The girl realized the inappropriateness of her behavior after a while, so she took the initiative to explain: "My name is Makomo, I have no ill will towards you, if you are unhappy, I can leave now."


Hearing this name, Chu Yang's mind flashed, and he remembered the identity of the girl.

The trainer of the protagonist Tanjiro Kamado is called Urokodaki Sakonji, he is the former water pillar and the master of Makomo.

The girl in front of him and Tanjiro are senior sisters and brothers from the same school. According to the plot of the original work, Makomo finally died in Fujiki Mountain.

The hand ghost who killed Makomo was imprisoned in this mountain by Urokodaki Sakonji himself, so every time in the final selection, it would hunt down the disciples of Urokodaki Sakonji as revenge.

The fox mask on his face is the symbol of being a disciple of Urokodaki Sakonji.

"Forget it, you..."

Before Chu Yang finished speaking, several black shadows suddenly jumped out of the shadows of the forest and pounced on them.

"Human flesh! Fresh human flesh!!!"

These hungry ghosts had no reason at all.

In their eyes, Chu Yang and Zhen Gu were two of the finest delicacies from the mountains and the sea.


As the sound of the sword being unsheathed rang out, Zhen Gu immediately counterattacked. Although she was petite and not very strong, she was extremely fast.

The flash of the knife in the darkness, the sound of the waves immediately rang in Chu Yang's ears, and the two black shadows on the opposite side immediately separated their heads and bodies and turned into ashes.

The remaining ghosts saw that the situation was not good, and immediately turned their guns around and rushed towards Chu Yang.

"Hey, you can't even pick on the weak, no wonder you are destined to be a ghost in this life." Chu Yang sneered, pulled out the saber behind him and swept it with great force.

Chu Yang's strength plus the weight of the saber, even if the blade is not considered sharp, it will hurt if it touches, and it will kill if it touches.

Four or five black shadows were cut in half by Chu Yang, and the remaining half of their bodies fell to the ground and screamed.

Zhen Gu was stunned!

What kind of outrageous power is this?

It's easier than cutting tofu!

Chu Yang dragged the saber and slowly walked towards them, chopping off their heads one by one in order. The ghosts let out extremely shrill wails under the torture of the fear of death, which echoed in the forest for a long time.

Zhen Gu was numb.

How could this man be scarier than ghosts?

Can't they just give them a quick death?

Zhen Gu felt that the young man in front of him seemed a little scary, so he tiptoed into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

After Chu Yang sent all the ghosts to see the King of Hell, he looked back and saw that the little girl had disappeared.

"Hey! Don't run!" Chu Yang was worried that Zhen Gu would run into the hand ghost, so he quickly activated the observation Haki to lock her position and chased after her.

Chu Yang ran wildly in the dark with a saber on his back, which really looked like a perverted killer. The little girl turned pale and ran very fast!

The two of them chased and fled, attracting the attention of most of the ghosts in the mountain.

Soon, a group of black shadows followed Chu Yang.

"Fuck! Why are you following?"

Chu Yang, who was regarded as a pervert, was angry. He immediately turned around and rushed towards the ghosts, waving his sword to vent his depression.

The furious Chu Yang rushed through the ghosts. When the saber swept past, four or five heads flew off. No ghost could be his opponent!

This scene was very similar to a famous Three Kingdoms IP mowing game.

In less than a minute, all the ghosts chasing Chu Yang fell under the saber, and some peeping in the dark disappeared in an instant.

Chu Yang ignored the guys who were watching the show and anxiously chased in the direction where Zhen Gu left, "Fuck, he's running so fast, damn, the guy who studied at Hogwarts should have learned Apparition first!"

In order to clear the obstacles in front of him, Chu Yang was running like an out-of-control bulldozer. While running, he swung his exaggerated saber wildly and cut off all the obstacles in front of him.

Occasionally, there would be blind ghosts who wanted to sneak attack him, but before they could get close to Chu Yang, they were chopped into meat paste by the saber in his hand.

With the blessing of brute force, it was no longer a saber, but a high-powered cutting machine.

"Run away! There's a crazy human outside!"

"That guy is holding a big machete and is about to chop the whole mountain into pieces!"

"Don't get close to him, you'll die!"

The ghosts on Teng Xi Mountain ran around, and even if they met other swordsmen participating in the trial on the way, they were indifferent and just ran away desperately.

Seeing the ghost fleeing in front of them, the young swordsmen who were also trial participants were stunned...

"Help! Don't come over here!"

"Why are you always chasing me? I just took a look at your knife, is it that serious?"

Zhen Gu, who was running wildly in front, was scared to tears by Chu Yang. She couldn't understand why a good swordsman didn't kill the ghost and chased her?

"I'm saving your life!" Chu Yang was so angry that his face turned red and his neck became thick. His face looked more "amiable".

As a straight man, Chu Yang always speaks his mind and never hints.

"You are lying to fools! To me, you are the biggest danger, okay?" Zhen Gu didn't believe Chu Yang's words at all. He was now covered in blood and holding a machete in his hand. Who would dare to believe it?

The chase continued, and some ghosts attracted by the attack attacked in groups.

They couldn't catch up with Zhen Gu, so they could only target Chu Yang.

Zhen Gu plunged into the deeper jungle.

This time, Chu Yang lost the chase and completely lost track of the other party.

However, no one expected that just this time when he failed to catch up, Zhen Gu would just run into the Hand Ghost!

It had just eaten a swordsman who participated in the trial, and after digesting the appetizer, its appetite increased!

The Hand Ghost looked at Zhen Gu greedily. Cute, beautiful, with smooth and tender skin, such a little girl would be the most delicious to eat.

The moment the two met, they looked at each other at the same time.

Zhen Gu felt the power of her opponent, and her face became particularly solemn, but she was confident that she could kill this terrible ghost.

"Hehe..." The Hand Ghost laughed in a low voice, and his expression became more and more ferocious. It was imagining the struggle of the girl before her death.

The gears of fate were turning slowly...

On the other side, Chu Yang, who had attracted a lot of hatred, was carrying out an alternative massacre.

The anger of being regarded as a pervert just found a suitable outlet.

Chu Yang, who was waving the saber wildly, did not even need to use sword skills at all, and could strangle the ghosts in his sight like a meat grinder.

In the eyes of these ghosts, the exaggeratedly large saber was even more terrifying than the sickle of the god of death. They witnessed their companions being beheaded first and then crushed into meat paste.



In terms of cruelty... no ghost can compare to the sturdy young man in front of them!

The ghosts were terrified, and the young swordsmen who participated in the final selection were also trembling.

Under the moonlight, Chu Yang, standing on a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood, was covered in blood!

He looked like a blood-red monster under the moonlight!

He was more terrifying than a ghost!!!

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