Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 92 The magician's fighting style!

When it was almost dawn, Jane and Dr. Eric came to the temporary research institute and prepared to take Thor away.

To do this, they also gave Thor a false identity.

Coulson repeatedly stated that Thor stayed voluntarily, but the two did not believe it, so Phil could only arrange a meeting for them.

After meeting, Thor explained everything about himself to the two.

Jane and Dr. Eric were shocked after hearing this, but they said they understood, but they just needed some time to digest the huge amount of information.

Jane never imagined that she would fall in love with a god.

Thor glanced at Jane quietly.

The atmosphere between the two was somewhat awkward.

"You haven't seen Mjolnir yet, have you? I can take you to see it."

With that said, Thor led the two of them to the area where Thor's Hammer was, showing off Thor's Hammer on the way.

"Mjolnir's hammer head is made of Uru metal, Asgard's specialty metal, and can store a large amount of energy."

"The handle part is called wood dropped by the World Tree, and it has a very powerful magical affinity."

"It was built using the internal energy of an entire star, and it was also blessed with my father's magic and divine power."

At this point, Thor's voice stopped abruptly.

Even though he knew that his father might not have passed away, the fact that he was disqualified still left a knot in his throat.

Soon, Jane and Dr. Eric saw the legendary Thor's hammer.

The two couldn't resist their curiosity as scientific researchers, and immediately stepped forward and carefully observed Mjolnir, fascinated.

He even ignored Chu Yang's existence.

"What a great work of art." Jane praised Mjolnir without hesitation and reached out to touch it.

Eric stopped her behavior and turned to look at Thor, "Will touching it bring any danger?"

Thor explained: "There is no danger. You can also try to lift it up. Of course, this is impossible."

Jane didn't believe it, so she immediately grasped the handle of Mjolnir and lifted it up with force.

Chu Yang was looking forward to it.

This is the future female God of Thunder. If she really lifts it up, it will be great fun.


Thor's hammer didn't move at all.

After trying for a few minutes, Jane gave up and complained: "It's really heavy. You usually fight with it? Aren't you tired?"

Thor smiled proudly: "Of course not! I am Thor, the most powerful warrior in Asgard!"

After two or three sentences, the two began to flirt with each other.

Chu Yang couldn't stand it anymore and decided to give them this small space.

As soon as he went out, Phil Coulson bumped into Chu Yang.

The former is like hitting an iron plate, with stars in your eyes and dizziness.

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

Chu Yang looked at him doubtfully.

"I was just about to look for you when a strange guy suddenly flew from the sky. It looked a bit like Tony's armor. He was causing a lot of trouble outside. Go and have a look."

With a serious look on his face, Phil immediately took Chu Yang to the outside of the temporary research institute. A hooded agent was using bows and arrows to fight with the humanoid armor that Phil said. The surroundings were filled with smoke, and a large number of soldiers and agents were injured. Fall to the ground.

Even several tanks were scrapped.

After Chu Yang stared at the armor in mid-air for a few seconds, he shook his head and said, "That thing is two different things from Tony's mechanical armor. It has a very strong magic reaction on it."

Phil reacted immediately and said, "Is this something from Asgard?"

Chu Yang smacked his lips, "It's obvious that he's here to kill people and silence them. Loki wants Thor to stay on Earth completely, in the form of a dead man."

The Destroyer Armor is Asgard's most powerful weapon. Existing weapons cannot cause effective damage to the Destroyer Armor.

When Phil saw this, he could only call for help immediately.

Chu Yang looked at the archer who was still restraining the Destroyer, thinking that he should be "Hawkeye" Clinton Barton, who was as famous as Natasha in S.H.I.E.L.D.

The arrows Hawkeye brought were all special arrows with extraordinary power, but when they hit the Destroyer, they were like fireworks, leaving no trace at all.

He was able to temporarily contain the Destroyer, which was already an extraordinary performance in archery.

While Phil was calling for help, the Destroyer began to really exert its power, gathering energy beams on its body and launching a large-scale AOE attack.

The Destroyer, who uses Odin's divine power, magic, and soul power as his driving source, has almost no upper limit to the energy in his body.

