Time passed quickly, and with Ethan's help, Tony's Mark I progressed rapidly.

"Tony, you haven't eaten for seven consecutive days!"

"Don't worry, I feel good now."

Tony didn't know why he was still alive and well after not eating for a week. This was unscientific, but in this environment where he could die at any time, he didn't have time to delve into it.

With the sound of ding-dong-dong, the parts of Mark I were made one by one.

Until the tenth day, Tony began to worry about whether there was something wrong with his body. He reluctantly ate a few bites of the shit-like food and showed a disgusted expression.

"When I go back, I must ask Luke to prepare a big meal for me to wash my mouth."

"Who is Luke?"

"My friend, a male doctor with great cooking skills!"

Elf Luke: ...

If I knew that this guy inexplicably added a "male doctor" precondition to himself, Tony would be in big trouble.

"Oh, really?" Ethan, who is also a doctor, became interested. "Did he perform the surgery to enlarge your weapon?"

"Don't talk nonsense. It was a natural development!" Tony flatly denied Ethan's groundless accusation.


Okay, you are the one who built the armor, so whatever you say is true.

"By the way, Ethan, I don't know where you are from?"

"I come from a small town in Comilla. It's pretty good there, although not as prosperous as New York."

"Do you have family?"

Ethan replied calmly, "Yes, I will see them when I leave here. What about you?"


Tony pretended to smile.

Ethan looked up at Tony, "Tony, you are a person who has everything, but you have nothing."

"Ha, although I don't have family, I have friends, Happy, Rod, Luke, and my little pepper..." Tony shrugged and looked at Ethan.

"Now you are one more."

Ethan smiled, "It's an honor."

After a while, because the appearance of the equipment was completely different, the terrorists rushed into the room, grabbed Ethan and threatened him.

Since they were amateurs, and Tony was persistent and calm, they barely fooled him.

"Assemble my missile tomorrow."

The leading terrorist had a gloomy face. He did not say the consequences of not completing the assembly, but everyone knew the answer.


Ethan, who escaped the disaster, coughed twice. The two looked at each other, accelerated the progress, and started to assemble quickly, racing against time.


The two breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They had no time to appreciate the work they had created. They ran to the blind spot of the view and began to assemble it on Tony. A layer of high-tech iron armor was put on the human body.

The terrorist leader looked at the monitor and noticed something was wrong.

"Where is Tony Stark?"

The men looked at each other, at a loss.

"Send someone to check it out!"

The two minions rushed to the room where they were, and after knocking on the door to no avail, they pushed the door open and prepared to go in, but were blown away by the explosive packs that had been prepared long ago.

This solved the urgent problem, but it also alarmed all the enemies. The terrorists came out in full force, holding all kinds of weapons made by Stark Industries. The cold muzzles of the guns swayed as they ran, ready to kill the people who designed them.

"Go get the power program." Tony was extremely anxious, but he tried his best to control his emotions on his face.

Ethan was a good surgeon. Even though he was panicked, he still started the power program smoothly. The progress bar moved very fast, but at this moment he and Tony felt like a turtle.

"Ethan, after confirming that there is no one at the level, you can follow me out."

There were chattering sounds and many footsteps outside. The enemy was approaching and was about to arrive.

Ethan glanced at the progress bar, his calm eyes revealed a resolute light, "We still need time."

He glanced at Tony for the last time, "I'll buy you some time."

After saying this, he picked up the gun on the ground and rushed out.

"No, no, no, follow the plan, Ethan, Ethan!"

Tony, trapped in the armor, shouted in panic, trying to stop him, in exchange for a smile from the other party.

"Tony, you said before that I'm your friend, right?"


"Sounds good."

A smile appeared on Ethan's face, and he rushed out with the gun. His resolute look and the submachine gun in his hand that was spitting sparks made people ignore the upward muzzle, and also frightened the two forwards who came.

As a doctor, he couldn't take other people's lives, but the opposite was different.

Several bullets whizzed through his body. In order to lure Tony out, these bullets did not choose the fatal part, but the kinetic energy itself was enough to destroy the body.

At the same time, the light of technology burst out in the primitive cave. Tony, wearing a steel armor, crushed the skulls of the two people who rushed into the room first and threw them out. Then he kicked the door open roughly and killed all the enemies in front of him.

But at the corner, he saw Ethan lying on the ground with blood all over the ground.


"Be careful, there are enemies."

Ethan replied weakly. Tony, who was reminded, successfully avoided the leader's rocket launcher and killed him with one hand.

