Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 119 The birth of the new strongest!

The virtual form burst out, and purple light enveloped the entire barrier.

The extremely powerful fluctuations swept around like a river of energy, and everything it came into contact with, whether it was high-rise buildings or the ground, was completely wiped out.

The imaginary matter that pops up is not a real entity. It is intangible but has quality. Taking into account the contradictory characteristics of being fragile and solid, the combination of Cang and He has become one of the most terrifying moves in the world.

The infinite space was shattered at the next moment when the virtual form bloomed. This was not because of energy fluctuations, but because the master of the domain put all his attention on the virtual form. It could not be maintained and faded away on its own.

Gojo Satoru was floating in the air, his broken body quickly healing under the healing technique, but a wry smile appeared on his face.

The aftermath of the energy dissipated, and Luke, who still stayed in place, showed no signs of harm. Even his clothes were not damaged at all. The unknown black substance dissipated from his body bit by bit.

He asked with a thoughtful expression on his face and a serious tone.

"Want to compliment you?"

Gojo Satoru's fighting spirit has faded. He has lost the desire to fight and just sighs a little helplessly.

"Using your physical body to withstand the full power of my chanting spells and magic gestures, are you really from this world?"

No matter who it happens to, there will be a feeling of despair when the ultimate attack hits others without breaking their defense. At least at this moment, Gojo Satoru has no plans to make a comeback.

"I'm asking seriously, don't be ungrateful."

Lu Ke also murmured that the power of "Void Style·興" was indeed beyond his imagination. He was actually a little disdainful of the combat power in the spell before, but when the imaginary material had an impact so huge that he was surprised Only when he arrived did he understand the value of this move.

If it were real and not an imaginary substance made up by magic, even his physical strength would not be able to withstand it, but fortunately, magic is just magic after all, and even if it has some of the characteristics of the real thing, it is still a fake.

Just like what Jujutsu Aoi and Kujiu Yuki can only create are things that are close to black holes, there is an upper limit to the concept of Jujutsu, and it cannot truly complete the great deeds that only exist in fantasy. At most, it is infinitely close.

In any case, Gojo Satoru deserves praise for being able to force him to use [Overlord's Body]. At least in Lu Ke's estimation, he wouldn't need this to defeat Su Nuo.

The so-called space slash that cuts the world was already set to collapse from the moment it cut off the knotweed, and Lu Ke wasn't too busy to cut it. With his reaction speed, Su Nuo couldn't even touch him.

"Should I be happy?"

Gojo Satoru quickly regained his composure. He was both disappointed and relieved that the name of the strongest had been transferred.

Originally, he planned to gradually change the pattern of the magic world by educating the next generation. Unexpectedly, a strange soldier from the sky suddenly broke into the track halfway and achieved his goal.

"Compared to Xu Shi·茈, your immeasurable emptiness surprises me more."

Luke sighed. The feeling of being pulled into the world without any lower limit is quite amazing. The feeling of having everything around you in your mind is very magical, as if the world is in your hands. Although it is invalid information for battle or life. The accumulation will cause inconvenience.

Without this move, Luke wouldn't have stayed where he was and forced himself to use the virtual style.

"A very good control skill, much better than those areas that only have a sure-hit effect."

"Have you learned how to expand the field?" Gojo Satoru asked.

Luke thought for a while, "It's still a little bit close. The field expansion effect I envision is not an amplification spell and a sure hit, but a type with special effects and scenes, so it will be a little more difficult."

"But after seeing your infinite space, I still gained something."

Having said this, he held his palm empty, once, twice, and after several times, his palm was covered with a thin layer of something invisible to the naked eye.

"Extension of the field...How long have you been in the magic world?" Gojo Satoru clicked his tongue.

This is a simplified version of the use of field expansion, allowing the field to expand on the body surface for neutralization techniques. It can be said that knowing this is equivalent to being able to use field expansion. However, the field constructed by Luke is too complex and cannot be fully expanded.

This also means that the limitless limit has been overcome by Luke.

The name of the strongest has completely changed its position.

As the two people landed on the ground, the black curtain began to dissipate, and the teachers who were far away on the ground also came over and looked at the two people with bright eyes.

Facing everyone's gaze, Gojo Satoru raised his hands in surrender and spoke in a relaxed tone.

"We can't win, we really can't win. I even noticed that Luke didn't use all his strength, so..."

"Congratulations to Luke, he is the strongest now."

Those light words were like an earthquake to others, hitting everyone hard.

"I actually did it." Nanami Kento looked a little dazed.

As a rational adult, he always felt that it was ridiculous for a newcomer who had just entered the magic world for more than a month to become the strongest, but the facts before him made him believe it.

Who would have thought that the person he saved from the first-level curse spirit would turn the entire curse world upside down in such a short period of time.

Kusakabe was also a little in disbelief, "Will Gojo Satoru actually lose?"

His face looked both happy and sad.

