Simultaneous time travel: From Japanese comics to American comics

Chapter 103 Reverse bounty and cruel punishment

Drunken Dragon Bagua is not Kaido's move, but a special state. When Kaido is drunk, his speed, strength and other aspects will be enhanced.

In layman's terms, it is similar to taking adrenaline.

Drunken Dragon Bagua can be said to be Kaido's strongest state, and it also means that the enemies he faces are at the same level as him.

"I didn't use this move in the battle with Kozuki Oden, and I have always regretted it over the years."

Kaido stood in front of Chu Yang, looking seriously injured, but his eyes were bright and he looked extremely excited.

Hearing Kaido mention Kozuki Oden, Chu Yang did not mock him for the first time, but asked seriously: "Is this your last words? It's shorter than I thought."

Kaido was stunned, and then laughed: "Your last words are not long either."

As soon as the voice fell, the two figures disappeared at the same time, turning into two black lightnings and crashing into each other. The entire Flower City was shaking violently, as if it was about to be silent.

Although Kaido and Chu Yang's figures are very different, their fighting styles are very similar. Both of them are open and close, and they are strong and powerful.

Kaido waved the Eight Precepts in his hand, and every time he smashed it, the Conqueror's Haki turned into black lightning and burst out from the void.

Various killing moves attacked Chu Yang in the fastest way.

And Chu Yang fought back with a wooden sword.

The collision between the slender wooden sword and the mace made people worry that the wooden sword would be broken in the next second.

But the more frightened they were, the more they couldn't take their eyes off their battle.

In just a few breaths, the two of them were devastated everywhere they passed, and the aftermath of the battle smashed everything into pieces.

The scars on Kaido's body became more visible to the naked eye.

Under the premise that the two Conqueror's Haki were comparable, Kaido found that his proud and powerful body was not as good as Chu Yang.

The human opposite, who was many times thinner than him, actually withstood the Eight Fasts several times with his body!

After Kaido was pierced through the body by the wooden sword, he was unable to heal his injuries in time. The mysterious power of the two wooden swords destroyed his body wantonly.

As one grew stronger, Kaido, who was in the state of Jiulong Bagua, gradually fell into decline. But his fighting spirit became more and more high.

He was like a candle at the end of his life, burning himself wantonly.

Since the battle of God Valley decades ago, Kaido has never encountered an enemy as powerful as Chu Yang that made him despair!

The two sides continued to fight, and the continuous collision of the domineering color covered the sky with dark clouds, which was so depressing that people could not speak.

A torrential rain suddenly fell in the Flower City.

It was the dragon that was exerting his ability.

Quinn had been forced into a dead end by him, and the battle would soon see the result.

Kaido looked up and glanced at the banquet hall. He knew that if he lost, the Beast Pirates would be destroyed.

If Jin was here, the battle wouldn't be so intense.

At least there's no need to worry about the banquet hall.

The enemy has calculated everything from the beginning, including the time Jin left Wano Country.

"Where did you get the information from? Even the World Government doesn't know what happened in Wano Country..."

This question has been lingering in Kaido's mind since Chu Yang appeared. If he might die, he must find out the answer.

Chu Yang smiled and said, "We don't know what happened in Wano Country, and we don't care. We just want to change the base for the Revolutionary Army. This is a good place with a superior geographical location and rich resources."

Kaido didn't expect the enemy's reason for the raid to be so simple. He even thought that the other party was here to save the country.

Long said from the beginning that he was here to liberate this place...

"You are different from those people. They are for ideals, and you are just for ambition."

Kaido suddenly realized that Chu Yang's starting point was different from Tiger and others.

Chu Yang did not deny it and nodded, "Yes, strictly speaking, I am the only 'bad guy' in this group."

Kaido took a deep breath, "In that case, we can cooperate. I can give you whatever you want!"

Chu Yang looked at Kaido for a while, shook his head and smiled, "Ambition and ideals can only go to the end if they support each other, and when ambition meets ambition, it will only cause disputes and destroy everything."

Seeing that persuasion was fruitless, Kaido's face was gloomy, and he was ready to fight to the death.

"Let all this end, Kaido!"

"Great Power·Thunderous Bagua!"

As Chu Yang's last words fell, Kaido used his strongest move, and the only remaining domineering color broke out completely.

