Silent Reading

Chapter 75: Macbeth (sixteen)

The roaring police car has surrounded the scene of Dong Xiaoqing's accident, and the monitoring at the intersection clearly captured the entire process from the collision to the escape.

"Yes, this is the car." Luo Wenzhou was burned in the place where he was swept by the mirror. The flesh was swollen, but it was estimated that there were no injuries to his bones and movements, which would not affect his on-site command. "The king's bladder was covering his face. , He was fully armed, and no hair was exposed. He must not be doing this for the first time. He suddenly turned and hit people at this speed. If the tide is not good, he must roll over. The retreat route is definitely calculated in advance. . "

"Luo team, are you okay," the colleague who was checking and monitoring next to him looked scared, "Would you like to ask the doctor to deal with it first?"

"It's okay, I can't die." Luo Wenzhou was in his heart, capable of blasting the ground out of a hole of fire, lest the loud voice blast the earth out of the solar system, barely pressed, and said as calmly as possible, "I need everyone to re-check Dong Xiaoqing and Dong Qian All the social relationships-all-especially Dong Qian, the team he works with, the customers, which rest stations have been to, where have you bought and eaten ... ''

"Luo team, let's bandage it. Your hand is bleeding."

Luo Wenzhou was interrupted for the second time and finally exploded: "The murderer who murdered along the road in the daytime doesn't know where it is, what the **** are you staring at me for?"

The people around him screamed at him like a chill, and the doctor who was called to help him was afraid to come out.

Luo Wenzhou irritably wiped the wound on his forearm to his shirt, and then realized that he was out of control. He quickly took a deep breath, and the speed of light pressed down the irrelevant anger.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't rushing to everyone just now," Luo Wenzhou bowed his head slightly, and his voice eased. "This murderer killed me in front of him, and he could even let him run like this. This is my fault, and I'm in trouble. Brothers have worked hard. "

The colleague nearby knew his temper and was very considerate: "Boss, it's a blessing that you are all right. Who can stop this, not Transformers."

Luo Wenzhou smiled at him reluctantly, and said, "Since the killer covered his head at that time, it is unlikely that La Lala would release the vehicle information and let us check it. I think ..."

He didn't finish talking, and the colleague who was ordered to search for the accident vehicle has heard the news: "Luo team, we have found the owner of the accident vehicle. It is an ordinary white-collar worker and a woman. Today I just want to take a qualification examination. The parking space was full. She said that she was late at the time. When she was in a hurry, she had to find a vacant space nearby, making up for illegal parking, afraid of people sticking to it, and also finding a remote and unmonitored place. There was a scene behind the owner. During the test, we didn't know that our car had been hacked until we contacted her just now. "

Luo Wenzhou sighed, and was actually hit by his crow's mouth again.

"Luo team, the road network surveillance captured the vehicle!"

Luo Wenzhou said in a deep voice, "Chasing!"

However, it was still too late.

Half an hour later, the police found the broken car in an abandoned factory yard. The original well-maintained white car's front windshield was broken and the rear mirror was left alone, like a cartoon. "One ear", with four doors wide open on the car, and no ghost shadows. The broken headlights and twisted bumpers formed a mocking smiley face, faintly stained with blood.

Luo Wenzhou heard the accompanying trace inspectors whispering--

"It was a terrible hit. Can it be repaired?"

"Fix a fart and hit someone's car, who still drives?"

"But this car is not cheap. It seems that the low-profile naked / car has to be 'thirty or forty', right? Does the owner have money at home?"

"It is estimated that there is not much money. The people who study for the certificate are working for people."

"Then I would be crazy if I were a car owner, wouldn't this be a disaster?"

This group of technicians was directly transferred from the municipal bureau. They did not go to the scene of the murder and did not face the corpse. The thrilling murder was not immediately associated with it. Instead, they were touched by the broken "murder weapon". Uneasy-they obey the laws and regulations every day, work hard every day, go through this and that, and for ten years, they can only go back to sleep every day, and for five years, they are always blocked on the elevated car , Backed up with a **** loan, was late for the whole time and couldn't get the full attendance, all felt like he had a big basket.

Years of effort to cut back on clothing and food was easily pried away and easily ruined. There is nowhere to shout about the injustice, after all, compared to the little girl who ran into a mess and lost a car, it seems to be no big deal, it is very lucky.

The doors and gates of the house guard against gentlemen but not villains. It seems that all laws and rules can only restrain good people with honesty. From this point of view, "honesty", "duty", "civilization", "reasonableness" ... these qualities are all wrong, far better than a crazy dog ​​biting people everywhere.

When Luo Wenzhou passed, the working technicians consciously closed their mouths under his low air pressure. He made a circle around the scene and knew that the killer chose to leave the car here. I am afraid that he was deliberate and full of control. How did God retreat without knowing it? It should have disappeared into the sea of ​​people now.