Even if large-scale attacks are used continuously, there is no sign of energy depletion.

Hawkeye and the agents were beaten to the point of running away.

"What should we do? It will take a while for rescue to come." Phil asked anxiously: "Is there any way you can delay it for a while? If this continues, no one here will be able to escape."

Chu Yang glanced at him, "I'm still a student..."

Phil smiled bitterly: "I know, but no one can handle it except you."

Chu Yang shook his head and said, "I refuse moral kidnapping."

Phil's eyes turned red with anxiety.

Chu Yang said leisurely: "I have to pay more."

Phil was stunned for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Add!"

Chu Yang smiled and slowly walked towards the Destroyer.

"Aren't you a magician? What are you doing up there?"

Phil was horrified and wanted to bring Chu Yang back. If something happened, there would be an irreparable rift between SHIELD and Tony Stark.

This will directly affect Nick Fury's Avengers plan!

The next second, lightning flashed across Chu Yang's body.

Then, a strange rune appeared on his face, like a mask.

Armament Haki, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, spread all over Chu Yang's body.

He took a deep breath, his heart beat wildly, his body temperature rose, and the whole world slowed down.

Thunder Release Armor, Sage Mode, Armament Haki, Source Breathing, four BUFFs were activated at the same time.

Facing the Destroyer, Chu Yang behaved as cautiously as he did when facing Ichimaru Gin.

Taking advantage of the gap when the Destroyer attacked Hawkeye and the others, Chu Yang held two wooden swords and performed sword skills.

Recently, in addition to constantly practicing Source Breathing, Chu Yang of the Demon Slayer World has also made great progress in sword skills.

He integrated the sword skills of Sun Breathing and Moon Breathing to create a new sword skill.

This was the first time Chu Yang performed it.

Source Breathing·One Form·Sun and Moon Rotation.

A dazzling light suddenly lit up between heaven and earth and rushed towards the Destroyer. This extremely powerful force made the Destroyer feel threatened.

It didn't care about attacking other targets, and immediately took a defensive posture. A heavy light golden protective shield quietly emerged.

Chu Yang held two swords, one bright and one dark. The wooden sword in his right hand burned with golden flames, and slashed at the protective shield fiercely.

Ripples appeared on the protective shield, cracks appeared, but it didn't break.

As the sword fell, Chu Yang twisted his waist, and the wooden sword in his left hand surged with dark energy!

Like the quiet moonlight falling, it hit the protective shield again!

The power of the sun and the moon superimposed on each other, producing unimaginable power.

The protective shield of the Destroyer shattered!

The impact of the energy explosion swept around, like a typhoon, people and cars were blown away, and in an instant, people and horses were thrown to the ground.

Phil Coulson and Hawkeye watched this scene from a distance, stunned.

"Is this how all magicians fight?"

The movement outside was like an eight-magnitude earthquake, which startled Thor and Jane who were talking about love.

When the two came out, they happened to see the Destroyer falling out of the dust.

Chu Yang was flying in the air, with three different lights covering his body: lightning, sunlight, and moonlight. His power was extremely terrifying. In Thor's eyes, Chu Yang was more like a god than him.

Thor swallowed his saliva and turned to ask Phil, "Is he really a magician?"

Phil's eyes were more confused than his, "Don't ask me, this is my first time seeing this either."

As the two were talking, the Destroyer got up again.

There were only some slight knife marks on the surface of the armor, and it was not seriously injured.

It turned its head to look at Thor, then looked up and locked Chu Yang's figure, considering him the biggest threat on the field.

Loki, who was controlling the Destroyer, was also startled by Chu Yang, and then decided to annihilate this human first.

The Destroyer took off, flew at high speed in the air, and had another fierce battle with Chu Yang.

Phil seized the time to evacuate all the researchers in the institute and wait for support from the SHIELD headquarters.

Thor looked up, clenched his fists, and the anger in his heart was about to rush to his throat.

Thor knew that this Destroyer was sent by Loki to kill him.

As the most valiant warrior in Asgard, he could only accept the protection of others at this time.

