Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 65 Fugaku: Bai Ye, you will regret this; Bai Ye: Fugaku, I am the clan leader!

Chapter 65 - Fugaku: Bai Ye, you will regret it; Bai Ye: Fugaku, I am the clan leader!

"So, former clan leader Fugaku, you want Sasuke to worship me as your master?"

The next day, Fugaku found Bai Ye and told him the news that Sasuke wanted to worship him.

Fugaku had already agreed with Sasuke yesterday.

"That's right, but can you call me by my name, and don't add "former clan leader" at the end?"

Fugaku was confused. Did you want to remind me that I had stepped down?

"Okay, former clan leader!"


I really want to kill this guy.

Although Uchiha Fugaku has seen people who are more despicable than him, this is the first time he has seen one in the Uchiha clan.

This inevitably made Fugaku feel a little sad. Is it really a good choice to let Sasuke follow him?


I have already told Bai Ye about this matter, and it seems that there is no room for regret.

"If Sasuke wants to become your disciple, I will accept it. It can be regarded as my compensation to you. It is not my intention to drive you off the stage, but some of your policies are really intolerable to me."

Bai Ye did not have much opinion on Uchiha Fugaku, but he could not tolerate his indecision.

At the beginning, he had thought before the chat group was opened that if there was no golden finger, he would run away before the night of the extermination of the clan.

But the golden finger came, so Bai Ye thought about changing his fate. Speaking of which, he had eaten and used a lot in Uchiha over the years. Under the premise that he could change it, Bai Ye naturally hoped to change the original ending.

But Fugaku's behavior was simply disappointing to Bai Ye, so he could only let Fugaku step down, otherwise he would continue to let Uchiha Fugaku in the position of clan leader, with Uchiha Fugaku, Uchiha Itachi, Uchiha Shisui and other pig teammates inside, and the old silver coin Konoha F4 headed by Sarutobi Hiruzen outside.

This high-end game is not so big, right?

"Is my path wrong? At least I don't think I'll be as nervous as I am now. Although I'm not the clan leader now, and I shouldn't be in charge of this matter, I still want to know if you have thought it through, Bai Ye. If you continue to go down this path now, the relationship between Konoha and Uchiha will only get worse and worse. I guess we'll really go to war at that time!"

Although Uchiha Fugaku has been compromising, he can see clearly that once they go to war with Konoha, they will definitely not win.

That's why he compromises again and again.

If there really is a way, he won't be like this all the time, being cowardly in the clan and being looked down upon outside.

Uchiha, once the largest clan, now dares not even speak loudly in order to survive.

This is also the reason why the radicals in the clan have been increasing, and Uchiha Fugaku can only maintain the balance.

Bai Ye's previous actions did make many Uchiha clan members, even Uchiha Fugaku, feel proud.

But after the incident was over, Uchiha Fugaku began to think, can the consequences of this incident really put the clan into crisis for the sake of pride?

"Have you ever thought about why the other party keeps pushing forward and why they keep forcing us Uchiha to compromise?"


In fact, Uchiha Fugaku has his own answer in his heart.

But he didn't rush to say it, but wanted to hear what Bai Ye could say.

"People have bad natures. If you keep showing toughness, it will make people afraid to act rashly. If you can't maintain it, the initial compromise will indeed change the other party's view, but after you compromise, the other party will ask you to compromise for the second time.

From the beginning, Uchiha gave up all kinds of their businesses, and later sent many elite ninjas to the Ninja World War to show their courtesy, and then even gave up the land that originally belonged to us.

Today we will give up five cities, tomorrow we will give up ten cities, and then we will have a good night's sleep.

When Uchiha has no more interests to give up, how should we compromise?

Should we give up our Sharingan as well?

Fugaku, think about it, when it was in your hands, Uchiha had thrown away everything that could be thrown away, and we only have Sharingan.

If Sharingan can only be used on our own people, it's fine, but Sharingan can be used by others after it is taken out."

In Bai Ye's view, Uchiha has nothing to compromise.

Every time Fugaku compromises, he gives up the interests of Uchiha.

And it was because of these that they were able to gain a little peace, but they no longer have it, and even the economy of the clan is no longer as good as before.