On the two wooden swords, the sunlight and moonlight no longer alternated, but broke out at the same time, forming a huge millstone, swallowing Kaido.

Source Breath·Second Form·Sun and Moon Together.

The millstone rolled slowly, erasing everything under the brilliance, and the blood on Kaido's body rose like smoke, and the blood was evaporating rapidly.

Before the Eight Precepts fell, they had already disintegrated in mid-air and turned into ashes.

The green scales in the human-beast form were crushed to pieces, and soon, Kaido's body was covered in blood.

He suddenly knelt on the ground, his body trembling violently, unable to get up.

Kaido finally raised his head and looked at Chu Yang.


And... relieved!

When the sunlight and moonlight were sublimated to the extreme, the broken walls and ruins on the street were completely wiped out.

Only the empty abyss remained.

"Boss Kaido?!"

Quinn, who had been forced into a desperate situation, could no longer see Kaido's figure. He fell to the ground like a deflated balloon.

Long did not continue to take action, but asked his subordinates to lock the opponent with the sea tower stone that had been prepared long ago.

He walked out of the banquet hall and looked at the hole left by the war. tremble with fear.

How destructive is this?

Is there really anyone in the world who can resist the attack just now?

With Kaido's defeat, the remaining crew members of the Beast Pirates cannot hold on for long even if they resist.

The next thing to do is to deal with the Black Carbon Orochi and gain actual control of Wano Country.

Kozuki Momonosuke will have to wait more than ten years to appear. The regional daimyo who are capable of inheriting control have been almost persecuted by Kaido. As long as the revolutionary army does not continue to oppress the civilians of Wano Country, it will not happen for a while. Some people will jump out to resist the revolutionary army.

The role of the revolutionary army itself is not to be in power, it just needs strongholds and some arsenals.

As a benefactor who saved the country, this request was nothing.

If those warriors are not willing to reach a decent cooperation, then Chu Yang will help them do so, but the process will be slightly violent.

In the process of suppressing the Beast Pirates, Long discovered that they had contacted Jhin who had gone to Dressrosa and informed him of everything that happened here.

I believe Jhin will return support soon.

It's just too late.

However, what was revealed on the phone was not only that Jhin would be back, but also that there seemed to be reinforcements. As for who it was, Chu Yang guessed that it was most likely the Don Quixote family led by Doflamingo.

In just half a day, the banquet hall that Black Carbon Orochi had painstakingly arranged became a temporary conference hall for Chu Yang and others.

The wine table was cleared away, leaving only two maps. One was a large map of the entire world, which was relatively rough, and the other was a map of Wano.

"After actually taking over Wano, I found that the location here is much better than I expected."

Long pointed at an empty sea area on the big map and said: "This is the location of Wano Country. There are no countries around it. Even the World Government does not know anything about this place, and the distance between the two is very far... "

Tiger understood and said: "As the battle front becomes longer, the supply line will also become longer. Once a fight starts, it will consume a lot of resources. It should be difficult for the world government to make up its mind to annihilate us, because this will require the dispatch of a quite large army."

Long smiled and said: "After all, getting rid of the forces that defeated the Four Emperors cannot be solved by just a demon-slaying order."

Ivankov suddenly appeared, holding a henchman from the Beasts Pirates in his hand, and threw him in front of everyone, "This is the guy who gave Jin the message, but he doesn't seem to know our identity. "

The banquet hall was very noisy at that time, not many people heard Kaido's words, and the crew member who tipped off the news was responsible for guarding outside the banquet hall.

He was knocked down before the battle officially started. He woke up only after Kaido was defeated and contacted Jhin in a hurry through the phone bug.

"It's okay if you don't know. This way you can catch a few more big fish."

Chu Yang smiled.

After taking care of Kaido and then taking care of Doflamingo, it is equivalent to taking away the two people's black industry in one pot.

Chu Yang still has the complete technology of the blood factor in his mind. If he gets Doflamingo's factory, he can try to improve the artificial devil fruit cultivation technology, eliminate the disadvantages, and let the soldiers of the Revolutionary Army use it.

The existence of consciousness in animal-type fruits will directly affect the personality of the host. Chu Yang will not consider it. The difficulty of making natural-type fruits should be the most difficult among the three types of fruits and needs to be treated with caution.