Then he hurried to Ethan, whose consciousness was almost blurred.

"Ethan, it's okay, it's okay, just like the plan, I'll take you away."

"No, Tony, I can't leave."

Ethan coughed up a mouthful of blood, dying.

"Have you forgotten your family? Don't you want to see them?"

"Tony, I'm on my way to see them."

Ethan's pupils began to dilate, and he barely said the last sentence, "Don't waste your life."

Tony felt his blood run cold all of a sudden. He shouted in panic, desperately watching Ethan's breath weaken.

"Yes, Luke! Luke! Are you there?"

As soon as the voice fell, a ray of light lit up in the dim cave.

Tony was a little stung by the sudden light, and then he saw a figure appear in the light.

The man had long silver-white hair and pure and flawless emerald green eyes. He was handsome and intoxicating. He wore a white robe, like a god who was not stained by the world.

He carried the vicissitudes of time, and his eyes were full of wisdom that saw through everything. Under the shining of the holy light, the whole picture was full of divinity.

"Are you... a god?"

Tony looked at the scene absentmindedly, and hesitated after noticing the other party's overlong ears.

"Or, an elf?"

The rationality of a scientist and the sensibility of a human, the worry about the safety of his friends, everything exploded in his mind, making his brain a mess.

Without time to think, he nervously said, "No matter who you are, please save Ethan."

"Tony Stark."

The person read out his name softly, and the voice was as pleasant as a mountain spring.

"You have the most outstanding talent in the world, countless money and high power, and your life is going smoothly."

"If you take everything you have to exchange for Ethan's life, are you willing?"

"I am willing."

Tony answered decisively.

The elf Luke lowered his eyes, and a golden circle suddenly appeared in front of Tony, and the picture inside was a clean and tidy office building.

There, Luke sat on an office chair, holding Xiaobai in his arms and stroking its fur.

Tony was dumbfounded. What is this? Space folding technology?

"It's magic!"

Luke put down the dog and walked out of the portal. He glanced at Ethan, put his palm on him, and directly pulled him back from the brink of death.

"It seems that this accident has taught you something. I hope you can always stick to your heart."

Ethan woke up faintly. He was stunned for a moment when he saw Luke in front of him, and then he saw Tony and was immediately shocked.

"Tony, why did you come down too!"

"You were rescued."

Ethan put his hand on Tony's forehead, "Do you have a fever? Who can cure my gunshot wound and save me under such conditions?"

"It's Luke, the doctor I mentioned to you before!"

Tony's brain was a little insufficient. He didn't expect Luke to be so powerful. The man who was about to die was alive and kicking in a few seconds.

"Oh, the male doctor you mentioned before!"

Luke looked at Tony, "male doctor?"

"Well... well, aren't you the best at this?" Tony's eyes dodged. Most of the friends he introduced went to see Luke for this!

Fortunately, Luke is a generous and kind friend who won't care about such a small matter.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"It's okay, Tony, we are friends, why would I care about such a small matter."

Luke smiled and waved his hand, "I used to be an obstetrician and gynecologist, and I yearned for anorectal surgery. Now I am a general practitioner. I hope you remember it."

"I will remember it!"

Ethan couldn't help shaking hands with Luke, "Dr. Luke, how did you save me?"

He touched his wound, and the bullet was squeezed out by the new muscle, and there was no scar left. This was incredible.

"It's very simple." Luke talked about his experience, "First of all, you need deep theoretical knowledge."

"Yeah." Ethan nodded vigorously.

"Then, you need senior clinical experience."


"Finally, you just need to master the superpowers that can heal others."


"Super what power?"

"Superpower." Luke answered gently.

"What power?"


"Superpower what?"


Ethan sighed, a handsome guy, but his brain was broken, "Dr. Luke, I don't believe this, have you read too many novels?"

"I write novels."

Luke and Tony stepped back a few steps and moved away from his sight.

Ethan looked at the portal that was still maintained and opened his mouth, "Oh my god!"

Then he saw the divine face of the elf Luke and the holy light that illuminated the entire cave.

"Oh! My! God!"

Failure Diary - Steins; Gate

What is real, does reality really exist?

What we hear with our ears in this world may be false, and what we see with our eyes may also be false.

When we observe quantum, the quantum has been disturbed by our observation.

So is the conclusion we get true?

The answer is no.

So I am not a failure!

ps: Thank you for the tip from the big boss of Tengjiao Chicken Steak. Is it so generous that he gave 50 yuan at once! It can buy three pounds of pork!

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