You said that if it was in peacetime, it would be fine if they didn't get respect, there wasn't much money, and there was a guard team in the clan that needed to be supported, and the Uchiha at the bottom had a harder time. It was already like this, and Fugaku was still thinking about compromise. Isn't this putting all the Uchiha clan into the gutter?

"It shouldn't be that serious, we are all from the same village, and it's impossible to do such a thing."

Uchiha Fugaku was shocked. Originally, he just wanted to compromise in exchange for peace. He didn't actually want Uchiha and Konoha to go to war, but according to Bai Ye's statement, his approach seemed to be completely wrong!

But he was a little reluctant to believe that Sarutobi Hiruzen dared to do such a thing.

After all, everyone is from the same village. If you wiped out the Uchiha clan, how would you let other ninja clans look at you?

Who dares to stay in Konoha?

"Don't be naive Fugaku, the village is still pressing on you even if you hand over everything. Don't you still know the situation we are facing?!"

Fugaku's innocence made Bai Ye feel a little ridiculous.

We have already reached this point, why are we still so stubborn?

The three most powerful Uchihas were actually more stubborn than the other.

Not to mention that the three pairs of kaleidoscopes in the original work could defeat Konoha, they could at least take part of the Uchiha evacuation and leave Konoha, but it turned out that the three pairs of kaleidoscopes were all surrenderers!

Listening to Byakuya's words, Uchiha Fugaku's eyes flashed with confusion, and he even felt a sense of recognition in his heart.


It seemed that he had let out everything he could, but in the end it still didn't work.

"Byakuya, but you have to understand that if you do this now, you will still lead Uchiha into the abyss, and it will be faster!!"

Uchiha Fugaku knew that even if he did this, he might end up doing what Byakuya said.

However, the consequence of Byakuya's actions was that he would lead Uchiha into the abyss faster than himself.

He has no idea how strong Konoha is! !

"Fugaku, I am the clan leader!!!"

Bai Ye said calmly, no matter what Fugaku thinks, he is the clan leader now, and Fugaku is not.

Listening to Byakuya's words, Uchiha Fugaku opened his mouth, not even knowing how to refute.

It seemed that what Bai Ye said made sense. No matter what he did, it was the clan leader's decision, and he was no longer qualified to care about it.

"Byakuya, the Uchiha clan relies on force, not words!!"

Uchiha Fugaku was still prepared to fight hard and become the leader of the Uchiha clan. At the beginning, he did not just rely on his words like Byakuya.

If the kaleidoscope had been shown during the clan meeting at that time, Bai Ye would not have become the clan leader!

After saying that, three magatama appeared in Uchiha's pupils and then kept spinning into a kaleidoscope.

He had to stop Byakuya from continuing to pull Uchiha into the abyss.

But for the next second, Fugaku stood frozen on the spot, and the three magatama in Byakuya's pupils also changed their pattern.

Kaleidoscope. He has one too?

"Fugaku, you are right. Uchiha relies on force rather than words. If you want to fight, I can fight with you!!"

Although Bai Ye's tone was still calm, Fugaku felt a hint of attractive aura.

He can't beat Bai Ye! ! !

Bai Ye is stronger than himself! ! ? How can it be! ! !

Fugaku didn't dare to think about it. It turned out that Bai Ye also had a kaleidoscope a long time ago, and was even more powerful than himself.

"You actually have a kaleidoscope."

A trace of bitterness flashed across the corner of Fugaku's mouth. His kaleidoscope was awakened after he saw his closest friend and comrade-in-arms die in front of his eyes. Even now, no one knows about this matter. Originally, he wanted to rely on him today. The kaleidoscope shocked Byakuya and told him not to continue leading Uchiha astray.

But I didn’t expect that what I have, Bai Ye also has, and even what I don’t have, Bai Ye may also have.

"Fugaku, now is not the time for the Uchiha civil war. What we have to face is not the entire Konoha, but the people of the Uchiha clan. In fact, it is not just us Uchiha who are dissatisfied with them, there are actually many people. If you are dissatisfied with him, why do you think that all of us Uchiha are enemies in Konoha?"

