Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 433: Discussing Dao with the Sword Saint! Destroying with ease! The Sword Domain is shaking!

Along the way, Chu Yang has been concentrating on cultivating One Qi to Transform Three Purities. With his talent and understanding, it is naturally not difficult to learn any technique.

When Chu Yang arrived at the coordinates provided by Wu Ming, there was already a small spiritual fetus in his body.

The spiritual fetus is only the size of a sesame seed, exists in the chest, and is surrounded by the internal organs.

Chu Yang could clearly feel that the spiritual fetus was constantly absorbing the vitality of the internal organs, the origin of the soul, and the origin of Qi in the singularity of the Dantian.

The speed of absorption is neither fast nor slow. Chu Yang made a rough estimate. According to this speed, it will take at least several years for the spiritual fetus to absorb all the vitality and origin of his body and transform into a new body in one fell swoop.

Due to the special nature of the technique of One Qi Transforming Three Purities, Chu Yang could not directly affect the growth rate of the spiritual fetus.

However, he speculated that if the spiritual fetus could be stimulated in some way, it might be possible to speed up the spiritual fetus' absorption of vitality and origin.

But the specific method still needs further exploration, and now we can only let nature take its course.

After walking out of the space rift, Chu Yang glanced around, thoughtfully.

This is the east of the Great Thousand Realm, close to the border, and can be regarded as the extreme east region.

At the same time, this place is also within the jurisdiction of the Sword Domain. Chu Yang just scanned it with his soul power and discovered several forces with good foundations within a hundred miles.

Among these forces, the weakest ones have reached the first-class level, and two of them even have the Supreme Being at their command, making them super powers.

There is no doubt that these are affiliated forces of Sword Domain.

You must know that this is just the edge area of ​​the Sword Territory. The superpowers with Tian Zhizun sitting there can only crawl around on the edge. The overall strength and foundation of the Sword Territory can be imagined.

There is more than a slight difference between the Five Ancient Tribes and the Land of Ten Thousand Tombs, both of which are transcendent forces.

Speaking of which, compared with the Sword Domain and the Land of Ten Thousand Tombs, the five ancient clans today are already stretched thin.

It is precisely because of this that the three major forces with three giant-level powerhouses are called giant-level forces that are superior to the transcendent forces.

The transcendent power that once symbolized absolute strength has now become synonymous with the superior, the inferior, and the inferior.

The five ancient tribes are gradually declining, but in the end the camel that succumbed was bigger than the horse, far from being comparable to the overlord-level forces.

If it weren't for the emergence of Chu Yang and his forces, Jianyu would be the well-deserved number one force in the Great Thousand Realm today.

At this point, there is no comparison between Sword Domain and Daqian Palace.

The former has its own strength and foundation, but the latter has unparalleled appeal in dealing with evil races outside the territory.

As long as it is aimed at the evil tribes outside the territory, as long as the Daqian Palace raises its arms, all the powerful people in the Daqian Realm will advance and retreat together with it.

But during non-war periods, the Daqian Palace was just a symbolic existence.

The Land of Ten Thousand Tombs guards the hills of the Northern Wasteland. Apart from the lineage of tombkeepers, it has almost no affiliated forces under its command, and it rarely recruits strong people from outside.

To put it bluntly, the Land of Ten Thousand Tombs takes an absolutely elite route. After all, only strong men who have reached a certain level can provide help in guarding the Great Thousand Demon Transformation Array.

Otherwise, if something happens, no matter how many people there are, it will only increase casualties.

As a result, in terms of the scale of power alone, Jianyu's family was the dominant one. Many powerful people knew that it was better to have a shade behind a big tree, and they joined Jianyu's army one after another.

But Chu Yang knew that this situation would soon be completely broken.

Many forces under his command have risen strongly, and they are all aligned with each other. It won't be long before they can overtake the Sword Territory.

The question Chu Yang was thinking about at this time was...

Now that I have come to the Sword Domain, and the Immortal Sacred Tree is probably here, do you want to pay a visit to the blue-shirted Sword Master?

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly felt a breath locking into the area where he was.

The aura was very strong and had an unusual "power".

A smile appeared on Chu Yang's face. It seemed that he didn't have to hesitate anymore...

He cupped his hands in the direction of the breath and laughed loudly: "Junior came here uninvited. I hope Senior Sword Master doesn't blame me!"

The sound spread loudly, causing countless strong men in the sword field to look up.

They all felt that the young voice was a little strange, and at the same time they were a little surprised that the other party dared to directly talk to the blue-shirted swordsman through the air.

"The king of Chu has come to you. Qingshan failed to welcome you from afar. How can you blame him?"

The voice of the blue-shirted swordsman gave people a calm and calm feeling, but under this calm and calm voice, there was a hint of sharpness hidden.

The sword is restrained and the edge is hidden in the sheath!

Chu Yang can be called a master of swordsmanship, and he can intuitively feel the blue-shirted swordsman's attainments in swordsmanship.

