Silent Reading

Chapter 57: Humbert Twenty-Four

Xu Wenchao seemed a bit out of breath. He didn't even have time to think about how the police found the house, and he couldn't tell if he had left a trace on the car. The moment he heard the address, he knew It's over.

His tinnitus lasted for half a minute, sitting there like a sculpture of clay and wood, leaving the opposite policeman, the watchful eye-catching monitor, and the formidable little black house behind him, and drowned in his own world.

Xu Wenchao is a highly educated person with intelligence above average.

He knows right and wrong, can clearly recognize the red line drawn by law and morals on the ground, knows what he is doing, and knows the consequences, and at the same time he still can't stop, he tries to cover his crimes as carefully and thoughtfully as possible Remove everything that can be erased.

For many years, he felt like a person floating on the water, with his upper body exposed to the broad daylight, mixed with ordinary people, thinking about life like ordinary people, agreeing with most people's views, but he never went Look down.

Because his lower body was immersed in cold muddy water.

He was divided into two for a long time. Until then, a powerful external force forced his upper body exposed out of the water into the muddy water. His mouth and nose were soaked with the stinky icy "liquid", and he was unable to breathe for a while. Get angry.

Luo Wenzhou waited patiently for a while before he continued to say, "The picture you took is clear enough, you can see several pits on your face, we have gone to verify the identity one by one-after all, if there is contact information And the mailing address is even better. Why didn't you arrange one by the way? "

Xu Wenchao's distracted eyes fell on his face with the sound. After a moment, his pupils finally focused and responded to Luo Wenzhou's words.

"Useless," he said.

Luo Wenzhou: "What did you say?"

"It's useless," Xu Wenchao said softly, "you can't find evidence, and they won't admit it."

The criminal officer next to me was finally scared by his boss and the subject of the trial. Through the prompts of his colleagues in the headset, he finally kept up with the progress of this day, suddenly out of anger, and patted the table fiercely: "We can't find Come to the evidence? !!! The bloodstains and weapons of that room are not evidence? The plain photos are not evidence, what proof do you **** need? "

Xu Wenchao gave him a firm look, and there was almost a bit of compassion in his eyes.

"But those photos were a few years ago."

The angry criminal police heard something inexplicable. He wanted to grab the collar of the beast and beast and shake it twice to let him talk, but Luo Wenzhou understood it.

The "diners" that Su Luozhan referred to have always only bought girls and did not participate in the follow-up processing. Do they know what the girls will end up with?

They definitely know, but they can't admit it--

I don't know where the girl came from, I just introduced it from an acquaintance, just a few times.

How could it be abducted? How could he die? They clearly told me that they were all voluntary.

Even if the corpses are found, they should have been cleaned up and it is difficult to find traces. The police may not find direct evidence that they are related to several recent kidnapping cases of children. The photos in the ashes can only prove that They had sexually / aggressed girls at the time.

If the photo was taken before the "crime of cricket / sister-in-law" was cancelled, then according to the so-called "from old to light" principle of the criminal law, even if Lang Qiao arrested the five people in the photo without fail, he might just arrest them. A few insignificant men who "sad / stay young girls" lost some money and released them at best in three or five years.

And this big case spanning more than two decades, are there really only these five perpetrators?

"How to judge other people's affairs is that of our public prosecution law. Thank you for worrying about us." Luo Wenzhou said without changing his face. "If you think about us, it is impossible to send you a banner. It is better to explain your own affairs first. As far as I am concerned, others may be able to scapegoat. You Xu Wenchao cannot participate in serial abduction of children and killing and corpses. What do you have to say? "

"In the end, all the results were borne by an outsider. It was ridiculous to think so." Xu Wenchao spread his hands in front of him, spreading it gently, he said, "I'll be honest, I haven't saved Su Luozhan did not hold any of them. I didn't get a penny from it. I'm not a beast. "

Luo Wenzhou was almost speechless: "Then what did you do? Just take a photo, take care of yourself? You are really a living Lei Feng."

Xu Wenchao said, "I'm for Su Xiaolan."