Jane pulled Thor's arm and said anxiously: "Let's leave here first!"

Thor was motionless, staring at the Destroyer.

Dr. Eric arrived in time and took Thor away with Jane.

The three left the temporary research institute.

Dr. Eric looked back and saw that Chu Yang and the Destroyer were still fighting in the sky.

"Oh, my God!"

Dr. Eric took out two pills from his pocket and threw them into his mouth, and then he calmed down.

After walking a few hundred meters, Thor stopped with an ugly look.

"Jane, I can't just leave like this. That destroyer is coming for me!"

"I know it's coming for you, so what can you do?"

"I am the son of Father Odin and the crown prince of Asgard. As the god of thunder, I can't run away!"

"I can't shift the responsibility I should bear to others!"

Thor's emotions completely broke out because he was angry at his own powerlessness.

"That's right, Thor!"

A familiar voice sounded behind him. Thor turned his head and couldn't suppress his joy in his eyes.

His best comrades and friends suddenly appeared here.

Sif, Fandral, Hogan, Volstagg.

The latter three are called the Three Warriors of Asgard and are Thor's capable men.

Sif is the only woman in their small group and is also a famous warrior in Asgard.

Seeing them, Thor's heart rekindled hope and strength.

The four stepped forward and explained the current situation of Asgard to Thor.

Odin fell into a deep sleep, Loki was abnormal, these situations were the same as Chu Yang's previous guesses!

"He actually said everything right!"

Thor looked at Chu Yang with shock and respect from the bottom of his heart.

So Thor made a decision secretly.

After understanding the situation, Thor's comrades immediately assisted Chu Yang and helped Chu Yang to contain the actions of the Destroyer.

And Thor ignored Jane's dissuasion, returned to the institute, and reached out for Thor's hammer.

"Mjolnir, please recognize me again, so that I can fight side by side with them as the god of thunder and protect everyone here..."

Thor prayed softly.

On the other side, Chu Yang and the four Asgardian warriors still could not defeat the Destroyer and could only suppress the opponent's actions.

In the final analysis, the two swords in Chu Yang's hands were just wooden swords made by Mu Dun. Even if Chu Yang himself was very strong, it would be difficult for him to break through the Destroyer's hard armor.

As Asgard's most powerful weapon, every inch of the Destroyer's body is made of materials of the same level as Mjolnir.

In the distant past, it even fought with Odin against powerful enemies like the Celestials.

"My Overlord Color Coil is not good enough, otherwise even with a wooden sword, I can still cause damage to it."

Chu Yang silently calculated that the time had passed by now, and no matter how useless the God of Thunder was, he should be able to raise Thor's hammer again at this time.

The thought was fleeting, and the next moment, thunder suddenly erupted in the research institute.

Chu Yang breathed a sigh of relief, and the faces of the other four people also showed joy.

The vast lightning condensed into a beam, which knocked the Destroyer away and landed in front of everyone.

The thunder light dissipated, and what appeared in front of everyone was Thor wearing armor and regaining his divine power!

Thor, holding Thor's hammer, regained his former glory, and lightning flashed deep in his eyes.

He turned Mjolnir, and the thunder fell with his guidance, drowning the Destroyer.

However, the Destroyer was not easily eliminated and stood up again against the thunder in the sky.

Thor and others rushed over directly, and the two sides started fighting hand-to-hand.

Chu Yang cleared all the BUFFs and returned to his appearance as a harmless student, standing quietly watching the show.

"Won't you go up and help?"

Phil Coulson, who had been a war correspondent for a long time, suddenly appeared.

"The time has come. If you want to renew, you have to add money!"

Chu Yang glared at him angrily. Feelings are not for you to fight for.

"Don't worry, in order to thank you for your efforts this time, we will prepare a thank you gift."

Phil Coulson said with a smile: "I hope we can establish a good cooperative relationship..."

"Cooperation?" Chu Yang waved his hand, "Forget it, I prefer staying in the research room than fighting."

"If you bother me with any random excuses in the future, I will kill you first."

Phil Coulson's smile stopped abruptly.

Chu Yang said: "Also, in return, this Destroyer Armor must be sent to Stark Tower first. After I finish studying it, you can study it again."