He couldn't help but feel a little surprised. After all, compared to the world of immortals and martial arts, although the level of power in the Daqian world was higher, if we just talked about "Tao and Dharma", it was more than one and a half points behind.

To be able to practice swordsmanship to such an extent in the Great Thousand World is worthy of the name of Sword Master.

Putting away his thoughts, Chu Yang said again: "This junior came to the Sword Realm just to find an opportunity through the passage. I have caused a lot of troubles. I hope senior will forgive me!"

The green-shirted swordsman was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said: "I have been in close contact with the King of Chu for a long time, and I have always heard that the King of Chu is quite accomplished in the art of swordsmanship."

"Just a few days ago, I happened to have an idea and understood a sword technique. I wonder if King Chu would be willing to discuss the sword technique with me?"

As soon as these words came out, the entire Sword Domain was in an uproar.

When people heard that the person coming was Chu Yang, they were already surprised and excited.

They were surprised that the King of Chu would come to the Sword Domain, and excited that they might have the opportunity to get close to this legendary figure.

But they never thought that the Green Shirt Sword Saint would take the initiative to ask Chu Yang to compete!

If it were an ordinary strong man, if he asked to compete with the younger generation in public, he would definitely be accused of suppressing the younger generation and bullying the young.

But the Green Shirt Sword Saint is different!

Unlike the mysterious Immortal Lord and the elusive Great Thousand Demon Buddha, the Green Shirt Sword Saint has many disciples and many strong men under his command, and he never cherishes his own possessions.

He is never afraid of teaching his disciples to starve the master to death, and he has always been supportive of outstanding younger generations.

It is precisely because of this that many people will devote themselves to the Sword Domain.

So no one would believe that this long-renowned Sword Saint would suppress Chu Yang, the young genius who is the focus of everyone's attention.

Since it was not a suppression, the Blue Shirt Sword Saint proposed a competition, which means that he has regarded Chu Yang as an existence of the same level.

In other words, in terms of the attainments in the field of swordsmanship, he believes that Chu Yang is not inferior to himself, so he wants to discuss swordsmanship.

Chu Yang's eyes also lit up slightly, and he smiled and replied: "Please teach me, Senior Sword Saint!"

Why did he hesitate to visit the Blue Shirt Sword Saint before?

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, his current identity and status in the Great Thousand World are rather embarrassing.

The invitation of the Immortal Lord and the attitude shown by the Immortal Lord towards him have long been spread throughout the Great Thousand World.

Now everyone knows that the Immortal Lord attaches great importance to him, and even regards him as the fourth giant.

If it was before this, Chu Yang visited the Blue Shirt Sword Saint, others would only regard him as a junior who was paying homage.

But now he has been pushed to the forefront by the Immortal Lord, and if he visits the Blue Shirt Sword Saint again, it will inevitably be regarded as wanting to "set up a flag".

What is a giant-level figure?

Either he must be recognized by all the giant-level masters, or he must show strength that is not inferior to that of the giant-level masters.

The Great Thousand Demon Buddha is outside the domain and has not asked about his afterlife.

The Immortal Lord has recognized Chu Yang, but the Green Shirt Sword Saint has not.

Chu Yang has never dealt with the Green Shirt Sword Saint, and he does not know his temper. If he is regarded as provoking him, it will be a big mistake.

Now it seems that the Green Shirt Sword Saint has obviously realized this and took the initiative to propose a discussion of the Dao with swordsmanship.

In this way, no matter what the final result is, the attitude shown by the Green Shirt Sword Saint shows that he recognizes him.

Is this to help him build momentum?

Chu Yang narrowed his eyes. He was afraid that the Immortal Lord had already greeted the Green Shirt Sword Saint when he left the Ten Thousand Tombs.

He was confident that with the special nature of the source energy, the Green Shirt Sword Saint would not be able to discover his whereabouts.

But the power of space is different. If you cross a long distance and look for a strong person, you may not be able to detect the space fluctuations caused, but with the cultivation of the Green Shirt Sword Saint, you will definitely find something.

Coupled with the reminder of the Immortal Lord, that's why the scene just happened.

Feeling a sharp sword energy rising from the depths of the Sword Domain, Chu Yang put away his thoughts and his eyes slightly condensed.

I saw a giant green sword supporting the world, and the raging sword energy raged, causing the space of the entire Sword Domain to tremble violently.

Countless people were dumbfounded and trembling in their hearts.

The ninety-nine supreme Dharma bodies ranked tenth - Green Sword Tongxuan Body!

This is the Supreme Dharma Body of the Green Shirt Sword Saint. No one thought that it was just a swordsmanship exchange, but the Green Shirt Sword Saint directly used the Supreme Dharma Body!

This also means that he will go all out in this discussion, showing his absolute importance to Chu Yang.

"This sword is called Qingxian, King Chu, be careful!"

The calm voice of the Qingshan Sword Saint sounded, and the Qingjian Tongxuan body quickly shrank, and then turned into a huge sword only a hundred feet long, shooting towards the direction where Chu Yang was!