So Chu Yang will try to create superhuman fruits first.

"Brother Tiger, I found this guy in the warehouse!"

Jinbe came out of the door, holding a person in his hand, in the same posture as Ivankov before.

And the person in his hand was none other than the Black Carbon Orochi.

The black charcoal snake has a face as gray as death.

He is the fruit ability user of the animal type phantom beast Yamata no Orochi. He has eight heads, each head has independent consciousness and represents a life.

Black Carbon Orochi originally wanted to deceive Jinbei by feigning death, but he didn't expect that Jinbei seemed to have known his ability for a long time, so he beat him half to death and took him back to the banquet hall.

Jinbe threw the black charcoal snake in front of Chu Yang and said with a smile: "If you hadn't reminded me, I might have been tricked by him. This guy is not very capable and has a lot of tricks."

The black charcoal snake suddenly raised his head and stared at Chu Yang, suddenly realizing that the other person was the one who sent him to hell.

"Spare my life!"

"I can leave the entire Wano Country in your hands, please let me go!"

Looking around, the black charcoal snake found that most of the people present were looking at Chu Yang, so he immediately fell to the ground and crawled towards Chu Yang's feet.

As soon as he got close, he was kicked away by Chu Yang.

"Send him to the big square outside, where Kozuki Oden was tortured. Hang him up and hand him over to the civilians of Wano. I heard that many people want to drink his blood and eat him. Meat."

The black charcoal snake trembled suddenly, and then his body twitched violently. He knew that there were indeed many people outside the door waiting to use his body to vent their hatred.

As a user with the Yamata no Orochi fruit ability, if someone really eats him, the process will probably be extremely long and he will suffer unspeakable pain.

"Please, don't do this. I can give you whatever you want. I can also apologize to those poor people. I will definitely apologize seriously!"

"Why don't you just kill me! Please just kill me!"

The black charcoal snake let out a shrill wail and wanted to get closer to Chu Yang, but was immediately held up by soldiers.

Long nodded slightly and signaled the soldiers to do as he was told, so the black charcoal serpent was shackled by sea tower stones and escorted to the square of the Flower Capital, where a brutal punishment awaited him.

Long also wanted to know how much anger and resentment the people here had accumulated.

Public execution of the black charcoal snake is the best way for the revolutionary army to win the hearts and minds of the people.

After dealing with the black charcoal snake, everyone sat back at the conference table. Chu Yang pointed to the edge of the map of Wano, the waterfall area where they had landed on the island.

"Everyone came from this place, so they should understand its importance. I hope that the Sun Pirates will be responsible for the defense here."

Murlocs have the ability to communicate and control fish, which makes them very suitable for guarding the waterfall area in the front mountain. As long as the enemy cannot land on the island in large numbers, they will be invincible.

There are a few elites fighting, one comes, Chu Yang takes care of one.

Tiger agreed with Chu Yang's proposal. He had thought about this issue during the process of landing on the island. The fishmen were indeed suitable for this task.

In addition, most civilians in Wano are still very wary of this group of people, especially the fish-men whose appearance is obviously different from humans.

The civilians of Wano have never seen fish-men and there is no discrimination. However, out of the survival instinct to protect themselves, they will definitely treat them with hostility. This is an objective fact.

If the two sides stay together in a short period of time, a lot of conflicts may break out. There are radicals like Aaron on the fish-men side, which will definitely intensify the conflict.

The Sun Pirates temporarily stayed at the waterfall and coastal areas, which helped both parties relieve tension.

I believe it won’t be long before everyone realizes that the fishmen are here to help them, and Tiger and others will receive equal treatment from humans for the first time here.

"How many of those weapons factories in Wano should be retained?"

"If it is not handled well, it may become a source of conflict between us and the residents of Wano Country."

Tiger asked about the most sensitive topic. You must know that among the reasons why Chu Yang moved the revolutionary army to come to Wano, these weapons factories were the top priority.

"Most of them definitely need to be dismantled. If this cannot be done, then liberating the country will become an empty talk, which violates the original intention of the establishment of the revolutionary army."

Long's tone was unexpectedly firm. Both Chu Yang and Tiger thought he would hesitate on this matter because the weapons involved the growth of the revolutionary army.