He said, with a slight glance, his eyes seemed to be far away: "The first time I saw Su Xiaolan at school, I was attracted to her. She had a very special thing on her. I never I haven't seen any of them. I tried everything to get close to her, but she was too lonely and absent from work. It seemed that except the class teacher—when the class teacher was Wu Guangchuan, no one knew her whereabouts ... and On the second day of school, even the new head teacher often didn't know where she was going. I only found out that she seemed to be moving around Wu Guangchuan alone. "

"You started following Wu Guangchuan before Guo Heng?"

"I don't need to follow him. I can see him every day from the window. I rented a house near the school-you already found that house-my mother was accompanying her at the time, but she also had to take care of the elderly at home, often running on both ends, except for meals, Basically, I live alone. Su Xiaolan is my first love, the kind that I think day and night, "Xu Wenchao smiled, slammed Luo Wenzhou with a" man understands "expression," once I woke up in the middle of the night, Holding a photo of her secretly taken during the school celebration, leaning on the bedside 'distracted', my bedside was right next to the window, and in the summer without the curtains, I saw Su Xiaolan and Wu Guangchuan return home. "


"It should be said in the middle of the night," Xu Wenchao said, "Wu Guangchuan is very cautious."

"Later ... what I saw was completely beyond imagination-you know that teenagers' imaginations are mostly hazy-I was so shocked that I forgot anger and jealousy. Then I came back to God and felt a bit wrong, Wu Guangchuan But teacher, isn't this crime? "

"I felt sick and suspected she was not willing. So I set an alarm clock, secretly prepared a telescope, and used the camera and lens that I had been grinding for a long time at home."

Luo Wenzhou held down a colleague who wanted to interrupt Xu Wenchao, slowly turned a pen between his fingers a few times, and calmly asked, "How did you find that Su Xiaolan was not a simple victim? I don't think Wu Guangchuan will bring the abducted girl home? "

Xu Wenchao closed her eyes and showed a somewhat self-deprecating smile: "I didn't know what happened for a while, I thought about her all day and night, and when I think of her, I feel uncomfortable and longing for it. Wu Guangchuan. Once I couldn't help but lied to the teacher and asked her to take sick leave to see her. I just saw her with a girl she did n’t know. I hesitated and didn't say hello, and went away quietly, but it didn't take long. Then, the news of the disappearance of the girl and the local news came out. I had a vaguely foreboding feeling at that time. I went to her house in the name of sending homework the next day and saw that she was cutting a skirt ... It's ... the one worn on the girl that day. "

"She hurriedly begged me not to tell anyone, I was frightened, I was really frightened, and I didn't dare to think about it. I felt that the sky had collapsed ... but in the end ... I still couldn't bear it "I promised her." Xu Wenchao reached out and covered his face. "I'm the squad leader. Just ask for sick leave. The teacher believes me and doesn't even look at the leave, but I peep, lie, and cover crimes for her ... … I took my normal life of the past ten years or so ... She destroyed me, she completely destroyed me, and I still like her so much. "

Luo Wenzhou asked, "Did you not see Su Hui at Su's house?"

Xu Wenchao shook his head: "Then I might not be able to sit here and talk to you."

After hearing this, Luo Wenzhou did not continue to ask for a while. He pressed his thumb gently on his temple and said politely, "Do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

Xu Wenchao: "Can you give me one too?"

Luo Wenzhou generously placed one and handed it over: "I can't see that you have a cigarette addiction."

"I don't," Xu Wenchao's fingers trembling after receiving the cigarette, but his tone was slightly relaxed. "I occasionally smoked one or two with others when I was at the entertainment. I don't usually have any addiction ... Sorry, today is really to me It's too painful. These things have been in my heart for more than 20 years. I have been pretending that it is not even the closest ones. "

"Well," Luo Wenzhou glanced at his mobile phone. Tao Ran and Lang Qiao hadn't moved yet. The cigarette calmed down the atmosphere between the police and the suspect a lot. He said quite calmly, "I can understand-I can say What did you think when you helped Guo Heng investigate Wu Guangchuan? "

