Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 115 Internal fighting among the tools! A new world! [Please read on]

Foster didn't say it clearly, but Chu Yang guessed what the top leaders of the Hero Association were thinking.

If you want to use him as a tool to make money, how can you do it without paying the corresponding price?

Chu Yang can do it for free, but if others want to do it for free? That's not okay.

There are only two choices before the group of directors.

Either agree to Chu Yang's conditions and everyone will cooperate happily.

Or conceal the fact that Tornado was defeated and pretend that nothing happened.

They chose the latter, which is difficult.

It takes a lot of energy to control the news in the headquarters and prevent it from leaking out.

"This group of people is so greedy. No wonder the Hero Association is going downhill next."

After sending Foster away, Chu Yang refocused his attention on research. Seeking the truth about the limiter is more important than anything else.

Foster, who was sent out by the armored gorilla, had a droopy face as if his father had died.

How happy he was before coming here, how uncomfortable he is now.

The dream of getting promoted and getting rich was turned into dust in an instant, leaving only a pile of reality.

Looking at the other party's back as he left, the Armored Gorilla was also a little emotional.

Chu Yang rejected the new contract of the Hero Association, which means that the relationship between the two parties will hardly return to the previous one.

You may not see anything in the short term.

After a long time, all kinds of dirty things will happen one after another.

Back to the House of Evolution, the Armored Gorilla saw Chu Yang and Dr. Kinos tinkering with a brand new battle armor in the hall.

To be precise, it should be half a piece...

Only the lower body.

Who would wear a half piece of battle armor?

The Armored Gorilla had a question mark on his face.

"Gorilla, you came at the right time. Go to the medical room and bring the mosquito girl out. She should be almost healed."

The Armored Gorilla suddenly realized.

The mosquito girl who was hit by Saitama teacher did not die, but her lower body was blown up.

When the Armored Gorilla brought her back from Z City, she was already dying, and she has been in the medical room for rescue during this period.

The dying Mosquito Girl was Chu Yang's second experimental material after Sonic successfully transplanted the bloodline factor.

She was also Chu Yang's second tool who had high hopes for her.

Since the negotiations with the Hero Association broke down, he had to collect the bodies of monsters himself in the future, and it was urgent to increase manpower.

The Iron Man Corps was useless before there were stronger materials. At most, they could guard the house and improve the security level.

The characteristic of the Mosquito Girl was blood sucking.

Before the bloodline factor was officially transplanted, Chu Yang fed her his own blood.

With just a few drops, the Mosquito Girl had undergone earth-shaking changes, and all her injuries were almost healed.

Even the overall body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

She looked more and more like a human.

Her figure was smaller than before, closer to the size of a human woman.

Her appearance was much softer.

She changed from a queen to the image of a sister next door.

But her legs did not grow out.

So Chu Yang decided to transform her into a cyborg like Genos.

With stronger vitality, the genetic surgery of the bloodline factor can have a higher tolerance rate.

The armored gorilla pushed the mosquito girl to the hall in a wheelchair. She looked very nervous.

Ever since she accepted Chu Yang's blood, the mosquito girl knew how terrible the man in front of her was.

That vast vitality was definitely not something humans could possess.

It was no exaggeration to say that he was a god.

"First, perform the transformation surgery. After you adapt, we will perform the next round of transplant surgery."

Chu Yang's voice was not loud, but when it fell into the mosquito girl's ears, every word seemed to fall on her heart, shaking her whole body.

"Follow the adults' orders..."

In front of Chu Yang, the mosquito girl felt suffocated, similar to the feeling of blood suppression. She lowered her head throughout the whole process and did not dare to look at Chu Yang at all.

Then Dr. Kinos took her to complete the transformation surgery.

Screams suddenly broke out in the operating room.


It felt more like being dismembered.

Chu Yang turned around and asked the armored gorilla: "Does Kinos have a medical license?"

The armored gorilla shook his head regretfully.

This means that Mosquito Girl will have to endure very horrific torture.

Fortunately, monsters have strong vitality and are not as fragile as humans. It doesn't matter if the operation process is a little violent. The most important thing is the effect.

Half a day passed.

The screams gradually weakened.

