Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 37 Immerse yourself in the darkness of the kaleidoscope! (Please read it later, 4K chapter)

Chapter 37 - Immerse yourself in the darkness of the kaleidoscope! (Please read, 4K big chapter)

"What? Someone has become mute?"

"I didn't expect you to be such a monster!"

Although Bai Ye's face was calm, the hint of cunning in his eyes was still caught by Cuizi.

At the beginning, when they met for the first time, she rated Bai Ye as a gentleman. Although she accidentally saw him, he behaved very seriously afterwards, and even Cuizi didn't think about it anymore.

When they met for the second time in Yushenmu, she discovered the difference in Bai Ye and thought that she could become friends with Bai Ye. His image was more like a real person. Like herself, he was also lonely, so she was I think the two of them are 'the same kind'

But this time, she understood, and she completely overturned all her evaluations of Bai Ye in her heart. Those before were all just disguises, and he was just a shameless little monster!

"But aren't you also happy to be bullied by me like this?"

Bai Ye said calmly.

"I don't!"

Cuizi immediately retorted, but isn't this what she wants?

She wants to have a friend who can talk to each other, have a friend who can play with each other, and have a friend who can open her heart anytime and anywhere without having to put on that cold front.

"You are stronger than me. If you want to resist, I can't carry you so easily."

After Bai Ye uses all kinds of weird abilities, Cuizi will not be his opponent. The ability of the thunder fruit alone is not something that ordinary humans can withstand.

But Cuizi's hard power is higher than his own. At least according to the realm of the monster world, Cuizi has the strength of a big monster.

If she didn't want to be carried by him, it would be easy to break free. She couldn't use the Sharingan to hypnotize her or use the Thunder Fruit to subdue her if she wanted to break free, right?

It was obvious that she didn't struggle, so Bai Ye could carry her so easily.

"I just think you are a friend, but I also hope you will treat me as a friend!"

Cuizi explained angrily that she wanted Bai Ye to treat her as a friend, so she didn't resist and had no other intentions.

"Well, actually we can become friends, but I think we should have one more child to maintain our friendship. What do you think?"

Before Bai Ye could finish speaking, Cuizi's fist hit Bai Ye directly on the head.


Bai Ye's head instantly turned into thunder and lightning, which shocked Cuizi.

She didn't use much force just now, she just wanted to stop Bai Ye from continuing to talk, wouldn't she blow his head off?

"Cuizi, you are so cruel. I regard you as a friend, but you actually blew my head off?"

"I didn't mean it, so how do you recover now?"

A trace of anxiety flashed across Cuizi's face. This was the first time she had seen such a thing. Bai Ye's 'wound' was covered with thunder and lightning, and there was no sign of recovery.

No way? !

His first friend was beaten to death by himself?

"There is a legend among our dog demon clan that the head will only be cracked by the destined person. If you can kiss the destined person, the head will be restored."

"This" Cuizi had never heard of such a weird thing, but when she heard Bai Ye's sincere tone and the half of her face that still hadn't recovered, she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes and said, "Come on."

man of destiny

Are they destined to be destined?

Cuizi couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion in her heart. No matter how powerful a miko was, she was still a girl at heart, especially a miko like her who had been feared by others since she was a child.

However, after waiting for a long time, Cui Zi still didn't wait for Bai Ye's action, but the wind still hit Cui Zi's face while flying, proving that Bai Ye was still alive.

Cuizi opened her eyes and looked at Bai Ye who had recovered as before, and the teasing smile in her eyes. She knew she had been tricked.

"Sorry, this is just an ability. Does it scare you?"

Bai Ye said, secretly thinking that it was a pity. He just admitted that he was indeed a little moved, but he couldn't take advantage of this moment to kiss her. If Cuizi found out later that he was lying to her, she would probably kill him.

"You are a vile bastard!!"

Cuizi said, twisting and falling directly from Bai Ye's body, and her body began to fall rapidly from the air. Yun Yu caught Cuizi in time.

"Mica, let's fly faster!"

With that said, she turned her head and ignored Bai Ye.

Looking at her back, a trace of doubt flashed in Bai Ye's eyes. It was strange. Did he respect her just now?

Taking advantage of others' danger is not what he wants to do.

