Simulation: Great Power Technology

Chapter 405 Who Reported The Tickets Before Coming?

Three days later, in a conference room in the north of the island.

Several business representatives of TSMC gathered at the conference table to discuss the subsequent negotiation strategy with Xinghuo Factory.

However, what they are discussing today is not only the cooperation method, benefit distribution, market division, etc., but some things that should not have been put on the table, outside the market.

This is their helpless move, because everyone knows that if the other side is really determined to target TSMC, then it can almost be said that they will not be able to survive the first round of blows anyway.

Therefore, instead of sitting still, it is better to find out the details of the other party first, and then prescribe the right medicine according to their determination and strategy, and strive for the best interests for themselves.

In order to achieve this, they have had to accept official advice and take some officially-backed, in their opinion stupid actions, which, as they expected, did not yield any benefits, but fortunately, so far, the It didn't bring any big losses either.

At most, the other party showed some dissatisfaction with their own negligence, and the meeting originally scheduled to be held on the second day of the landing was forcibly postponed and has not been held until now.

"...So, our previous actions have indeed aroused the other party's disgust. During these three days, we made an average of two greeting calls a day to them, but the reply was 'no hurry'. ."

"They didn't seem to be interested in cooperation matters, but they asked our receptionist several times about action payments."

"I want to ask, does everyone know about mobile payment? What is their intention to ask this?"

The speaker is Gao Wenxiong, the head of TSMC's business development department. Although his job on the surface is a series of so-called industrial analysis, strategy formulation, structural optimization, etc., but in fact, everyone knows this department. It is the last stop of the succession and the most powerful role under the CEO.

After hearing his question, the conference room fell silent for a while, and after a long time, someone raised their hand and answered:

"I heard from our guest workers that they have been traveling in the north of the island for the past two days, and there are many payment scenarios. Is it because they are used to the mobile payment there, so they have difficulty using banknotes? If that's the case, we can use that to open up and build a personal relationship with them first."

"After all, our ultimate goal is to cooperate. We have not even talked about it, and we will just tear up our face, isn't it good?"

Gao Wenxiong nodded slightly and said:

"Your guess has some truth, but I don't think they will be so boring. The so-called wandering around is just a response to our previous attitude - yes, they are these days. Where did you go?"

Hearing his question, the director of the guest labor department in charge of customer reception answered:

"The Forbidden City Museum, Jinghua City, Yangmingshan Park, Xinbeitou Hot Spring... I have already visited the scenic spots near the north of the island, and they have chosen the highest standard of service, it seems that they are having a good time. Relaxed look."

"They didn't take the initiative to contact us during this process, and they didn't even show any concern when we mentioned the business. I think it's abnormal..."

However, before he could finish speaking, Gao Wenxiong interrupted him directly.

"What's wrong with this?"

The guest worker supervisor was stunned for a moment, and then asked:

"Isn't that unusual? In my impression, they're all workaholics, and both..."

"And what? Are you all polite?"

"...Yes, they're polite, but this time they weren't polite at all."

Hearing this, Gao Wenxiong showed a mocking look on his face.

"You're welcome? Peng Yiyu, how is it now, the brain above is sick, and it has infected you, right?"

"Can you use your pig brain to think about why they used to be diligent and polite?"

"That's because they're climbing!"

"We used to be the number one in the industry. They always asked us if they had any questions. Of course they were polite. Now?

"Go to the Bamboo Federation and ask, is there any reason in this world for the boss to be polite to the second child? The second child disobeyed the boss, so it would be nice if they didn't chop off their hands and feet. How polite? What kind of politeness?"

"What is it? Do you think we still have a trump card? Our trump card is just a new product of asml! When the machine comes out, everyone may have updated it to the sub-nanometer level! What's the use?"

Having said that, Gao Wenxiong took a deep breath and forcibly suppressed the nameless fire in his heart.

I really can't stand these idiots in front of me.

----No, not just in front of you, but those idiots from above who are not in this conference room now.

They actually thought that "the advantage is in me", don't they know that the last person who said this sentence has been driven to this small island and died in depression?

It was so funny!

The guest worker supervisor opposite was scolded by him and dared not answer at all. After a long time, he continued to ask:

"How about what our drivers have collected? Is there any information available?"

The guest worker supervisor shook his head and replied:

"No... neither the information we need nor the information we need has been collected."

"As I said just now, they really seem to be traveling these days, and they are talking about eating, drinking and drinking."

"Moreover, their identity in front of the driver is a tea merchant from there. The driver has hinted it several times, but the topic has not been brought up to the chip."

"I think either they really don't care, or...they're probably a little tougher to deal with than we think."

Gao Wenxiong snorted softly and deliberately asked:

"What do you think? Which do you think is more likely?"

"...I's possible, after all, the other party is still very young..."

"Mother Gan Lin! You are young!"

Hearing the other party's answer, Gao Wenxiong stood up angrily and slapped the table hard, then cursed:

"You've made two mistakes today, and if you make a third mistake in the next discussion, just don't do it, pack up and get out of this conference room -- no, just get out Get out of the company, understand?"

"You think they are young? Sales representatives and technical directors of the most advanced Spark factory in the world, do you think they are young?"

"You can't handle the three things they have handled! That Huang Qi has handled more orders in a year than you have received! Do you think he is young? You have lived on dogs for 40 years. ?"

The more Gao Wenxiong spoke, the more angry he became. His harsh scolding echoed throughout the conference room. No one dared to refute at this time, because they could all see that Gao Wenxiong was not only angry at this time, but more... ....anxiety.

Even, there is fear.

It's time for him to take over as CEO next month, but at this time, the opponent chose to launch their attack.

Everyone knows that the so-called cooperation negotiation this time is just a "letter of persuasion" thrown out by the other side. If one's own side doesn't handle it well, I am afraid that what follows is swords, guns and sticks.

Who can stand their swords and sticks?

Even the ugly people are staying away!

Although I know that everyone doesn't know the inside story, the fact is that the aircraft carrier formation that was originally swimming in the Western Pacific can't even see the shadow of a ship.

How confident are you that you want to be tough at this time?

It is impossible to win with rigidity, and the only option is to use negotiation methods to protect their own interests as much as possible.

After more than half an hour, Gao Wenxiong finally finished venting. He sat back on the chair in frustration, sighed deeply and said:

"I personally called and invited them to come and meet."

"This time, you have to do your best to help me eliminate the influence from Shangfeng."

"If I get screwed up again, then I... plan to submit my resignation directly."


In the afternoon, Huang Qi finally received the call he had been waiting for. The other party sincerely expressed his apology for the poor reception and also explained to Huang Qi the reason for the problem.

"... These days I've been really busy, Huang Xiansen, you know, we're about to change the term, there's a lot of things going on inside the company... I This business development minister is not easy to do."

"I heard that you guys are having a good time in the north of the island these days. I will make arrangements later, not only in the north of the island, but also in other cities."

"Don't worry, I will definitely accompany you in person!"

"By the way, do you think our meeting will be scheduled for tomorrow? Or the day after tomorrow, it depends on your time!"

Hearing Gao Wenxiong's words, Huang Qi no longer took the pretense of being in front of other foreign workers, but replied directly:

"It can be done tomorrow. We've been looking forward to meeting Mr. Gao for a long time. It's been two years since we were in Shencheng last time."

"However, apart from the time, I have a small question..."

"What problem? You bring it up, we promise to solve it!"

Huang Qi looked at Liu Shuang who was beside him, with a somewhat conspiracy-successful smile on his face, then he cleared his throat and asked:

"Mr. Gao, you said, do you want to report the cost of our inspections in the city these days?"

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