Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 78 Brother Tuzi: There is something dirty in the Shenwei space!

Chapter 78 - Brother Tsuchi: There are dirty things in the Kamui Space!

"Everyone, you probably know what happened yesterday. The village cannot be without a shadow for a day, so now everyone can democratically choose a person who they think is suitable to become the fifth generation Hokage of Konoha!"

In the meeting room, the clan leaders of the major clans and the elite jonin in the village gathered together to discuss the issue of Hokage.

Listening to Bai Ye's words, everyone couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

How else can they choose?

Do they still need to choose?

Everyone knows that you, Uchiha Bai Ye, are the next generation Hokage?

"For the fifth generation, I recommend Bai Ye!"

Uchiha Setsuna took the lead. Their Uchiha's long-cherished wish can be realized today.

"I agree."

Hinata Hiashi raised his head and looked at the others, then said lightly.

Before he came, he had a secret meeting with Bai Ye. Bai Ye became the fifth generation, and the sixth generation would be selected from among them if their Hyuga clan had a suitable candidate.

And Bai Ye also promised that as long as he got old and weak, he would abdicate, and would not stay in the position like Sarutobi Hiruzen, and Hinata Hiashi also believed this.

However, at Bai Ye's age, if nothing unexpected happens, he should be the longest-serving Kage in Konoha.

"We agree too!"

Ino-Shika-Chou are on the same front. The three of them had discussed it yesterday. Under the premise that Hinata chose Uchiha, and Bai Ye's strength was too much higher than everyone else, Jiraiya and Tsunade, who were suitable to be Hokage, probably didn't want to come back, so choosing Bai Ye at this time was the best choice.

Now that the Hokage has just died in the village, it is unknown whether other villages will attack. A stronger fighting force must be sent up, and what Bai Ye said yesterday was not wrong. The Hokage Senju can do it, Sarutobi can do it, can't he Uchiha do it?

With the consent of Ino-Shika-Chou, the surrounding families also began to raise their hands one by one to agree, and the jonin had no objection. The strength shown by Bai Ye yesterday was also enough to convince them.

[Ding! Change the fate of Senju Tsunade and get a chance to win a lottery! 】

After the fifth generation Hokage was confirmed, the fate of Senju Tsunade changed immediately.

"I won't say anything roundabout, since you have chosen me, I won't let you down. Next, let's talk about changing Konoha!"

Bai Ye raised his head and looked around. He would not give in hypocritically. Since everyone here agrees that he will become the Hokage, why should he continue to be humble?

His succession ceremony has not yet begun, but since it has been confirmed internally, the succession ceremony is just a process.

Next, he will make drastic changes to some things.

"First of all, I won't talk about what happened yesterday. First of all, I will restore Naruto's title of son of hero and tell the people in the village about Naruto's life experience. At the same time, I will accept Naruto as a disciple, plus Sasuke. Later, you can choose one of your clansmen to let me accept him as a disciple."

Forming a three-person team or a six-person team like the second generation is also a means for Bai Ye to win over other people.

I am an Uchiha, and there were conflicts between Uchiha and many families before, so I want to accept disciples to appease these families. Everyone is in the same village. Although Bai Ye is very strong, the village cannot be governed by himself and Uchiha alone.

After listening to Bai Ye's words, the people around him couldn't help but flicker their eyes, and they were obviously a little moved.

Let alone Bai Ye's identity as the fifth generation Hokage, the combat power that Bai Ye showed yesterday was enough for them to select disciples to hand over to Bai Ye.

"Does Naruto also graduate early?"

Shikaku asked curiously.

"Well, he has a good talent, but his grades are not good because of the seal."

Naruto's talent is definitely top-notch, but because of the seal, if the Nine-Tailed Fox does not interfere with Naruto in the later stage, Naruto can practice with peace of mind.

After listening to Bai Ye's words, Shikaku fell into silence.

Ino Shikacho has always been a firm supporter of the Hokage. His son is a little young, but he can also graduate early. This is an opportunity, but... It's troublesome. Should I do this?

Doing so is equivalent to completely binding the Uchiha, at least for this period of time.

"You can go back and discuss this later. When the time comes, I will look at the talent and whether it is suitable for my teaching. If it is not suitable, I will not accept the other party."

