Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 160 It’s not Hammer Girl, you must be disappointed!

Thor had the absurd feeling that he was dreaming.

The young man in front of him was naked, as if covered with a layer of silver powder, and had a good face. At this moment, he was looking at his body and Thor's hands with curiosity.

"Saul, can you relax a little first? I want to see what my handle is like."

"Are you...Mjolnir?"

Sol's face turned green, and he subconsciously tightened his hand, causing the boy to scream.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm going to lose it! I'm going to lose it! Something's wrong with my body right now. Sol, let go!"

Thor let go tremblingly, his eyes blank, "I...I don't understand."

Why did the hammer turn into a human?

Still a man!

He admitted that after reading some books in adolescence, he did fantasize about the day when Mjolnir would transform into him and become his partner, but that was the Hammer Girl!

"I don't understand either, but I guess it's Li Gou Er..."

[Loki's magic gave Mjolnir human form and life, but it also made him vulnerable, and Luke's realm also suppressed his mystery, weakening him further. 】

[The violent impact from the sky caused Mjolnir's memory to become confused. He forgot his experience of Luke and Loki's conspiracy. This is reasonable. 】

"I forgot!"

At this time, someone in the surrounding crowd had already called the police. Just three seconds after the call was made, a group of people in police uniforms rushed over, glanced at the two people, and waved their hands.

"Run naked in the street, take me away!"

Thor, who had regained his composure, could see that they had bad intentions. He grasped the void out of reflex, and Mjolnir beside him raised his head with feeling.

"Thor, are you calling me? No, I can't fly now!"

"It's okay, Mjolnir, just rest for now, and I will find a way to change you back later."

Thor wiped his face and cheered up, silently comforting himself, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you don't want the Hammer Girl or anything else, it's better if Mjolnir is a man, this is his brother's part-time weapon!

"It's okay to come back unchanged. I feel much freer now!"

Ignoring Mjolnir's words, Thor tensed up and shouted, "Let you see the power of Odin's son!"

He rushed over like a bull, knocked one policeman away with one blow, and then punched another policeman with his backhand, causing the other policeman to retreat holding his stomach.

With his wide open and close moves, combined with Thor's muscular body, he could kill two or three people at once even if his divine power was suppressed.

"Good boy, let's just run around naked, but you still attack the police!"

The leader's face was grim, and the surrounding police officers took out their electric batons in unison.

Thor proudly rushed forward and punched the squad leader in the head, but the opponent quickly dodged it and hit him with a backhand electric baton.

"It's ridiculous, it's just that short and fragile weapon... weapon, weapon, weapon!"

The switch was pressed, and as electric current spread throughout his body, Thor's body began to twitch. Before he could recover, five or six policemen around him pressed electric batons against Thor at the same time.


Crackling, crackling, crackling~


Thor rolled his eyes and fell unconscious, falling to the ground.

Mjolnir swaggered over and poked his cheek, "Hey, Thor, why have you become such a weakling? A few mortals have beaten you to the ground."

The squad leader glanced at him and said, "This is an accomplice, take him away too!"

"Who are you looking down on! I am Mjolnir, the most precious treasure of the Immortal Palace. There is no way you mortals can take me away."

Mjolnir raised his chin proudly, "Hurry up and cure Thor, and then kneel down and lick me, so that I can touch you. Well... you are not allowed to touch the handle, you are not worthy of lifting me."

"There is something wrong with this kid's brain. Check his household registration and prepare to send him to a mental hospital."

"Okay, boss!"

One of the police officers easily lifted Mjolnir and placed him on his shoulders, causing him to scream.

"Gan! This is impossible!"

Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the police car, Mjolnir panicked a little, "Wait a minute, brother, let's talk about it. Thor, don't treat me anymore, just let me go."

He reluctantly stepped forward, "You're lucky, I can't touch you. You know, the second prince of Asgard can only touch me secretly after Thor falls asleep."


The officer carrying him sneered.

"why are you laughing?"

"I remember happy things."

After the police officer finished speaking, he coughed twice and straightened his face, "What a mess, what kind of place is Asgard? I've never heard of it! It's the 21st century now, the feudal monarchy has been destroyed, there are no princes anymore!"

Sol woke up faintly, feeling a pain in his body. He raised his hands and found that he was wearing what looked like silver restraint instruments. He raised his head, and then saw the two policemen sitting opposite.

For some reason, he always felt that the two policemen opposite him gave him a sense of familiarity.

"Have we met somewhere?"

"Stop trying to get involved in relationships, tell me, be lenient if you confess, be lenient if you resist!"

