The sky covered with dark clouds was dark and turbid until a thunderous thunder illuminated the area below. The elements were in chaos in the strong wind. Countless raindrops fell, and the rain poured down.

"Thor, as the God of Thunder, your ability to withstand electricity should be pretty good."

Luke asked cheerfully in advance.

Thor shook his head crazily, he didn't know, and he didn't want to know!

The aura of his status as the crown prince made him embarrassed to admit defeat, but he really had no strength left.

"No, don't do this. I was wrong. I will never kick you in the crotch again."

Sol felt a little aggrieved. It would be understandable that Luke would be so angry if he kicked him, but he didn't even kick him.

At least let him kick him before hitting him!

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not discussing this with you."

Luke was about to try a new move. The surging spell power passed at an unimaginable speed. In contrast, the space became unstable, as if something was trying to squeeze in.

Gu Yi's brows in the stands twitched and he raised his finger.


The mirror space of the arena was shattered, and everything returned to its original state, as if the previous destruction had never happened.

But the next moment, a new space arrived, and the audience who had just come out of the mirror space was suddenly transported into the new space.

Stretching mountains replaced Asgard's arena, with green trees and lush vegetation. It looked picturesque at first glance, but the sky was extremely gloomy, with rain and strong winds disrupting everything.

On the highest mountain peak, Thor was lying on the ground like a fish on a chopping block. He grabbed Mjolnir and looked at Odin, only to see a serious face. He suddenly felt that the world was too indifferent and only The hammer still retains some warmth.

The heavy rain washed away his body, and he looked at Luke with caution.

“The field unfolds—a disaster from heaven.”

Luke calmly read out the name of the newly constructed domain.

The next second after he finished reading, Thor suddenly looked up.

I don't know when the dark clouds turned into a whirlpool, and the elegant, beautiful and charming huge disaster slowly revealed its true form. The misty dragon was swimming in the air, wearing wind and rain as its clothes, hovering on the spiritual peak.

It wasn't until they saw Lan Long's wind and rain-dominated appearance that the audience, who didn't know why, realized that this trick was probably not used by their dear Thor.

"Let's have a nice hunt."

Luke's body rose into the air little by little, and Lan Long lowered his head so that he was sitting in the center of the two horns.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm talking about monster 'hunters', or gods."

Thunder and lightning are entangled around Lanlong. He can control thunder and lightning himself, but it cannot be compared with his control over Feng Shui. He evolved after obtaining the superposition of multiple worlds.

Naruto Luke's understanding of thunder-type chakra is deepening day by day. Stranger Luke's practice of thunder magic is progressing rapidly. Many of the Pokémon copied by Variety Monster are thunder-type. Luke, the elf, is also in his long life. Learned some magic related to thunder and lightning.

Thor got up from the ground, glanced at his people who were looking at him with either sympathy or expectation, took a deep breath, then raised his hands, Thor's hammer lit up again, and he raised his arms and shouted.

"This is a glorious mission!"

Even if he loses, he must lose like a warrior!

The number of whirlpools in the sky suddenly increased, and with the roar of wind and rain, another Misty Dragon emerged from the clouds, followed by a third one, a fourth one...

Domain expansion will greatly enhance the spells that make up the domain. The direction Luke chooses to strengthen is quantity. As long as his spell power is enough, he can achieve the grand occasion of thousands of lans flying together!

Purple thunder and lightning, black thunder and lightning, white thunder and lightning, different colors of thunder and lightning turned into thunder guns under the control of Lan Long, and then divided into two, two into four, four into eight...

The entire sky was filled with thunder guns, and at the same time Thor was pointed at the ground and holding a hammer in an attitude of preferring death to surrender.



He admitted that he had just spoken too loudly!

Uh-huh! Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Countless thunder guns were fired at Thor. The intensive firepower eclipsed the sky and the earth, the earth trembled, and the violent thunder and lightning energy destroyed everything on the mountain.

When the dust dispersed, only a small tip remained on the spiritual peak. The God of Thunder, who was so shocked that his whole body twitched, made a trembling gesture that was universal to the universe.

"Come on, Luke, drink!"

"Luke, try this glass. This is a thousand-year-old wine, the best wine in Asgard."

"Wine is more valuable than its essence. One sip and two sips will do the same thing. Come on, drink this bucket!"

After the competition, the banquet continued, but the center had changed. Men and women all circled around Luke, leaving Thor and Loki alone at the same table, silently talking to each other.

Although he lost face, Asgard has always admired powerful warriors. Luke is a mage, but he defeated the most powerful warrior here except His Majesty the God King, so he deserves to be treated like a guest.

