"Master Lu Ke, you need to study."

On the second day after he came to the New York Temple, Ancient One took him to Kama Taj's library.

"No one will trust a person who doesn't understand magic to lead them. If you want to be a good Supreme Mage, you must have profound attainments in magic."

"Wait a minute!" Luke's face darkened.

“Am I not just the head of the New York Temple?”

Ancient One looked at him as if he was mentally retarded, "I thought you should have known that the Supreme Mage's words are as untrustworthy as a man's words of 'I can't get in'."

After finally deceiving someone who could take over the job, how could he just let someone take on a casual position?

The current situation of Karma Taj is that he is a level 100 elite boss leading a group of level 10 and 20 shrimp soldiers and crab generals. If he leaves him, not to mention the dimension demon, any stronger reptilian mages will be tortured to pieces. Scum.

It is difficult for a novice to take on important responsibilities, and it is difficult for him to take the blame even if he wants to.

This is also related to the magic setting in Marvel. All mages who use white magic on the earth derive their power from the "Vishan Emperor" who is the trinity of Ohit, Hogs, and Agamotto.

White magic itself is not good at attacking, and the use of magic comes at a cost. It is just that the magicians on the earth use white magic and are shouldered by Emperor Weishan. As for the magic created by the dimensional demon gods, it is more like leasing than mastering.

Similarly, learning and using magic is also a long process. After all, not every mage is a genius like Strange.

In the later period, when there was no backbone, even a mage who slipped away from a certain portal could become the Supreme Mage, which greatly reduced the value of this title.

Gu Yi is a special case of old villain, who steals the power of demon gods from other latitudes and does not return it. There are people above who are not easy to move. Those who can win cannot win, and those who can survive cannot win. Even if they want to force debt collection, they can't. .

The white-bearded version is obviously more fierce than the bald female. From the fact that he can produce tea leaves containing the energy essence of the dimensional demon gods, we know that this guy is not simple.

"Before you take the throne, I have to let you practice and make some achievements, otherwise you will not be able to convince the public."

"Have you never considered the possibility that I don't want to be the Sorcerer Supreme?"

Gu Yi followed suit and said, "Think about it, what's wrong with being the Supreme Mage? Many mages are working hard for this goal."

"You should tell me what's good!"

This was the first time Luke heard someone selling a job like this.

Gu Yi lowered his head and thought hard, no matter how much he loved his career, he would lose his enthusiasm once it became a job. He was once a partner of justice, but after so many years of fighting monsters, he was really tired.

The Supreme Mage does not receive a salary for this position, because he is the top leader and cannot contribute much to those below him. In order to prevent disturbing the order, he also protects the world secretly, and does not get any benefits in terms of fame, wealth or material.

Not to mention that resisting dimensional demons and some foreign visitors with malicious intentions is also a thankless task.

"At least the name Supreme Mage sounds cool!"

It took a long time before Gu Yi could hold back these words.

"Bad promise." Luke sighed, looking like "It's hard for me to handle this."

"Otherwise, you can give me the Eye of Agamotto for safekeeping first, and let me get familiar with the business first. What do you think?"

He opened his hand to Lao Deng, who had never exploded the gold coins.

Gu Yi opened his extended hand angrily, and the abacus beads almost jumped onto his face.

"Master Lu Ke, your shamelessness reminds me of an old friend. It's impossible to give you the Eye of Agamotto right now. If you have to ask for something... I can give you a book."


The corners of Lu Ke's lips curled up, and he knew that people like to compromise.

The two walked into the library. The place that looked small from the outside was as big as a different dimension. At a glance, countless bookshelves were filled with books.

It contains almost all the magic books on the earth, and there are even some magic books from other planets and dimensions, which are the trophies of the Ancient One.

In this seemingly endless sea of ​​books, Gu Yi waved gently, and a wrinkle appeared in the space. A pure white and flawless book, whose shape alone made people feel incomprehensible, appeared in his hand.

"[Book of Emperor Weishan]."

Gu Yi glanced at the book twice, then handed the book to Lu Ke.

"This book contains the most powerful known white magic in the world. The spells it records can never be used offensively, only defensively."

Luke wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth, coughed twice, and looked disdainful.

"That's it?"

Gu Yili, who lived like a man, ignored Lu Ke's provocation and took out a few books from the side and placed them next to Lu Ke.

"If you feel that the magic in Weishan Emperor's book is too profound, you can read these books first."

After explaining this, Gu Yi patted Lu Ke on the shoulder sincerely.

"Master Lu Ke, maybe you can't understand my feelings, but I have high hopes for you."

At this point, his expression changed, "Oops, I sensed that a dimensional demon is trying to invade the earth. Go out and resist the foreign enemies first. You should study hard here and don't move around."