I don't know if the transformation was successful, or if Mosquito Girl fell into a coma completely.

"Will she not even make it through the first level?"

Chu Yang was afraid that his investment would go down the drain.

Fortunately, after only a short wait, Dr. Genos appeared in front of him with a brand new Mosquito Girl.

The half-body armor made of the tough skin of the underground king and high-strength alloy fits perfectly on the lower body of Mosquito Girl, and the extended exoskeleton protects the vital parts of the whole body.

Chu Yang and his team have already tested the defense of the armor, and it cannot be broken below the dragon level.

In terms of offense.

The improved armor is more inclined to laser weapons, and its power is almost the same as that of Genos's incinerator.

After all, it is only a half-body armor and cannot carry too many weapons.

Chu Yang's original intention was just to improve the mobility of the mosquito girl so that she would not be so easily killed by close range.

Mechanization transformation is just foreplay, the real focus is the subsequent bloodline factor transplantation.

"Send her to the laboratory."

Chu Yang walked in front of the mosquito girl and patted her shoulder gently, "Whether you can survive depends on your luck."

This short sentence caused the mosquito girl to fall into great fear.

She wanted to refuse, but Chu Yang's indifferent eyes prevented her from saying these two words.

As long as you dare to say it, you will die.

"Don't worry, sir, I will try my best."

Mosquito Girl gritted her teeth and forced a smile.

Chu Yang nodded, walked into the laboratory first, and put the two test tubes he had prepared long ago into the grooves of the instrument.

When Dr. Jinos saw this, his expression changed. He walked to Chu Yang and whispered, "Sir, the experiment has just started. Isn't it too risky to transplant two bloodline factors at the same time?"

"Mr. Sonic only had one kind of transplant."

Chu Yang said matter-of-factly: "It's just because the experiment has just begun that we need more data to support it."

Dr. Kinos glanced at Mosquito Girl with pity and then stopped talking.

I finally saved my life, but it looks like I have to give it back again.

The unaware mosquito girl walked into the instrument nervously. When the hatch closed, an extremely strong heart palpitation surged into her heart.

She lay in terror, like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.


The armored gorilla who heard the conversation between Chu Yang and Dr. Kinos showed an expression of unbearable sadness, but in his heart was more of a kind of sadness that left his lips and teeth cold.

He is also a weirdo, and sooner or later he will follow in the footsteps of the Mosquito Girl.

"She can't die!"

Chu Yang, who was operating the instrument, suddenly spoke.

Dr. Jinos and the armored gorilla were both stunned. When they looked at Chu Yang again, their expressions softened a lot.

It's completely different from when Sonic transplanted the blood factor.

This time the instrument seemed quiet.

There’s no heat, and there’s no intense buzzing sound.

After breaking the rules for the first time, the whole transplant process went much smoother.

The only drawback is that the waiting time is extremely long.

The transplant lasted a full night.

Until noon the next day, when the sun is strongest.

The hatch opened.

A human woman came out of the instrument.

Not a trace of eccentric features could be seen.

The eyes and mouthparts characteristic of mosquitoes on the top of the mosquito girl's head have completely disappeared.

Just looking at her upper body, she looks like a normal human being.

Mosquito Girl opened her eyes.

Her pupils turned dark green, and the wings on her back became almost transparent.

There is a feeling of vitality.

Chu Yang smiled and said, "How is your condition?"

Mosquito Girl slowly felt the changes in herself, took a deep breath, and replied in a surprised tone: "Better than ever."

Chu Yang looked at her happily.

The two test tubes just now contained the bloodline factors of Tatsumaki and the bloodline factors of the Senju clan respectively.

Using the bloodline factor of the tornado is Chu Yang's hope that Mosquito Girl can master telekinesis.

Even if he doesn't reach the level of a tornado, he can still exert considerable combat power with the help of the armor.

As for the Thousand Hands Clan.

It was Chu Yang who considered that the mosquito girl had sucked his blood and obtained the pure vitality in it.

If there can be a reaction between the two, the success rate of transplantation can be improved, and at the worst it can save her life.

This is why Chu Yang said that she would not die.

"Try to see if you can use telekinesis."

Chu Yang's tone became serious. Although the mosquito girl walked out of the hatch, there was still a question mark as to whether the transplant was successful.

