Silent Reading

Chapter 82: Macbeth (twenty-three)

Lang Qiao glanced out at the gloomy sky outside the window, feeling more and more dark: "Brother, isn't it, how did you run? When did you find it? Several of you, can't even see the old man, is it okay? "

Luo Wenzhou reached out and took the call from her.

The criminal police over the phone was very grieved, because before that, in addition to Zhou ’s economic problems that required several key figures to be restricted from going abroad, the investigation of Zhou Huaijin ’s kidnapping case focused on Yang Bo, Hu Zhenyu, and Zhou Huaixin. Of course, Kaifeng also kept people around, but they did not list Zheng Kaifeng as the focus of surveillance, and did not pay close attention to it-after all, no matter whether they are fighting for inheritance or fighting illegitimate children, they have nothing to do with his elderly.

If it wasn't for Dong Xiaoqing's assassination of the Brothers of the Zhou Family, as soon as the weekend arrived, the stalking might be withdrawn from him.

"This morning, Zheng Kaifeng went to the Zhou's building in the city center as usual. We followed for a day and just came out of the company. We watched him get on the car in the parking lot and followed Zheng Kaifeng's villa in the city all the way. When you see the boss, you need to ask him for an inquiry. At that time, the car didn't enter the gate of his house, we stopped it, and found that the old man in the car was not him at all! "

"I do n’t know if I ’m being transferred, or if your eyes are puffing on your face for gasping or eating." Luo Wenzhou hated iron and steel, and then he said a little, and said, "Take those few All the acquaintances who led you away, brought back, Tao Ran, took someone to the Zhou's building, adjusted the monitoring, applied for a search warrant, Zheng Kaifeng's office location, domestic bank account, and residence ... Check them all, there must be a problem with this person Or else what does he run? "

"Lang Er, several of you contacted the transportation department, set up cards on all highways and national highways entering and leaving the city, and issued security notices to airports, train stations, and coach stations. Note that Zheng Kaifeng's physical characteristics are moving. Now It's too late to let him leave Yancheng! "

Lang Qiao was looking forward to finishing work after Zhou Huaijin tried her. She took a taxi and caught up with the movie at night, so it seemed to be a complete loss. I ca n’t help but mourn: “How come we have so many things lately, both Blame it! "

Tao Ran thought that what she said had something to do with the case, and asked quickly: "What is the opposite?"

Lang Qiao was weak: "Mercury retrograde, Mercury retrograde."

The Vice-Chan Tao who grew up in the cave was inexplicable. He didn't understand the vernacular of this cottage: "Ah? Where is the opposite? Aren't they all from west to east?"

"..." Lang Qiao took a sigh of relief and patted Tao Ran's shoulders in sympathy. "Okay, Vice President Tao, we all know that you don't have a girlfriend anymore-I mean this year is really abnormal. From the first half to Now, how many shifts do we have? The workload of one month has exceeded the whole year of last year. One case after another is still a big case—either a branch office accident or a serial abduction and killing that lasted more than 20 years. The case surfaced, and the last time was a big-name grievance. It was full of troubles. I said, leaders and colleagues, are we here still a peaceful and peaceful international metropolis? How do I feel that I am on the front line in Syria? "

When she said that she was not interested, Tao Ran heard it, but she murmured--

Yes, this frequency is not normal at all.

Indeed, this city is too big and crowded, and there will always be some places that are contaminated by dirt. People living under the bright sky will not notice, but the reason why dysentery can become dysentery and can persist for a long time, it must have been It has evolved a certain way of survival and concealment, which may be shaken out one by one as the society continues to progress ... but it will not always be so clever and so concentrated?

For the past half a year, everything seemed to be a red earth tied by a lead, a Mars went down, and all of them exploded.

Tao Ran thought of the mysterious "zero reading" for no other reason, and could not help Luo Wenzhou when he had come to the door and called to him: "Wait, Lao Luo!"

Luo Wenzhou stepped forward.

Tao Ran said, "You still remember Master ..."

Luo Wenzhou said "Ah", before he finished speaking, he quickly said: "Yes, yes, I know, Lao Yang's death day is coming, if you remind me that I almost forgot, so this case must be as soon as possible Come to an end, you have to buy flowers to see Madam in a few days! "

Tao Ran stunned.

Luo Wenzhou gave him a deep look, and reached out and pushed Fei Du's shoulder: "The bus is not enough to deploy, drive your own car, come back to reimburse you for the gas money, do not want to work overtime on the weekend, hurry up!"

He finished speaking quickly, urging Feidu to walk quickly.

"Deputy Team Tao, shall we go to Zhou's Building now?"