I didn’t expect Long’s consciousness to be so high. He is worthy of being a revolutionary warrior!

Tiger's expression softened, and Chu Yang smiled more. Neither of them wanted to shake the alliance's relationship in this matter.

"Almost everything that needs to be discussed has been said, and now there is only one last thing left."

Just when everyone thought the meeting could be disbanded, Chu Yang suddenly said: "We have an almost perfect stronghold. Now it is time to take a more proactive approach to resist the world government."

A proactive approach?

Long and Tiger looked at each other. One of them went around liberating the country, and the other went around telling stories about the Celestial Dragons' actions to capture slaves.

Is there a more radical approach than this?

Chu Yang's eyes were piercing.

"Starting today, we are going to put a bounty on the Navy and the World Government, just like they have always done!"

Bounty navy and world government?

Everyone gasped.

For hundreds of years, the world government has been placing bounties on others, and now it's the other way around?

The hall fell into silence.

Tiger suddenly laughed loudly and felt extremely happy, "As expected of you, you can think of such a thing."

A flash of excitement flashed in Long's eyes, and he also found Chu Yang's proposal very interesting.

"If those high-ranking Celestial Dragons wake up from sleep and find that they are being rewarded, their expressions will definitely be very exciting."

Ivankov couldn't help laughing.

"Just thinking about it makes that image very interesting."

Jinbe laughed heartily.

Even Aaron, who had always had a straight face, slowly raised the corners of his mouth, no longer looking like the whole world owed him Pele.

"Then it's decided. Once Jin is eliminated, we will immediately create a reward order to make the Tianlong people the laughing stock of the whole world."

Everyone nodded frequently, and the final decision was made by Long Pai.

Chu Yang knew that as soon as this reward order was issued, the proud Tianlong people would continuously send people to die.

Whether it is the CP0 or the navy that they value so much, they will be swallowed whole by the invisible mouth of Wano.

In the era of great pirates, when the naval forces were seriously insufficient, they would have no time to take care of the revolutionary army fighting on land.

This is the slow poison that accelerates the collapse of the Celestial Dragons.

Evening sunset.

The black charcoal snake has been placed in the square for a while. There are crowds of people around, but no one dares to come forward and do something to him.

On top of the resentment and anger, there is also a layer of fear of the black charcoal snake. Over the years, his violent methods have accumulated great power.

They just stared at the black charcoal snake, neither stepping forward nor leaving.

The Black Carbon Orochi, whose psychological defense was almost about to collapse, could only stare angrily and try to scare these civilians.

The two sides fell into a strange stalemate.


After the meeting, Chu Yang and others walked out of Orochi City and saw this scene in the square.

Chu Yang shook his head with some disappointment and slowly walked towards the black charcoal snake. When the other party saw him, his aura of confrontation with the civilians for a long time finally broke through.

The black charcoal snake cursed loudly, then looked at Chu Yang getting closer and closer, changed the subject, and began to beg for mercy. How could he still have the majesty of a local emperor with tears streaming down his face?

The civilians watching the scene were inexplicably terrified.

The person who could make Kurozumi Orochi so afraid should be as terrifying as Kaido, right?

Chu Yang's next action confirmed their thoughts.

He used his palm as a knife and chopped off one of Kurozumi Orochi's arms, then threw it in front of the civilians, and everyone immediately retreated three feet away.

Not to mention them, even their companions felt a tingling scalp.

Chu Yang didn't say much.

He glanced coldly at the group of civilians, and left amid the howling of Kurozumi Orochi.

A moment later, a woman emerged from the crowd. Her eyes were numb, her face was haggard, and she looked like she was about to die.

But the moment she saw the flesh and blood of Kurozumi Orochi, a terrifying cold light suddenly burst out in the woman's eyes, and she pounced on it like a wolf and bit it madly.

The civilians nearby all recognized this woman. Her children all died of hunger and cold because of the oppression of Kurozumi Orochi.

As the woman's behavior stimulated everyone, more and more people joined the action of eating flesh and blood. Some people did it out of hatred, while others were simply hungry...

Soon, the arm was eaten by them. These civilians naturally locked their eyes on Kurozumi Orochi, who was terrified and scared to the point of being unable to speak.