"If you dare to act recklessly, I will kill you first."

Phil Coulson couldn't laugh at all now, grimaced and stopped talking.

On the other side, Thor showed off his power and successfully ended the Destroyer, preparing to summon the Rainbow Bridge and return to Asgard.

Jane stood in front of Thor reluctantly, tender and sweet, and her eyes were almost wired.

The comrades turned their backs and gave the two of them some time.

The two were tender for a while.

Thor then summoned the Rainbow Bridge, and a burst of bright light broke through the space and shone on the earth.

"What a strong energy."

Chu Yang stared at the Rainbow Bridge and couldn't help but sigh. This was the most powerful energy wave he had ever felt so far.

Just as he was about to leave, Chu Yang found that the light beam seemed to have deviated and was getting closer and closer to him.

Before he could get away, a hand suddenly stretched out from the beam and grabbed Chu Yang's clothes.


Chu Yang only left a curse word before being pulled into the Rainbow Bridge.

The light disappeared, Colson looked at the empty grass, his eyes were dull, and then a cold air hit the sky!

Something happened!

"I lent you my assistant, but you told me that he was taken away by aliens?"

"Calm down, Tony. To be precise, he was taken away by Thor."

"So? I have to ask Zeus to deal with him, right?"


Tony was furious in the laboratory, and even Nick Fury, who rushed over, had to step back.

Phil Coulson even bore all the other party's anger.

At this moment, he lowered his head and dared not say a word.

"He is just a freshman, and his real age is only a freshman in high school. Tell me, what can he do to survive on that damn alien planet?!"

Tony was a little hysterical. Normally, "Pepper Potts" would have persuaded him.

But this time, she didn't say a word, folded her hands on her chest, and looked at Phil Coulson coldly.

She was angrier than Tony!

Phil Coulson is embarrassed.

He actually wanted to tell Tony that the freshman you mentioned was more like a humanoid weapon than Asgard's strongest weapon.

Not only could Chu Yang live there, he could also live a very nourishing life.

"Tony, I know you are angry, but you need to calm down now. This incident has proven my hunch."

"The crisis the earth is facing now is of cosmic proportion. We need a group of people like you to ensure the safety of the earth!" Nick Fury said seriously.

"Sorry, I can't even protect my assistant, let alone the earth. You have found the wrong person." Tony sneered: "I don't want to participate in your damn Avengers plan!"

Nick Fury's expression changed. He didn't expect Tony's attitude to be so tough, and he directly refused to join the Avengers.

Nick Fury said solemnly: "Don't be emotional, Tony."

Tony sneered: "You have been investigating me for so many years, so you should know my character. I just like to act on impulse!"

“Remember what the New York Times said about me?”

"Willful, arrogant and arrogant are my labels!"

Nick Fury took a deep breath and had a headache. He underestimated the importance Tony attached to his companions.

Feeling Tony's current irritability, Phil Coulson carefully reached out and said, "I think Yang should be able to protect his own safety."

"He is the most powerful magician I have ever seen."

After saying that, Phil Coulson added in his heart, "He is also the only magician I have ever seen."

After hearing this, Tony's sneer became stronger and stronger, and he couldn't help but sneered, "Another alien, another Thor, and now another magician. When did your words become as ridiculous as the FBI?"

Phil Coulson reluctantly took out a computer from his suitcase and played the surveillance video of the institute at that time.

The whole process of Chu Yang's battle with the Destroyer was recorded.

Tony just glanced at it unintentionally, and the whole person was stunned.

Pots stood beside him, looking at the computer screen, full of question marks.

Nick Fury was also watching it for the first time. He was busy rushing to comfort Tony and didn't have time to watch it in advance.

The three of them looked at Chu Yang in the picture, who was like a god. With two swords, he shattered the protective shield on the Destroyer that even shells couldn't penetrate.


Nick Fury was amazed and said to Tony: "In my impression, magicians are hiding in the distance and setting off fireballs..."

Tony looked confused, "Me too."

Then, he gritted his teeth and said: "I knew this kid was wrong! How could an ordinary person easily destroy my armor!"

