Records from the Directorate of Spells:

Time: June 3, 2018.

Location: Third floor, Building A, teaching building, Naoetsu Private High School

Mission Summary: An "Academic Trial" was organized voluntarily by the students of Class Three after school, which resulted in the death of the student "Hoshino Tsuru". Students who participated in the "Academic Trial" encountered accidents one after another after the incident.

Scope of impact - unknown.

Mission requirements: Find out the cause and exorcise the cursed spirit.

Person in charge: Special level magician - Fujiwara Riki

Private Naoetsu High School is a high-quality school famous for its extremely high admission rate. It is also famous for its harsh school rules, homework that can crush students' spines, and unkind teachers, deans, and principals.

The three of them, Lu Ke, stood at the gate of the campus. When they were going to school, the campus was deserted. Even the security guards were not there and the gate was closed.

"Is this a suspension of classes?"

Ming Ming took out her phone and flipped through it, "Several students died one after another, and all three years of this school's performance were wiped out in one go. It would be a problem if classes were not suspended."

"...What hell joke did you suddenly tell?"

"It's not a joke."

Ming Ming said calmly: "The places where most curse spirits are born are hospitals and schools. The former is a gathering place for people with injuries and pain, and the latter is a high-pressure zone for adolescents. School bullying in Japan has always been very serious."

"There are no shady companies?"

"With wages as an outlet for emotions, although the grievances in the company are a little heavier than elsewhere, they are still within a reasonable range."

Mingming shook his phone and said, "I just checked. According to folk rumors, this school has implemented a 'grade classification' system. Students are divided into four grades: A, B, C, and D based on their scores. Those with excellent grades A-level students can bully and insult D-level students at will.”

"Is the Japanese caste system?"

Ming Ming glanced at Luke unexpectedly, "You know it very well."

"No matter how you understand me, I'm not interested. I only care about the people and things I meet."

After years of working as a cow and horse, Lu Ke has long since learned not to do anything outside the scope of his profession. His goal is just to get rid of evil spirits.

"Can't you just kill the curse spirit?"

"Well... a report summary is still needed. Generally, the cause must be found out before the cursed spirit is exorcised. This is to prevent the same type of cursed spirit from appearing again."

"Huh, cold-hearted sir."

Yuyou, who had been silent all this time, suddenly jumped out to contradict Lu Ke, but he kept his eyes on his sister. Obviously, he didn't really care about the bullying incident, but wanted to see which side his sister would take.

Lu Kehun didn't care about the little brat's remarks and looked at Ming Ming, "Why did you bring this little bastard here?"

"His space magic might be helpful. What, are you jealous of a child?"

"I just feel like this kid seems to be a little obsessed with his sister. Maybe he needs to be corrected."

"I have a video of your first performance. Can you show it to him?"

Mingming flipped up her hair and spoke calmly.

Luke: "...No need."

The bad woman's words made him feel like he was being raped.

After hearing Ming Ming's words, Youyou fell into a state of petrification, and her whole body turned gray.

At this time, a well-dressed middle-aged man hesitantly walked up to the three of them, interrupting the delicate atmosphere.

"I am the principal of this school, are you the 'professionals' sent to solve the problem?"

He emphasized the word "professional", obviously he knew something.

Conjurers are kept secret from the outside world, but Japan is the home base of conjurers, and if you have a high enough level, you will automatically be exposed to this world.

After being confirmed by the three people, the principal was visibly relieved, opened the door and welcomed the three people in. After arriving at the principal's office, he begged them to expel the evil spirits quickly.

"Not only students from Class 3, but also students from other classes now say they have seen strange things. I'm afraid it will only be a matter of time before they encounter a murderer."

"Please, everyone, please don't let any more students in our school be injured or killed!"

He bowed nearly 180 degrees to the three of them, which made Luke a little worried that this man's spine would be broken.

Ming Ming looked at the principal's performance and smiled, "I heard that your school has a 'grade classification' system. Is this true?"

"Such ridiculous remarks are a complete slander against our school!"

The principal's bowed body immediately straightened up, and he slapped the table with indignation, "You also know how fierce the competition in the education industry is. In order to recruit students, those colleagues do all kinds of dirty tricks to try to take away students."

"I see. It's just a rumor after all. It's normal for it to be false. Can you please show us the surveillance footage at the time of the incident?"

Luke spoke straight to the point.


The principal's momentum suddenly dropped and he hesitated, "When the incident happened, the video happened to be damaged, so..."

"Aren't there security guards to repair and check surveillance?"

"The security guard was a temporary worker. His performance was not good and he has been fired."

Luke felt like he was back in the office scheming.

"If this problem is not solved, students will die in the future."

"But..." The principal's hesitation was strangely firm, and it was immediately obvious that something was wrong.

"If the incident continues to unfold, it will affect subsequent enrollment plans."

The effect of these words was immediate. The principal immediately stopped swaying and took out the video recorded by the broken monitor in his mouth.

"Okay, I can show you the surveillance, but please sign a confidentiality agreement in advance."

He took out a fairly well-written contract and was obviously well prepared.