After receiving the order, the mosquito girl began to concentrate and tried to control the information and tools on the table next to her.

Dr. Kinos and the armored gorilla looked at her nervously.

After about twenty seconds, the paper automatically floated into the air without any wind.

Under the control of Mosquito Girl, pieces of information flew up and circled around the people in the laboratory.

Chu Yang looked happy.

"Well done, next, try to gather your mental and physical energy."

Chu Yang read out the tutorial he had taught Sonic once again.

Mosquito Girl understood this the hard way.

Compared to Sonic's talent, she was like an ordinary person who couldn't grasp the essence even after studying for a long time.

Chu Yang could only give her time patiently.

Mosquito Girl is trying to condense chakra according to Chu Yang's method every moment.

Three more days passed.

No improvement.

"I only inherited the power of telepathy..."

"It's a good result. After all, I'm still too greedy."

"Currently, it seems that transplanting only one lineage factor has the highest success rate."

Chu Yang silently recorded all experimental data and discussed possible problems with Dr. Kinos.

Mosquito Girl felt Chu Yang's disappointment and felt a little uncomfortable. The man who gave her new life was like a god to her.

"Sir, although I didn't feel the presence of chakra, I felt another kind of power!"

Mosquito Girl said cautiously.

"Oh, show me."

Chu Yang suddenly became energetic, with some expectation in his eyes.

"It may be a little rude, I hope you don't mind."

After the mosquito girl finished speaking, her crystal red lips made a sucking motion.


Dots of green light flew out of Chu Yang's body and fell into her mouth.

After swallowing the green light, Mosquito Girl licked her lips with a satisfied look.

Chu Yang felt the flow of life force, even though it was just a little bit, he still caught it.

"Evolve the original blood-sucking ability into life-sucking ability!"

"The blood factor of the Thousand Hands clan did not fail to be transplanted, but merged with her own abilities and mutated!"

"Interesting! It's so interesting!"

Chu Yang was very excited. The mosquito girl mutation provided very precious data, proving another possibility of blood factor technology.

"You did an excellent job in helping me complete the experiment. As a reward, I can give you a chance to name yourself."

As the product of Dr. Kinos' experiment, Mosquito Girl only has a code name but no name.

She never imagined that one day she would have a name of her own.

"Sir, can you give me a name?"

Mosquito Girl looked at Chu Yang with hopeful eyes.


Chu Yang thought for a while and said.

"I like this name!"

Mia walked around the room excitedly, even her steps were much lighter.

Later, Sonic came back and brought back the corpse of a ghost-level monster.

Chu Yang asked him to compete with Mia to test the limits of Mia's abilities.

Sonic heard that the other party was also an experimental subject who had completed the transplant, and he immediately became interested.

Because when the tornado hit last time, Sonic happened to be out, and it was his regret that he couldn't fight with powerful superpowers.

So this time he was extra energetic.

Mia was also eager to try and perform well in front of Chu Yang.

The location of the battle between the two was chosen in the room where Saitama and Ashura were fighting.

The battle begins.

Sonic took the lead and approached Mia at an extremely fast speed, preparing to end the battle with his good close combat skills.

Based on his experience, Mia should not be good at dealing with close combat.

This is also true.

Mia wanted to use her telekinesis to forcefully control Sonic's body, but she couldn't capture him in her field of vision.

If you want to activate your abilities, you must have a goal.

Chu Yang had already anticipated a similar situation, so he would transform her into a cyborg.

Mia's lower body armor activated.

At the same time as Sonic launched his attack, the armor erupted with strong air currents, pushing Mia to a safe distance.

The attack failed.

Sonic looked at Mia in surprise. The explosive power she showed just now was far superior to Genos.

"The speed is okay, but compared to me, it's still far behind."

Sonic used the shadow clone technique, and several clones turned into black shadows and rushed towards Mia at the same time.

Relying on the high mobility of the armor, Mia quickly flew to high altitudes, giving Sonic no chance to surround her.

Then, she turned on all the laser weapons and pointed them at the ground, intending to provide fire coverage.

Sonic also guessed what she was thinking.

Several shadow clones stood together, forming seals at the same time, with fire looming in their mouths.