They slowly approached, expressionless, with red light in their eyes, like a group of zombies in the end of the world.

Scream! Curse! Wailing!

Until Kurozumi Orochi's cries were completely drowned out by the sound of eating, this tragedy that lasted for more than ten years finally came to an end.

And Chu Yang also had the title of "King of Hell" in private from today.

The public execution of venting anger established the image of the Revolutionary Army and accelerated the progress of friendly coexistence between the two sides.

As the news of the death of Kurozumi Orochi and Kaido spread throughout Wano Country, a large number of people flocked to the Flower Capital within a few days.

Some people admired Kurozumi Orochi's broken body in the square, while others went to the quarry to watch the hard work of the crew of the Beasts Pirates.

They used different methods to confirm the authenticity of the news, and then spontaneously ran around to spread the good news.

A large number of weapons factories were destroyed, and the remaining ones could not pollute the environment of Wano Country. Chu Yang used Wood Release to quickly restore the natural vitality nearby.

Not long after, flowers bloomed again in the Flower City.

Orochi Castle became the temporary base of the Revolutionary Army.

The General's Mansion was returned to the people of Wano Country by the Revolutionary Army. As for how to use it, that was their business.

Everyone chose to guard silently until a new general appeared. At the same time, they gradually acquiesced to the Revolutionary Army's control over this place.

With the help of the Revolutionary Army, the people's livelihood in the Flower City is recovering in an orderly manner.

Post-war reconstruction has always been their strong point.

A fortress-like town is quietly being built at the waterfall mouth. This will be the first line of defense. Chu Yang and the Sun Pirates will be stationed here for a long time.

Because the memory left to the civilians before was too deep, Chu Yang felt that he should stay away from them for a while.

Most importantly, he couldn't stand the numb eyes of those people, which would make him uncontrollably angry.

At least he will not show up before the vitality is restored there.

A week after the post-war reconstruction, samurai began to appear near the Flower Capital. They were intentionally or unintentionally contacting the Revolutionary Army, trying to understand the intentions of the Revolutionary Army.

With a half-suspicious and half-hopeful attitude, the samurai and the Revolutionary Army sat at the negotiation table.

Led by the young Hiyori Kozuki, Denjiro, one of the former Nine Red Scabbards, who used the alias Kyoshiro, was the main person in charge of the negotiations, and there was also the Daimyo of the Hakumai region, Yasuie Shimotsuki, who had been hiding his identity for many years.

Denjiro and Yasuie Shimotsuki did not think that the negotiation method could take back the ruling power of Wano Country. They were not naive enough to this extent.

The two just hoped that Hiyori Kozuki could restore his name, stay in the Shogun's Mansion, and be recognized by the people through their own efforts in the future.

Judging from the performance of the Revolutionary Army during this period, they are trustworthy, and even if they fail to reach an agreement, their lives will not be threatened.

But the two did not expect that the Revolutionary Army readily agreed to their request and said that they would assist Hiyori Kozuki to rebuild Wano Country.

The deceptions that were predicted before coming did not happen, which made Denjiro feel particularly ashamed.

Shimotsuki Yasuie took the initiative to make concessions, and on behalf of Hiyori Kozuki, he gave the Revolutionary Army many conveniences as an ally, making it easier for them to do things in Wano Country.

The two sides hit it off.

The news that Hiyori Kozuki returned to the Shogun's Mansion spread, and a large number of samurai scattered around the country regrouped to form a huge force.

And this force will also help Chu Yang and others fight against the World Government.

After the Beasts Pirates were attacked, Jin did not return to help immediately, but used Doflamingo's connections to find out the news.

As the boss of the underground black market, the Don Quixote family has always been excellent in intelligence capabilities in war, and they are always paying attention to the movements of some huge forces.

Jin suspected Whitebeard, because Kozuki Oden was once the captain of his second team. If Whitebeard knew about Wano Country, it is possible to attack the Beasts Pirates.

The Whitebeard Pirates also have the ability to defeat the Beasts Pirates head-on.

But as more and more information came to Jin's hands, he found that the whole thing had nothing to do with Whitebeard, who had stayed in his own territory without moving.

If Whitebeard didn't go, then the captains under his command would be even less likely to go to Wano Country, and they would have no chance of winning if they went.

