvel are all a mess? There is really no such thing as the female Thor. necessary."

"No, I think Natasha's version of the female Thor is quite good." Luke's face turned yellow, "Also, "WandaVision" and your script are quite good, especially you!"

"Thank you for the compliment." Loki looked at him with a half-smile, "If you think "WandaVision" is very good, why are you still thinking about kidnapping Wanda?"

Luke thought for a moment, "The power of Scarlet Witch will help me defeat Dormammu, as will the Mind Stone. Besides, I won't die."

"Why do you think you won't die?"

Loki smiled mysteriously, which made Luke shudder.

The God of Stories doesn't hit the target blindly, and he obviously has some skills, but he soon felt relieved.

This time it was Loki's turn to be a little surprised, "Aren't you worried?"

"Judging from your attitude towards me, it's obvious that you know me in the future. I will also be a transcendent in the future. Judging from the consequences, it is impossible for me to die. At most, it will be a little troublesome."

"Not stupid enough."

Loki shook his head regretfully.

Six o'clock in the morning.

Sif packed her equipment, left two hundred dollars with Thor and Mjolnir as activity funds, and then quietly went out.

There is a lot of work on the construction site today, so we have to do more before the sun comes out, otherwise it will be very hot when moving bricks!

After discussing yesterday, they made a preliminary plan. Sif would work part-time to earn money and live in daily life, while Thor would investigate a way to return to Asgard from here.

As for Mjolnir, he is just a hammer, he just needs to stay at home, and he is still too conspicuous in silver.

Thor didn't open his eyes until nine o'clock in the morning. He rubbed his groggy head and felt that his body was a little heavy. His body recovered slower than before and he became tired more easily.

He was a little frightened when he couldn't see Sif and the hammer. He hurriedly went downstairs, only to see his hammer sitting in front of a machine with the landlord's kid he saw yesterday, the thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy.

He leaned over to take a look out of curiosity. On the screen of the machine, a monkey playing with a stick was fighting a tiger.

"Dodge! Flash! Are you ready for the Holding Technique cd?"

"Oh, I was cut with a knife again, can you do it?"

Mjolnir reluctantly put down the controller, and his eyes lit up when he saw Thor coming over.

"Saul, buy me a computer!"

"Computer refers to this machine?" Sol looked at the monkeys being killed on the screen, and his hands felt a little itchy for a moment.

"I'll discuss it with Sif later. That kid, do you want me to help you fight this tiger?"

The young man looked at him as if he was mentally ill, then turned to the friend he had just made this morning, "Miaomiao, can you, my brother, do you?"


Thor repeated doubtfully.

"Brother Ran said my name was strange, so he gave me a new name."

Mjolnir explained, "Ah, yes, this is Lu Ran, my new eldest brother, the child of the landlord Lu Ban's family. The security guard yesterday was named Lu Jie."

"Do you consider him your elder brother?"

Thor frowned, why is Mjolnir so good? You are Asgard's greatest treasure, the artifact that selects the throne.

"How can you play games if you don't recognize him as your big brother!"

Mjolnir was also a little embarrassed, his silver face turned red, "When Sif buys us a computer, I will..."


The young man named "Lu Ran" raised his eyebrows.

"With or without a computer, Brother Ran will always be Brother Ran!"

Mjolnir immediately showed his loyalty and handed the controller to Thor.

"Come on, Thor, come and give it a try. Let Brother Ran see the strength of your thunder god."

Thirty seconds later.

Thor frowned and put down the controller, "I just came into contact with this controller for the first time, and I'm not proficient enough. Please wait until I become proficient again."

Ten minutes later.

"I'm almost proficient, and I'm only one step away from defeating this tiger."

Twenty minutes.

"You damn tiger, how dare you insult the son of Odin!"

Thirty minutes.

"Mjölnir, you turn back into a hammer, I'm going to go in and fight this tiger to the death!"

"Don't say such impossible things!"

Mjolnir looked aggrieved. He wanted to be able to control himself to switch back and forth, but he couldn't.