In Konoha, many people have long been dissatisfied with Sarutobi Hiruzen, but they just never said anything.

Otherwise, the Konoha collapse plan would have made it impossible to watch Sarutobi Hiruzen die.

It's not the sealing formation deployed by the four Hokage later, how could it not be broken through?

"Because the Guard has some other things, we Uchiha have long been notorious in Konoha."

A wry smile flashed across Uchiha Fugaku's face. Uchiha was not easy to get along with because of his personality, and he offended many people because of his work. He also had conflicts with many families because of their interests. Why do you think anyone would help them?

"Fugaku, you are wrong. Interests can not only be fought for, but also created. Besides, there are many people who are dissatisfied with those guys. The only ones we have to deal with are those four people and their gang members. If you want to change, Fugaku, just talk to Come with me, now Shisui has chosen to believe in me, I need your power Fugaku!"

With that said, Byakuya stretched out his left hand and placed it in front of Uchiha Fugaku, waiting for his next words.

If he could get another pair of kaleidoscopes, Byakuya would have a better chance of winning, and he could make all the Itachis rebel against each other, which wouldn't be good.

"Even Shisui?!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Fugaku's eyes. He lowered his head and thought. Fugaku experienced a long struggle in his heart. Then he raised his head and looked at Byakuya. He gritted his teeth and said, "You can really ensure that the Uchiha clan survives and is at odds with the entire Konoha clan." Start a war?"

What he is afraid of is that Uchiha will be exterminated, and he is also afraid of Konoha's collapse. When the time comes, other ninja villages will definitely take advantage of the situation, and Uchiha has offended many people in the previous wars, and people from other villages will definitely not let it go. Uchiha's.


"Then I agree!"

Saying that, Fugaku raised his hand and shook Bai Ye's left hand, expressing his willingness to trust Bai Ye for once.

But Bai Ye didn't get the hint to change his destiny. It seemed that he didn't completely believe in himself yet. Do you want to see the results of what he did?

Sure enough, this guy Fugaku seems to be harder to fool than Shisui.

But it doesn't matter.

Shisui was like this the first time, but it will be fine the second time. He is not in a hurry.

"Since Fugaku is like this, I have something to give you. Take a look at these things."

"What is this?!"

"I plan to create some side businesses for the Uchiha clan to make money. You also know that the economic situation in the clan is not very good now. This is cola and milk tea. After chocolate, there are some snacks and food. I will slowly get them. Then this is perfume and lipstick specially sold to women, and this diamond is also sold to women."

Fugaku can understand the first three, but the last three

He picked them up and looked at them for a long time, and felt that they were a bit tasteless.

"Bai Ye, perfume and lipstick are already sold. It seems that we can't sell them out. And what is this diamond?"

"Are you stupid? Of course I know these things. We are not selling products, but concepts and stories. We are selling them to the high end and then tying them to love. If you don't give me lipstick, it means you don't love me. Perfume is for men to smell. If men don't buy it for you, it means they don't value you. Then we can make up a few sad love stories for the diamond and completely tie the diamond to love. Besides, don't our Uchiha clan have some friendship with the Fire Country? Give some to those nobles and let them use them. Then we will promote them by saying that the nobles love to use our products. We are playing with concepts, don't you know?"

Bai Ye said helplessly, holding his forehead. He felt that it was a wrong choice to give this matter to Uchiha Fugaku.

"By the way, your wife should be at home, right? Let Mikoto do it!"

Bai Ye suddenly felt that it would be better to let Uchiha Mikoto do it. If he let Uchiha Fugaku, a rough guy, do it, he might ruin his preparations.

"Well, I'll go back and ask, but you have to tell me how to do it first."

Uchiha Fugaku had no objection, he really didn't know how to do it, and then the two discussed it for two hours.

The conclusion was that Bai Ye took 50%, and then part of the 50% was used to pay the guards, and part was used to improve the situation in the clan, and then all the things that were cut off because of insufficient money were brought back.

In Bai Ye's opinion, these things were not worth much, and he even made more money. Taking out some of the money would help win people's hearts. He wanted to build his own tower village. Ahem, the Uchiha clan!

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