"The World Government has a deal with us, there is no reason to suddenly turn against us, and the Navy has been very quiet..."

Jin thought about it, and then moved his eyes to "Big Mom" ​​Charlotte Linlin, and the result was the same answer.

Who is it?

Jin had no answer, but he could no longer sit and do nothing.

Since Big Mom was not the mastermind, they could join forces.

Jin thought so and took the initiative to contact Charlotte Linlin, who was far away on the World Cake Island. After paying a high enough price, he got a strong helper.

If Kaido is in trouble, everything the Beasts Pirates have will no longer exist. Only if Kaido is alive can the Beasts Pirates make a comeback at any time.

The price is only temporary.

"How about taking me with you for such an important matter?"

Just as Jin was about to leave Dressrosa, Doflamingo took the initiative to find him and asked to go to Wano Country together.

"What are you planning?"

"We are partners. Kaido is in trouble, so of course I have to show some gratitude."

Jin frowned.

Looking at Doflamingo coldly, he didn't think the other party would be so kind.

This is exactly the case.

Doflamingo just wants to confirm the result of the war.

If the Beasts Pirates win, then everything will remain the same, and he can still gain some goodwill.

But if the country of Wano changes its master, then he will have to negotiate a new business and find a new partner. Of course, no matter what the situation is, he can't be the loser.

With Big Mom's help, Jin doesn't care about Doflamingo's position, but it's good to have more combat power, so he nodded and agreed to the other party's request.

Back to the palace of Dressrosa, a group of Don Quixote family cadres appeared here.

"I say, I say, Dov, do we have to participate in this? It feels very dangerous..."

As one of the senior cadres, Trebol's image is very sloppy, always snotting, like a wretched uncle.

"Idiot, how can you not go and have a look? Our weapons factory is still there. If anything goes wrong, who will be responsible?!"

Sitting on the sofa, Diamante clasped his hands together and dragged his chin, his face gloomy. The underground black market has been out of stock for some time. If the transaction is delayed, there may be big problems.

Doflamingo heard this and slowly took out a bottle of red wine from the counter. With a "pop" sound, the cork was pulled out by him.


The whole bottle of red wine quickly went into Doflamingo's stomach. He wiped his mouth and showed a creepy smile, his expression like the joker in a poker card.

"I don't care who wins or loses this war, but if there is a problem with the weapons factory, wait for my revenge!"


Wano Country.

The Waterfall Fortress was quickly completed with the accumulation of a large amount of manpower and material resources. As an important gateway related to the safety of Wano Country, everyone attaches great importance to it.

It is called a fortress, but in fact, the architectural style is in the same vein as the Flower City. It is a majestic nine-story attic.

Chu Yang named it "Fei Liu Pavilion"!

Most of the Sun Pirates live in the three lower floors of Fei Liu Pavilion, because they are close to the pirate ships at the port, and can immediately enter combat mode once there is any disturbance.

Tiger, Jinbei, and Arlong all live in the middle floor. Chu Yang found that the fishmen don't seem to like high places.

Only Chu Yang lives on the top floor.

Holding the railing and looking at the sea of ​​clouds in the distance, there is always a feeling of "wanting to see the world from a thousand miles away". Chu Yang likes it very much, so he often stands here.

Another advantage is that with his eyesight and domineering, standing at such a high place, he can even find the enemy faster than the monitor.

The secret passage in the back mountain has been destroyed by Chu Yang, and people outside can only pass by this road honestly.

"There are guests coming..."

Chu Yang was still wondering how long it would take for Jin to come back, but suddenly a shadow appeared on the horizon, which was a huge pterosaur wrapped in black leather.

It looked quite funny at first glance.

Chu Yang's mouth corners rose.

Jin flew around Wano Country and saw the majestic attic built on the top of the waterfall, and also saw that the weapons factory that should have been lined up became empty.

The mountains, rivers, and plants regained vitality, and the sky and the river became exceptionally clear and transparent.

All signs indicate that the Beast Pirates seem to have become history.

Jin couldn't accept it, and didn't want to believe it.

He flew to the back mountain and tried to enter through the secret passage. No one opened the mechanism for him, so he used brute force to destroy the obstacles.

