"Brother, we have the upper hand now. There is no need to risk our lives to duel with that Uchiha Madara guy."

After receiving the news, Tobirama Senju rushed to stop Hashirama Senju as soon as possible. He knew that with the other party's character, he would definitely agree to the duel.

Hashirama Senju was silent for a while, then asked: "Tobirama, do you know how many of our clansmen have died in this war?"

Tobirama Senju choked when he heard this.

Because this is a number that makes people feel distressed when they think about it.

Seeing his brother's expression, Hashirama Senju's eyes flashed with grief, and he said in a deep voice: "Of course I understand that taking advantage of the current advantage is the safest way to win, but this is a way to win at the cost of more lives, and I can't bear it."

"When Itama and Watama died, I vowed to end the war as soon as possible."

"The sooner this war ends, the more people will survive."

Hearing this, Tobirama Senju knew that his brother had made up his mind, and no matter what he said, it would be useless.

Looking at his uncertain brother, Senju Tobirama patted his shoulder and said with a heroic smile: "Tobirama, have some confidence in me. Do you think I will lose?"

"Of course you won't lose. I'm just worried that you won't be able to be ruthless at the critical moment." Senju Tobirama smiled bitterly, and then solemnly warned: "You must remember that you are the patriarch of the Senju clan. This is not a simple victory or defeat. It is also related to the fate of thousands of clansmen behind you. Remember!"

Senju Hashirama nodded seriously.

"I promise that no one will disturb your duel." After saying this, Senju Tobirama walked out of the room without even saying hello.

Senju Hashirama knew that he was angry, and watched his brother's back with apology.

Senju Tobirama left the room in a restless mood.

So he wandered aimlessly on the street, and in a trance he actually walked to Chu Yang's residence.

At this time, Chu Yang was practicing fish-man karate in the yard.

Senju Tobirama stood outside the yard, watching silently, and was gradually attracted by this new physical training school.

After no longer thinking about those annoying things, the depression in Senju Tobirama's heart suddenly dissipated a lot.

"Yang, your physical training seems to contain some water-attributed chakra changes." Senju Tobirama, who had been observing for a long time, couldn't help asking.

Chu Yang actually sensed the existence of Senju Tobirama a long time ago, but just pretended not to know. It was not until Senju Tobirama spoke that he pretended to be surprised.

"Teacher, hello." Chu Yang greeted respectfully.

"Yeah." Senju Tobirama responded casually, and then couldn't wait to ask: "Your physical training is very special, can you tell me in detail?"

Chu Yang nodded.

In fact, Chu Yang just practiced a special skill in Yuren Karate.

Water control!

Yuren Karate is a special physical training that has the ability to control water flow, but this is related to the racial talent of the Yuren people to a certain extent.

As an ordinary person, Chu Yang theoretically cannot reach this level.

Chu Yang also knew this, so he decided to take a different approach and prepare to combine the power of water escape to simulate this skill.

Wood escape itself is a fusion of water attribute chakra and earth attribute chakra.

Chu Yang is naturally familiar with the power of water escape.

Chu Yang just started to try and had some eyebrows, but Senju Tobirama came, so he simply expressed his ideas and asked the other party to give him advice.

After all, he is the number one inventor in the history of the ninja world, and Senju Tobirama's mind is much better than Chu Yang.

Listening to Chu Yang's description, Senju Tobirama smiled and nodded frequently.

This kind of skill combining physical skills and ninjutsu is not uncommon in the ninja world, but without exception, the difficulty of development is extremely high, but Chu Yang can complete the prototype with his own efforts.

In Senju Tobirama's view, Chu Yang's thinking is superior to ordinary people, which coincides with the attributes of a researcher like him.

"Not only can he inherit my elder brother's Wood Release, but he can also inherit my Ninjutsu and continue to innovate..." Senju Tobirama saw many possibilities in Chu Yang.

Chu Yang was dry-mouthed after talking for a long time, but he didn't get any suggestions.

He raised his head and saw Senju Tobirama looking at him with a smile.

Chu Yang was frightened and shuddered!

The sun today is afraid that it will not rise from the west. Senju Tobirama, who is always serious, will smile?

Is it an illusion?

When Chu Yang looked at Senju Tobirama again, he found that he had returned to his usual cold appearance.

It was indeed an illusion!

"There is no problem with your idea of ​​this physical technique. The key point is that you don't know enough about the power of water release. You only stay at a very superficial stage, which will hinder the progress of your physical technique."

"To perfect this physical technique, starting today, you must learn more about water release from me!"

Chu Yang's eyes lit up. What is the ninjutsu that the second generation Hokage is best at?

Flying Thunder God?


The answer is water escape!

Before creating Flying Thunder God, Senju Tobirama started with water escape and killed many people in the family war!

So Chu Yang began to ask Senju Tobirama about water escape with great interest, and the latter also started teaching mode, starting from the basics.

Both of them were very immersed in it, and they didn't end the teaching until it got dark.

Before leaving, Senju Tobirama stood at the door hesitantly, as if he was making some important decision.

"The clan leader is going to duel with Uchiha Madara. As for the location of the duel, I am the only one in the clan who knows it. I plan to take you with me. What do you think?"

The duel between Hashirama Senju and Uchiha Madara?

Is there any need to think about it?

This is the most exciting battle in the history of the ninja world, and with the second generation Hokage as a bodyguard, what is there to hesitate about!

"I want to go!" Chu Yang said excitedly.

Tobirama Senju smiled, as if he had expected Chu Yang's reaction, and said: "Watching that level of strong people fight, although it will be dangerous, it will also benefit you infinitely."

"As a user of Wood Release, you should carefully observe the clan leader's fighting style!"

Chu Yang understood that this was a very good opportunity.

Before, he was busy saving his life on the battlefield, so he had no time to watch Hashirama Senju's battle.

Late at night the next day, two figures shuttled through the woods like ghosts and came to a hidden valley.

However, this place is different from the Valley of the End in Chu Yang's memory. There is no waterfall, only a stream, which should be somewhere else.

Moreover, the plot did not develop to the moment of the final battle in the Valley of the End.

When they arrived at the place, Senju Tobirama and Chu Yang hid their bodies and walked around.

Although according to Uchiha Madara's character, he would never set an ambush if he agreed to a duel, but for the sake of safety, Senju Tobirama still left the spell of Flying Thunder God in many places and set up many detonating talisman traps.

If there was anything wrong, he would stop the duel.

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