A vague outline of a man in a green shirt could be seen, holding the huge sword in his hand, and the sharp breath seemed to penetrate the world.

Chu Yang raised his hand and made a gesture of drawing the sword.

He vaguely saw some shadows of the immortals from the sword of the Qingshan Sword Saint, and the two had the same purpose.

From this point, it can also further demonstrate the attainments of the Qingshan Sword Saint in the sword.

Chu Yang took a deep breath, clenched his palms across his chest, and looked up at the sky.

Borrow a sword!

The spiritual power light curtain that penetrated the sky and the earth fell, but the light curtain was extremely illusory, looking like a layer of gauze.

The next moment, the sky and the earth lost their color, and even the scorching sun in the sky became much dimmer.

The spiritual gauze condensed into a long sword and fell into Chu Yang's hands. Then he slashed with the sword, and the sky was full of brilliance!

Borrowing a corner of the world to forge a sword!

The ultimate sword art, Epiphyllum!

Everyone in the sword domain opened their mouths wide, looking at the two sword beams in the sky, and they couldn't help but feel unreal.

They had previously thought that the Green Shirt Sword Saint mentioned Chu Yang's sword attainments just out of "human relations and worldly affairs".

But now looking at the momentum of Chu Yang's sword, it seems that it is even better than the Green Shirt Sword Saint!

Isn't it said in the outside world that the most powerful thing about the King of Chu is his mysterious Dharma body?

And the King of Chu seems to be practicing a kind of magic that is different from the evil clan, just like the Great Thousand Demon Buddha.

But how come this is not inferior to the Green Shirt Sword Saint's sword attainments?

This guy seemed to have no weaknesses. Every time he moved the world, he would show his amazing background in different aspects.

But what they didn't know was that at this time, in the depths of the sword domain, on the top of a mountain, the face of the Qingshan Sword Saint who was sitting cross-legged was no longer calm, but wide-eyed and shocked.

The will of the world?


It was a little different...

Behind him, there were more than a dozen people standing. These people were all dressed in coarse cloth, men and women, old and young.

Without exception, they were all disciples of the Qingshan Sword Saint, watching the discussion between the teacher and the King of Chu.

At this time, their eyes were also full of shock, because everyone watched with their own eyes that the sword named "Qingxian" by the teacher was instantly defeated by the colorful sky!

This was a pure swordsmanship exchange, so both sides suppressed the power contained in this sword to the level of the late stage of the immortal product.

In other words, under the same realm, the sword moves of the two people were very different!


They had never seen anyone stronger than the teacher in swordsmanship, let alone in such a crushing manner?

Only they knew how much confidence the teacher had in his sword.

Qingxian was the name of the three-foot green peak that accompanied the Qingshan Sword Saint throughout his life.

The Qingxian Sword was a holy product and a peerless sacred object, not inferior to the clan treasures passed down from generation to generation by the five ancient clans.

The Qingshan Sword Saint named his sword move Qingxian, which was enough to show his confidence in this sword. It was not an exaggeration to call it one of his most powerful sword moves.

The Green Shirt Sword Saint took a deep breath, his eyes became more serious, he slowly stood up, solemnly bowed in the direction of Chu Yang, and said loudly:

"The King of Chu's swordsmanship is admirable! Qingshan is ashamed of himself!"

"Qingshan has some doubts about the swordsmanship. I wonder if I can delay the King of Chu for some time. Please come and talk to me and solve my doubts?"

If the Green Shirt Sword Saint showed his recognition and attention to Chu Yang before, now it is outright admiration!

This made countless strong men in the Sword Domain stunned, and even felt that they were dreaming.

What did they hear?

The Green Shirt Sword Saint actually admitted that he was not as good as Chu Yang in the swordsmanship?

This shock to everyone was almost no less than the sudden surrender of the evil race outside the domain!

At the edge of the Sword Domain, Chu Yang stood with his hands behind his back. He did not rush to answer the Green Shirt Sword Saint's words, but still looked up at the sky.

At this moment, he had returned a corner of the world, but the sky was still gray, which was the world's will expressing dissatisfaction.

White light entangled, [Heaven] leaped out of his hand, making a series of clanging sounds, Chu Yang had a blank expression, as if he was confronting the will of the world.

After a long time, as if after a trade-off, the will of the world finally chose to compromise, and the terrifying oppression slowly dissipated, making everyone in the sword domain feel relieved.

Chu Yang smiled slightly, and the [Heaven] in his hand turned into white light and dissipated, and then responded to the depths of the sword domain:

"Senior, please don't embarrass me. I can beat you by half a move, but it's just a trick."

"But since you invited me, I naturally dare not refuse!"

Compared with the "straightforwardness" of the Green Shirt Sword Saint, Chu Yang at this moment showed the worldly wisdom to the fullest.

Since others have given me face and helped me build momentum, I can't just take advantage of it and be ungrateful... (End of this chapter)

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