After speaking, Gu Yi's figure simply disappeared from the spot.

"Ah bah!"

Luke raised a middle finger to where Ancient One left.

You old bastard, you'd better be really fighting against the Dimensional Demon God instead of fishing for fish!

He glanced at the books that Gu Yi had picked for him, including proverbs, magic rules, spell analysis, witchcraft guide, Nova Cosmology, and Solomon's Classics.

Most of them were introductory books that explained the principles of magic, rather than powerful magic that only focused on power and range. They were indeed more suitable for him at this stage. It can be seen that Gu Yi still paid attention.

"Actually, you don't have to learn it yourself."

Luke thought for a moment and made seals with his hands, "Multiple Shadow Clone Technique!"

A dozen Lukes appeared in the same place, their faces full of reluctance, they knew what they were separated for.

"I don't want to learn."

"Me too, why don't you remove the spell."

"Add one, I would rather clean up than learn!"

"Shadow clones are only used when you have a party, you really don't need to learn anything."


The chattering objections sounded, and Luke's face turned serious.

"Shut up, we are all Luke, we should love each other and help each other."

"You study together with me, I am happy together with you, and we all have a bright future!"

The shadow clones: "..."

Looking at myself from another perspective, I really can't bear to look at it. Such shameless words can be said!

Under the mandatory order of the deity, the shadow clones can only helplessly transform into learning elements, holding up books one by one and starting to study.

Luke looked at such a rich learning atmosphere and nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right, everyone can rest after reading these books, and settle down well. Then, we will see each other at the top!"

Encouraging the shadow clones, Luke waved goodbye, activated the space spell, and disappeared on the spot.

After Luke left, the efficiency of the shadow clones in reading books dropped sharply. Although they had to listen to the deity, this kind of unclear order, the efficiency was decided by the shadow clones themselves.

They began to talk about it.

"I think there is a reason why Ancient One asked me to be the Supreme Sorcerer."

"If this continues, the Supreme Sorcerer will probably become a derogatory term like Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Child."

"I suddenly feel very shameless, I have to repent."

A Luke blinked and suddenly suggested, "How about this, let's die together with me?"

This sentence immediately aroused the curiosity of the other shadow clones, and they all cast their eyes.

Luke coughed twice and cleared his throat, "We should study hard during this period. The few books picked by Gu Yi are not enough. Let's read them all from the lowest to the highest level!"

"When the time comes, we will control and use ninjutsu to exhaust the chakra at the same time, and automatically release it, so that he can feel the feeling of being strengthened by knowledge!"

"That makes sense!"

"Surprised, I am simply a genius!"

"Let the original master know that the shadow clones also have human rights!"

The eyes of the shadow clones lit up one by one, and they lowered their heads and began to read seriously. Although it was a bit uncomfortable to study, they immediately became motivated when they thought of the miserable state of the original master in the future.

They wanted to fill up the original master!

For a while, the learning efficiency of the shadow clones skyrocketed. Now Luke has become a genius through the game of Didi Le, and the shadow clones are naturally very smart, and it is a piece of cake to remember everything they have seen.

It didn't take long for the shadow clones to finish reading their respective shares, and then they began to pick books from the bookshelf again.

Whenever a shadow clone felt a little tired and wanted to rest, he would see that others were still studying, so he would grit his teeth and continue to persevere.

Time passed little by little, and before he knew it, the shadow clones even began to behave inwardly.

"I was the first to pick out this book "Symbols of Mysticism"!"

"What do you mean yours or mine? We are all Luke. Why should whatever you pick out be yours?"

"Who has seen the second volume of "Mysterious Astrology"? My book is discontinued."

"Damn it, did you just peek at the book while I closed my eyes to rest!"

"Stop it, stop it, what are you doing now!"

"Hehe, you picked up the book and read it before I gave you a mandatory order. How could I not know what you are thinking?"

"Bitch, your eyes are red from staying up all night, go and rest!"

"Bah, wishful thinking, I can just use medical ninjutsu to treat it!"

"Brothers, do less actions that consume chakra, otherwise it will be bad to disappear early. If they are not released together, I can bear it!"

Amid the internal conflicts of the Lukes, the shadow clone who first proposed it quietly withdrew from the battlefield and slipped behind a large bookshelf in the distance.

"I have done everything you asked me to do. Can you release me now?"

"Sure, you deserve it. Go and have a rest."

Luke punched the man to pieces. Looking at the shadow clones in the feedback memory, who were blushing and reading books desperately, the corners of his mouth slowly rose.

"You are just a shadow clone, and you are trying to resist the original body. How naive, too naive."

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