"I thought she was being coerced by Wu Guangchuan." Xu Wenchao spit out a cigarette. "I promised Su Xiaolan not to call the police or tell anyone, otherwise she would be finished. I was whimsical at the time ... little boy, always A little heroism, I want to smooth Wu Guangchuan myself and rescue Su Xiaolan. When I was following Wu, I was discovered by the uncle. He was investigating secretly. I was also investigating secretly. We are all the ones I love for myself. I think he is pitiful. Besides, there is an adult who feels more secure beside him-but I never expected that he would choke Wu Guangchuan across the board. If I knew it earlier, I would definitely not help him. "

Luo Wenzhou: "Why?"

"The man was crazy, fortunately I didn't tell him what Su Xiaolan did, and fortunately, Wu Guangchuan was strangled before she could talk, or she couldn't escape that day." Xu Wenchao took a big sip, Qiqiao sprayed white smoke, and some faces looked blurry. "I think of it now for her."

"Fear for her," Luo Wenzhou looked at him with some meaningful eyes, repeated it gently, and asked again: "What's your relationship with Su Xiaolan after Wu Guangchuan's death?"

Xu Wenchao was silent for a long while, as if the collar felt like a neck, and he leaned up and moved.

"Su Xiaolan wasn't coerced at all. She volunteered. She was born with a poppy growing in a rose bush, and she was poisoned by the roots-and she even ... really liked that ... "Xu Wenchao raised one arm and wiped her face vigorously." After that, her whole body withered, but the walking dead, I couldn't believe it. Can you imagine the kind of helplessness? I still You have to pretend you do n’t know, and have spent a lot of pocket money before you can buy her time from her mother. "

"Wait" Luo Wenzhou, "Su Luozhan will not be your daughter?"

"No," Xu Wenchao denied without thinking. "I never met Su Xiaolan. I only bought her time to accompany her, not like you think."

"She's so vicious, so perverted, but I still love her, I can't stop her, I can't stop myself ..."

The criminals who had been tortured by the victims ’families for a whole day heard it almost unbearable. It seemed that they wanted to explode immediately, and turned Xu Wenchao's literary head into a **** cake, once again by Luo Wenzhou's iron-like hands. Pressed in place: "Boss!"

"I have a few more things to ask," Luo Wenzhou handed his colleague a restless look. "Xu Wenchao, when did you start helping Su Xiaolan to recover and what kind of role did you play in it? "

"After Su Hui died," Xu Wenchao thought for a long time, and sighed. "It's been ten years since she was alive. When Su Hui was alive, Su Xiaolan couldn't wait for her to die every day. When she died, she felt isolated and helpless. She The chess and card room that Mom originally opened will also be demolished. Su Xiaolan said she doesn't believe others and can only ask for help. What can I do? I don't have a bottom line for her. "

"It happened that the detached house in Xiangyang Community was mainly going abroad. At that time, my income was okay. The family also gave me some money, and I had some savings in my hand, so I bought the house, but they were in a hurry and kept paying. No time to transfer. "Xu Wenchao bowed his head." I gave her the house. "

Luo Wenzhou said, "Oh, I understand. Su Xiaolan was a girl at first. She became a pregnant woman without a girl. Then she became a mother with a child. Most of them got on the bus and wanted to give her a seat. As an identity, she used this to reduce the vigilance of the victims, abduct the kidnapped children, sell them to perverts, and then kill the people. You provide the venue and you are responsible for cleaning the corpse. How to do it? I lost one place, am I right? "

Xu Wenchao took a deep breath and covered his face without refuting.

"She is dead, but the nightmare is not over yet. I found that the child ... Xiao Luozhan is exactly a copy of her. I do not meet the adoption conditions. I have been trying all kinds of ways for two months. The child actually ... she actually contacted those people in private again-you know I heard on the radio that the girl in Xiling was missing, and then you were summoned to the Public Security Bureau to ask the case more than 20 years ago about how shocked you were Is it? "Xu Wenchao looked at Luo Wenzhou with red eyes." You arrested me, but I was relieved. I don't need to ... "

Luo Wenzhou's mobile phone lightly shocked, Lang Qiao's message came in: "Boss, you caught that bastard! Ya have seen the photos and have n’t acknowledged, you have to say that you do n’t know, you can wait for me / meat to find other a few!"