It wasn't until Xiao Haiyang's sudden voice behind him that Tao Ran turned back: "Huh? Huh ... Yeah, go-there should still be someone from the Economic Investigation Division's colleague. I'm driving. You call their responsible person ... "

Luo Wenzhou not only interrupted him, but also said something wrong-only acquaintances could understand it.

Their sister-in-law, that is, Lao Yang's wife, was a busy career-oriented woman. When Lao Yang was still there, they hadn't met the sister-in-law. Later, Lao Yang was killed, and she felt a lot of blows. It was the job of the police that took away her loved ones. After that, she was particularly reluctant to see Lao Yang's former colleagues. Therefore, Luo Wenzhou did not bother her as much as possible. They quietly went to the grave one day in advance each year. While taking advantage of Lao Yang's daughter Yang Xin for the winter vacation, she secretly called out the child and stuffed her with New Year's goods and New Year's money.

They will not "buy flowers to see the mother-in-law"-the mother-in-law is allergic to pollen. This is also the Spring Festival last year, Luo Wenzhou accidentally whim and bought more bunches of flowers, Yang Xin told them, they knew.

Tao Ran frowned, and Luo Wenzhou interrupted him with such a sentence that he didn't have four or six words, what did he imply?

"Your car is too swaying," Luo Wenzhou turned around and closed the door of Feidu's giant suv. "Slightly crowded parking lot is not easy to squeeze in, and it costs money-hey, look at the door."

Fei Du steadily drove the car out of the gate, turned to the intersection, and turned on the car radio. The signal was clear and smooth, and there was nothing abnormal.

"It looks like I don't have eavesdropping equipment here." Fei Du turned the radio down, reached out and touched a small, inconspicuous device below the bridge, scanned it and saw that there were no abnormalities in the car, and he smiled. "After all, I change cars every day and I don't know how many there are."

Luo Wenzhou nodded his head tiredly and stretched out--

The mysterious email sent to the Dong family happened to pass by the police investigating the Dong family. Xiao Haiyang therefore hinted that the person who sent the email was familiar with the style of the municipal bureau, most likely an insider. Luo Wenzhou took him back at the time, in fact it was Rejected this speculation.

Because the police investigation of the Dong family is open, when they come and when they withdraw, even the neighbors who live in the same community know that they can't avoid the eyes of the caring person. If the courier who sent the courier is the suspect It's very easy to avoid the police, no ghosts at all.

Xiao Haiyang's speculation cannot be used as a basis.

All colleagues who live with each other day and night, Luo Wenzhou is unwilling to doubt anyone for nothing.

But the timing of Zheng Kaifeng's escape was too delicate.

Dong Xiaoqing's assassination of Zhou Huaijin was around noon. At that time, the situation was too chaotic. Luo Wenzhou patronized the chase. Fei Du was at Zhou Huaixin's side. He was unable to control the scene. Many reporters were present. The first wave of police officers still Did not arrive, the report has been seen in various media.

If Zheng Kaifeng ran away immediately after reading the news at that time, that would be normal-but if that's the case, he would have left the city long ago without knowing where to go.

But it is clear that when the news of Dong Xiaoqing's assassination of Zhou Huaijin just came, the old **** Zheng Kaifeng was there, and he didn't think it could be anything to do with him--because 21 years ago, he and Zhou Junmao didn't know that there was a frightening battle outside the study door. juvenile.

So why did Zhou Huaijin fled immediately after telling the secrets of 21 years ago?

The entire criminal investigation team ... or the city bureau, who is his eavesdropping ear?

"According to common sense," Fei Du suddenly said, "You really shouldn't take my car now. After all, from all angles, I'm more like the" inner ghost "among you."

Luo Wenzhou glanced at him.

"First of all, I know Zheng Kaifeng and I'm familiar with Zhou's than any of you." Fei Du's hand relaxedly rested on the steering wheel. "Second, the whole incident happened after I came. According to normal logic, Based on an analysis of historical credit history, newcomers are always the most suspicious. "

Luo Wenzhou smiled unwillingly: "In your eyes, isn't your brother just a confidant who just turned his head and doubted the other person's scum?"

Fei Du for a moment.

Luo Wenzhou didn't wait for him to say, and said, "I know it's not you, because you are a very independent person. The relationship with other people only stops at the exchange of interests. I really can't think of anything. My beauty is more attractive to you than your brother. "

Fei Du: "..."

When he coaxed people, sweet words always blurted out, and his consciousness was already high. However, he learned that Luo Shen, a character who has nothing to do with sweet words to coax himself, realized that he was far behind in this respect and should be humble.

"That's right," Fei Du had no choice but to reconsiderate his boast. "Does it mean that I can drive now and park my car on the side of the road to kiss you?"