As a result, he found that the road inside had been completely blocked and could not pass at all.

Kaido would never block this secret passage.

There is only one answer -

The winner is not Kaido!

The extreme grief and anger almost made Jin crazy. He restrained himself from thinking in the worst direction, and immediately flew out of the back mountain, returned to the waterfall in the front mountain, and reunited with the Big Mom Pirates.

"How is it? Can we pass through the secret passage you mentioned?"

Doflamingo walked to Jin's side with a cynical look on his face. If possible, he hoped that his vision could penetrate the mask and see the other's expression.

Jin shook his head slowly, "The passage has been blocked. We can only go up from here."

Doflamingo looked up at the waterfall, "It seems that only we can go up here, others..."

Just as Jin was about to answer the other's question, a voice suddenly came from the side.

"Just use fish." The man was slender, wearing a light yellow long coat, a candy hat on his head, and a candy cane in his hand.

This man is Perospero, the eldest son of the Four Emperors Charlotte Lingling and the Candy Minister of Cake Island.

Perospero pointed to his pirate ship. Several carps were tied in front of the Queen Mother Anthem.

Doflamingo, who came alone to help out, was happy to watch the show. Anyway, he only wanted to work but not contribute any effort.

The fleet, dragged forward by the big fish, began to climb the waterfall.

Jhin transformed into his pterosaur form again and flew to the top of the waterfall, intending to clear the way for everyone.

He knew very well the consequences of being attacked during this process.

The attic that stood at the top of the waterfall was not pleasing to Jhin's eyes.

The Sun Pirates discovered through the monitor that someone was breaking in, and all crew members immediately entered combat mode.

Tiger walked onto the deck and shouted: "The enemy is very strong, but we cannot retreat. We must prevent them from landing on the island. Reinforcements will arrive soon!"

They had just defeated the Beast Pirates not long ago, and the sea was their home ground, so the crew members were very confident.

"They chose the same way to land on the island as we did! This is a very stupid decision. Let them know why the fish-men are called the fish-men."

After saying a few encouraging words, Tiger ordered the ship to be sailed and aimed the ship's gunfire at the waterfall.

The way the fishmen fight is not limited to boats. As mentioned before, the sea is their home field, and most of the fishmen jump into the sea.

"Remember, give priority to controlling the fish schools. If those people lose control of their boats, they will fall in!"

Jinbei led his companions into the sea and slowly approached the cliff of the waterfall.

"Brother Tiger, there seems to be something in the sky..."

"A big black bird?"

"No, it's a pterosaur! It rushed towards Feiliu Pavilion!"

"Don't worry, Yang is still up there!"

Tiger took out the telescope and put it on the bridge of his nose. He looked up and saw the pterosaur passing over their heads. He found that the pterosaur was wrapped in black leather and was obviously an ability user.

"It's Kaido's fire disaster!"

Tiger took a deep breath, shook his head and said: "Don't worry about him, we just need to make sure to shoot down all the enemies climbing the waterfall, and let Yang handle the rest!"

On the other side, after Jhin flew to the top floor of the attic, he suddenly found a figure standing there.

The man smiled at me, as if he had been waiting for a long time.

"It took you so long to come here? I thought you had given up on your own captain, or was it that the outside world was too big and you were lost?"

Chu Yang yawned out of boredom.

Jin stared at Chu Yang, feeling a strong hunch that the man in front of him must be related to the life and death of Boss Kaido.

"Where is Boss Kaido?"

Jin suppressed his anger and asked coldly.


Chu Yang replied casually.

"Impossible! Let me ask you again, where is Boss Kaido?!"

Jhin couldn't accept this answer. He was on the verge of rage, ready to attack at any time.

"Are you naive or can't you accept the truth?"

"Since I'm standing here, Kaido must be the one who dies. How many times do I need to repeat such a simple truth?"

Chu Yang shook his head in disappointment.

The uncertainty about Kaido's life and death coupled with Chu Yang's attitude finally made Jhin's anger reach its limit. He soared into the sky like a fighter jet, quickly gained altitude, and then swooped down towards Chu Yang on the top floor of the attic.

Chu Yang stepped on the railing and soared into the sky!

The whole person turned into a white line and rushed towards Jhin, rising faster than Jhin fell.