"Wait a minute, I still have a question." Luo Wenzhou didn't touch his confession of "Crying Heart and Crying Blood", he put down his cell phone, and his temperament suddenly changed, "You said you can't control Su Luozhan You do n’t know anything, right? Why did n’t the girl say that? She said that the two of you worked well together. You dressed up as an old blind person and followed Zhang Yuchen. When the children acted alone, they suddenly appeared to scare her, then Let Su Luozhan show up and cheat the child's trust. Is this the case? "

The gang's criminal model has always been the Su family. The "innocent" buyer only spends money to enjoy and refuses to take risks. Then the victim should be selected by the Su family. From the selected target to the start of tracking and implementation of abduction should be A complete and rigorous process. Focused on Chenchen more than a month ago, gradually obtained her activity rules, and then decisively shot at the appropriate time-this is in line with the model.

In other words, the "criminal gang" model they previously envisioned, that is, it is impossible for several suspects to choose their own goals and then use the little girl Su Luozhan as a bait to lure the victim.

Xu Wenchao is too clever. He can analyze the evidence found by the police as soon as possible after the shock, and cleverly shirk his responsibility to the greatest extent by the facts-just for the sake of affection, and only for an accomplice who helps to deal with the body. However, he accidentally cooperated with Su Xiaolan's diary to draw up the core crime mode of this case.

In other words, the person following Chen Chen had no one else, it must be him, he was not a passive cover at all, and he was one of the main criminals!

Why did the case of Qu Tong come out in the middle of the year?

Why was Xu Wenchao being subpoenaed for the Qu Tong case and struck out from the police's attitude that Su Luozhan was so shocked when he imitated the case 20 years ago?

Because the case of Qu Tong was completed by Su Luozhan on his own initiative, the girl is indeed "out of control". She is trying to get rid of the "cleaner" that she doesn't despise, and took the "private work" of one of the guests!

"Xu Wenchao, you found that the relationship between Wu Guangchuan and Su Xiaolan was disgusting and suspected that Wu Guangchuan was strong / treacherous, but you did not tell anyone, but you started peeping and photographing yourself." Luo Wenzhou forced him, not to him at all. Response time, "Does it look good? Is it fun? Are you still thinking about it many years later?"

Xu Wenchao was pale and pouting tightly, but his pupils were slightly enlarged, his throat moved involuntarily, and fine sweat came from the tip of his nose.

"You said that you saw Su Xiaolan with a strange girl, so you didn't come to say hello, why? Can't you say hello to your classmates when someone else is there? Or did you say you didn't say hello at all?" Luo Wenzhou suddenly stood up , Grabbed Xu Wenchao's collar, "Su Xiaolan cut a floral skirt at home and was hit by you, how did you see it, eh? Didn't she hide it before she opened the door? Because you broke in, you took advantage of Su Hui Not at home, broke into a house with only one girl ... Xu Wenchao, what were you trying to do? "

"I do not……"

"You haven't struck those girls," Luo Wenzhou lowered his voice, and said in his ear, "Because you are not hard / can't get up, you put a picture of her 13-year-old in front of Su Xiaolan's ashes, and deceived herself on the glass window. Paste the old photos of 20 years ago because you are fascinated by Su Xiaolan who is cruel, perverted, and does not hesitate to mutilate a girl of the same age, instead of being frightened by Wu Guangchuan's death, only by her Abnormal mom and the 'sheep' you control. "

"I ask you, are you only excited to watch her commit crimes like before, and only to watch her deal with her body?"

Xu Wenchao could hardly stand upright, weakly holding Luo Wenzhou's hand: "I ..."

"Why did you suddenly want to marry Su Xiaolan? Because you saw Su Luozhan twenty years later perfectly shaped into her appearance, do you want to be Wu Guangchuan--"

"You are not a beast? Of course you are not a beast. The beast is very good. You can work and eat meat. Are you worth it?"

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