Monster Bai Ye: [This is strange, brothers, do you think there is something wrong with this woman? 】

As he spoke, he also briefly told what happened with Cuizi before.

Pirate Byakuya: [Fuck! ! Brother, the Thunder Fruit has created such a good opportunity for you, but you don’t cherish it? 】

Naruto Byakuya: [Women are like this, you can't be a beast, you can't be worse than a beast! 】

Daily Baiye: [Cuizi: My eyes are closed, you don’t care if I lied to me, you kissed me first! 】

Just like you lie to a girl that your cat can do a backflip. If a girl is willing to fall for such a bad excuse, doesn't that prove that she is interested in you? Who doesn't know that cats can't do a backflip?

It's just an excuse, just like that kisser. Cuizi might have seen through it, but you actually gave up. It's a waste of money.

Monster Bai Ye: [I know, I have never been in love, and only stupid half-demons will be with humans! ]

Pirate Bai Ye: [As we all know, the originator of this famous saying is already with a human! ]

Hokage Bai Ye: [Inu Taisho: Right, right, right! ]

Monster world.

Bai Ye scratched his hair, looked at Tsuiko who was flying farther and farther away, and hurriedly chased after her: "Are you angry?"


Tsuiko ignored Bai Ye and looked forward, as if Bai Ye did not exist.

"Why are you angry?"


Why do I suddenly feel like I am coaxing my girlfriend?

The dead memory suddenly attacked Bai Ye. Aren't I and Tsuiko friends?

"I'm not angry, I just think it's childish for you to tease me with this kind of joke. I treat you as a good friend, but you treat me like this!"

Tsuiko turned her head and said seriously.

She really thought that what Bai Ye said was right, and she was about to let Bai Ye kiss her, but later she found out that Bai Ye was playing tricks on her. How could she not be angry?

Although she was angry in her heart, it was only for a while. After thinking about it, she told Bai Ye the reason why she was angry. She didn't want Bai Ye to guess.

"I saw that you were too bored, so I just thought of this fun and did it."

"Do you know how worried I was about you just now?"

Cui Zi widened her eyes and raised her hand to punch Bai Ye again, but she thought about it and put it down: "You can turn any part of your body into lightning?"

She suddenly remembered that after Bai Ye was hit by her just now, countless lightning snakes appeared directly at the position of his head.

This strange ability was the first time Cui Zi had seen it.

"Well, what's wrong?"


Cui Zi subconsciously glanced at it, then turned her head away, and the other side of her face was already flushed.

She quickly suppressed the little thoughts in her mind, but she was still very curious. Wouldn't that be

"Hold it!"

Bai Ye had a cold face and almost couldn't hold it.

I didn't expect you to drive a small train so smoothly. Your eyes can drive a car, sob.

"I'm just curious."

"Cui Zi, are you humans so fierce?"

Cui Zi also broke Bai Ye's perception of humans.

I thought that in ancient times, humans were at least more reserved.

"It's not fierce, everyone would be curious about this kind of thing!"

"But others are curious about ability, and you are curious about something completely different."

"Anyway, that's it. I don't want to think about this now. When will we get to Penglai Island?"

What a poor ability to change the subject.

Bai Ye looked at Cui Zi, who was asking irrelevant questions, and knew that Cui Zi didn't want to continue talking about this topic with him.


Just keep it for now and bring it up as Cui Zi's black history in the future.

"It should be almost there. I have seen those four guys."


Tsuizi turned her head in confusion. She was also in the air and didn't see anything at all. Although she was confused, she just thought it was some means of Bai Ye as a monster.

And Bai Ye didn't explain. Under the domineering blessing of the Thunder Fruit, Bai Ye's reconnaissance range was very wide, and even the sounds on Penglai Island could be heard clearly.

In fact, Bai Ye had sensed the situation there from a long distance.

"The situation on the island seems to be very bad. Those guys seem to have taken the initiative."

It seems that it is coming to an end. In the perception, many half-demons on Penglai Island died in the killing of the four fighting gods.

And the only witch Zouji was also in a disadvantage at this moment.

"Then go over quickly!"

Tsuizi looked at Bai Ye in surprise, and then hurriedly said.

It seems that it would be good for me if this big dog went out with me to eliminate monsters.