Fire Release·Long Yan Singing Technique.

Sonic spit out fire snakes and formed several dragon-head flames in the air. The shadow clones also used the same ninjutsu, and a large number of dragon-head flames flew towards Mia.

at this time.

A large amount of laser rays also fell rapidly like a downpour.

The flames and lasers collided, causing a violent explosion and the entire underground laboratory crumbled.

Smoke filled the air.

The two fought in the dark.

Because the weapon entered the cooling period, Mia fell into a decline and was bombarded by Sonic's fire escape ninjutsu.

But fortunately, she took the opportunity to suck in Sonic's life force, which slowed down the opponent's attack.

Chu Yang observed the weaknesses they showed.

Sonic is only good at dealing with enemies on the ground. Once his speed cannot be used, the battle becomes very passive.

Ninjutsu helped him alleviate this embarrassing situation, but it was not enough. The Sharingan needed to grow further.

Mia's telekinesis still has a lot of room to grow, and she cannot pose much of a threat to the enemy at this stage.

But the potential she showed exceeded Chu Yang's expectations.

Just when the battle was at a stalemate.

Dr. Kinos suddenly appeared and handed Chu Yang a laptop with news playing on it.

[A large number of weirdos suddenly appeared on the coast of J City, and the A-class hero Stinger was in a tough battle]

Chu Yang stood up and clapped his hands vigorously.

"Put the discussion aside for now, it's time to work."


King Deep is a very interesting weirdo.

Because it actively left the sea for land, it entered a weakened "dry state" due to long-term dehydration.

In this state, Deep Sea King defeated the S-class hero Sexy Prisoner.

Afterwards, it rained in J City, and the Deep Sea King returned to his normal state. It defeated Sonic one after another and almost killed Genos.

With such combat power, even though it is rated as ghost level, half of its feet should also have stepped into the realm of dragon level.

At least much stronger than the Underground King.

Using the toughness of the Deep Sea King's body to make a battle armor, the defense will be greatly improved.

It is also a very good experimental subject.

"I'll go with you."

Just when Sonic and Mia were about to leave, Chu Yang suddenly put down the research materials in his hand.

"Teacher, it's just a ghost level, there's no need to bother you to take action."

Sonic was a little panicked. He was afraid that Chu Yang would think he couldn't do this well, so he planned to take action himself.

Mia also looked nervous and did not dare to look at Chu Yang.

"There is someone I am very interested in and I just want to observe him."

Chu Yang realized that they shouldn't be nervous and walked towards the door with a smile.

Sonic and Mia's eyes flashed with curiosity, and they followed Chu Yang obediently.

On the ground, the dilapidated building has been demolished and rebuilt, and the armored gorilla and a group of mechanical transformations are under construction.

Kinos estimated that it would take about a week to build from scratch.

The new base is about twenty times the size of the original one.

Rather than a building, it is more like a heavily guarded military fortress.

"It's probably too late to drive there, so let's just fly there. As for Sonic, let Mia take you there."

Neither of them moved.

Sonic and Mia have a strong sense of competition.

They turned their heads away with disdain, not even wanting to look at each other.

Chu Yang didn't bother to pay attention to them, flew up to the sky, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Mia got anxious and flew up with him.

Sonic got even more anxious, and quickly grabbed Mia's feet.

The three of them flew rapidly in the direction of J City.

On the other side, more and more deep-sea monsters appeared in J City, and Stinger, who was alone, couldn't take care of others at all.

If you want to save people, you have to solve the monsters in front of you first.

Fortunately, the average strength of these monsters is not strong. As an A-level hero, Stinger instantly solved a large number of monsters after bursting out with all his strength.

Although he himself was also seriously injured, his face was so swollen that even his mother couldn't recognize him.

However, fortunately, ordinary people nearby were saved.

Poison Sting was very happy.

Just when he was full of pride and thought he could hit the 10th place in Class A again.

A flash of lightning streaked through the sky!

A huge figure appeared behind him.

It was a monster with a strong body, blue skin and a crown on his head.

There were fins on his cheeks and sharp teeth in his mouth.

It had a hideous smile on its face.

Then it punched Poison Sting from behind.