He sat alone in the police car outside the scene and lit a cigarette.

The smell of smoke and the faint **** body smoked Luo Wenzhou's eyes narrowed. He thought about it, and found a bottle of mineral water from the car, and rushed to scratch and scratch his exposed outside, and then kept it as short and precise as possible. All parties concerned were informed of the situation.

When arriving at Fei Duo, Luo Wenzhou hesitated, guessing that he should be in the hospital, and while Zhou Huaijin was shaken, he only used a text message to send him, but did not expect that the mobile phone had been stolen, Fei Dua I called over.

After listening to his inquiries before leaving the village and not after the store, Luo Wenzhou slowly spit out a ring of smoke: "What is wrong with me?"

Fei Du was silent for a while, and Luo Wenzhou heard the light and long breathing sound across the phone, lingering in his ears, and calmed for no reason.

Unfortunately, there was no calmness for two seconds. There was a sudden burst of confusion in the background sound of Fei Du's phone. Someone shouted something, and then there were hurried footsteps and messy calls.

Fei Du looked up at Zhou Huaijin kneeling on the ground. He already knew the rescue result through the body language of several medical staff.

Zhou is the main owner of Heng'ai Hospital. Whoever dares not neglect, yells up to help him. The director and the heads of the departments also arrived in a short time. The sound of "grief" is like a pond after rain. The group of frogs, "Guru", got the word.

Fei Du held the phone to Luo Wenzhou and thought to himself: "Zhou Huaixin seems to be gone."

As soon as this idea came up, he "sucked" in his heart, as if rolling a small stone while driving.

"I think it's very easy to catch up with Dong Xiaoqing with your ability," Fei Du eyed the door of the black hole in the operating room without blinking. At the same time, he calmly opened his mouth to Luo Wenzhou again. In the hostage-taking incident, it is impossible to stabilize a girl with a knife. Even if she decides to kill herself after killing someone, I believe that as long as she hesitates for a second, it is enough for you to serve her with the mechanism. So why would she Death, is there any accident? "

Fei Du's undulating voice slowly flowed into Luo Wenzhou's ears along with the signal. For some reason, his burning heart was washed away in these three words. Luo Wenzhou extinguished the smoke. With my thumb on my forehead, I would love to see Fei Du for no reason.

"It's not clear in three words-colleagues in the bureau are already in Heng'ai Hospital. What's happening on Zhou Huaijin's side, have you explained anything?"

"Accounted, the kidnapping case was planned by him."

"Okay, let them control the people and bring them back to the city bureau," Luo Wenzhou paused, and said, "you wait for me at the hospital."

Fei Du didn't seem to notice his last soft tone, hung up the phone and walked to Zhou Huaijin.

Zhou Huaijin had neither tears nor almost expression on his face, just staring at the operating room incredibly ... until the person covered with white cloth was pushed out. Suddenly he didn't know where the strength was, he suddenly broke away from those who were trying to pull him. Regardless, he flung up, and the first reaction was to reach out the white cloth covering the face of the deceased. He had to look at it clearly. .

Zhou Huaixin was lying there quietly, his face was pale and grayish, and it really did not resemble his life before, reminding Fei Du of a painting he had bought from him—it was a busy street on the high street, Lin Li Tall buildings and billboards are smeared with large shades of gray at random. Walking on the street are skeletons of water. They wear bright colors and different styles of clothes to separate the skeletons. Men and women, young and old, etc.

Zhou Huaixin's painting skills are limited and belong to the highest level. He usually chooses topics that hang in the living room will make people question the owner's illness. Many people who buy his paintings are just for nodding him, and buying them is also the bottom of the box. gray. Fei Du, their friends of wine and meat, took Zhou Huaixin's paintings and always teased him a few words, often asking him: "Master Zhou, when will you die? As soon as you die, this painting will appreciate."

Now, the paintings that are backed up under the bed, in the basement, and the storage room for the debris have finally waited for the biggest good news, and they are expected to see it again.

"Zhou, don't watch him!"

Everyone hurriedly pulled Zhou Huaijin away, Zhou Huaijin's lips were pursed, and the whole person didn't seem to have recovered.

Fei Du looked at him: "Zhou Zhou."

Zhou Huaijin struggled to gather the only intellect in the chaos and looked at him weakly: "I ... sorry, I now ... my brain is a bit messy ..."

At this time, the policemen came in and received a notice from Luo Wenzhou, intending to take Zhou Huaijin away.

Fei Du turned his back on them, waved his hand slightly, motioned them to wait, walked over to Zhou Huaijin and said, "They have procedures, I'm afraid I'll have to excuse you to take a trip with them. Mr. Zhou, trust me, I can temporarily Take care of your faith. "

Zhou Huaijin glanced over the police around him, and seemed to want to look back at Zhou Huaixin again. I don't know if he dare or what, finally this line didn't work.