He could vaguely feel his power, but it seemed that once he used it, he would turn into a hammer and never change back.

One hour later.

Thor put down the handle that was damaged by his force, and said with a serious expression, "I still have the task of investigating this city, Mjolnir, please stay at home and don't go out."

He had just taken two steps when a shadow covered his body.

Thor: (゜一゜)

Lu Jie: (._.)

"Mr. Saul, you don't want to run away just because you broke something."

"Send the bill to Sif, she has the money!"

Thor secretly prayed that the things he broke would not be too expensive, and left the apartment in embarrassment. As the crown prince of Asgard, he felt embarrassed about money for the first time.

Lu Jie took out a bill of 188 yuan, looked at Lu Ran, and instantly understood what he meant, and then added a zero after 188.


Anyway, the prices in this world are set by Lu Ke. If you change them, you can change them!

Sif must be squeezed out of all her money, otherwise the impact on Thor's heart will not be strong enough.

After leaving the apartment and coming to the street, Sol spent some time getting to know the city's technology, and he became familiar with it quite quickly. After all, Asgard's technology is actually only higher than here, but it just loves cold weapons and is simpler for civilian use.

Really speaking, Asgard's energy shield, combat spaceship and rainbow bridge are all very powerful technologies.

Saul picked an empty alley and waited for a while. An ordinary-looking office worker "happened" to come here. Saul attacked him from behind and blindfolded him.

"I ask you to answer, answer my questions well!"

The office worker was so frightened that he trembled all over and nodded quickly, "You tell me, I will definitely tell you everything!"

"Where is this? Is it the atrium?"

"Atrium? This is not an atrium. This is Blue Star's utopia."

"Blue Star, Utopia?" Thor frowned, "This is not far from Asgard."

"I've never heard of Asgard."

Thor's frown deepened, and after thinking about the big man in the atrium, he asked, "Then have you heard of the Supreme Mage's name?"

"Never heard of it. We have only heard of the seven great guardians."

"Seven Lord Guardians?"

"Yes." The man looked longingly.

"The Master of the Ninja World, the Spirit King of Heaven, the Sword Master Sage, the Variety of Divine Beasts, the Dragon of Storms, the King of Elden, and the Nameless Man, the seven guardians are hiding in the dark to fight against the cold wave of evil."

"Cold wave?"

Thor chewed the word, and then asked: "What is the Storm Dragon?"

This term reminded him of the giant dragon dancing in the wind and rain that he saw when he and Luke were fighting. That elegant and divine figure made him unforgettable for a long time.

"I don't know. This is a prophetic poem circulated in the city."

"Read it to me again."


The man nodded and sang in a chanting tone.

"Back off, back off, back off."

"O son of prophecy who has come from afar, this is a disaster you are unable to face."

"The invasion of the cold wave is coming, and the giant holding the magic box will freeze the earth."

"The sword of the divine craftsman was stained with frost and snow, the king of the sky was shot down for his protection, the swordsman immortal suffered a betrayal, and the storm dragon also withered in the frost."

"The fallen leaves brought a message, the King of Elden entrusted the mission, and the unknown person remained hidden."

"Go and reverse, the scales tilt, survival or destruction, everything depends on you."

Isn’t the amount of information a bit overwhelming?

Sol frowned. Using his brain was really not his strong point. He could only ask the person in front of him to repeat it over and over again, and then forcefully remember these words.

Tsk, it would be nice if Loki was around, he still has a lot of clever ideas.

Thor sighed. He suddenly disappeared from Asgard. He didn't know how worried they would be.

Putting Asgard with and without him together, there is no difference on the surface, but in fact...

Without him, Asgard is simply holding on!



Landlord-Lu Ban, Naruto Luke's clone

Landlady's kid - Lu Ran's clone of Death God Lu Ke

Security-Lu Jie Pirate Lu Ke's clone

Foreman-Luke, the King of Elden, a clone

Brutal Police Officer - Imitation Clone of Lu Bai Pokémon Luk

Lanlong-Monster Hunter Luke clone

Friendly guest appearances:

Elegant Police Officer-Loki

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