Poison Sting's smile froze and he fainted in the corner.

The Hero Association, which monitored this scene, immediately raised the level of the disaster!

Emergency broadcasts sounded throughout the city.

A large number of people began to evacuate from the city.

Areas close to the coastline could not be evacuated in time, so they could only find shelters nearby to avoid monsters.

Professional heroes could still be seen in the evacuation team.


Everyone saw a figure going upstream, heading towards the area where the monster appeared.

It was a man riding a bicycle.

"Hey! Unlicensed Knight, don't go any further, didn't you hear the disaster level increase?"

"Now is not a situation where we C-level heroes can intervene."

"Hurry up and evacuate with us, and leave the rest to heroes of higher levels."

A pickup truck was sitting with several C-level heroes. After seeing the Unlicensed Knight, they tried to persuade him to leave with the team.

The Unlicensed Knight just exchanged a few words with them briefly, and after learning the specific location of the monster, he hurried away.

"This fool, really thinks he is a hero?"

"Forget it, forget it, if he wants to die, let him go!"

While complaining, they watched the Unlicensed Knight leave with complicated expressions.

It started to rain heavily.

Saitama and Genos, who came from D City, heard the announcement of the disaster level increase.

At the same time.

The Deep Sea King was pacing in the city.

Two more heroes lay at his feet.

A-class hero Flash Max, ranked 20th.

S-class hero Sexy Prisoner, ranked 17th, which is the last among S-class heroes.

The Deep Sea King defeated the S-class hero, which means that the severity of the disaster is still rising.


The Deep Sea King saw the shelter.

It showed a cruel smile, jumped up from the ground, landed directly on the top of the shelter, and punched through the ceiling.

Amid the screams of people in fear, it jumped in.

The rain was getting heavier.

The unlicensed knight pedaled his bicycle desperately, speeding towards the shelter.

"Hey! Riding too fast in this weather can easily cause traffic accidents."

A strange voice suddenly came out from behind, which scared the unlicensed knight.

In a panic, the bicycle slipped, and the unlicensed knight couldn't control his body and fell out.

Seeing that he was about to hit the building next to him, the unlicensed knight's body suddenly stopped in the air, as if caught by a pair of invisible big hands.

"Oh, sorry, I hope I didn't scare you."

A beautiful girl appeared in front of him. The unlicensed knight took a look and his cheeks began to turn red.

The girl drew a circle with her finger.

The unlicensed knight slowly fell from the air, and then felt the invisible force on his body disappear.

"Looking at his outfit, he should be a hero, why is he almost like an ordinary person?"

The boy standing next to the girl spoke in a tone that made others feel uncomfortable.

Mia and Sonic.

They didn't catch up with Chu Yang, so they had to enter the city to look for weirdos first, and happened to meet the unlicensed knight.

The unlicensed knight recognized Sonic, "You are the second to last hero in Class C, and your title seems to be... Flash Ninja?"

Sonic raised the corners of his mouth and nodded, "Yes, it's me!"

Mia pouted, knowing that Sonic just liked others to call him Ninja, and the more proud he was, the more uncomfortable she was.

"Do you know where the shelter in this city is?"

Mia interrupted Sonic without hesitation.

Sonic looked unhappy.

"I was just about to go there."

The unlicensed knight nodded.

"Tell us the location, you go back first, it's dangerous here." Sonic said as a matter of course.

The unlicensed knight was stunned for a moment, then laughed, "Don't look at me like this, I'm at least a C-rank, I won't cause you any trouble."

Sonic then realized that he was the second to last, so he kept a gloomy face and said nothing.

"Then let's go together."

The Unlicensed Knight took the lead, and the three of them walked towards the shelter.

On the other side.

The Deep Sea King dealt with several heroes hiding in the shelter.

It slowly walked towards the crowd.

The critical moment.

A blazing light fell from the sky.


Long before Sonic and Mia arrived in J City, Chu Yang had already entered the shelter with the crowd.

He stood quietly aside, watching several heroes being knocked down by the Deep Sea King, and watching Genos descend from the sky and fight with the Deep Sea King.

Like a competent audience.

The person that Chu Yang was interested in was neither Genos nor the Deep Sea King, but the Unlicensed Knight.