In order to avoid accepting people who are not suitable for his system, he will screen.

"Then I will continue to talk about the second point. I plan to develop the economy of the village. Similarly, the fertile land around the village should be cultivated. We must establish our own economic system and food supply!"

To break away from dependence on the Land of Fire, the most important thing is to have your own productivity.

Ninjas will not produce by themselves, so they need big countries in terms of economy. This is why ninjas will cooperate with daimyo who have no combat power. In the final analysis, ninja villages are actually just large violent military organizations.

Without the economy, they will collapse.

And ninjas only care about killing and don't care about other things. Naturally, this is to reach a cooperation with the daimyo, but in fact, the three ninja world wars were all due to resource problems. In fact, other big countries have contributed behind the scenes.

In the final analysis, if we don't give the ninja something to do, they might attack the daimyo. The daimyo themselves have no fighting power, and it would be a lie for those nobles to say they are not afraid.

"We should manage the economy ourselves?"

"How do we do this?"

It's easy to let them go into battle and kill the enemy, but how do we ask them to produce and manage the economy? !

"In fact, the ninja village is somewhat similar to the family. The ninja village is a larger family. I will give a plan later. Is it okay for Shikaku to be in charge of this matter?"

"I can try."

A gleam of light flashed in Shikaku's eyes. Listening to Bai Ye's words, he suddenly realized that Bai Ye seemed to have a big move this time.

He was actually looking forward to the ninja village improving its economy, mainly because the recent surprises given by Uchiha were too big. A large family with a gradually declining economy directly rejuvenated under Bai Ye's means. It must be said that this also made Shikaku full of expectations for Bai Ye's next point of changing the economy.

"Third, many things in the past should be explained clearly. All the dirty things they did can be exposed, but don't exaggerate. Just say it normally. In addition, the ninjas who have left the village now must be called back. Those who don't come back are considered traitors!"

There are still ninjas outside. Bai Ye will take action next, so naturally those two combat forces must be called back.

"Tsunade and Jiraiya?"

Does Bai Ye mean these two people?

It seems that these two people are the only ones worth noting outside the village now. They are quite special.

"Yes, I want to rebuild Konoha's medical system. Jiraiya is also a good combat force. Of course, if Jiraiya is unwilling, let him collect intelligence outside. If Tsunade is willing, let her come back to train medical ninjas."



Do they not want Tsunade to come back?

If they could let Tsunade come back, they would have taken action long ago. Why wait until now?

Speaking of it, although Konoha's medical system has not collapsed, it is much weaker than when Tsunade was there.

They actually want Tsunade to come back.

"It's not good, please come back."

"Let's see later. Anyway, there's no rush. There are still many things to be done in the village!"

Listening to Bai Ye's words, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Bai Ye didn't force them to do it immediately.

Then Bai Ye continued to talk about his reforms to the village. Then in the afternoon, Bai Ye put on the special divine robe of the Hokage on the top floor of the Hokage Building in front of everyone in the village.

Standing here and becoming the Hokage, Bai Ye suddenly realized why many people are flocking to the position of Hokage.

In the Uchiha clan.

After Bai Ye became the Hokage, he was also jubilant at this moment. After waiting for so many years, he finally waited for a Hokage.

Accepting gifts from other families in the village, many people in the clan also gave Bai Ye gifts for becoming the Hokage.

"Shisui, do you want to die?!"

Bai Ye opened Shisui's gift, and inside were all kinds of underwear, all new. Does he really think he has this hobby?

He casually threw this thing into the Kamui space. Obito, who was in the Kamui space, looked at the underwear of various styles on his head and fell into deep thought.

Damn? !

Is there something dirty in the Kamui space?

"Kakashi, why do you throw everything in here!!"

Obito now wants to kill Kakashi, and even wants to recycle his Sharingan at this moment.

Last time, the Kamui space was full of garbage, and he cleaned it for most of the day. Now there are all kinds of underwear in the Kamui space.

You've made your brain stupid by watching the intimate paradise, right?

"No. Could it be that Kakashi can use Kamui?"

Obito suddenly thought of something, maybe Kakashi can already use the Mangekyō

After thinking about this, Obito suddenly wanted to execute the plan quickly. If the Mangekyō was destroyed by Kakashi, it would be useless even if it was transplanted back, although Obito had not thought about taking it back until now.