The surveillance began to play, and the principal also began to tell what happened. Combining the information from both sides, the matter slowly emerged.

Hierarchy is real, and it's pretty harsh.

In this school, students with good grades are second only to their teachers in authority and can do whatever they want. Students with poor grades cannot speak out about bullying and will not be punished even if they inform the teacher. It seems that there are cases where students with higher grades have raped lower grades. A situation in which students do nothing afterwards.

The story originated from an ordinary test. The average score of some students in Class 3 was higher than usual. Coincidentally, those with abnormal scores had a "study meeting" before the test.

Obviously, someone cheated on the exam in that "study meeting".

This led to a certain degree of chaos in the class hierarchy. The class monitor was determined to find out who had solved the problem and threatened to keep all the students in the class after school.

As the class monitor with the best grades, no one could disobey his orders. All the students in the class were forced to stay and were gathered in an old classroom that was not usually used, including Hoshino Tsuru, who had asthma and was always in poor health. .

"No one can leave here without recognition."

The squad leader sent the strongest boys to block the door, and then asked the students to go to the podium one by one to report their academic performance, their views on the Troubleshooting incident, and the reasons why they proved that they were not criminals.

The weather was hot and the doors and windows were closed. Gradually, the students became impatient and began to blame and curse each other. The dust in the old classroom was flying.

In such an environment, Hoshino Tsuru's illness broke out. As a D-class student, she was always ignored. Her classmates who were noisy with each other didn't care about her at all. She was not discovered until she fell to the ground.

"The cover..."

It seems that because she was summoned at short notice, her coat and medicine were left behind in her original class.

She gasped and managed to spit out these few words, looking quite painful.

"What should we do? Do we want to save her?"

"Where's her medicine?"

"Call the emergency number quickly!"

While everyone was talking about it, some of the A-class students were impatient with the noise.

"It's better to get rid of this kind of trouble. She always holds back the class, and her grades are dragged down by her."

"That's right, in addition to the grading of individual grades, classes and classes also have grading. I don't want to look down on those bastards in Class 2."

"She's just pretending. Her grades have improved a bit this time. Maybe she's the one who knows the answer."

A few students with relatively normal brains helped him up and said anxiously: "How long have you been playing this boring house game? Get out of the way!"

These remarks angered the higher education students, and the two sides began to argue with each other.

The squad leader also said coldly, "No one is allowed to leave here unless the murderer is found today."

As time passed, Hoshino Crane's sweat continued to fall, and she transitioned from difficulty breathing to respiratory failure, her face turned purple, and finally she lost her life when the medicine was only a few dozen meters away from her.

It wasn't until someone was killed that the group of people began to panic and dispersed one by one.

But the story does not end there. Hoshino Crane's resentment mixed with the school's accumulated resentment broke through the boundaries and gave birth to an ominous spirit called a curse, which launched revenge on the participants of the "Academic Trial".

On the way to the scene of the incident, Luke lowered his head and thought before asking.

"Will the cursed spirit whose prototype is Hoshino Crane take action against the classmates who helped him?"

"As mentioned in the report, the entire class has been wiped out. Don't have any sympathy for the cursed spirit."

Ming Ming's hoarse voice sounded, "In the final analysis, things like curse spirits are an aggregation of negative emotions and have nothing to do with words like kindness or forgiveness."

Luke was noncommittal: "I just want to understand the difference between soul and curse spirit."

Walking into the door of the old classroom, the three of them stopped.

"Come on, let me see your technique."

Ming Ming took out a huge ax that did not match the slender figure of a woman, "I will not take action until you are in mortal danger."

"Mortal danger?"

Luke raised his eyebrows, "You may have misunderstood something."

There are no fancy techniques, a massive amount of mantra is concentrated on the right hand, compressing, colliding, and twisting.

Then, the black torrent of magic power penetrated everything in front with irresistible momentum.


With a scream that was so short that it seemed like a hallucination, the entire old classroom and the cursed spirit within it disappeared in an instant.

The dazzling sunlight penetrated the huge hole and hit the few people standing in the corridor. Ming Ming stared at all this in a daze, and it took a while before he smiled.

"The little man has really grown up."

Half an hour later, the summary of the power of attorney appeared in front of the senior executives of the magic world. The senior executives who had read the information were silent for a long time.

Mission name: Exorcise the special curse spirit - "Hoshino Crane"

Mission client: Special level magician - Fujiwara Luke

Task progress: completed

Mission casualties: none

The task takes: half an hour to investigate the cause and three seconds to exorcise the cursed spirit.

Information obtained: The target has a curse power and instant curse power outlet that surpasses the special-grade sorcerer Yuta Otsutsukotsu, and has extremely strong control. The curse power torrent disappears immediately after destroying the space where the cursed object is located. The spell formula has not been detected.

Weakness guess: Two first-level sorcerers who have saved the target - Meimei and Nanami Kento, money.

Suggestions: Do your best to win them over, and do not be hostile.

The prototype of the academic trial is the first episode of the final story

Although the style of painting is a bit unique, it is indeed a good show. I will not write it, but if you are bored and want to find a show to watch but can't find anything interesting, you can try to watch it

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