He came here just to observe this person.

The Unlicensed Knight is a very special character.

His courage, his sense of justice, and his determination to protect the weak.

If it were another world, the character of the Unlicensed Knight would definitely be the protagonist.

Chu Yang felt that he might have a bit of the luck of the protagonist.

If anyone in this world could become the second ordinary person to break through the limiter after Saitama.

Chu Yang thought that the unlicensed knight had a high chance.


Chu Yang had a bold idea.

He wanted to try to transplant Saitama's bloodline factor into the unlicensed knight to see what would happen.

The extracted bloodline factor could be backed up, so it was not a waste. Even if something went wrong, he could go to Saitama to "get some" again.

Compared with the possible losses, the data shown during the experiment was the most important.

Maybe it would be the key to finding a breakthrough limiter.

But before transplanting Saitama's bloodline factor, a little preparation was needed to let the unlicensed knight experience more growth.

Just as Chu Yang was thinking about these things, Genos had his arm torn off by the Deep Sea King.

Realizing that he might lose, Genos loudly warned the civilians to retreat, and then used his body to block everyone.

"Come on, big brother."

The little girl's encouragement suddenly changed the battle situation.

The Deep Sea King suddenly flashed in front of the little girl.

A dramatic situation occurred.

The little girl being dragged by her parents happened to stand next to Chu Yang, causing Chu Yang to be stuck between the Deep Sea King and the little girl.

The Deep Sea King was about to spit acid at the two.

Before Genos arrived, Chu Yang subconsciously reached out and pinched its mouth.

The Deep Sea King was stunned.

Genos was also stunned.

The fleeing crowd also stopped.

The acid stuck in the mouth made the Deep Sea King more uncomfortable than a mouthful of old phlegm stuck in the throat.

The mouth hurt so much that it seemed that it would be crushed in the next second.

It grabbed Chu Yang's arm with both hands and tried to pry it apart, and its face turned red, but the other party did not move at all.

Everyone stared at this scene in amazement!

The scene became weird.

The Deep Sea King gave up the idea of ​​prying his arm apart and punched Chu Yang in the face instead.

A dazzling sword light lit up.

The civilians closed their eyes subconsciously, and when they opened them again, one of the Deep Sea King's arms had already flown to their feet.

At this time, Chu Yang also let go of its mouth and wiped his hands with a look of disgust.

To be honest, it was quite disgusting.

The Deep Sea King stared at Chu Yang with fear in his eyes. He didn't even see where the sword was, let alone react.

"As expected of Sonic's master, he is really strong. That monster has no power to resist at all."

"He can't be just an A-level hero."

Sitting in the corner, Genos's broken body was sparking from time to time, and several circuits were in a short-circuited state and could not move.

"You dare to sneak attack me!"

The Deep Sea King was furious when his arm was cut off in public, and even the fear in his heart was drowned by anger.

Wanting to vent his emotions, the Deep Sea King attacked Chu Yang again.

Everyone held their breath and watched their battle nervously.

With only one arm left, the Deep Sea King's attack speed increased instead of slowing down, and his fist left a shadow in the air.

"Monsters have a common flaw. They are easily dominated by emotions and lose their rationality in battle. Once they give up thinking, they are not far from death."

Chu Yang exuded a terrifying aura. Although it was only a flash, it was still captured by Genos and the Deep Sea King.

Then, another sword light suddenly appeared.

The Deep Sea King's fist shadow paused for a moment, and the other arm also flew high.

Losing another arm finally cooled its emotions.

The Deep Sea King retreated a few steps in fear. The human in front of him didn't seem to be an opponent it could defeat.

"Be careful, it wants to run, don't let it escape!"

Genos analyzed the Deep Sea King's thoughts, but as soon as he finished speaking, the Deep Sea King turned around and jumped down from the broken wall.

The crowd burst into fierce cheers.

Chu Yang didn't want to chase, and stood quietly in place.

Because he saw Sonic outside, and the Unlicensed Knight had already run into the Deep Sea King.

Sonic and Mia also noticed Chu Yang in the shelter.

Chu Yang signaled them not to intervene and to watch the battle between the Unlicensed Knight and the Deep Sea King from the side.

