When the banquet reached its climax and some people were standing on the table drunk and preparing to dance, Luke walked up to Odin under the pressure of Ancient One's eyes and proposed to compete with the two princes.

"Master Luke actually likes fighting?"

Odin frowned, as if a little surprised by Luke's request.

"This..." Luke looked at Ancient One in embarrassment, but the other party was looking elsewhere to drink tea at this time, and seemed not to pay attention to this side at all.

Luke gritted his teeth and nodded and replied: "Yes, I think fighting is the best means of communication. The collision of the body is also the collision of the soul. Throwing out a fist with your own beliefs can tell the other party your thoughts."

"Fighting is my way of finding friends, and Thor and Loki, I really want to be friends with them!"

"Well said."

Odin's eyebrows were relaxed, and he didn't mean to stop him at all. Instead, he smiled. He stood up and raised his voice, letting the sound echo throughout the banquet hall.

"Thor, Master Luke wants to have a fight with you to make friends, are you willing to accept it?"

When the people below heard that a fight was about to start, their eyes lit up and they began to cheer. The Asgardians' warlike genes were engraved in their bones, especially since most of the people at the scene were warriors.

"Accept! Accept! Accept!"

The crowd cheered one after another, and the atmosphere suddenly became heated.

"Of course!"

Thor drank the wine in the cup in one breath and threw it to the ground. His golden hair was flamboyant. He stood up like a young lion with high spirits.

"I never refuse any challenge!"

Ancient One seemed to have come to his senses at this time, waving his hands repeatedly, "How can this be, how can this be, Master Luke and I came here just to help Thor celebrate, how can we fight?"

"Fighting is Thor's way of celebrating, and the Supreme Sorcerer doesn't have to refuse." Odin's one eye glanced at the pretentious Ancient One and acted very calmly.

The battle took place in an arena in Asgard used for military training. Under the unknown hard bricks and stones, there was a huge protective magic circle that extended to the invisible sky. Below, there were some Asgard-style stone pillars scattered around. At first glance, it looked a bit like the style of the Roman Colosseum.

Thor was wearing a cool battle armor, a conspicuous red cloak, and holding Mjolnir in his right hand. He was full of vigor and fighting spirit.

Thor's hammer was made of Uru steel, and the inside of the hammer head was forged from the core of a decaying star. A ring-shaped belt of special material was placed at the end of the hammer handle, which had a very high magic affinity and a strong striking force.

The outsiders watched the excitement, and the insiders saw the doorway.

At a glance, Luke discovered that this artifact was not simple. In addition to the rarity of the material, the craftsmanship of the hammer was also very outstanding, especially the ring-shaped symbol on the front of the hammer. It looked simple, but there were extremely complex magic runes engraved inside.

Luke slowly entered the arena, and the two looked at each other from a distance on both sides of the arena.

The stands were full of spectators, who were constantly cheering for both sides, but generally they all thought Thor would win.

"Come on! Thor, let the mages in the courtyard see your strength!"

"Mage Luke! Come on, I support you whether you win or lose!"

Loki's expression was complicated, "Father, Luke wants to challenge both me and Thor, why do you only let him fight?"

This is completely partiality. They are both sons, so just because Thor was born earlier than him, can he have everything? He admitted that Thor was more loved by the people and more orthodox than him, but why didn't he even have the opportunity to compete.

"This is for your own good, Loki."

Odin's face did not change, looking at his youngest son and said, "Even if you go up, it won't change anything."

"But I want to try! You have to give me a chance, please."

Loki's voice was filled with sadness. Seeing that Thor was about to inherit the throne, he was really unwilling, even if this competition was meaningless.

The throne does not only represent power, but also represents the expectations of many people, the eyes and cultivation of his father, etc. Although Loki admits that he also desires power, this is not the only point.

Odin sighed, waved his hand, and Loki's figure disappeared from the spot, and then appeared in the arena below.

"Loki, what are you doing here?"

Loki ignored his brother's question, took out two daggers with great joy and rushed towards Luke, and gave a timely reminder.

"Luke, I will be careful to hold back!"

Luke: ...

You hold back Mjolnir!

He moved his index finger slightly, and a portal was outlined. Loki, who was running, stepped into the air, and then appeared in the sky and fell down.

Loki let out a terrified cry and protected his face with his hands, but before he landed, another portal opened. The Y axes of the two portals overlapped. Under the action of gravity, he jumped back and forth between the two portals, and his speed continued to increase.

Thor's face became serious when he saw this. He threw Thor's hammer at Luke from a distance. Mjolnir made a whistling sound and hit Luke, but it seemed to pass through a layer of fog.