"No, what's the matter." The honest team said publicly and privately. "In addition, I know that you are thinking, your brother may be mentally retarded, but I just said it for my handsome sake."

Fei Du looked at the bowl of noodles in the evening and really didn't want to ridicule him, but he had nothing else to say but to shut up.

"Actually, because I heard you ask Zhou Huaijin in the interrogation room," Luo Wenzhou said, "After his brother's accident, Zhou Huaijin did not question why Dong Xiaoqing did this. You inferred at the time that Zhou Huaijin may have a vague idea of ​​what happened to Dong Xiaoqing, but this matter He must have remembered it after he was stimulated, otherwise he would n’t risk her approaching from the beginning-Hu Zhenyu is Zhou Huaijin's, Zhou Huaixin is his baby brother, and Yang Bo is the object of his close calculation recently. These three people are related, so his response should not be so slow. "

Fei Du nodded: "Indeed, when I was in the hospital in the afternoon, I was thinking whether this Dong Xiaoqing has something to do with Zheng Kaifeng."

Luo Wenzhou said, "If you and Zheng Kaifeng belong to a group, you cannot know anything about him. With your intelligence, you can probably infer what he is going to say before Zhou Huaijin speaks. Then Zheng Kaifeng could not have been notified at this time. "

This reason sounds more reasonable and well-founded, and Feidu accepted without objection: "He only ran at this time, it is indeed a bit late."

Luo Wenzhou sighed: "Fei Du, if I have no reason or logic, there is only one sentence," I believe in you ", what will happen to you?"

Fei Du froze, and then the corner of his eyes slyly bent, deliberately lowering his voice and saying, "I will be very touched, I can't help kneeling at your feet."

"Don't be **** ridiculous," Luo Wenzhou leaned back, "you just think I'm either lacking my heart or talking nonsense with my eyes open."

Fei Du smiled, but did not refute.

"Do you remember Wang Xiujuan? It's He Zhongyi's mother. If she is sitting here, even if you raise the knife to her chest, she won't think you will kill her. Do you think her trust in you is indifferent? ? "

Fei Du avoids stressing and said lightly: "It's rude to discuss the intelligence of an elderly lady behind the scenes-besides Pingshui meets, she doesn't know me."

"I have known you for more than seven years, and I should have known you," Luo Wenzhou said. "I also choose to trust you. Of course, if you disappoint me one day, I will be very sad. I may not love you if I am sad. "

Fei Du was supposed to crawl back and laugh and go back, but somehow he felt that something invisible had spread from the side, suppressing his chest and making him poor.

Fortunately, Luo Wenzhou immediately said: "By the way, I just assigned a task to everyone, but I didn't say what we are going to do. Why do you seem to understand?"

"You asked them to arrest, search, monitor, check evidence, and turn everyone around, except that Yang Bo, a disciple of Zheng Kaifeng, did not seem to have forgotten him, in fact, he didn't want to fight against the grass, right?" Fei Du Said, "Three kilometers away from the hotel where Yang Bo stayed, this is-"

Luo Wenzhou felt that he had been with people like Feidu for a long time, and he became lazy. I didn't know how many words could be omitted. He paused and said, "In fact, Dong Xiaoqing told me before he died. A word. "

The huge luxurious suv was like a black monster, shuttled in the night, Fei Du held the reins of this giant beast, his eyes turned a little towards Luo Wenzhou.

"She said Dong Qian was not innocent,‘ it was one of those people. '”Luo Wenzhou just said this, and Fei Du ’s original half-opened eyes widened a little.

"Don't you hear me right? I've been thinking about who these" those people "refer to," Luo Wenzhou said softly, "It certainly won't be Zhou Huaijin, if they are like Zhou Huaijin, Dong Xiaoqing thinks that they Someone used Dong Gan's hatred to seduce him to create Zhou Junmao's car accident. In her eyes, Dong Qian will never be considered to belong to these people. "

"You mean, there is a convoy of killers who are disguised as accident killers." Fei Du said softly, "when necessary, he would even sacrifice himself like a suicide attacker?"

"It's a bit strange, but only in this way can I explain something-I didn't say this before, because I didn't understand what Dong Xiaoqing meant at the time, and I was afraid to disturb your judgment ... what are you laughing at?"

Fei Du stepped on the accelerator. Rao is his car is very stable, and the whole body is "stunned": "Indeed, this makes sense."

"Be careful," Luo Wenzhou grabbed the handrail next to him. "This young friend, what makes the car shock not so shocking?"

"I asked a few friends to investigate Yang Bo privately. His father died more than ten years ago, and he drove into a car with someone else. Both sides happened to be killed on the spot."

Luo Wenzhou sat upright.

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