Phil Coulson said: "Thor took Yang away, probably to ask him to help solve Asgard's current predicament, and he will be sent back after it's over."

Tony wondered: "What else can he do?"


What else can I do?

Chu Yang thought so too.

So when Thor and Loki were fighting, he didn't take action, and honestly stood aside as a spectator.

When two brothers are fighting, why should an outsider like him join in the fun?

It was not until Thor broke the Rainbow Bridge that the smile on Chu Yang's face suddenly froze.

"You destroyed the Rainbow Bridge, how can I get back to Earth?"

Chu Yang walked to Thor angrily.

"Sorry, I forgot!" Thor suddenly realized and apologized.

"What on earth do you want to do by bringing me here?"

Chu Yang asked helplessly.

"When I become king in the future, I want you to be my military advisor!"

Thor's eyes burst into a gleam.

"Just for this?"

Chu Yang's eyes were dull.

"You can infer Loki's conspiracy from so little information, your brain is better than Loki's."

Thor did not hesitate to praise him, laughing.

Chu Yang felt very uncomfortable. He knew the direction of the plot, and of course he could guess what Loki wanted to do. This had nothing to do with brains.

He just wanted to leave here quickly.

Asgard is not a good place.

After Odin's death, living here is more risky than on Earth.

First, Thor's sister Hela returned to Asgard after breaking the seal of the God King Odin, and then destroyed the entire Asgard. The people of Asgard took a spaceship to escape to the earth, and encountered the purple potato spirit Thanos on the way, and half of the people died.

It almost broke the silly Thor.

Chu Yang didn't want to be the half that died.

After resolving the turmoil caused by Loki, Thor's reputation in Asgard suddenly reached its peak.

No one could shake his position anymore, and becoming the next king was almost a foregone conclusion.

Thor's high popularity, by the way, also made Chu Yang a celebrity.

Thanks to the publicity of the famous Asgard Three Warriors.

They boasted to everyone how Chu Yang helped Thor defeat the Destroyer on Earth.

They also said that Chu Yang saw through Loki's conspiracy and enlightened Thor to regain his will.

They exaggerated a lot.

Now wherever Chu Yang goes, the attention he gets is second only to Thor.

He was also summoned by Odin alone.

In order to reward Chu Yang for helping Thor, Odin promised to fulfill one of his wishes.

Chu Yang asked to return to Earth.

Odin shook his head regretfully, saying that there was no other way to send him back before the Rainbow Bridge was repaired, and asked him to change his wish again.

It seemed that Chu Yang's first wish was not fulfilled, and Odin felt embarrassed. He asked Chu Yang to make a slightly bigger wish and promised to help him fulfill it.

Thinking that there was no chance to go back for the time being, Chu Yang made another wish, "I want to learn Asgard's magic!"

Odin frowned slightly, "It's not that I refuse. As a mortal, it's difficult for you to learn Asgard's magic because of your physical shackles. Sorry, I'm afraid it can't be as you wish."

Chu Yang smiled and said, "Just give me a chance."

Odin pondered for a while, smiled and nodded, "I like your confidence, so I agree to your wish."

Chu Yang started his new journey of learning magic in Asgard.


Harry Potter World

Recently, Headmaster Dumbledore is often not in school. Where did he go? No one knows.

Although he was not often seen in the past, the number of times he left school alone has increased noticeably.

However, the students have not noticed it yet, and the teachers and professors have not noticed it either, as they seem to have gotten used to the mystery of Headmaster Dumbledore.

Chu Yang silently paid attention to everything.

He knew that the more often Dumbledore left school, the more it proved that the collection of Horcruxes had come to an end.

Voldemort's Horcruxes:

[Tom Riddle's Diary] is in the hands of Lucius Malfoy.

Because of Voldemort's fall, Lucius Malfoy was worried about the diary all day long, fearing that his identity as a Death Eater would be exposed. Now he was probably preparing to get rid of this diary that might bring disaster!

It was not difficult for Dumbledore to get it.

[Gaunt Ring] was hidden in the old Gaunt house by Voldemort.