He knew what the situation was over there before he even saw the other party. He was a top scout.

"That's?! Is it the witch on Penglai Island?"

After getting closer, Cui Zi also saw Zouji fighting the monster.

Zouji's spiritual power is very strong, but when facing the four big monsters of the Four Fighting Gods, it is obvious that she is a little powerless.

"Brother, it seems that other people have come?"

Gong Luo turned his head and looked behind him to remind him. He smelled a smell that he hated from Bai Ye.

As soon as Gang Luo finished speaking, Long Luo, Ji Luo and Shou Luo all turned their heads to look in the direction he said.

"Tsk, is it the smell of that stinky dog, the son of that bastard?"

A gloomy flashed across Long Luo's face, and he thought of the scene of being defeated by the dog general just now.

Because they were defeated by the dog general, the four brothers chose to come to Penglai Island, just to take away the treasures here, and then go back to fight with the dog general.

The four brothers have reached the extreme of their disgust for the dog general, and now there is another dog demon with a breath similar to that of the dog general.

"There is another shrine maiden, it seems to be Tsuiko, big brother, the situation is a bit bad!"

The dog demon is only a first-class demon, but Tsuiko who followed is very powerful. Tsuiko has a great reputation in the demon world.

There are very few demon hunters who can surpass her at this time, and only Abe Haruaki, who is known as the strongest onmyoji in the Heian period, can do it.

Heianjing is known as the safest place. No monster dares to come here to cause trouble. Although there will be monsters in the Demon Slayer Village guarded by Cuizi, there are relatively few.

The sudden stop of the Four Fighters made Suoji, who was under great pressure, feel relieved. At the same time, she followed the gaze of the Four Fighters and looked in Bai Ye's direction.

A strange combination of two monsters and a miko.

However, Tsumugi didn't feel any sense of disobedience at all. Perhaps it had something to do with the fact that she protected other demigods and youkai here on Horai Island.

"Kid, are you the son of General Inu?"

Long Luo looked at Bai Ye and asked directly without any hesitation.

If so, then let's get rid of the other party together.

"Ah, the Four Gods of War still come here to vent their anger on the half-demon after losing."

"You bastard?! I will definitely kill you!"

Zhu Luo had the most violent temper. After hearing Bai Ye's somewhat mocking words, he couldn't help but want to fight Bai Ye.

Even if he was defeated by Inu Daishou, you, a top-notch youkai, can still taunt him?

"Do not worry."

Ji Luo stopped Zhu Luo. He was a general adviser among the Four Gods of Fighting.

Faced with Juro's attempt to change targets as if he had lost his mind, he quickly stopped him. If only one monster had come by Byakuya, he wouldn't have to think so much, but now that a more powerful miko came.

Of course he couldn't let Zhu Luo act so recklessly.

"Cuizi? What are you doing here?"

Ji Luo and the other three demons looked at each other, and for a moment they exchanged glances.

Ryūra said that he could deal with Cuizi, and then Yorora went to deal with Byakuya, and then Gora and Jira continued to deal with Suuji.

The four people have a clear division of labor. As long as one person is eliminated first, the situation in front of them can be broken instantly.


After Cuizi finished speaking, the Four Gods of Fighting immediately started taking action.

Now that we know we are enemies, we should strike first.

"Kid, I'll kill you first, and then I'll kill General Inu later!"

Zhu Luo flew directly towards Bai Ye and punched him directly. In his opinion, Bai Ye was just a first-class monster, and it was easy to deal with it.

"Be careful!"

Jiluo reminded.

"Your opponent is me!!"

Long Luo held Wind Blade Fang and Thunder Blade Fang and blocked Cuizi from the front.

In their opinion, among the three of them, Zuo Ji is already at the end of his strength, Bai Ye is the weakest, and Cuizi is the strongest. It is up to them to hold him back. Once the three brothers are free, it will be easy to deal with Cuizi!

So before that, Cuizi couldn't let Cuizi ruin their good deeds.

"How scary." A trace of ridicule flashed at the corner of Bai Ye's mouth, and a pair of kaleidoscopes appeared in the pupils of his eyes. Then, in the eyes of Zoro, a kaleidoscope also appeared: "Immerse yourself in the darkness of the kaleidoscope!!"

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