Jhin's pupils shrank, but he never thought of avoiding it. He is an animal fruit ability user, how could he lose to ordinary people in terms of physical strength?

Jhin's body began to burn, bursting into flames. This was the talent of the Lunaria tribe and had nothing to do with Devil Fruit.

"Emperor Dan Gong!"

Jin spread his wings and used his flame-covered wings to hit Chu Yang, who was flying at high speed in mid-air.

at the same time.

Chu Yang's whole body was filled with thunder and lightning, and he entered the state of Thunder Escape Armor.

Bend your arms at ninety degrees, like a sickle.

The black wings and arms collided with fierce sparks, and the lightning suppressed the flames on Jhin's body.

Jhin actually smelled the burning aroma from his wings.


The sound of cracking bones was heard.

Jin groaned in pain, his eyes full of disbelief.

How could this man's body be so hard? !

Stronger than animal-type ability users? !

Jhin was shocked and angry.

Since the physical body did not have the advantage, he simply gave up his pterosaur form and transformed into the human beast form.

In his human-animal form, Jhin's arms and wings merged to form even larger black wings. With a wave of his hand, he could unleash dozens of incredibly powerful wind blades.

Seeing the wind blades coming, Chu Yang didn't dodge. Those wind blades hit him like rain falling on the eaves, dripping, without leaving any scars.

"Get down here!"

Chu Yang appeared on top of Jhin's head and stomped hard on his forehead.

His head was hit hard, Jhin's vision went dark, he fell into a coma, and fell from a high altitude.

"Why did Jhin fall from the sky?" Everyone on the Queen Mother's Anthem was stunned.

Charlotte Lingling, who didn't look too bloated at that time, frowned and said, "Could someone have beaten him down?"

Doflamingo was afraid that the world would be in chaos, so he laughed loudly, "It's a bit embarrassing to be beaten in your own territory, Jhin."

Perospero warned sinisterly: "It's not a good habit to laugh at your allies, Doflamingo."

Doflamingo sneered, "Do you have any objections?"

There was tension between the two and the atmosphere was tense.

"That's almost it. Don't let the enemy see the joke. I remember you are here to help, right? Doflamingo."

Charlotte Lingling looked unkind and reminded Doflamingo to be cautious.

"Of course, the Beast Pirates are my closest partners!"

Doflamingo lowered his stance and took a step back in time.

However, I have already made a note in my heart and plan to pay it back in the future.

Just when there was an argument on the boat, no one noticed that the big fish pulling the boat began to secretly change direction.

It turns out that the murlocs have already sneaked under the fleet.

The fishmen used their talent to communicate with fish to control the big fish to secretly disrupt their travel routes. Before long, several pirate ships collided with each other.

It wasn't until the Queen Mother's Anthem was spinning crazily that Charlotte Lingling noticed something strange about the big fish!

"Everyone, be careful! There's something weird under the boat!"

Charlotte Lingling simply summoned Zeus, lifted herself up, and floated in the air.

As a user with the ability of the Soul Soul Fruit, Charlotte Lingling can give soul to anything and create a special life form, which she calls "Homitz".

Zeus is a thundercloud infused with soul.

In addition, there is a flame with a soul - the sun Prometheus; a bicorn hat with a soul - Napoleon!

These special "Homitz" have very powerful abilities that can give Charlotte Lingling the upper hand in battles with her enemies.

Zeus carried Charlotte Lingling into the sky, and the next second, the Queen Mother's Anthem slammed into another pirate ship.

The violent impact caused many crew members on the deck to fall into the sea. The pirate ship was seriously damaged, and seawater quickly poured into the cabin from the damaged areas.

Doflamingo embedded thin wires into the cliff walls on both sides of the waterfall, built steps, and walked in the air without being affected.

The big fish suddenly went berserk, causing nearly half of the pirate ships in the fleet to fall from the waterfall, while the remaining half could only hold on.

Charlotte Lingling knew that if this continued, the entire fleet might be destroyed, so she directly injected her soul into the waterfall.

A human face suddenly appeared in the waterfall.

Charlotte Lingling shouted: "Send us up!"

"Okay, Mom."

The waterfall face actually responded to her!

Then the water flow reversed and the pirate ship was washed up!

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