The ring was inlaid with the Resurrection Stone and Voldemort's curse. If someone could not resist the temptation and put on the ring, the curse would take effect.

Chu Yang had mentioned this in the fake book. I believe that with Dumbledore's wisdom, he would definitely be vigilant.

The easiest Horcrux to get is [Ravenclaw's Diadem] hidden in the Room of Requirement with the fake book.

This is not difficult.

[Hufflepuff's Gold Cup] is hidden in the vault of Gringotts, which is known as the safest place in the wizarding world. In the eyes of the strong, it is no different from their own backyard.

However, given Dumbledore's character, he will most likely negotiate with the goblins to get this Horcrux out.

The fifth Horcrux is [Slytherin's Locket].

This is a relic of Salazar Slytherin, one of the founders of Hogwarts.

It has been passed down from generation to generation in the Gaunt family, the direct descendants.

Later, it was sold to the owner of Borgin and Burke's by Voldemort's mother, Merope Gaunt, for 10 Galleons.

After Voldemort retrieved the locket, he made it into a Horcrux and hid it in a cave on an isolated island.

Voldemort put the locket into the bottom of a glass container, then cast a vicious spell, and the glass container was filled with potion. Anyone who wanted to take the locket had to drink the potion.

This potion will make the person who drinks it suffer extreme pain that is worse than death.

Sirius Black's younger brother, Regulus Arcturus Black, drank these potions.

He paid the price of his life for this.

Before he died, he asked his house elf Kreacher to take the locket and told it to destroy it.

But unfortunately, Kreacher tried many ways and failed to destroy the locket.

The locket was protected by Voldemort's powerful spell.

The locket was finally left and hidden by Kreacher in the old house of the Black family.

As a supporter of Voldemort's pure blood concept, Regulus was once a Death Eater.

Until later he discovered that Voldemort was not promoting the so-called pure blood concept at all, but was using violence to suppress all those who opposed him.

Regulus Black, who recognized Voldemort's true face, chose to betray in the blow of the collapse of faith!

He successfully took the locket and used a fake locket to confuse Voldemort.

But the stigma still accompanied him throughout his life.

No one knew that Regulus Arcturus Black was a true hero.

So Chu Yang wrote his unknown deeds into a fake book.

The last Horcrux was Harry himself, or rather, the soul fragment that Voldemort accidentally left in Harry.

The first five were not difficult to find, but the last one might bring difficulties to Dumbledore.

And how to eliminate the soul fragment in Harry's body was a difficult problem for Dumbledore.

After all, he could not cast a spell on Harry with the mentality of killing him as a prerequisite, and eliminate the Horcrux in the simplest way.

According to the time speculation, Chu Yang felt that Dumbledore should find at least three Horcruxes.

Including Harry who has been in Hogwarts, that is four Horcruxes.

Chu Yang only needs to help Dumbledore collect at most two more Horcruxes, and there will be a chance to completely eliminate Voldemort.

The time is almost right!

Chu Yang immediately had the intention of showing his cards.

Chu Yang did not dare to say that he knew all the dark magic that Voldemort was proficient in, but at least he knew 70% to 80% of it.

In addition, Chu Yang has been studying ninjutsu, ghost arts, and spells during this period of time. By analogy, he has also invented many spells to deal with black magic.

No longer have to worry about being tricked by strange and evil spells and causing a disaster.

Voldemort can be killed without any mistakes.

Just when Chu Yang was thinking about how to confess to Dumbledore, some guests came to his room that night. Harry, Hermione, and Ron came to Chu Yang's room wearing invisibility cloaks.

"Hey, Yang, I'm sorry to bother you so late, but you have to go out with us now."

Harry said with some embarrassment.

"Please, we need you very much."

Hermione and Ron looked at Chu Yang eagerly.

Chu Yang nodded, picked up his clothes and changed in the bathroom, and followed them out of the dormitory.

It would definitely not work for four people to squeeze in the invisibility cloak.

Chu Yang motioned them to go first, and he followed behind alone.

The three of them carefully cleared the way in front.

Chu Yang followed them out of the school and headed straight to Hagrid's cabin.