The first policeman was lean and had deep features. He was good-looking, but his temperament was not very good. He looked like a gangster. He kicked the table in front of him viciously with his foot.

"You are now suspected of violating public order, assaulting a police officer, robbery, indecency, etc. I tell you, I will jail you for a year!"

"Don't be so rude. Do you understand civilized law enforcement?"

The policeman next to him looked elegant and calm, smiling gently at him, "Have you eaten yet? I brought you a lunch box. You can eat first and then confess."

"Mjolnir, where is my Mjolnir!"

Thor reflexively clenched his fingers, but instead of waiting for the hammer to fly over, a noise came from the next door.

"You are screaming, I already told you that I can't fly now! Sol, you idiot, I was just lifted up by a little idiot, wuwuwu... my innocence is gone!"


Hearing Mjolnir being lifted up by others, Thor seemed to hear the sound of breaking in his heart. His vision went dark, and he felt that the top of his head suddenly became extra heavy, and there was a little green light.

" could you be lifted up by another man!"

"I didn't mean it, it happened too suddenly! It's not all your fault, why can't you beat a few mortals!"

"That's when they sneaked up on me. I am the son of Odin, the God of Thunder, Thor!"

"Shut up."

The arrogant police officer spat on the ground, "For Thor, the God of Thunder, I want to pay for the glory of the Northern God."

The elegant police officer waited patiently for Sol to calm down before starting to ask questions.

"I feel like you are in confusion right now. Otherwise, you can rationalize your thinking and answer our questions. You can't leave without cooperating with us."

Sol slammed his hands on the table, "I can leave anytime I want!"

"Haha, you've been stuck in a position and you're still fighting with me!"

The arrogant police officer raised his eyebrows and took out the electric baton. Sol's eyelids twitched when he saw it, and he sat back obediently.

"Next, we'll ask you some basic information. Just look at your answers and just check your memory, okay?"

Seeing that familiar feeling of intimacy, Sol snorted and nodded.


"Thor Odinson."


"Are you humiliating me?"

"Okay, sex are you humiliating me?"

The elegant police officer filled in the abnormal content in the gender column without any anger, "Don't worry, the managers here feel that version T0 needs to be weakened, so they plan to learn from advanced experience and implement gender freedom, even with Walmart plastic bags and armed helicopters. recognized."

Sol: (_)

He didn't understand a word.

"Who else is in your family?"

"My father, the great god Odin, my mother, Frigga, the queen of heaven, and my brother, Loki, the god of mischief."

"He is the God of Trickery." The elegant police officer changed Thor's name for Loki to a taller word and wrote on his hand.

The arrogant police officer came over and asked with a smile, "Which family member do you think is the most important to you, your father or your mother?"

"You also want to ask this?" Thor frowned.

He roughly understood that he had been arrested by law enforcement agencies. The Asgardian escorts were similar in nature to the people here, but he had never heard of people asking about such private matters!

"This is necessary information to understand family relationships." Officer Elegant glanced at Officer Arrogant and did not refute.

"Then I must join my brother Loki."

The elegant police officer's eyes flickered, "Why do you want to add Luoji?"

"Loki and I grew up together and have been dependent on each other for more than a thousand years. He is extremely important to me."

The elegant police officer's eyes were soft and he smiled softly, "So, what is your answer?"

"It's my mother Frigga!"

Elegant police officer: "..."

"Didn't you say that Loki is extremely important to you?"

"Of course, my family is extremely important to me, and Loki is the lesser one among them."

"Then why did you join Loki?"

"Because I don't want my father to be at the bottom!"

Thor answered naturally.

The smile on the elegant police officer's face remained unchanged, but he fell into silence.

The arrogant police officer, who was having a hard time holding back his laughter, coughed twice and said, "What about that? I'll go, I'll go to the toilet."

After a while, a burst of uncontrollable laughter came from the toilet.

"The verdict can be announced, Mr. Thor Odinson. You are suspected of smuggling, disturbing public order, sexual harassment, assaulting the police, robbery, etc., and are punished for several crimes. You are now sentenced to death and will be executed immediately."

Officer Elegant put down the document in his hand and said, "Here you go, you have three minutes to call home."

"Oh, do you remember your family's phone number? If you don't remember, there's nothing you can do."

After waving his symbolic handle in front of Saul, the elegant police officer stood up and clapped his hands, and two police officers with thick waists walked in from behind.

"Take him away for execution, immediately, immediately!"

"Wait! Are your executions so casual?"

Saul panicked a little. He didn't do anything wrong. He hit at most two law enforcement officers.

Okay, maybe it’s a big sin, but it’s not a sin that leads to death!

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