The magician camp with Gojo Satoru and Lu Ke can naturally crush the Curse Spirit Fang, but the appearance of such a powerful person will inevitably increase the quality of the Curse Spirit Fang. It is nothing to Gojo Satoru and Lu Ke. They are ordinary people. It’s difficult for people.

Perhaps in the future, the level of sorcerers and cursed spirits will really be equal. A first-level sorcerer will no longer have the illusion of exorcising a special-level cursed spirit, and even fighting against a first-level cursed spirit will risk losing.

An Utahi showed undisguised excitement, "I have come to this day too!"

She is really good at finding men.

Mingming frowned, sometimes being the strongest is not a good thing, Gojo Satoru has always been bound by this title. Although he always jokes carelessly, his work is actually very heavy and tedious.

Every day, he has to go to various places to exorcise cursed spirits that others cannot solve, attend meetings, prepare lessons, etc., and he only has three hours of sleep a day, and even less free time.

It was not until Luke looked over that she reluctantly curled her lips and smiled and complimented, "Congratulations, it seems that I bought a stock with super potential."

At this time, Yuji Itadori, who was wearing tattered clothes and was covered in wounds, staggered over carrying Fushiguro Megumi and Kugisaki Nobara.

"Teacher Lu Ke, help!"

Tiger Stick couldn't hold on when he came up to them, and the three of them fell to the ground together, crying out in pain.

"It looks like a fierce fight." Lu Ke walked up to check on the three little ones. Fortunately, because of the curse spirit supplements they had taken some time ago, the three of them had improved their physical fitness and were not seriously injured.

The reversal technique was activated, and the three of them were resurrected on the spot in a few breaths.

"So, did you win?"

After confirming that the students were fine, Lu Ke asked with a smile. If they lost, they would be severely punished.

"Is that even necessary?" Kugisaki raised his head proudly. If the three of them couldn't beat one of them, they could really jump into the river.

Tiger Stick smiled and explained: "Kugisaki is the biggest contributor. Her Chu Ling Curse helped a lot!"

The essence of the Chu Ling Curse is a curse technique. As long as you hold a part of the limbs of the person you want to curse, you can hit the person 100% remotely. However, the damage caused depends on three factors: the importance of the cursed limbs, the proficiency of the technique, and the power of the curse.

Kugisaki let go of her hand, and there were a few short black hairs in it. She proudly let go of her hair and let them blow away by the wind.

"In the concept of spells, hair is also a part of the body."

"But hair does not contain spell power, so it cannot be moved to other places by using the Unjust Game. No matter where Toudou Aoi moves, my curse will follow him."

Luke shook his head when he heard it.

They were both young men who sealed monsters, a handsome man with a noble and cold appearance and a girl who was a little careless. The other side relied on men to deal damage, and the girl would be ridiculed if she said "I finally caught up with you."

You rely on girls to deal damage on your side?

It's useless!

Fushiguro Megumi, who had recovered, said awkwardly, "Toudou Aoi is indeed very strong. He shot three black flashes in a row and almost wiped us out. Fortunately, Yuji could fight him head-on."

Somehow, his jade dog looked at the sky with a horrified expression as soon as it was summoned, and shrank back into the shadow, which did not play any role.

Yuji touched his head in embarrassment, "No, it was a draw. If it wasn't for Hui using Duotu to swallow all of Todou Aoi's beads and then cancel the summon, Kugisaki wouldn't have been able to grab the hair. His technique was too complicated, and the final victory was still due to Hui's purification of Yashaononna."

Fushiguro Megumi: "..."

Are you just going to repay kindness with enmity?

As expected, after hearing Yuji say that Fushiguro Megumi purified Yashaononna, everyone's eyes were focused on him.

"Hui handled it very well. Don't do this kind of thing before you are an adult." An Utahime said earnestly, "Seriousness is the privilege of adults."

Kusakabe was a little regretful: "Hui, you missed a good opportunity. Yashaononna's blessing can upgrade your weapons by a large margin, and it is said that your kidney power will become stronger."

"Hui, it's okay, there will be a chance." This is Gojo Satoru.

Luke gave him a thumbs up, "You can stand up to the eight-foot woman, and you are as upright as me, you can do it, Hui."

"No, it's simply because you are too old and are not in the hunting range of the eight-foot woman."

Kusakabe couldn't help but complain, and then saw someone's vicious eyes.

No way, the new strongest is so petty?

"Let's have a bonfire party tonight to celebrate the high school's victory."

Gojo Satoru suggested with a smile.

Leyan Temple: "..."

You high school should not be too much. The competition venue here is used. Gojo Satoru and Luke's battle destroyed half of it. Now that we win, we have to eat and drink here!

Luke looked over, "Principal Kyoto, is it convenient?"

Gojo Satoru also looked over, "Is it convenient? Is it convenient?"

The double death gaze of the current strongest and the former strongest made Leyan Temple answer dryly.

"It's convenient."

Leyan Temple chose to follow the voice in his heart.

Yemo Zhengdao, look at these two monsters you raised!

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