On the way, the trio seemed to be hesitant to speak, as if they had something to say, but they didn't know how to tell Chu Yang.

Among them, Harry's struggling expression was the most obvious.

Chu Yang smiled and spoke first, "You didn't call me out to play adventure games, did you?"

The three of them laughed awkwardly at the same time.

Finally, it was Hermione who mustered up the courage to ask, "Yang, Principal Dumbledore told us that you once met Voldemort?"

"Yes." Chu Yang nodded.

Harry suddenly became excited and asked eagerly: "Is Voldemort scary?"

Chu Yang shook his head and said, "I don't think he is scary. On the contrary, he looks weaker than I thought."


Harry was surprised by Chu Yang's answer.

He didn't expect that Chu Yang would use this word to describe the Dark Lord, who was talked about in the magic world.

Hermione and Ron also frowned. This was not the answer they imagined.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "If Voldemort was still as powerful as before, he would have appeared openly and openly in front of the world. Why would he need to hide?"

Hermione couldn't help but nod, convinced.

Chu Yang's positive attitude unknowingly affected them, and everyone gradually no longer regarded Voldemort as a scourge.

After all, no one who has seen it with his own eyes is afraid, so why should we be afraid?

This was what the three Harrys were thinking at this time.

"After you've asked, it's my turn. Tell me, what does Principal Dumbledore want to see me for?"

Chu Yang's question startled the three of them again.

Hermione asked in surprise: "How do you know?"

Chu Yang said: "Principal Dumbledore will not tell you about my meeting Voldemort without any reason."

Only then did Hermione realize that she had just spilled the beans, so she giggled awkwardly.

Harry took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Principal Dumbledore hopes that you can stay with me in the Forbidden Forest for a while."

What's in the Forbidden Forest?

There is the giant war tree that mutated from the Whomping Willow, and there is the unicorn clan that worships Chu Yang as a god.

There is also the Centaur Firenze, who has a very close relationship with Chu Yang, and the Centaur clan behind him who have good intentions towards Chu Yang.

Together, these three forces can sweep through everything in the Forbidden Forest.

This is his home court.

Dumbledore asked Chu Yang to stay with Harry in the Forbidden Forest, implying that he hoped he could protect Harry.

The over-100-year-old man finally made up his mind to fight Voldemort head-on.

But before destroying the soul fragments in his body, Harry is Voldemort's only chance to make a comeback.

Staying at Hogwarts would make Harry a target for Death Eaters.

Staying in the Forbidden Forest was not only safer, but also dispersed the power of the Death Eaters.

In fact, from Chu Yang's point of view, it would be more efficient for him to bring the giant war tree and push directly horizontally.

But Dumbledore still treated him as a student.

Letting Chu Yang be solely responsible for Harry's safety was his bottom line.

"It seems that the camping equipment I bought not long ago will come in handy."

Chu Yang smiled and nodded.

"That would be great."

Harry also smiled despite his embarrassment.

"I'm very good at setting up tents! George and Fred taught me when we were watching the Quidditch match!"

Ron was eager to try it, as if he was really going to go camping in the wild.

"Why are you excited? Principal Dumbledore said that it was Yang and Harry who went to the Forbidden Forest, not us!"

Hermione glared at Ron angrily.

"One more person means more power to protect Harry, isn't it right?"

Ron retorted confidently.

"It's not about having more power to protect Harry, but about having one more person to drag Yang down!"

Hermione reached out to grab Ron's ear, but he quickly dodged it.

"Principal Dumbledore said that Chu Yang can summon unicorns. Don't you want to see unicorns?"

Ron whispered in Hermione's ear, acting a bit like a little devil.

For girls, unicorns are an irresistible existence. Which girl would refuse to ride on a unicorn and walk under the moonlight?

Hermione's attitude suddenly became less determined.

She murmured in a low voice: "It's dark and scary in the Forbidden Forest. Harry and the others will definitely be scared if they are alone, but it will be different if there are more people..."

Ron gave her a thumbs up.

A few people chatted and walked to Hagrid's cabin. Hermione stepped forward and knocked on the door knocker.

Boom, boom, boom.