Both of them looked puzzled. The Unlicensed Knight looked like an ordinary person. What could he use to fight the Deep Sea King?

But this was Chu Yang's order, so they had to do it.

The people who were out of danger moved towards the gap, wanting to watch the battle, while Chu Yang used earth escape to seal all the gaps.

The human heart is a very complex thing, and no one knows what kind of malice it will give birth to.

Which fallen heroes will they be grateful for?

not necessarily……

But they will definitely blame the heroes who can't protect them.

The battle of the undocumented knights will not be overshadowed even without an audience.

He was just doing...what he thought was right.

Chu Yang sat at the top of the shelter, silently observing the tenacity and tenacity of the undocumented knight.

On the other hand, Deep Sea King was almost driven crazy.

Sonic was looking at it.

Mia is watching it.

Chu Yang was looking at it.

The three people's gazes formed a huge pressure, all falling on it.

As a result, the undocumented knight suffered an old crime. In just a few breaths, he was beaten like a rag doll.

"You take the citizens to evacuate first, and I will find a way to hold it back."

The seriously injured undocumented knight was vomiting blood as he spoke, but he did not think of asking Sonic and Mia to help, but let them leave first.

I’m almost dying, and I’m still thinking about others.

Brother, it’s such a waste for you to not be the protagonist.

Chu Yang sighed.

It's almost time.

If you continue to fight, you may die.

Chu Yang quietly appeared next to the undocumented knight, put his hand on his shoulder, and pure life force continued to flow into his body.

The Deep Sea King still wanted to kill him, but when he saw Chu Yang suddenly appearing, his expression suddenly changed and he immediately retreated ten meters away.

"You deal with the rest and try to stay alive."

Chu Yang left the battlefield with the undocumented knight, and happened to meet Saitama walking towards him.

Saitama paused, his face stiffened, and his mind suddenly recalled the torture in the genjutsu space.

"You guys are busy, I have to leave beforehand."

It's not that Saitama can't beat Chu Yang, it's just that he doesn't want to fight this kind of enemy.

Fighting Chu Yang, Saitama felt that he was suffering from one side.

"Genos is in a bad situation in that shelter. You'd better take him away."

Chu Yang reminded.

Saitama stopped leaving, turned around and trotted towards the shelter.

at this time.

Deep Sea King is being besieged by Sonic and Mia.

One of the two people was too fast to touch, and the other kept flying in the sky.

It can only be beaten unilaterally.

If Chu Yang hadn't asked to be captured alive, the Deep Sea King would have become a corpse.

Saitama gave it a sympathetic look.

He jogged all the way into the shelter, looking for Genos who had turned into scrap metal.

The undocumented knight's condition gradually improved after his vitality was replenished. Chu Yang saw this and put him down.


"I thought you were all C-class heroes."

The undocumented knight laughed self-deprecatingly.

"Do you think you're weak?"

Chu Yang asked calmly.

"It shouldn't be a problem for someone like me to be judged as weak, right?"

"A real weak person won't use his body to block a weirdo."

"I lost. I couldn't stop the weirdo's actions at all."

“No one always wins, and no one always loses.”


The undocumented knight took a deep breath and smiled again on his face. He was always a very tough person.

"Thank you. It's nice talking to you. What's your name, please?"


"Ah! I know you, the number one A-level hero, you are so awesome, you actually pushed Sweetheart Mask away."

"He came to me once and was beaten by me before he admitted my ranking."

The undocumented knight looked at Chu Yang in surprise. He had never heard of this secret before.

Chu Yang smiled. He rarely mentioned it to others. The other party was an unlicensed knight, so he said a few more words.

"Want to become stronger?"

Chu Yang suddenly asked.

The undocumented knight was stunned for a moment, nodded, and chuckled: "No one would refuse to become stronger, right?"

"I can help you become stronger, do you want to try it?"

Chu Yang then asked.

The undocumented knight subconsciously thought that Chu Yang was a liar with ulterior motives.

"Both of them are my creations."

Chu Yang pointed at Sonic and Mia and counted.

The two men ravaged the King of the Deep Sea completely, neither killing each other nor letting him go. Their main purpose was torture.

"Ha ha ha ha!!!!"

