After listening to this, Tobirama Senju smiled teasingly, "You kid probably wanted to do this a long time ago. Forget it, since I promised you, then you can do it. We must correct the school's atmosphere."

Since then, Chu Yang has acted more recklessly than those little devils. No matter what they do, as long as they violate the school rules, they will be beaten up.

Shouting for mercy is useless. Chu Yang will beat them until their butts are swollen before letting them go home.

With Sarutobi Hiruzen and Shimura Danzo as negative examples, the troublemakers in the school have become much more obedient.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's fiery red butt is the best way to show his power.

On the other hand, when the children of big families and the children of ordinary people have conflicts, Chu Yang will pay special attention to them and determine the responsibilities after understanding the ins and outs of the matter.

What Chu Yang has to do is to ensure fairness and justice as much as possible, while eliminating the small groups that are gradually forming on both sides to avoid confrontation.

In practical courses, he would try to team up the children of the family and the children of the common people.

Chu Yang was over-concerned in some aspects. After all, children are just children. Their class consciousness often comes from the indoctrination of their parents. As long as this consciousness is crushed in school, they will not become the kind of people Chu Yang imagines.

Ninja school is not the Hogwarts that has been passed down for thousands of years. There is no Slytherin academy that instills pure blood theory into students day after day. As long as the teachers guide properly, they can successfully reshape the students' three views.

After a period of strong governance, the school spirit of the ninja school began to improve. Regardless of their class, the students get along very well, at least in school.

Because of the support of Hashirama Senju and Tobirama Senju, most families acquiesced to Chu Yang's "educational methods", only the Uchiha clan had some complaints, but soon, this voice was suppressed by Uchiha Madara himself.

Uchiha Madara had a good impression of Tobirama Senju and Chu Yang, and this was a return of favor to thank them for their help in the election of Hokage.

This period of time is not only the rising period of Konoha, but also the honeymoon period of the two families, showing unprecedented unity to the outside world.

Other countries are also speeding up the pace of building their own ninja villages when they see the development of Konoha Village flourishing.

To put it bluntly, they are just copying the template of Konoha.

But they don't realize that the strength of Konoha Village is based on Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara, and it is a kind of strength that is difficult to surpass.

This kind of strength is awe-inspiring, and it may even prompt the ninja forces of other countries to form an alliance to deal with Konoha Village to some extent.

In this way, the peace situation that has been created with great difficulty is showing signs of being broken again.

The situation must be stabilized to ensure peace.

For this reason, Senju Hashirama specially convened a meeting to invite all the Konoha high-level officials together, and made an amazing decision at the meeting!

"I want to seal all the tailed beasts and divide them equally among the ninja villages of each country. As long as everyone's strength is equal, peace can be guaranteed."

The answer given by Senju Hashirama is simple and crude, but very reasonable. Using tailed beasts to balance the forces is something that others dare not even think about.

After listening to his elder brother's thoughts, Senju Tobirama looked at him as if he was looking at a resentful person.

Although in the long run, this matter is beneficial to the development of Konoha, it is not profitable. It is better to take down all the tailed beasts and directly flatten the entire ninja world to achieve unification.

Chu Yang and Senju Tobirama looked at each other.

The master and the apprentice both saw each other's desire to conquer the world and reached a consensus.


Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara may not want to fight this war. Both of them wanted to establish Konoha Village because of their desire for peace. They are tired of fighting to the death.

Unless Uchiha Izuna died on the spot, then Uchiha Madara would be the enemy of the whole world!

Uchiha Izuna frowned and said, "Hokage, catching the tailed beast is a huge project. Apart from other things, determining the whereabouts of the tailed beast is a very time-consuming task. Is it really necessary?"

As the head of the Anbu, Uchiha Izuna estimated the manpower that the Anbu could mobilize. If the energy was spent on tracking the tailed beast, the defense force of Konoha Village would be stretched.

The Anbu has just been established, and it is not perfect in all aspects, and the human resources are even more insufficient. Most of the team members who can stand alone at this time are still the elites of the Uchiha clan.

The tailed beast is not a cat or dog at the doorstep that can be caught casually. Each tailed beast represents the most powerful force in the ninja world. How much does it cost to catch it?

"I agree with Hashirama's plan to capture the tailed beast." Uchiha Madara explained: "Although this matter will consume a lot of time, energy and material resources, it is better than becoming the target of public criticism. Once the ninja villages of other countries are integrated, I am afraid that they will announce the alliance soon."

Konoha is too powerful!

If they don't do this, they won't be able to guarantee their survival!

Chu Yang whispered in Senju Tobirama's ear: "Teacher, it seems that catching the tailed beasts is something we can't avoid, but we have Lord Hokage and Lord Uchiha Madara, so it shouldn't cause a lot of casualties."

"Then I agree with this plan." Senju Tobirama nodded and asked loudly: "It's not difficult to catch the tailed beasts, the problem is how to distribute them when the time comes?"

Senju Hashirama scratched his head in distress. He hadn't thought about this problem carefully.

Others also fell silent. As Senju Tobirama said, how to distribute is the biggest problem!

As the saying goes, don't worry about scarcity but inequality.

If the distribution is not good, the benefactor will turn into an enemy in time.

Chu Yang smiled and said: "It is easiest to decide based on the number of tails. One tail and eight tails, two tails and seven tails, three tails and six tails, four tails and five tails. Among them, the group with eight tails must be stronger, and we will give priority to the strength. worse country.”

Everyone asked in unison: "What about the Kyuubi?"

Chu Yang replied: "Choose a neutral force, such as the Whirlpool clan of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. They are also good at sealing techniques and can help us seal the tailed beasts."

Senju Hashirama and Senju Tobirama looked at Chu Yang with strange expressions, and Uchiha Madara chuckled a few times.

"I remember that the Uzumaki clan seems to be a distant relative of the Senju clan, right?" Uchiha Izuna said with a smile: "Going around, isn't it equivalent to bringing the Nine Tails to our Konoha?"

Chu Yang coughed dryly, "Only Uchiha knows this kind of unknown secret, and other ninja villages don't know it at all. Moreover, distant relatives are distant relatives, and the country of Uzumaki is also the country of Uzumaki. Having a good relationship and wearing a pair of pants are two different things."

Senju Hashirama shook his head helplessly and said, "I'm just afraid that they will have objections if they find out what's going on here."

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