Loki, who was constantly falling and shuttling, tried to keep his body as stable as possible and shouted to give hints.





"I can see it!"

Thor said stubbornly, and then watched Luke wave his hands, and dozens or hundreds of identical phantoms appeared behind him.

He widened his eyes and muttered: "Okay, now I can really see it!"

But it was only possible to tell that they were phantoms, and it was hard to tell which one was the real one...

Each phantom threw out a series of energy whips. Thor exerted force on his feet and kept spinning and moving on the field, but he was still entangled by an energy whip despite the opponent's numerical advantage.

The energy whip was not strong, but in the moment when he broke it off, dozens of energy whips came around. The next second, Thor, who was unable to move, stepped on empty air and suffered the same fate as Loki.

The sky suddenly darkened, and large patches of dark clouds covered the entire arena. With a lightning strike, the energy of the portal was disturbed and dissipated.

In the strong lightning, Thor flew out with Thor's hammer in his hand, with lightning in his eyes.


Thor raised Thor's hammer high, and several lightning strikes fell in succession. The lightning power in his body was instantly full. Then he aimed at the ground and smashed it hard. A violent explosion accompanied by countless tiny lightning burst out on the ground.

The phantoms seemed to have expected it to fly up, and this attack did not make any substantial progress.




Loki, who was still falling, tried to ask for help.

Along with the handprints of the phantom Lukes, golden energy blades appeared in their hands, and dozens of phantoms rushed towards Thor with a roar, leaving him no time to take care of Loki.

The Holy Sword of Vishanti!

This is a spell that is as sharp as the Magic Blade of Vaatu. It has special attacks for dark creatures. Although Thor is not in the special attack ranks, the sharp attribute is enough to open his eyes.

Thor was surrounded by lightning and swung Thor's hammer at a rapid speed, smashing the phantoms one by one.

Two fists are no match for four hands. Although the phantoms did not attack the vital points, Thor's cheeks and body were still cut with many cuts, and blood flowed from the wounds, making him extremely embarrassed.

This can't go on!

Thor got angry and ignored the attacks of the phantoms. He raised Thor's hammer again. A pillar of lightning shot straight into the sky from the center of the arena, and the thunder rushed out.


Thunder rolled past, and the flashing lightning stung his eyes.

This time, the quality and quantity of lightning that struck Thor increased several times. The terrifying thunder exploded with the further amplification of the hammer, covering the entire arena.


A half-burnt dark green figure fell from the sky. Loki lay on the ground, spitting out a black breath, feeling that he was half dead. He barely raised his head and met Odin's eyes in the stands. The other party had a bit of helplessness in his eyes.

I told you not to go up a long time ago, but now you haven't made any contribution and you were seriously injured by your teammates.

The phantom was swept away by the strong lightning, and only a part of it disappeared when it touched a certain figure due to space distortion.

The true body is clear.

Thor looked at Luke warily, and ran to Loki with tears in his eyes.

"Loki, Loki, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

Loki took out the dagger with difficulty, pointed it at Thor's waist, but he was powerless to stab it, and could only look at Thor unwillingly.

"Do you still want to fight? No, you are too badly injured!"

Thor shook his head, snatched Loki's dagger, and helped him under a pillar.

"Just rest here and wait for me to avenge you!"


Why don't you stab yourself to death with a knife?

After settling Loki, Thor picked up Thor's hammer and glared at Luke.

"Luke, you deserve praise for not taking the opportunity to attack me, but you hurt Loki so badly, I must seek justice for him!"

Luke's mouth twitched, "Let me remind you, it was you who hurt him."

Loki's ability to resist beatings is still quite strong. He was not hurt much after being dropped by Strange for half an hour. Obviously, the main reason was Thor's thunderbolt.

Lightning is a very destructive force after all, and Thor used all his strength to turn the tables. If Loki hadn't been electrocuted since childhood and had some resistance, he would probably be half dead now.

Thor opened his mouth, but couldn't refute for a moment. He couldn't blame Luke, and he didn't want to blame himself, so who else could he blame?

"Loki asked me to save him."

After thinking about it, Thor felt that it was more appropriate to blame Loki, after all, someone had to take the blame?


Luke looked at Thor innocently putting the blame on the injured, and suddenly he felt that he understood why Odin wanted to pass the throne to Thor.

Seeing him rushing over again, Luke waved his hands, and dozens or even hundreds of phantoms appeared behind him.

"Why did you use this trick again!"

Thor was a little depressed. The previous trick had already consumed a lot of his physical strength. It was not impossible to do it again, but Loki probably couldn't withstand his whipping again.

Luke shrugged, "Do you think that useful skills in battle can only be used once?"

Sol's eyes widened, isn't it?

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