This is the end of the matter. After the initial shock, Zhou Huaijin still instinctively maintained his image in front of outsiders. He got rid of the support of the bodyguard, stood upright, and nodded his head and said, "It will trouble you."

Fei Du calmly poked at him again: "Huaixin desperately protects you, I definitely hope you can do well, Mr. Zhou, you have to take care."

Zhou Huaijin turned his back to him and staggered.

"Oh, right," Fei Du looked at his back, "There is another important thing, I just forgot to say-in fact, when we did a paternity test for Yang Bo and Zhou Lao, we also collected you and Sample of the letter. President Zhou, I don't know how complicated your family relationship is, but DNA is simple and clear. "

Zhou Huaijin's pupils shrank, and Fei Du had a faint feeling in his pause, turning slowly.

Fei Du shook his head pretentiously, covering his mouth with a seemingly unassuming smile: "It's strange, the paternity test results show that you are born of Zhou Junmao."

For a moment, Zhou Huaijin seemed to be incapable of understanding the Chinese language, staring blankly at Fei Du, and then his chaotic reflex nerve ran through the audience with difficulty, slamming over, and holding Fei Du's collar, Say upside down, "What are you talking about? You ... you say it again ..."

When a person's spiritual world collapses, staring at his eyes, he can see very spectacular scenery, like an avalanche on a mountain, a tornado sweeping through a village, and a tens of meters of tsunami swooping on the mainland, swarming Of meteorites falling down--

Fei Du clearly realized the unparalleled pleasure that the sadistic and murderous spirits chased together in the past.

The criminal police officer nearby suspected that Zhou Huaijin was going to commit murder, and rushed up to control him in an all-around manner. The legendary man, as the name suggests, always appeared in front of people. Zhou Huaijin shouted in disintegration: "No! No! You say it again! Impossible! "

"All right?" A policeman helped Fei Duo.

"It's okay," Fei Du stretched out his entire collar. "This man is optimistic. If he can't do it, give him a sedative. Rest assured, when he wakes up, he will know everything-hard work, you go back first , I'll wait for the Luo team. "

The policeman listened to him, nodded, and hurried to catch up with his colleagues, walked a dozen steps away, and for some reason looked back at Fei Du, and felt a little unexplainable creepy.

Fei Du methodically settled Zhou Huaixin's body, notified the forensic doctor, and cleverly got rid of the person in charge of Heng'ai Hospital, who was anxious to inquire about the situation, and waited for Luo Wenzhou at the entrance of the hospital.

Luo Wenzhou was afraid that he could not see the blood. When he came here, he had already dealt with the conspicuous wounds on his body. He had already made preparations for directly sending the dehydrated fee to the hospital. Who knew that Fei Du had to say nothing at all? There was even a rare ruddy face on his face.

The two exchanged information with each other in two words-Luo Wenzhou hesitated, concealing what Dong Xiaoqing said to him, and Fei Du roughly confessed Zhou Huaijin's confession, omitting how he forced Zhou Huaijin to collapse step by step. the process of.

Luo Wenzhou listened to the incredible resentment of the Zhou family, tilted Fei Du a glance, and couldn't help but say, "In fact, what you call dizziness is also blind to me?"

Fei Du laughed without answering, only saying, "Brother probably didn't feel in a mood to date me today. Can you trouble me to take me back home-over the villa, you have been there before."

Fei Du usually works in the city. He lives in a small apartment near their group. Luo Wenzhou took a moment to find out that Fei Du refers to the house where his mother died: "You go there What are you doing? "

Fei Duxi said, "There is something."

Luo Wenzhou frowned, faintly feeling that Fei Du was not normal-after hearing Dong Xiaoqing's death, he called Luo Wenzhou's phone as soon as possible to ask him about the situation. This met him with a lot of color, but he didn't even ask. A person who usually has so much gossip and leans on the co-pilot to close his eyes silently without saying a word.

It wasn't far from Heng'ai Hospital to Feidu's villa. It was only 20 minutes without traffic jams. Luo Wenzhou parked the bus at the entrance of the gloomy and magnificent mansion and pushed Feidu a moment.

Fei Du opened his eyes, his eyes were as cold as inorganic, he didn't even say a word of thanks, and the cart door would go down without a word.

Luo Wenzhou finally couldn't help grasping Fei Du's wrist: "Wait, what happened to you?"

Fei Du worked hard, but naturally he did not break away. He sighed exhaustedly, and said softly inaudibly, "Let me go."

The more Luo Wenzhou saw him, the more he felt wrong, and of course he felt relieved: "You ..."

He had just said a word. The next moment, he was suddenly pushed into the driver's seat. The wound on Luo Wenzhou's back hurt, he pinned him halfway, and his cold lips blocked his breath— —

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