Harry Potter World.

Time flies, and two months have passed since Chu Yang entered Hogwarts.

In fact, since the conflict between Chu Yang and the senior students of Slytherin College broke out last time, those senior students of Slytherin College have harassed Chu Yang privately.

The result is predictable.

The Hogwarts Hospital has been overcrowded for a long time, so serious that Dumbledore had to personally warn those senior students and some of their parents to be quiet.

Chu Yang also became famous because of this.

In the nearly thousand years of history of Hogwarts, there has never been a situation where a first-year student beat up a senior.

On the one hand, because they were scared by Chu Yang, and on the other hand, they received a serious warning from Dumbledore, the Slytherin students restrained themselves a lot.

Chu Yang's study environment has gradually stabilized.

It is worth mentioning that Draco has not dared to live in the same room with Chu Yang so far, and has been squeezed in Goyle's dormitory for two months.

Until Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, heard about this from other people.

Lucius rushed to the school and gave Draco a severe lesson, scolding him for bringing shame to the Malfoy family.

Draco, who had been extremely afraid of his majestic father since childhood, was so frightened that he trembled and couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Seeing him like this, Lucius was immediately disappointed, and his son showed

This anger was directly transferred to Chu Yang.

If Chu Yang was not a student of Hogwarts, he would probably die inexplicably in a dark wizard base in Knockturn Alley.

Those dark wizards might get a generous reward from the Malfoy family after the success.

But Chu Yang happened to be a student of Hogwarts, and he was outstandingly talented, and he was always the focus of all teachers and students.

Lucius Malfoy had no way to deal with him.

The other party once tried to cut off Chu Yang's full scholarship, but was stopped by Dumbledore. Afterwards, he received a reminder from Ollivander, and his attitude was no longer as friendly as before.

Ollivander's original words were: "If Mr. Chu Yang loses the full scholarship to Hogwarts, then Ollivander Wand Shop will fully support Chu Yang financially to complete his studies."

Lucius was very surprised why Ollivander, who had always been reluctant to participate in disputes, was so determined.

Driven by anger and curiosity, Lucius found out that Chu Yang occasionally went to Ollivander's Wand Shop as an apprentice and showed a good talent.

As a result, the elderly Ollivander planned to train him as his successor.

Lucius was very surprised and noticed something unusual.

Under normal circumstances, the school would not allow students to work part-time outside, and the rules had never been violated, but Chu Yang had special treatment.

Out of caution, he began to collect information about Chu Yang. He asked someone to visit most of the teachers and asked them about their impressions and evaluations of Chu Yang.

The result surprised him!

Lucius had heard of and seen many people with the name of genius, but Chu Yang seemed to be different from the genius he knew.

At Hogwarts, all professors and teachers who had taught Chu Yang always praised Chu Yang, including the most demanding Snape.

Although they had different tempers, Snape had to admit Chu Yang's talent.

In Charms, Flying, Potions, Transfiguration, Herbology, Divination, etc., Chu Yang's grades always firmly occupied the first place, and others were just here to compete for the second place.

The better Chu Yang was, the more mediocre and incompetent Draco was set off, which made Lucius, as a father, a little jealous in his anger.

Why is a Mudblood from Muggle origin better than a pure-blood family?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the deans of the four colleges all favor Chu Yang. If it weren't for the rule that Hogwarts has always had no transfer of houses, I'm afraid these four deans would have started to fight for people long ago.

Professor Sprout, the dean of Hufflepuff, is still upset with Dumbledore because Chu Yang went to Slytherin.

Before this, this lady had always been known as the professor with the best temper in Hogwarts.

After fully understanding Chu Yang's situation, Lucius, who was always good at judging the situation, gave up the idea of ​​teaching him a lesson.

No matter how powerful the Malfoy family is, it is impossible for them to bear so much hostility at the same time.

It is not worth paying such a price for a little wizard of Muggle origin.

What's interesting is... Lucius not only gave up making things difficult for Chu Yang, but also had the idea of ​​winning over Chu Yang.

He was impressed by Chu Yang's talent.

So before Lucius left school, he specifically asked Draco to find a way to repair his relationship with Chu Yang.

His father's impromptu idea put Draco, who didn't know why, into a dilemma.

Draco, who was used to obeying all his father's orders, didn't dare to resist him at all. Compared with his majestic father, Draco felt that Chu Yang was easier to get along with.

In the following days, Draco's attitude towards Chu Yang took a 180-degree turn.

Classmates often saw him go to the auditorium early to prepare breakfast for Chu Yang who got up late.

From the perspective of others, Draco, who served him like a lackey, looked more like a lackey than Goyle and Crabbe beside him.

Draco, who had the most prominent family background, was like this, and the others were even inferior to Chu Yang.

Chu Yang turned a blind eye to Draco's courtesy.

Because he firmly believed that those who were courteous without any reason were either treacherous or thieves, and it was obvious that the Malfoy family had no good intentions.

So, after two months, Draco still couldn't get closer to Chu Yang.

Draco wanted to give up, but Lucius would ask Draco about his progress every one or two weeks through letters, which made him very upset.

In order to deal with his father's questioning, Draco had to lie and tell his father that he had become good friends with Chu Yang, so he escaped the terrifying letter bombardment.

But for Draco, this did not mean the end of the problem, because lies are lies after all.

Draco didn't want to be scolded by his father again, so he made up his mind to become a real friend with Chu Yang.

The arrival of Halloween made most teachers and students very happy, except Draco who looked depressed.

Chu Yang was happy and a little excited, because just the day before, Dumbledore finally agreed to open the library's restricted book area for Chu Yang to enter, which was a goal he had worked hard for two months to achieve.

Because of Voldemort's previous experience, Dumbledore was particularly cautious when educating outstanding young wizards. In two months, he not only examined Chu Yang's learning ability, but also his character.

(Thank you brothers for your support. It's on Sanjiang. It will be available tomorrow afternoon. There will be 2 more free updates tomorrow. Thank you all. Then, on the first day of availability, there will be a wave of crazy updates. I won't say anything else. I'll keep it in the update...)

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