Hagrid opened the door sideways, with a mysterious look on his face, "Come in."

The warm fire drove away the severe cold in the night, and everyone felt a sense of warmth.

Chu Yang looked around and asked, "Isn't Principal Dumbledore here?"

"He has more important things to do!" Hagrid brought out several cups of hot tea from the kitchen and handed them to the children.

"This has almost become your mantra." Ron joked, imitating Hagrid's tone, "You will say this every time we ask about Principal Dumbledore."

Hagrid's eyes widened and he shouted loudly: "You have no idea how important what Principal Dumbledore has done! He is now..."


Chu Yang spoke quickly.

"Oh! Merlin's beard!" Hagrid, realizing that he almost said something wrong, looked at Chu Yang with thanks.

"In fact, we know what Principal Dumbledore is doing, and we gave him the book about Horcruxes."

Ron looked at Hagrid proudly, "It's just that we don't know where those things are."

Hagrid quickly stepped forward and covered his mouth. The oil and dirt on his hands almost made Ron spit out.

While the two were fighting, Hermione turned to Chu Yang and said, "You don't know what a Horcrux is, do you?"

Chu Yang smiled and nodded.

"Is there something you don't know?" Hermione was a little excited. Being able to show off her knowledge in front of Chu Yang was probably the happiest thing for her in school.

So, Hermione began to tell the whole process of how she found clues to the Horcrux from a book called "Old Things You Didn't Know About Hogwarts."

The little lady's eyes were shining like stars in the night sky. After finishing speaking, she stared at Chu Yang with hopeful eyes.

Chu Yang understood and immediately praised: "Hermione, you are so smart!"

Hermione's cheeks were slightly red and she raised her head proudly.

"How could this be possible! We obviously discovered it together!"

Ron broke away from Hagrid and hurriedly pulled Harry, who showed an embarrassed expression.

Chu Yang said helplessly: "Okay, Mr. Ron, who is witty and brave."

Ron nodded with satisfaction, "Yes, you are really discerning!"

Harry thought he was embarrassed and quietly turned his head away as if he didn't recognize him.

"Children, be quiet. We will set off to the Forbidden Forest later." Hagrid pressed his hands down to signal everyone to keep their voices down.

"Hagrid, may I know how many Horcruxes Principal Dumbledore has found so far?" Chu Yang asked casually.

Hagrid shook his head and said: "Sorry, I can't tell you the specific number, but there are still two pieces left that have not been found."

In terms of difficulty, the most likely ones are Gaunt's Ring and Slytherin's Locket.

After a while, Hagrid led everyone to the depths of the Forbidden Forest.

Stopped in front of a lake.

There is a cabin there.

"Okay, this is it." Hagrid happily introduced his work to everyone.

The wooden house is not big, but it is more than enough to accommodate four people. However, the interior is relatively simple, with almost no decent furniture except a bed and a heater.

Under Hermione's surprised gaze, Chu Yang took out a small handbag and started pouring things out.

Tents, sleeping bags, camping lights, outdoor folding tables and chairs, tool boxes, hanging ropes, scattered hooks, first aid kits, pots and pans, etc.

The remaining four opened their mouths in shock as more and more items fell out of the handbag.

"Are you moving?"

Hermione gulped.

"Not much."

Chu Yang lowered his head to check if there were any gaps.

One obvious benefit of learning to Apparate is that he can travel freely between the magical and non-magical worlds.

"I have to admit, you are more prepared than I was." In order to cover up his embarrassment, Hagrid coughed dryly and asked Chu Yang curiously: "Are you interested in camping?"

Chu Yang nodded and said: "Since the orphanage, I have lived in groups for too long. If I have the chance, I hope I can be alone for a longer time."

Ron was happily circling around the camping equipment. His father's work was closely related to the Muggle world, so he had a lot of contact with it.

Harry whispered: "I remember Professor McGonagall said that the Invisible Stretch Charm is forbidden to be used on personal items..."

Chu Yang smiled and said: "If everything is done according to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, then magic will bring us much less happiness."

Hermione nodded hurriedly, "I agree!"

Harry was lost in thought.

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