Both of them were flying very fast in pursuit of the Golden Snitch, but in the eyes of Madam Hooch, Chu Yang, who was one body behind Harry, flew more easily.

Her eyes were full of amazement.

A novice who could reach Harry's level in his first flight was already a genius, but Chu Yang's talent was even more exaggerated.

Because he was flying while standing...

A flying broom requires exquisite control. When flying at high speed, every movement you make on the broom may cause a large deviation in direction.

The second is observation ability. The faster the speed, the more blurred the surrounding scenery. You need very good dynamic vision to observe the positions of teammates and opponents.

The most important thing is mentality!

Only when you are calm enough can you make the right choice in a fierce competition.

In these three aspects, Chu Yang is not a little bit better than Harry.

"If Harry Potter represents Gryffindor in the Quidditch game, he will definitely win the trophy for the college." Professor McGonagall, who has been watching Harry, couldn't help but say.

"Professor McGonagall, I don't mean to offend you, but if Chu Yang participates in Quidditch, he will definitely be better than Mr. Potter." Madam Hooch raised her head proudly and said, "I am a professional in this regard."

Professor McGonagall was speechless.

Madam Hooch is not only the referee of Hogwarts Quidditch games, but also occasionally serves as the referee of official Quidditch games.

So when she said she was professional, she was not bragging.

Professor McGonagall muttered in a low voice: "Principal Dumbledore should not send Chu Yang to Slytherin. If he could also come to Gryffindor, he and Harry Potter would definitely make us win the Quidditch championship for many consecutive years."

Just as Madam Hooch and Professor McGonagall were arguing, Harry was too focused on chasing the Golden Snitch, so he flew out of the playground and moved very fast in the direction of the Whomping Willow.

"Hey! Harry, you can't go there, it's very dangerous!"

Chu Yang realized that something was wrong and quickly stopped Harry from moving forward.

Harry, who was highly focused, only had the Golden Snitch in his eyes and could not hear Chu Yang's voice at all!

Chu Yang, who got no response, had no choice but to follow Harry out of the playground.

Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch were still arguing about who would perform better in the Quidditch game, Chu Yang or Harry.

Finally, Hermione couldn't stand it anymore and shouted, "Chu Yang and Harry are gone, professors! They flew towards the Whomping Willow!"

Professor McGonagall looked up in surprise. After confirming that the two students were no longer visible in the sky above the playground, her face changed and she ran out with her dark green robe.

Madam Hooch was the same, and even more panicked than Professor McGonagall. If something went wrong with these two people, it happened in her class, and she couldn't escape responsibility.

The Whomping Willow is not a docile magical plant. Many students at Hogwarts have been injured by it over the years, so the school strictly prohibits students from approaching it.

No one expected that Harry would actually approach here to chase the Golden Snitch.

Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch took the lead in running desperately, followed by a large group of students. The scene was very spectacular. Those who didn't know would think that Hogwarts was holding a sports competition!

When Professor McGonagall arrived, Harry, Chu Yang, and the Golden Snitch were like flies circling around the Whomping Willow, and the Whomping Willow was like the Monkey King in A Chinese Odyssey, waving its branches wildly, trying to slap these annoying "flies" to death!

The Whomping Willow was as high as a three-story building, and any branch it pulled out was thicker than an adult man's thigh.

Under its crazy waving, the sound of the branches breaking through the air was numbing.

"Mr. Potter, Mr. Chu Yang, hurry down, don't chase the Golden Snitch, it's too dangerous!" Professor McGonagall shouted loudly, looking very nervous, because Harry was the seeker she had just chosen.

"It's too dangerous for you to do this, hurry down!" Madam Hooch looked pale, holding a broom and trying to fly up, but the Whomping Willow waved its branches tightly and could not get close.

"This is not up to me, Madam Hooch!" Harry kept dodging the branches attacking from all directions, and replied in panic.

Where is the trace of the Golden Snitch now?

Most likely it was beaten to pieces by the Whomping Willow!

The more Harry thought about it, the more uncomfortable he felt. This was not the result he wanted to see. He originally just wanted to catch the flying golden ball.

Professor McGonagall seemed to remember something and shouted: "Knots!! Just touch the knots of the Whomping Willow, it will calm down immediately!"

Hermione was so anxious that she almost cried, "Professor, we can't get close to that willow tree, let alone touch its knots."

Professor McGonagall looked at the Whomping Willow, which was already 20 years old, and sighed. If this continued, she would cast magic to burn the tree. She must prioritize the safety of her students.

Just as Professor McGonagall hesitated, Harry, whose magic power and physical strength were running out, gradually slowed down his flying speed, and finally the broom under him was hit hard by the Whomping Willow.

Harry screamed and flew out directly!

Hermione, who witnessed this scene, covered her eyes and screamed, while Ron shouted Harry's name anxiously.

Other students also subconsciously covered their eyes in exclamation!

Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch's hearts suddenly rose to their throats!

Another figure in the air came around from the opposite direction, grabbed Harry's clothes and saved him.

"Hold on tight!"

Harry looked up and saw Chu Yang, who had caught him. The latter looked at him with a smile on his face, and he was relieved immediately. Then, he saw Chu Yang holding a small golden ball in his hand.

"You caught it?!" Harry was surprised at first, but then a little disappointed. He was surprised because Chu Yang was his friend and he was happy for Chu Yang. He was disappointed because it was not his catch after all.

"I'll give it to you! Just consider it as your birthday present." Chu Yang threw the golden snitch to Harry and encouraged him, "You will definitely become an excellent seeker. When you win the championship, give me another one exactly the same."

Harry held the golden snitch, and there seemed to be a light flashing in his eyes.

The flying broom slowly landed on the grass, and Professor McGonagall and Madam Hooch led the students to gather around.

"This is so reckless! Mr. Chu Yang, Mr. Potter, you don't realize how serious this matter is!" Professor McGonagall scolded the two with a stern face, but her eyes seemed particularly gentle.

Mrs. Hoch, who finally breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Chu Yang with burning eyes. She was sure that with the level Chu Yang had just shown, he could definitely participate in the official competition!

And Harry Potter also had extraordinary potential.

No matter who it was, he would become a new star player of Hogwarts in the future!

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