"Oh! My Merlin!"

Hagrid, holding a lot of food, stood on the path in a daze. He was coming from the hunting grounds and preparing to patrol the school and the Forbidden Forest.

There are always some little wizards who like to appear in this area.

He likes to eat while patrolling the surroundings.

But today is undoubtedly the most shocking day since Hagrid became the gamekeeper!

He saw a huge tree spirit!

There was a student standing under the tree monster, not only did he not hurt him, but also behaved very docilely!

"What the hell is this?" Hagrid put down the food and tried to move towards Chu Yang, but the Whomping Willow mistakenly thought he was going to hurt Chu Yang, and slapped Hagrid, who had the blood of a giant, out with a backhand!

Hagrid fell directly into the bushes next to him.

Seeing Hagrid being blown away, Chu Yang interrupted the output of magic power, grabbed the branches of the Whomping Willow angrily, and said angrily: "Don't hit people all the time!"

The interruption of magic power made the Whomping Willow, which had just been born with "intelligence", feel panic and anger. It instinctively used branches to entangle Chu Yang, forcing him to produce more magic power to supply itself.

"You can only take what I am willing to give you. If I am not willing to give it to you, you have to wait for me obediently!" What Chu Yang hated most in his previous life was those pets that were well fed on weekdays but would bite their owners at critical moments.

Chu Yang would beat the dog who guarded food every time he saw it, so that it would understand what a master is!

While Hagrid fell into the bushes, Chu Yang directly tore the branches wrapped around him, jumped and landed next to the Whomping Willow, and aimed at the trunk with a powerful [Shawa Zhengquan]!


The trunk of the Whomping Willow was like a broken mirror, and countless cracks cracked from the fist marks left by Chu Yang.

The fear of death made the Whomping Willow's new "intelligence" feel strongly threatened. It crawled on the ground like an animal, trembling, to show its submission.

Chu Yang spared its life.

Used magic to help it recover the cracks on its body surface, slapped it and gave it a sweet date.

"Its strength is really great." Hagrid wailed and crawled out of the bushes.

With his physique, he was still dizzy after being hit.

However, curiosity about the Whomping Willow made Hagrid temporarily ignore all the physical discomfort, and he staggered over.

"Can you calm your pet down? I have no ill intentions!" Hagrid shouted to Chu Yang.

"It's okay, come here!" Chu Yang explained, "This is the Whomping Willow of the school, not my pet."

"Whomping Willow?" Hagrid stared at the Whomping Willow, which had nearly doubled in size, and murmured, "What are you kidding me? Can this thing be a Whomping Willow? It's more like a Killing Willow..."

Hearing Hagrid's unfriendly remarks.

The Whomping Willow shook its huge body to express its dissatisfaction.

"Oh! Oh! Calm down! Calm down!"

Hagrid raised his hands and begged for mercy. He didn't want to be whipped again.

The next second, the Whomping Willow quieted down.

"Can it understand what I say?" Hagrid was stunned for a moment, then showed an ecstatic expression, "It's actually communicating with me. This has gone beyond the scope of plants. It's an animal! It's a magical animal!"

As an avid fan of magical animals, Hagrid immediately fell in love with this big tree and generously forgave it for whipping him just now!

Beating is love, scolding is love, that was just a little spoiled act by "it" to me, it didn't hurt at all!

Hagrid thought while pressing the wound on his body with a grin.

He rushed to Chu Yang's side, hugged the trunk, and rubbed it comfortably.

It was a completely perverted behavior, which made Chu Yang shudder.

The Whomping Willow didn't seem to be happy either. It stood up shakily and shook its body, trying to shake Hagrid off like shaking off lice.

Hagrid fell to the ground, rolling and crawling, and looked up with a grin.

He found that Chu Yang was tightly protected by the branches and nothing happened.

"How can it treat differently?" Hagrid looked at the Whomping Willow with a heartache. It was obvious that he had forgiven the past, but why didn't he get any benefit?

In the afterglow of the setting sun, several figures were approaching this side.

"Mr. Chu Yang, I'm glad to see you are safe, but can you explain why the Whomping Willow I planted with my own hands became like this?" Dumbledore, wearing a silver robe, walked slowly over, followed by Professor McGonagall.

Chu Yang jumped off the Whomping Willow, walked to Dumbledore and bowed slightly, "I don't know the specific reason, but it should be my magic that affected it, Headmaster Dumbledore."

"Magic?" Dumbledore suddenly realized, and then said with a complicated expression: "It seems that we still lack the necessary understanding of your magic and underestimate its impact on plants, especially rare magical plants."

"When Sprout told me about your performance in the wand shop, I should have thought of this level. I was careless..."

As he said, Dumbledore walked towards the Whomping Willow, his eyes like the starry sky, constantly observing the condition of the Whomping Willow.

Professor McGonagall and Chu Yang followed him quietly.

After a day of shock, the elderly vice-headmaster was exhausted physically and mentally.

Professor McGonagall looked as if she had aged several years.

She didn't have the energy to argue with Chu Yang, but still said with appreciation, "In a critical moment, you left the chance of escape to your classmates, and then led the Whomping Willow away alone. Although it was a bit reckless, it was also a very noble quality. Therefore, Slytherin adds ten points."

Dumbledore suddenly turned around and smiled, "I personally give Slytherin another ten points. You didn't disappoint me, Mr. Chu Yang."

Chu Yang shrugged and said, "Thank you for the generosity of the principal and professors. I think the Slytherin students will be very happy."

"Yesterday it was the Sorting Hat, and today it's the Whomping Willow. You always give me some surprises. However, Mr. Chu Yang, I really hope to hear it tomorrow. The news that you can be quiet in class is the wish of a centenarian. "

Dumbledore, who was very kind a second ago, suddenly became serious and warned: "Also, don't let your classmates sleep on the floor. If you continue like this, the beds in the infirmary on the second floor will be insufficient!"

"In just two days, the Slytherin patients alone have overcrowded the place! Do you want to paralyze the school hospital?"

Chu Yang shrugged and said very innocently: "I can't make the decision on this matter. It depends on whether they can calm down. After all, it's not me who caused the trouble, and it's you who made me fight back, unless you get me a single dormitory."

Dumbledore was speechless and felt very tired.

He felt that he might not have persuaded Chu Yang to go to Slytherin from the beginning.

Originally, he thought that Chu Yang would use his talent to change Slytherin's perception of Muggles little by little and reshape their self-righteous pride, but he didn't expect that he would use fists!

Fighting is also a talent, and it is simple and violent!

Wizards don't use wands but fists to solve problems...

Melee wizards are.

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