Because this was given to Kakashi by himself, since it had been given out, there was no reason for him to take it back, otherwise Obito could have taken back his eyes many times.

But if the plan went wrong, he could only take this eye back.

Thinking of this, Obito left the Kamui space directly and came to the Hidden Mist Village. It seemed that he had to speed up his plan.

But it happened that the younger generations in the village seemed to be unable to wait, and the Hidden Mist Village had been tossed by him almost, and he had played enough, so he had to give up the Hidden Mist Village next.

After cleaning up all kinds of debris and severely warning Shisui, Bai Ye was also thinking about how to make things difficult for Obito.

Last time, Bai Ye discovered through the experiment that his Kamui space was connected to Obito.

He was also looking forward to what Obito saw when he took refuge in the Kamui Space.

Next, according to the intelligence, the Hidden Mist Village should start a coup, but the Hidden Mist Village may not give him a chance to draw a lottery, and the bloodstains that interested him are gone.

Let's draw the lottery first, there is still one chance to draw a lottery.

[Ding! Use a chance to draw a lottery, congratulations on obtaining: Immortal Technique (optional)]

[Sage Technique]: After using, you will obtain the three holy land sage techniques of Wet Bone Forest, Ryuchi Cave, and Myoboku Mountain, as well as the perfect sage mode.

Ah? !

Sage Technique?

You can choose it yourself?

And you don’t need to sign a contract with those guys.

The three families’ sage techniques have their own characteristics.

“No, the sage techniques don’t say that you can only practice one family. If I choose one now, and then there is another sage technique selection scroll, can I choose another one?”

In fact, Bai Ye wants the sage modes of the three families very much, mainly because each has its own characteristics, and they are all perfect sage modes.

Nowadays, Bai Ye always feels that he seems to be invincible, unless Madara is resurrected.

Eternal Eye, Sage Body, Sage Technique, Byakugan, Corpse Vein, Flying Thunder God, and other worlds’ own abilities.

“Hokage-sama, Shikaku-sama is here to see you.”

Just as Bai Ye was struggling with which sage technique to choose, Uchiha Izumi knocked on the door cautiously outside the door to remind him.

“Let him in.”

He came to him?

Bai Ye had someone bring him in, and Nara Shikaku said directly: "Fifth Hokage, I want to know if you want to get the village out of the control of the daimyo?"

Bai Ye's previous series of actions were all to get Konoha out of its dependence on the Fire Country.

And this is very dangerous, he doesn't know whether Bai Ye did it intentionally or unintentionally.

"You are a smart man."

Bai Ye didn't think he could hide it from Nara Shikaku, in fact, probably many people will react later.

"Hokage, forgive me for being blunt, if you do this, we may be besieged by four ninja villages in the future. First of all, we have broken away from the Fire Country, not to mention the economic problems, and we have done it ourselves, but the daimyo of the other four major countries and other countries will be afraid when they see that the ninja village has broken away from the control of the major countries and is independent, right? Therefore, the four ninja villages and even the Fire Country will not hesitate to attack Konoha!"

This is not just the interests of the village, but the daimyo of several other countries will never allow such a thing to happen.

It is a resistance to the old order, and the beneficiaries of the old order will not allow Bai Ye to succeed.

"Your worries are unnecessary. They didn't attack us, but we attacked them first. Have you ever thought about creating a world with me where there are only ninja villages and no daimyo?

In the past few years, aren't the daimyo behind the wars between the ninja villages?

When the ninja villages become strong, various resources will be blocked to force them to start wars, and then they can continue to control the ninja villages and maintain their rule. The essence of the ninja village war is the imbalance of economic development. We Konoha occupy so many resources, but what have the big countries lost in so many years of war? It is the lives of our ninjas, and these rulers are still enjoying it from a high position. They are the biggest original sin of the war!"

During the Fourth Shinobi World War, ninjas were fighting on the front line, and the daimyo of several "hostile" ninja villages played mahjong together, and from this familiarity, it seems that they knew each other a long time ago.

They fought on the front line, they enjoyed it in the back, controlling everything, and everything in the ninja village had to be controlled by them.


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