"Hey hey hey hey!!!"

The perverted laughter of the two echoed in the ears of the undocumented knight. He was silent for a while and said solemnly: "If the price of becoming stronger is this, then forget it."

Chu Yang: "..."

"That's just their nature. Don't take it to heart. I promise there will be no side effects."

Chu Yang laughed dryly and explained quickly.

"It's better to rely on your own efforts to become stronger."

The undocumented knight politely refused again.

Chu Yang sighed and could only nod: "If you change your mind one day, you can come to the Evolution House to find me."

Chu Yang didn't want to force him, because unknown problems were likely to arise in the process of breaking through the limiter.

However, Chu Yang believed that the undocumented knight would come to him sooner or later.

When the day comes when he can't save anything because of his own incompetence, he will definitely come to find him.

The undocumented knight left.

He is no longer needed here.

The Deep Sea King on the other side has also reached his limit. Both mentally and physically, he has been ravaged to the point of disgrace.

Sonic saw this and immediately used his Sharingan to pull it into the illusion space for the final torture.

A moment later.

The Deep Sea King wailed and fainted with tears streaming down his face.

Chu Yang gave them a thumbs up.

Not bad.

You have learned all from me!

Mia used telekinesis to lift up the Deep Sea King's body, and the three of them prepared to leave J City.

The surveillance camera not far away transmitted the battle just now to the Hero Association headquarters in real time.

At this time, a group of people were sitting in front of the screen, watching this scene in silence.

"From now on, they may not leave a single monster corpse for the association."

"He can refuse to become an S-class hero for this matter. We should have realized it long ago."

"Is there no news from Blast?"

"We have to find someone to treat him. If this goes on, is there any need for the Hero Association to exist?"

After returning to the House of Evolution, Chu Yang first extracted the bloodline factor of the Deep Sea King, and then couldn't wait to perform a transplant operation on it with Kinos.

Mia received two bloodline factors last time, and Chu Yang decided to continue to increase the number of transplants.

He wanted to see what the upper limit was.

What was the probability of bloodline factors mutating?

What was the cause of the mutation?

After the Deep Sea King was pushed into the instrument, Chu Yang inserted five test tubes in the groove at once, representing five bloodline factors being transplanted into its body.

Everyone waited for the results excitedly.

The result...

The instrument exploded!

It exploded without any warning!

The power of the explosion even destroyed most of the laboratory.

Kinos was almost crushed to death on the spot.

Fortunately, Mia was quick-witted and added a telekinetic barrier to him.

Even so, Kinos was still seriously injured and needed a long period of rest to recover.

Chu Yang's expression was not good. The previous transplant was too smooth, which made him feel that success was a matter of course.

Reality gave him a big slap in the face.

"It doesn't matter. Boros will come in a while, and there will be plenty of new materials."

After comforting himself, Chu Yang began to organize people to repair the bombed laboratory.

At this moment.

In a trance, a mist came.

When Chu Yang reacted, he had already appeared in the Soul Palace.

Many familiar figures appeared one after another.

"Who passed the level?"

Chu Yang asked loudly.

Everyone looked at each other, no one answered.

A stranger suddenly walked out of the corner.

Magic Chu Yang's eyes lit up, "A newcomer is here!"

Others surrounded him.

The newcomer Chu Yang was obviously not used to it, squatting on the ground and shivering.

As everyone synchronized their recent memories, they knew that the newcomer came from the world of "Fengyun".

Half a foot stepped into the fantasy world of high martial arts.

After Fengyun Chu Yang synchronized his memories, he understood everything about the Soul Palace.

He stood quietly by and listened to everyone discussing the information about the bloodline factor.

I don't know how long it has been.

The mist came.

When they opened their eyes again, they had returned to their respective worlds.


Fengyun world.

Wushuang City.

Chu Yang traveled to this world and became a servant in Wushuang City, and the master he served was called Mingyue.

Mingyue was a very kind girl. When Chu Yang first came, he was almost beaten to death. It was Mingyue who saved him.


This kind girl did not end well.

She met a man named Nie Feng, found her true love, and changed her destiny.

Mingyue was going to die soon.

What Chu Yang had to do was to keep her alive.

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