"It feels so bad."

Thor felt left out for the first time. As the son of Odin, he had been the center of attention since he was born. After he started fighting, he became even more glorious and led the four warriors of Asgard to achieve great military exploits.

Loki snorted, "So, can you understand how I feel now?"

"How does it feel?"

Thor looked at him in surprise, and his expression made Loki almost angry to death.

As expected, you can’t chat with fools!

At this time, a female warrior with outstanding appearance and tall figure walked towards Thor and Loki with a jar of wine in her hand.

"I guess you must be very lonely right now and need someone to keep you company?"

"Why, Sif, why don't you go with your friends to see the great wizard Luke?"

Loki said something sarcastic, causing Sif to roll her eyes.

"Come on, he doesn't belong here, he's just a guest, and will leave Asgard soon. Those women just want to try him out, and no one will really take him seriously."

Sif inserted herself between Loki and Thor, and bumped into Loki without any hesitation, successfully causing the delicate third princess to fall on her buttocks, grimacing and screaming in pain.

"Where are Fandral and the others?"

"The three of them went to toast Luke, and only I'm still here, Thor, I'm always here."

Sif put her hand on Thor and spoke to the big fool word by word, hoping that he would come to his senses.

"It should be. Luke defeated me. He is the central figure now."

"No, Thor, you are the son of Odin, the master of Thor's hammer. You quell wars and bring peace. You are the center of Asgard."

Thor felt comforted and said softly, "Sif, you are so nice. I am lucky to have you as a friend."

"Just a friend?"

Sif's eyes were full of tenderness, and her bright features were blushed under the candlelight. She was beautiful, but for Thor who had seen her for thousands of years, he could not say that he had no feelings, but only that he had no fluctuations.

"No, I was wrong."

Thor patted her shoulder and showed his signature hearty smile, "You are not just a friend, but a good friend!"

Good friend!

I am so good, why don't you choose me as your princess!

Looking at Sif walking towards Luke angrily in front of him, Thor scratched his head, "What did I do wrong? Why is Sif so angry?"

Loki laughed sarcastically, "Dear brother, you did nothing wrong. I told you a long time ago that a woman's mood changes like the weather in Asgard. She just happens to be in a bad mood."

"Is that so."

Thor nodded thoughtfully, looking at the wine jar on the table and smiled happily, "Sif forgot to take the wine away. Come on, let's split it!"


Loki, who was in a good mood, did not refuse.

He taught Thor a lot of love skills, such as women are also warriors, you should respect them, there is no need to give them fancy gifts, a girl who dresses up and approaches you means she needs your help, you should hide if you can, and if a girl says I love you to you, it means she wants to join the Four Warriors of Asgard through the back door!

With his hard work, Thor has become a master of avoiding love. Women like Sif who have been together all day but have not been able to have a love relationship, will never be with Thor in this life!

On the other side, Ancient One and Odin were also toasting.

“Tsk tsk, look at what happened. We are just guests, but we accidentally became the protagonists.”

Ancient One sighed and felt deeply ashamed. Looking at the heir surrounded by a large group of men and women, the corners of his mouth rose sadly.

“The God King is not angry, right?”

Odin quietly drank the wine in the glass, glanced at the smug and tea-like Supreme Mage, and a gleam of light flashed in his one eye.

“Master Ancient One, you have a good eye for choosing people.”

“Of course! I always have a good eye for people.”

Odin raised his glass and walked towards Luke. As he moved, the crowd surrounding Luke naturally and respectfully gave way.

Luke, who was happily drinking and touching the little hand of the female warrior, panicked when he saw the God King coming over. He was about to open his mouth to explain, but was directly blocked by Odin's words.

"I understand everything. You don't want to come to Asgard at all. It's purely the Ancient One who asked you to do this."

"Your Excellency the God King is really wise and powerful! It's purely the old... Master Ancient One who wants me to support him and forced me to come."

Luke hurriedly agreed and nodded. It's so right!

"Alas, I admire the strength of the Ancient One, but his character is really questionable."

"That's right, Your Excellency the God King!"

Luke ignored the Ancient One's glare at him. Even if he was hit twice afterwards, he had to agree with this sentence.

"You are such an excellent child. You beat Thor again. I must reward you."

Odin smiled on his face, and his tone was a bit kind and gentle, which was unique to elders.

"How about this, I'll take you to my treasure house later, and pick out anything you like."

"Ah, is this...appropriate?"

Luke's face turned red, and he hesitated for a moment, and quickly continued his previous words, "Then I will only take one, and never take more!"

Odin: (灬)

You Supreme Sorcerers are really of the same lineage!

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